 * Ext JS Library 3.3.0
 * Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Ext JS, Inc.
 * licensing@extjs.com
 * http://www.extjs.com/license
/** * @class Ext.calendar.CalendarPanel * @extends Ext.Panel *

This is the default container for Ext calendar views. It supports day, week and month views as well * as a built-in event edit form. The only requirement for displaying a calendar is passing in a valid * {@link #calendarStore} config containing records of type {@link Ext.calendar.EventRecord EventRecord}. In order * to make the calendar interactive (enable editing, drag/drop, etc.) you can handle any of the various * events fired by the underlying views and exposed through the CalendarPanel.

* {@link #layoutConfig} option if needed.

* @constructor * @param {Object} config The config object * @xtype calendarpanel */ Ext.calendar.CalendarPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
/** * @cfg {Boolean} showDayView * True to include the day view (and toolbar button), false to hide them (defaults to true). */ showDayView: true,
/** * @cfg {Boolean} showWeekView * True to include the week view (and toolbar button), false to hide them (defaults to true). */ showWeekView: true,
/** * @cfg {Boolean} showMonthView * True to include the month view (and toolbar button), false to hide them (defaults to true). * If the day and week views are both hidden, the month view will show by default even if * this config is false. */ showMonthView: true,
/** * @cfg {Boolean} showNavBar * True to display the calendar navigation toolbar, false to hide it (defaults to true). Note that * if you hide the default navigation toolbar you'll have to provide an alternate means of navigating the calendar. */ showNavBar: true,
/** * @cfg {String} todayText * Alternate text to use for the 'Today' nav bar button. */ todayText: 'Today',
/** * @cfg {Boolean} showTodayText * True to show the value of {@link #todayText} instead of today's date in the calendar's current day box, * false to display the day number(defaults to true). */ showTodayText: true,
/** * @cfg {Boolean} showTime * True to display the current time next to the date in the calendar's current day box, false to not show it * (defaults to true). */ showTime: true,
/** * @cfg {String} dayText * Alternate text to use for the 'Day' nav bar button. */ dayText: 'Day',
/** * @cfg {String} weekText * Alternate text to use for the 'Week' nav bar button. */ weekText: 'Week',
/** * @cfg {String} monthText * Alternate text to use for the 'Month' nav bar button. */ monthText: 'Month', // private layoutConfig: { layoutOnCardChange: true, deferredRender: true }, // private property startDate: new Date(), // private initComponent: function() { this.tbar = { cls: 'ext-cal-toolbar', border: true, buttonAlign: 'center', items: [{ id: this.id + '-tb-prev', handler: this.onPrevClick, scope: this, iconCls: 'x-tbar-page-prev' }] }; this.viewCount = 0; if (this.showDayView) { this.tbar.items.push({ id: this.id + '-tb-day', text: this.dayText, handler: this.onDayClick, scope: this, toggleGroup: 'tb-views' }); this.viewCount++; } if (this.showWeekView) { this.tbar.items.push({ id: this.id + '-tb-week', text: this.weekText, handler: this.onWeekClick, scope: this, toggleGroup: 'tb-views' }); this.viewCount++; } if (this.showMonthView || this.viewCount == 0) { this.tbar.items.push({ id: this.id + '-tb-month', text: this.monthText, handler: this.onMonthClick, scope: this, toggleGroup: 'tb-views' }); this.viewCount++; this.showMonthView = true; } this.tbar.items.push({ id: this.id + '-tb-next', handler: this.onNextClick, scope: this, iconCls: 'x-tbar-page-next' }); this.tbar.items.push('->'); var idx = this.viewCount - 1; this.activeItem = this.activeItem === undefined ? idx: (this.activeItem > idx ? idx: this.activeItem); if (this.showNavBar === false) { delete this.tbar; this.addClass('x-calendar-nonav'); } Ext.calendar.CalendarPanel.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.addEvents({
/** * @event eventadd * Fires after a new event is added to the underlying store * @param {Ext.calendar.CalendarPanel} this * @param {Ext.calendar.EventRecord} rec The new {@link Ext.calendar.EventRecord record} that was added */ eventadd: true,
/** * @event eventupdate * Fires after an existing event is updated * @param {Ext.calendar.CalendarPanel} this * @param {Ext.calendar.EventRecord} rec The new {@link Ext.calendar.EventRecord record} that was updated */ eventupdate: true,
/** * @event eventdelete * Fires after an event is removed from the underlying store * @param {Ext.calendar.CalendarPanel} this * @param {Ext.calendar.EventRecord} rec The new {@link Ext.calendar.EventRecord record} that was removed */ eventdelete: true,
