/** * @class Ext.ux.StartMenu * @extends Ext.menu.Menu * A start menu object. * @constructor * Creates a new StartMenu * @param {Object} config Configuration options * * SAMPLE USAGE: * * this.startMenu = new Ext.ux.StartMenu({ * iconCls: 'user', * height: 300, * shadow: true, * title: get_cookie('memberName'), * width: 300 * }); * * this.startMenu.add({ * text: 'Grid Window', * iconCls:'icon-grid', * handler : this.createWindow, * scope: this * }); * * this.startMenu.addTool({ * text:'Logout', * iconCls:'logout', * handler:function(){ window.location = "logout.php"; }, * scope:this * }); */ Ext.namespace("Ext.ux"); Ext.ux.StartMenu = Ext.extend(Ext.menu.Menu, { initComponent: function(config) { Ext.ux.StartMenu.superclass.initComponent.call(this, config); var tools = this.toolItems; this.toolItems = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(); if(tools){ this.addTool.apply(this, tools); } }, // private onRender : function(ct, position){ Ext.ux.StartMenu.superclass.onRender.call(this, ct, position); var el = this.el.addClass('ux-start-menu'); var header = el.createChild({ tag: "div", cls: "x-window-header x-unselectable x-panel-icon "+this.iconCls }); this.header = header; var headerText = header.createChild({ tag: "span", cls: "x-window-header-text" }); var tl = header.wrap({ cls: "ux-start-menu-tl" }); var tr = header.wrap({ cls: "ux-start-menu-tr" }); var tc = header.wrap({ cls: "ux-start-menu-tc" }); this.menuBWrap = el.createChild({ tag: "div", cls: "x-window-body x-border-layout-ct ux-start-menu-body" }); var ml = this.menuBWrap.wrap({ cls: "ux-start-menu-ml" }); var mc = this.menuBWrap.wrap({ cls: "x-window-mc ux-start-menu-bwrap" }); this.menuPanel = this.menuBWrap.createChild({ tag: "div", cls: "x-panel x-border-panel ux-start-menu-apps-panel" }); this.toolsPanel = this.menuBWrap.createChild({ tag: "div", cls: "x-panel x-border-panel ux-start-menu-tools-panel" }); var bwrap = ml.wrap({cls: "x-window-bwrap"}); var bc = bwrap.createChild({ tag: "div", cls: "ux-start-menu-bc" }); var bl = bc.wrap({ cls: "ux-start-menu-bl x-panel-nofooter" }); var br = bc.wrap({ cls: "ux-start-menu-br" }); this.ul.appendTo(this.menuPanel); var toolsUl = this.toolsPanel.createChild({ tag: "ul", cls: "x-menu-list" }); this.mon(toolsUl, 'click', this.onClick, this); this.mon(toolsUl, 'mouseover', this.onMouseOver, this); this.mon(toolsUl, 'mouseout', this.onMouseOut, this); this.items.each(function(item){ item.parentMenu = this; }, this); this.toolItems.each( function(item){ var li = document.createElement("li"); li.className = "x-menu-list-item"; toolsUl.dom.appendChild(li); item.render(li); item.parentMenu = this; }, this); this.toolsUl = toolsUl; this.menuBWrap.setStyle('position', 'relative'); this.menuBWrap.setHeight(this.height - 28); this.menuPanel.setStyle({ padding: '2px', position: 'absolute', overflow: 'auto' }); this.toolsPanel.setStyle({ padding: '2px 4px 2px 2px', position: 'absolute', overflow: 'auto' }); this.setTitle(this.title); }, // private findTargetItem : function(e){ var t = e.getTarget(".x-menu-list-item", this.ul, true); if(t && t.menuItemId){ if(this.items.get(t.menuItemId)){ return this.items.get(t.menuItemId); }else{ return this.toolItems.get(t.menuItemId); } } },
/** * Displays this menu relative to another element * @param {Mixed} element The element to align to * @param {String} position (optional) The {@link Ext.Element#alignTo} anchor position to use in aligning to * the element (defaults to this.defaultAlign) * @param {Ext.ux.StartMenu} parentMenu (optional) This menu's parent menu, if applicable (defaults to undefined) */ show : function(el, pos, parentMenu){ this.parentMenu = parentMenu; if(!this.el){ this.render(); } this.fireEvent("beforeshow", this); this.showAt(this.el.getAlignToXY(el, pos || this.defaultAlign), parentMenu, false); var tPanelWidth = 100; var box = this.menuBWrap.getBox(); this.menuPanel.setWidth(box.width-tPanelWidth); this.menuPanel.setHeight(box.height); this.toolsPanel.setWidth(tPanelWidth); this.toolsPanel.setX(box.x+box.width-tPanelWidth); this.toolsPanel.setHeight(box.height); }, addTool : function(){ var a = arguments, l = a.length, item; for(var i = 0; i < l; i++){ var el = a[i]; if(el.render){ // some kind of Item item = this.addToolItem(el); }else if(typeof el == "string"){ // string if(el == "separator" || el == "-"){ item = this.addToolSeparator(); }else{ item = this.addText(el); } }else if(el.tagName || el.el){ // element item = this.addElement(el); }else if(typeof el == "object"){ // must be menu item config? item = this.addToolMenuItem(el); } } return item; },
/** * Adds a separator bar to the Tools * @return {Ext.menu.Item} The menu item that was added */ addToolSeparator : function(){ return this.addToolItem(new Ext.menu.Separator({itemCls: 'ux-toolmenu-sep'})); }, addToolItem : function(item){ this.toolItems.add(item); if(this.ul){ var li = document.createElement("li"); li.className = "x-menu-list-item"; this.ul.dom.appendChild(li); item.render(li, this); this.delayAutoWidth(); } return item; }, addToolMenuItem : function(config){ if(!(config instanceof Ext.menu.Item)){ if(typeof config.checked == "boolean"){ // must be check menu item config? config = new Ext.menu.CheckItem(config); }else{ config = new Ext.menu.Item(config); } } return this.addToolItem(config); }, setTitle : function(title, iconCls){ this.title = title; this.header.child('span').update(title); return this; } });