* @class Ext.grid.header.DropZone
* @extends Ext.dd.DropZone
* @private
Ext.define('Ext.grid.header.DropZone', {
extend: 'Ext.dd.DropZone',
colHeaderCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'column-header',
proxyOffsets: [-4, -9],
constructor: function(headerCt){
this.headerCt = headerCt;
this.ddGroup = this.getDDGroup();
getDDGroup: function() {
return 'header-dd-zone-' + this.headerCt.up('[scrollerOwner]').id;
getTargetFromEvent : function(e){
return e.getTarget('.' + this.colHeaderCls);
getTopIndicator: function() {
if (!this.topIndicator) {
this.topIndicator = Ext.DomHelper.append(Ext.getBody(), {
cls: "col-move-top",
html: " "
}, true);
return this.topIndicator;
getBottomIndicator: function() {
if (!this.bottomIndicator) {
this.bottomIndicator = Ext.DomHelper.append(Ext.getBody(), {
cls: "col-move-bottom",
html: " "
}, true);
return this.bottomIndicator;
getLocation: function(e, t) {
var x = e.getXY()[0],
region = Ext.fly(t).getRegion(),
pos, header;
if ((region.right - x) <= (region.right - region.left) / 2) {
pos = "after";
} else {
pos = "before";
return {
pos: pos,
header: Ext.getCmp(t.id),
node: t
positionIndicator: function(draggedHeader, node, e){
var location = this.getLocation(e, node),
header = location.header,
pos = location.pos,
nextHd = draggedHeader.nextSibling('gridcolumn:not([hidden])'),
prevHd = draggedHeader.previousSibling('gridcolumn:not([hidden])'),
region, topIndicator, bottomIndicator, topAnchor, bottomAnchor,
topXY, bottomXY, headerCtEl, minX, maxX;
// Cannot drag beyond non-draggable start column
if (!header.draggable && header.getIndex() == 0) {
return false;
this.lastLocation = location;
if ((draggedHeader !== header) &&
((pos === "before" && nextHd !== header) ||
(pos === "after" && prevHd !== header)) &&
!header.isDescendantOf(draggedHeader)) {
// As we move in between different DropZones that are in the same
// group (such as the case when in a locked grid), invalidateDrop
// on the other dropZones.
var allDropZones = Ext.dd.DragDropManager.getRelated(this),
ln = allDropZones.length,
i = 0,
for (; i < ln; i++) {
dropZone = allDropZones[i];
if (dropZone !== this && dropZone.invalidateDrop) {
this.valid = true;
topIndicator = this.getTopIndicator();
bottomIndicator = this.getBottomIndicator();
if (pos === 'before') {
topAnchor = 'tl';
bottomAnchor = 'bl';
} else {
topAnchor = 'tr';
bottomAnchor = 'br';
topXY = header.el.getAnchorXY(topAnchor);
bottomXY = header.el.getAnchorXY(bottomAnchor);
// constrain the indicators to the viewable section
headerCtEl = this.headerCt.el;
minX = headerCtEl.getLeft();
maxX = headerCtEl.getRight();
topXY[0] = Ext.Number.constrain(topXY[0], minX, maxX);
bottomXY[0] = Ext.Number.constrain(bottomXY[0], minX, maxX);
// adjust by offsets, this is to center the arrows so that they point
// at the split point
topXY[0] -= 4;
topXY[1] -= 9;
bottomXY[0] -= 4;
// position and show indicators
// invalidate drop operation and hide indicators
} else {
invalidateDrop: function() {
this.valid = false;
onNodeOver: function(node, dragZone, e, data) {
if (data.header.el.dom !== node) {
this.positionIndicator(data.header, node, e);
return this.valid ? this.dropAllowed : this.dropNotAllowed;
hideIndicators: function() {
onNodeOut: function() {
onNodeDrop: function(node, dragZone, e, data) {
if (this.valid) {
var hd = data.header,
lastLocation = this.lastLocation,
fromCt = hd.ownerCt,
fromIdx = fromCt.items.indexOf(hd), // Container.items is a MixedCollection
toCt = lastLocation.header.ownerCt,
toIdx = toCt.items.indexOf(lastLocation.header),
headerCt = this.headerCt,
if (lastLocation.pos === 'after') {
// If we are dragging in between two HeaderContainers that have had the lockable
// mixin injected we will lock/unlock headers in between sections. Note that lockable
// does NOT currently support grouped headers.
if (fromCt !== toCt && fromCt.lockableInjected && toCt.lockableInjected && toCt.lockedCt) {
scrollerOwner = fromCt.up('[scrollerOwner]');
scrollerOwner.lock(hd, toIdx);
} else if (fromCt !== toCt && fromCt.lockableInjected && toCt.lockableInjected && fromCt.lockedCt) {
scrollerOwner = fromCt.up('[scrollerOwner]');
scrollerOwner.unlock(hd, toIdx);
} else {
// If dragging rightwards, then after removal, the insertion index will be one less when moving
// in between the same container.
if ((fromCt === toCt) && (toIdx > fromCt.items.indexOf(hd))) {
// Remove dragged header from where it was without destroying it or relaying its Container
if (fromCt !== toCt) {
fromCt.suspendLayout = true;
fromCt.remove(hd, false);
fromCt.suspendLayout = false;
// Dragged the last header out of the fromCt group... The fromCt group must die
if (fromCt.isGroupHeader) {
if (!fromCt.items.getCount()) {
groupCt = fromCt.ownerCt;
groupCt.suspendLayout = true;
groupCt.remove(fromCt, false);
groupCt.suspendLayout = false;
} else {
fromCt.minWidth = fromCt.getWidth() - hd.getWidth();
// Move dragged header into its drop position
toCt.suspendLayout = true;
if (fromCt === toCt) {
toCt.move(fromIdx, toIdx);
} else {
toCt.insert(toIdx, hd);
toCt.suspendLayout = false;
// Group headers acquire the aggregate width of their child headers
// Therefore a child header may not flex; it must contribute a fixed width.
// But we restore the flex value when moving back into the main header container
if (toCt.isGroupHeader) {
hd.savedFlex = hd.flex;
delete hd.flex;
hd.width = hd.getWidth();
// When there was previously a flex, we need to ensure we don't count for the
// border twice.
toCt.minWidth = toCt.getWidth() + hd.getWidth() - (hd.savedFlex ? 1 : 0);
} else {
if (hd.savedFlex) {
hd.flex = hd.savedFlex;
delete hd.width;
// Refresh columns cache in case we remove an emptied group column
headerCt.onHeaderMoved(hd, fromIdx, toIdx);
// Emptied group header can only be destroyed after the header and grid have been refreshed
if (!fromCt.items.getCount()) {