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Class Ext.calendar.EventEditForm

Defined In:EventEditForm.js

A custom form used for detailed editing of events.

This is pretty much a standard form that is simply pre-configured for the options needed by the calendar components. It is also configured to automatically bind records of type Ext.calendar.EventRecord to and from the form.

This form also provides custom events specific to the calendar so that other calendar components can be easily notified when an event has been edited via this component.

The default configs are as follows:

labelWidth: 65,
    title: 'Event Form',
    titleTextAdd: 'Add Event',
    titleTextEdit: 'Edit Event',
    bodyStyle: 'background:transparent;padding:20px 20px 10px;',
    border: false,
    buttonAlign: 'center',
    autoHeight: true,
    cls: 'ext-evt-edit-form',

Public Properties

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Public Methods

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Public Events

EventDefined By