 * @class Ext.chart.Label
 * Labels is a mixin whose methods are appended onto the Series class. Labels is an interface with methods implemented
 * in each of the Series (Pie, Bar, etc) for label creation and label placement.
 * The methods implemented by the Series are:
 * - **`onCreateLabel(storeItem, item, i, display)`** Called each time a new label is created.
 *   The arguments of the method are:
 *   - *`storeItem`* The element of the store that is related to the label sprite.
 *   - *`item`* The item related to the label sprite. An item is an object containing the position of the shape
 *     used to describe the visualization and also pointing to the actual shape (circle, rectangle, path, etc).
 *   - *`i`* The index of the element created (i.e the first created label, second created label, etc)
 *   - *`display`* The display type. May be <b>false</b> if the label is hidden
 *  - **`onPlaceLabel(label, storeItem, item, i, display, animate)`** Called for updating the position of the label.
 *    The arguments of the method are:
 *    - *`label`* The sprite label.</li>
 *    - *`storeItem`* The element of the store that is related to the label sprite</li>
 *    - *`item`* The item related to the label sprite. An item is an object containing the position of the shape
 *      used to describe the visualization and also pointing to the actual shape (circle, rectangle, path, etc).
 *    - *`i`* The index of the element to be updated (i.e. whether it is the first, second, third from the labelGroup)
 *    - *`display`* The display type. May be <b>false</b> if the label is hidden.
 *    - *`animate`* A boolean value to set or unset animations for the labels.
Ext.define('Ext.chart.Label', {

    /* Begin Definitions */

    requires: ['Ext.draw.Color'],
    /* End Definitions */

     * @cfg {String} display
     * Specifies the presence and position of labels for each pie slice. Either "rotate", "middle", "insideStart",
     * "insideEnd", "outside", "over", "under", or "none" to prevent label rendering.
     * Default value: 'none'.

     * @cfg {String} color
     * The color of the label text.
     * Default value: '#000' (black).

     * @cfg {String} field
     * The name of the field to be displayed in the label.
     * Default value: 'name'.

     * @cfg {Number} minMargin
     * Specifies the minimum distance from a label to the origin of the visualization.
     * This parameter is useful when using PieSeries width variable pie slice lengths.
     * Default value: 50.

     * @cfg {String} font
     * The font used for the labels.
     * Defautl value: "11px Helvetica, sans-serif".

     * @cfg {String} orientation
     * Either "horizontal" or "vertical".
     * Dafault value: "horizontal".

     * @cfg {Function} renderer
     * Optional function for formatting the label into a displayable value.
     * Default value: function(v) { return v; }
     * @param v

    //@private a regex to parse url type colors.
    colorStringRe: /url\s*\(\s*#([^\/)]+)\s*\)/,
    //@private the mixin constructor. Used internally by Series.
    constructor: function(config) {
        var me = this;
        me.label = Ext.applyIf(me.label || {},
            display: "none",
            color: "#000",
            field: "name",
            minMargin: 50,
            font: "11px Helvetica, sans-serif",
            orientation: "horizontal",
            renderer: function(v) {
                return v;

        if (me.label.display !== 'none') {
            me.labelsGroup = me.chart.surface.getGroup(me.seriesId + '-labels');

    //@private a method to render all labels in the labelGroup
    renderLabels: function() {
        var me = this,
            chart = me.chart,
            gradients = chart.gradients,
            items = me.items,
            animate = chart.animate,
            config = me.label,
            display = config.display,
            color = config.color,
            field = [].concat(config.field),
            group = me.labelsGroup,
            store = me.chart.store,
            len = store.getCount(),
            ratio = items.length / len,
            i, count, j, 
            k, gradientsCount = (gradients || 0) && gradients.length,
            colorStopTotal, colorStopIndex, colorStop,
            item, label, storeItem,
            sprite, spriteColor, spriteBrightness, labelColor,
            Color = Ext.draw.Color,

        if (display == 'none') {

        for (i = 0, count = 0; i < len; i++) {
            for (j = 0; j < ratio; j++) {
                item = items[count];
                label = group.getAt(count);
                storeItem = store.getAt(i);

                if (!item && label) {

                if (item && field[j]) {
                    if (!label) {
                        label = me.onCreateLabel(storeItem, item, i, display, j, count);
                    me.onPlaceLabel(label, storeItem, item, i, display, animate, j, count);

                    //set contrast
                    if (config.contrast && item.sprite) {
                        sprite = item.sprite;
                        colorString = sprite._to && sprite._to.fill || sprite.attr.fill;
                        spriteColor = Color.fromString(colorString);
                        //color wasn't parsed property maybe because it's a gradient id
                        if (colorString && !spriteColor) {
                            colorString = colorString.match(me.colorStringRe)[1];
                            for (k = 0; k < gradientsCount; k++) {
                                gradient = gradients[k];
                                if (gradient.id == colorString) {
                                    //avg color stops
                                    colorStop = 0; colorStopTotal = 0;
                                    for (colorStopIndex in gradient.stops) {
                                        colorStopTotal += Color.fromString(gradient.stops[colorStopIndex].color).getGrayscale();
                                    spriteBrightness = (colorStopTotal / colorStop) / 255;
                        else {
                            spriteBrightness = spriteColor.getGrayscale() / 255;
                        labelColor = Color.fromString(label.attr.color || label.attr.fill).getHSL();
                        labelColor[2] = spriteBrightness > 0.5? 0.2 : 0.8;
                            fill: String(Color.fromHSL.apply({}, labelColor))
                        }, true);

    //@private a method to hide labels.
    hideLabels: function(index) {
        var labelsGroup = this.labelsGroup, len;
        if (labelsGroup) {
            len = labelsGroup.getCount();
            while (len-->index) {