Properties Methods Events Direct Link

Defined In:Types.js

This is s static class containing the system-supplied data types which may be given to a Field.

The properties in this class are used as type indicators in the Field class, so to test whether a Field is of a certain type, compare the type property against properties of this class.

Developers may add their own application-specific data types to this class. Definition names must be UPPERCASE. each type definition must contain three properties:

  • convert : Function
    A function to convert raw data values from a data block into the data to be stored in the Field. The function is passed the collowing parameters:
    • v : Mixed
      The data value as read by the Reader, if undefined will use the configured defaultValue.
    • rec : Mixed
      The data object containing the row as read by the Reader. Depending on the Reader type, this could be an Array (ArrayReader), an object (JsonReader), or an XML element (XMLReader).
  • sortType : Function
    A function to convert the stored data into comparable form, as defined by
  • type : String
    A textual data type name.

For example, to create a VELatLong field (See the Microsoft Bing Mapping API) containing the latitude/longitude value of a datapoint on a map from a JsonReader data block which contained the properties lat and long, you would define a new data type like this:

// Add a new Field data type which stores a VELatLong object in the Record. = {
    convert: function(v, data) {
        return new VELatLong(, data.long);
    sortType: function(v) {
        return v.Latitude;  // When sorting, order by latitude
    type: 'VELatLong'

Then, when declaring a Record, use

var types =; // allow shorthand type access
UnitRecord =[
    { name: 'unitName', mapping: 'UnitName' },
    { name: 'curSpeed', mapping: 'CurSpeed', type: types.INT },
    { name: 'latitude', mapping: 'lat', type: types.FLOAT },
    { name: 'latitude', mapping: 'lat', type: types.FLOAT },
    { name: 'position', type: types.VELATLONG }

This class is a singleton and cannot be created directly.

Public Properties

PropertyDefined By
 AUTO : Object.
This data type means that no conversion is applied to the raw data before it is placed into a Record.
 STRING : Object.
This data type means that the raw data is converted into a String before it is placed into a Record.

Public Methods

This class has no public methods.

Public Events

This class has no public events.