 * Ext JS Library 3.3.0
 * Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Ext JS, Inc.
 * licensing@extjs.com
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/** * @class Ext.calendar.BoxLayoutTemplate * @extends Ext.XTemplate *

This is the template used to render calendar views based on small day boxes within a non-scrolling container (currently * the {@link Ext.calendar.MonthView MonthView} and the all-day headers for {@link Ext.calendar.DayView DayView} and * {@link Ext.calendar.WeekView WeekView}. This template is automatically bound to the underlying event store by the * calendar components and expects records of type {@link Ext.calendar.EventRecord}.

* @constructor * @param {Object} config The config object */ Ext.calendar.BoxLayoutTemplate = function(config){ Ext.apply(this, config); var weekLinkTpl = this.showWeekLinks ? '' : ''; Ext.calendar.BoxLayoutTemplate.superclass.constructor.call(this, '', '
', weekLinkTpl, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '
', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '
', '
', '
', { getRowTop: function(i, ln){ return ((i-1)*(100/ln)); }, getRowHeight: function(ln){ return 100/ln; } } ); }; Ext.extend(Ext.calendar.BoxLayoutTemplate, Ext.XTemplate, { // private applyTemplate : function(o){ Ext.apply(this, o); var w = 0, title = '', first = true, isToday = false, showMonth = false, prevMonth = false, nextMonth = false, weeks = [[]], today = new Date().clearTime(), dt = this.viewStart.clone(), thisMonth = this.startDate.getMonth(); for(; w < this.weekCount || this.weekCount == -1; w++){ if(dt > this.viewEnd){ break; } weeks[w] = []; for(var d = 0; d < this.dayCount; d++){ isToday = dt.getTime() === today.getTime(); showMonth = first || (dt.getDate() == 1); prevMonth = (dt.getMonth() < thisMonth) && this.weekCount == -1; nextMonth = (dt.getMonth() > thisMonth) && this.weekCount == -1; if(dt.getDay() == 1){ // The ISO week format 'W' is relative to a Monday week start. If we // make this check on Sunday the week number will be off. weeks[w].weekNum = this.showWeekNumbers ? dt.format('W') : ' '; weeks[w].weekLinkId = 'ext-cal-week-'+dt.format('Ymd'); } if(showMonth){ if(isToday){ title = this.getTodayText(); } else{ title = dt.format(this.dayCount == 1 ? 'l, F j, Y' : (first ? 'M j, Y' : 'M j')); } } else{ var dayFmt = (w == 0 && this.showHeader !== true) ? 'D j' : 'j'; title = isToday ? this.getTodayText() : dt.format(dayFmt); } weeks[w].push({ title: title, date: dt.clone(), titleCls: 'ext-cal-dtitle ' + (isToday ? ' ext-cal-dtitle-today' : '') + (w==0 ? ' ext-cal-dtitle-first' : '') + (prevMonth ? ' ext-cal-dtitle-prev' : '') + (nextMonth ? ' ext-cal-dtitle-next' : ''), cellCls: 'ext-cal-day ' + (isToday ? ' ext-cal-day-today' : '') + (d==0 ? ' ext-cal-day-first' : '') + (prevMonth ? ' ext-cal-day-prev' : '') + (nextMonth ? ' ext-cal-day-next' : '') }); dt = dt.add(Date.DAY, 1); first = false; } } return Ext.calendar.BoxLayoutTemplate.superclass.applyTemplate.call(this, { weeks: weeks }); }, // private getTodayText : function(){ var dt = new Date().format('l, F j, Y'), todayText = this.showTodayText !== false ? this.todayText : '', timeText = this.showTime !== false ? ' ' + new Date().format('g:i a') + '' : '', separator = todayText.length > 0 || timeText.length > 0 ? ' — ' : ''; if(this.dayCount == 1){ return dt + separator + todayText + timeText; } fmt = this.weekCount == 1 ? 'D j' : 'j'; return todayText.length > 0 ? todayText + timeText : new Date().format(fmt) + timeText; } }); Ext.calendar.BoxLayoutTemplate.prototype.apply = Ext.calendar.BoxLayoutTemplate.prototype.applyTemplate;