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Class Ext.layout.ContainerLayout

Defined In:ContainerLayout.js
Subclasses:AnchorLayout, BorderLayout, ColumnLayout, FitLayout, TableLayout

Every Container delegates the rendering of its child Components to a layout manager class which must be configured into the Container.

Some layouts also provide sizing and positioning of child Components/

The ContainerLayout class is the default layout manager used when no layout is configured into a Container. It provides the basic foundation for all other layout classes in Ext. It simply renders all child Components into the Container, performing no sizing os positioning services. This class is intended to be extended and should generally not need to be created directly via the new keyword.

Config Options

Config Options Defined By
  renderHidden : Boolean
True to hide each contained item on render (defaults to false).

Public Properties

Property Defined By

Public Methods

This class has no public methods.

Public Events

This class has no public events.