/** * @event eventcancel * Fires after an event add/edit operation is canceled by the user and no store update took place * @param {Ext.calendar.CalendarPanel} this * @param {Ext.calendar.EventRecord} rec The new {@link Ext.calendar.EventRecord record} that was canceled */ eventcancel: true,
/** * @event viewchange * Fires after a different calendar view is activated (but not when the event edit form is activated) * @param {Ext.calendar.CalendarPanel} this * @param {Ext.CalendarView} view The view being activated (any valid {@link Ext.calendar.CalendarView CalendarView} subclass) * @param {Object} info Extra information about the newly activated view. This is a plain object * with following properties:
*/ viewchange: true // // NOTE: CalendarPanel also relays the following events from contained views as if they originated from this: //
/** * @event eventsrendered * Fires after events are finished rendering in the view * @param {Ext.calendar.CalendarPanel} this */
/** * @event eventclick * Fires after the user clicks on an event element * @param {Ext.calendar.CalendarPanel} this * @param {Ext.calendar.EventRecord} rec The {@link Ext.calendar.EventRecord record} for the event that was clicked on * @param {HTMLNode} el The DOM node that was clicked on */
/** * @event eventover * Fires anytime the mouse is over an event element * @param {Ext.calendar.CalendarPanel} this * @param {Ext.calendar.EventRecord} rec The {@link Ext.calendar.EventRecord record} for the event that the cursor is over * @param {HTMLNode} el The DOM node that is being moused over */
/** * @event eventout * Fires anytime the mouse exits an event element * @param {Ext.calendar.CalendarPanel} this * @param {Ext.calendar.EventRecord} rec The {@link Ext.calendar.EventRecord record} for the event that the cursor exited * @param {HTMLNode} el The DOM node that was exited */
/** * @event datechange * Fires after the start date of the view changes * @param {Ext.calendar.CalendarPanel} this * @param {Date} startDate The start date of the view (as explained in {@link #getStartDate} * @param {Date} viewStart The first displayed date in the view * @param {Date} viewEnd The last displayed date in the view */
/** * @event rangeselect * Fires after the user drags on the calendar to select a range of dates/times in which to create an event * @param {Ext.calendar.CalendarPanel} this * @param {Object} dates An object containing the start (StartDate property) and end (EndDate property) dates selected * @param {Function} callback A callback function that MUST be called after the event handling is complete so that * the view is properly cleaned up (shim elements are persisted in the view while the user is prompted to handle the * range selection). The callback is already created in the proper scope, so it simply needs to be executed as a standard * function call (e.g., callback()). */
/** * @event eventmove * Fires after an event element is dragged by the user and dropped in a new position * @param {Ext.calendar.CalendarPanel} this * @param {Ext.calendar.EventRecord} rec The {@link Ext.calendar.EventRecord record} for the event that was moved with * updated start and end dates */
/** * @event initdrag * Fires when a drag operation is initiated in the view * @param {Ext.calendar.CalendarPanel} this */
/** * @event eventresize * Fires after the user drags the resize handle of an event to resize it * @param {Ext.calendar.CalendarPanel} this * @param {Ext.calendar.EventRecord} rec The {@link Ext.calendar.EventRecord record} for the event that was resized * containing the updated start and end dates */
/** * @event dayclick * Fires after the user clicks within a day/week view container and not on an event element * @param {Ext.calendar.CalendarPanel} this * @param {Date} dt The date/time that was clicked on * @param {Boolean} allday True if the day clicked on represents an all-day box, else false. * @param {Ext.Element} el The Element that was clicked on */ }); this.layout = 'card'; // do not allow override if (this.showDayView) { var day = Ext.apply({ xtype: 'dayview', title: this.dayText, showToday: this.showToday, showTodayText: this.showTodayText, showTime: this.showTime }, this.dayViewCfg); day.id = this.id + '-day'; day.store = day.store || this.eventStore; this.initEventRelay(day); this.add(day); } if (this.showWeekView) { var wk = Ext.applyIf({ xtype: 'weekview', title: this.weekText, showToday: this.showToday, showTodayText: this.showTodayText, showTime: this.showTime }, this.weekViewCfg); wk.id = this.id + '-week'; wk.store = wk.store || this.eventStore; this.initEventRelay(wk); this.add(wk); } if (this.showMonthView) { var month = Ext.applyIf({ xtype: 'monthview', title: this.monthText, showToday: