 * @class Ext.chart.Chart
 * @extends Ext.draw.Component
 * The Ext.chart package provides the capability to visualize data.
 * Each chart binds directly to an Ext.data.Store enabling automatic updates of the chart.
 * A chart configuration object has some overall styling options as well as an array of axes
 * and series. A chart instance example could look like:
    Ext.create('Ext.chart.Chart', {
        renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
        width: 800,
        height: 600,
        animate: true,
        store: store1,
        shadow: true,
        theme: 'Category1',
        legend: {
            position: 'right'
        axes: [ ...some axes options... ],
        series: [ ...some series options... ]
 * In this example we set the `width` and `height` of the chart, we decide whether our series are
 * animated or not and we select a store to be bound to the chart. We also turn on shadows for all series,
 * select a color theme `Category1` for coloring the series, set the legend to the right part of the chart and
 * then tell the chart to render itself in the body element of the document. For more information about the axes and
 * series configurations please check the documentation of each series (Line, Bar, Pie, etc).
 * @xtype chart

Ext.define('Ext.chart.Chart', {

    /* Begin Definitions */

    alias: 'widget.chart',

    extend: 'Ext.draw.Component',
    mixins: {
        themeManager: 'Ext.chart.theme.Theme',
        mask: 'Ext.chart.Mask',
        navigation: 'Ext.chart.Navigation'

    requires: [

    /* End Definitions */

    // @private
    viewBox: false,

     * @cfg {String} theme (optional) The name of the theme to be used. A theme defines the colors and
     * other visual displays of tick marks on axis, text, title text, line colors, marker colors and styles, etc.
     * Possible theme values are 'Base', 'Green', 'Sky', 'Red', 'Purple', 'Blue', 'Yellow' and also six category themes
     * 'Category1' to 'Category6'. Default value is 'Base'.

     * @cfg {Boolean/Object} animate (optional) true for the default animation (easing: 'ease' and duration: 500)
     * or a standard animation config object to be used for default chart animations. Defaults to false.
    animate: false,

     * @cfg {Boolean/Object} legend (optional) true for the default legend display or a legend config object. Defaults to false.
    legend: false,

     * @cfg {integer} insetPadding (optional) Set the amount of inset padding in pixels for the chart. Defaults to 10.
    insetPadding: 10,

     * @cfg {Array} enginePriority
     * Defines the priority order for which Surface implementation to use. The first
     * one supported by the current environment will be used.
    enginePriority: ['Svg', 'Vml'],

     * @cfg {Object|Boolean} background (optional) Set the chart background. This can be a gradient object, image, or color.
     * Defaults to false for no background.
     * For example, if `background` were to be a color we could set the object as
        background: {
            //color string
            fill: '#ccc'

     You can specify an image by using:

        background: {
            image: 'http://path.to.image/'

     Also you can specify a gradient by using the gradient object syntax:

        background: {
            gradient: {
                id: 'gradientId',
                angle: 45,
                stops: {
                    0: {
                        color: '#555'
                    100: {
                        color: '#ddd'
    background: false,

     * @cfg {Array} gradients (optional) Define a set of gradients that can be used as `fill` property in sprites.
     * The gradients array is an array of objects with the following properties:
     * <ul>
     * <li><strong>id</strong> - string - The unique name of the gradient.</li>
     * <li><strong>angle</strong> - number, optional - The angle of the gradient in degrees.</li>
     * <li><strong>stops</strong> - object - An object with numbers as keys (from 0 to 100) and style objects
     * as values</li>
     * </ul>

     For example:

        gradients: [{
            id: 'gradientId',
            angle: 45,
            stops: {
                0: {
                    color: '#555'
                100: {
                    color: '#ddd'
        },  {
            id: 'gradientId2',
            angle: 0,
            stops: {
                0: {
                    color: '#590'
                20: {
                    color: '#599'
                100: {
                    color: '#ddd'

     Then the sprites can use `gradientId` and `gradientId2` by setting the fill attributes to those ids, for example:

            fill: 'url(#gradientId)'
        }, true);


    constructor: function(config) {
        var me = this,
        me.initTheme(config.theme || me.theme);
        if (me.gradients) {
            Ext.apply(config, { gradients: me.gradients });
        if (me.background) {
            Ext.apply(config, { background: me.background });
        if (config.animate) {
            defaultAnim = {
                easing: 'ease',
                duration: 500
            if (Ext.isObject(config.animate)) {
                config.animate = Ext.applyIf(config.animate, defaultAnim);
            else {
                config.animate = defaultAnim;
        me.mixins.mask.constructor.call(me, config);
        me.mixins.navigation.constructor.call(me, config);

    initComponent: function() {
        var me = this,
                 * @event beforerefresh
                 * Fires before a refresh to the chart data is called.  If the beforerefresh handler returns
                 * <tt>false</tt> the {@link #refresh} action will be cancelled.
                 * @param {Chart} this
                 * @event refresh
                 * Fires after the chart data has been refreshed.
                 * @param {Chart} this
        Ext.applyIf(me, {
            zoom: {
                width: 1,
                height: 1,
                x: 0,
                y: 0
        me.maxGutter = [0, 0];
        me.store = Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup(me.store);
        axes = me.axes;
        me.axes = Ext.create('Ext.util.MixedCollection', false, function(a) { return a.position; });
        if (axes) {
        series = me.series;
        me.series = Ext.create('Ext.util.MixedCollection', false, function(a) { return a.seriesId || (a.seriesId = Ext.id(null, 'ext-chart-series-')); });
        if (series) {
        if (me.legend !== false) {
            me.legend = Ext.create('Ext.chart.Legend', Ext.applyIf({chart:me}, me.legend));

            mousemove: me.onMouseMove,
            mouseleave: me.onMouseLeave,
            mousedown: me.onMouseDown,
            mouseup: me.onMouseUp,
            scope: me

    // @private overrides the component method to set the correct dimensions to the chart.
    afterComponentLayout: function(width, height) {
        var me = this;
        if (Ext.isNumber(width) && Ext.isNumber(height)) {
            me.curWidth = width;
            me.curHeight = height;

     * Redraw the chart. If animations are set this will animate the chart too.
     * @cfg {boolean} resize Optional flag which changes the default origin points of the chart for animations.
    redraw: function(resize) {
        var me = this,
            chartBBox = me.chartBBox = {
                x: 0,
                y: 0,
                height: me.curHeight,
                width: me.curWidth
            legend = me.legend;
        me.surface.setSize(chartBBox.width, chartBBox.height);
        // Instantiate Series and Axes
        me.series.each(me.initializeSeries, me);
        me.axes.each(me.initializeAxis, me);
        //process all views (aggregated data etc) on stores
        //before rendering.
        me.axes.each(function(axis) {
        me.axes.each(function(axis) {

        // Create legend if not already created
        if (legend !== false) {

        // Place axes properly, including influence from each other

        // Reposition legend based on new axis alignment
        if (me.legend !== false) {

        // Find the max gutter

        // Draw axes and series
        me.resizing = !!resize;

        me.axes.each(me.drawAxis, me);
        me.series.each(me.drawCharts, me);
        me.resizing = false;

    // @private set the store after rendering the chart.
    afterRender: function() {
        var ref,
            me = this;

        if (me.categoryNames) {

        if (me.tipRenderer) {
            ref = me.getFunctionRef(me.tipRenderer);
            me.setTipRenderer(ref.fn, ref.scope);
        me.bindStore(me.store, true);

    // @private get x and y position of the mouse cursor.
    getEventXY: function(e) {
        var me = this,
            box = this.surface.getRegion(),
            pageXY = e.getXY(),
            x = pageXY[0] - box.left,
            y = pageXY[1] - box.top;
        return [x, y];

    // @private wrap the mouse down position to delegate the event to the series.
    onClick: function(e) {
        var me = this,
            position = me.getEventXY(e),

        // Ask each series if it has an item corresponding to (not necessarily exactly
        // on top of) the current mouse coords. