 * @class Ext.grid.ColumnLayout
 * @extends Ext.layout.container.HBox
 * @private
 * <p>This class is used only by the grid's HeaderContainer docked child.</p>
 * <p>It adds the ability to shrink the vertical size of the inner container element back if a grouped
 * column header has all its child columns dragged out, and the whole HeaderContainer needs to shrink back down.</p>
 * <p>Also, after every layout, after all headers have attained their 'stretchmax' height, it goes through and calls
 * <code>setPadding</code> on the columns so that they lay out correctly.</p>
Ext.define('Ext.grid.ColumnLayout', {
    extend: 'Ext.layout.container.HBox',
    alias: 'layout.gridcolumn',
    type : 'column',

    reserveOffset: false,

    shrinkToFit: false,

    // Height-stretched innerCt must be able to revert back to unstretched height
    clearInnerCtOnLayout: true,

    beforeLayout: function() {
        var me = this,
            i = 0,
            items = me.getLayoutItems(),
            len = items.length,
            item, returnValue,

        // Scrollbar offset defined by width of any vertical scroller in the owning grid
        if (!Ext.isDefined(me.availableSpaceOffset)) {
            s = me.owner.up('tablepanel').verticalScroller;
            me.availableSpaceOffset = s ? s.width-1 : 0;

        returnValue = me.callParent(arguments);

        // Size to a sane minimum height before possibly being stretched to accommodate grouped headers

        // Unstretch child items before the layout which stretches them.
        for (; i < len; i++) {
            item = items[i];
                height: 'auto'
                height: 'auto',
                paddingTop: '0'
            if (item.componentLayout && item.componentLayout.lastComponentSize) {
                item.componentLayout.lastComponentSize.height = item.el.dom.offsetHeight;
        return returnValue;

    // Override to enforce the forceFit config.
    calculateChildBoxes: function(visibleItems, targetSize) {
        var me = this,
            calculations = me.callParent(arguments),
            boxes = calculations.boxes,
            metaData = calculations.meta,
            len = boxes.length, i = 0, box, item;

        if (targetSize.width && !me.isHeader) {
            // If configured forceFit then all columns will be flexed
            if (me.owner.forceFit) {

                for (; i < len; i++) {
                    box = boxes[i];
                    item = box.component;

                    // Set a sane minWidth for the Box layout to be able to squeeze flexed Headers down to.
                    item.minWidth = Ext.grid.plugin.HeaderResizer.prototype.minColWidth;

                    // For forceFit, just use allocated width as the flex value, and the proportions
                    // will end up the same whatever HeaderContainer width they are being forced into.
                    item.flex = box.width;

                // Recalculate based upon all columns now being flexed instead of sized.
                calculations = me.callParent(arguments);
            else if (metaData.tooNarrow) {
                targetSize.width = metaData.desiredSize;

        return calculations;

    afterLayout: function() {
        var me = this,
            owner = me.owner,
            i = 0,


        // Set up padding in items
        if (!me.owner.hideHeaders) {

            // If this is one HeaderContainer of a pair in a side-by-side locking view, then find the height
            // of the highest one, and sync the other one to that height.
            if (owner.lockableInjected) {
                topGrid = owner.up('tablepanel').up('tablepanel');
                bothHeaderCts = topGrid.query('headercontainer:not([isHeader])');
                otherHeaderCt = (bothHeaderCts[0] === owner) ? bothHeaderCts[1] : bothHeaderCts[0];

                // Both sides must be rendered for this syncing operation to work.
                if (!otherHeaderCt.rendered) {

                // Get the height of the highest of both HeaderContainers
                otherHeight = otherHeaderCt.layout.getRenderTarget().getViewSize().height;
                if (!otherHeight) {
                thisHeight = this.getRenderTarget().getViewSize().height;
                if (!thisHeight) {

                // Prevent recursion back into here when the "other" grid, after adjusting to the new hight of its headerCt, attempts to inform its ownerCt
                // Block the upward notification by flagging the top grid's component layout as busy.
                topGrid.componentLayout.layoutBusy = true;

                // Assume that the correct header height is the height of this HeaderContainer
                headerHeight = thisHeight;

                // Synch the height of the smaller HeaderContainer to the height of the highest one.
                if (thisHeight > otherHeight) {
                    otherHeaderCt.layout.align = 'stretch';
                    otherHeaderCt.setCalculatedSize(otherHeaderCt.getWidth(), owner.getHeight(), otherHeaderCt.ownerCt);
                    delete otherHeaderCt.layout.align;
                    modifiedGrid = otherHeaderCt.up('tablepanel');
                } else if (otherHeight > thisHeight) {
                    headerHeight = otherHeight;
                    this.align = 'stretch';
                    owner.setCalculatedSize(owner.getWidth(), otherHeaderCt.getHeight(), owner.ownerCt);
                    delete this.align;
                    modifiedGrid = owner.up('tablepanel');
                topGrid.componentLayout.layoutBusy = false;

                // Gather all Header items across both Grids.
                items = bothHeaderCts[0].layout.getLayoutItems().concat(bothHeaderCts[1].layout.getLayoutItems());
            } else {
                headerHeight = this.getRenderTarget().getViewSize().height;
                items = me.getLayoutItems();

            len = items.length;
            for (; i < len; i++) {

            // Size the View within the grid which has had its HeaderContainer entallened (That's a perfectly cromulent word BTW)
            if (modifiedGrid) {
                setTimeout(function() {
                }, 1);

    // FIX: when flexing we actually don't have enough space as we would
    // typically because of the scrollOffset on the GridView, must reserve this
    updateInnerCtSize: function(tSize, calcs) {
        var me = this,

        // Columns must not account for scroll offset
        if (!me.isHeader) {
            me.tooNarrow = calcs.meta.tooNarrow;
            extra = (me.reserveOffset ? me.availableSpaceOffset : 0);

            if (calcs.meta.tooNarrow) {
                tSize.width = calcs.meta.desiredSize + extra;
            } else {
                tSize.width += extra;

        return me.callParent(arguments);

    doOwnerCtLayouts: function() {
        var ownerCt = this.owner.ownerCt;
        if (!ownerCt.componentLayout.layoutBusy) {