this.showToday, showTodayText: this.showTodayText, showTime: this.showTime, listeners: { 'weekclick': { fn: function(vw, dt) { this.showWeek(dt); }, scope: this } } }, this.monthViewCfg); month.id = this.id + '-month'; month.store = month.store || this.eventStore; this.initEventRelay(month); this.add(month); } this.add(Ext.applyIf({ xtype: 'eventeditform', id: this.id + '-edit', calendarStore: this.calendarStore, listeners: { 'eventadd': { scope: this, fn: this.onEventAdd }, 'eventupdate': { scope: this, fn: this.onEventUpdate }, 'eventdelete': { scope: this, fn: this.onEventDelete }, 'eventcancel': { scope: this, fn: this.onEventCancel } } }, this.editViewCfg)); }, // private initEventRelay: function(cfg) { cfg.listeners = cfg.listeners || {}; cfg.listeners.afterrender = { fn: function(c) { // relay the view events so that app code only has to handle them in one place this.relayEvents(c, ['eventsrendered', 'eventclick', 'eventover', 'eventout', 'dayclick', 'eventmove', 'datechange', 'rangeselect', 'eventdelete', 'eventresize', 'initdrag']); }, scope: this, single: true }; }, // private afterRender: function() { Ext.calendar.CalendarPanel.superclass.afterRender.call(this); this.fireViewChange(); }, // private onLayout: function() { Ext.calendar.CalendarPanel.superclass.onLayout.call(this); if (!this.navInitComplete) { this.updateNavState(); this.navInitComplete = true; } }, // private onEventAdd: function(form, rec) { rec.data[Ext.calendar.EventMappings.IsNew.name] = false; this.eventStore.add(rec); this.hideEditForm(); this.fireEvent('eventadd', this, rec); }, // private onEventUpdate: function(form, rec) { rec.commit(); this.hideEditForm(); this.fireEvent('eventupdate', this, rec); }, // private onEventDelete: function(form, rec) { this.eventStore.remove(rec); this.hideEditForm(); this.fireEvent('eventdelete', this, rec); }, // private onEventCancel: function(form, rec) { this.hideEditForm(); this.fireEvent('eventcancel', this, rec); },
/** * Shows the built-in event edit form for the passed in event record. This method automatically * hides the calendar views and navigation toolbar. To return to the calendar, call {@link #hideEditForm}. * @param {Ext.calendar.EventRecord} record The event record to edit * @return {Ext.calendar.CalendarPanel} this */ showEditForm: function(rec) { this.preEditView = this.layout.activeItem.id; this.setActiveView(this.id + '-edit'); this.layout.activeItem.loadRecord(rec); return this; },
/** * Hides the built-in event edit form and returns to the previous calendar view. If the edit form is * not currently visible this method has no effect. * @return {Ext.calendar.CalendarPanel} this */ hideEditForm: function() { if (this.preEditView) { this.setActiveView(this.preEditView); delete this.preEditView; } return this; }, // private setActiveView: function(id) { var l = this.layout; l.setActiveItem(id); if (id == this.id + '-edit') { this.getTopToolbar().hide(); this.doLayout(); } else { l.activeItem.refresh(); this.getTopToolbar().show(); this.updateNavState(); } this.activeView = l.activeItem; this.fireViewChange(); }, // private fireViewChange: function() { var info = null, view = this.layout.activeItem; if (view.getViewBounds) { vb = view.getViewBounds(); info = { activeDate: view.getStartDate(), viewStart: vb.start, viewEnd: vb.end }; }; this.fireEvent('viewchange', this, view, info); }, // private updateNavState: function() { if (this.showNavBar !== false) { var item = this.layout.activeItem, suffix = item.id.split(this.id + '-')[1]; var btn = Ext.getCmp(this.id + '-tb-' + suffix); btn.toggle(true); } },
/** * Sets the start date for the currently-active calendar view. * @param {Date} dt */ setStartDate: function(dt) { this.layout.activeItem.setStartDate(dt, true); this.updateNavState(); this.fireViewChange(); }, // private showWeek: function(dt) { this.setActiveView(this.id + '-week'); this.setStartDate(dt); }, // private onPrevClick: function() { this.startDate = this.layout.activeItem.movePrev(); this.updateNavState(); this.fireViewChange(); }, // private onNextClick: function() { this.startDate = this.layout.activeItem.moveNext(); this.updateNavState(); this.fireViewChange(); }, // private onDayClick: function() { this.setActiveView(this.id + '-day'); }, // private onWeekClick: function() { this.setActiveView(this.id + '-week'); }, // private onMonthClick: function() { this.setActiveView(this.id + '-month'); },
/** * Return the calendar view that is currently active, which will be a subclass of * {@link Ext.calendar.CalendarView CalendarView}. * @return {Ext.calendar.CalendarView} The active view */ getActiveView: function() { return this.layout.activeItem; } }); Ext.reg('calendarpanel', Ext.calendar.CalendarPanel);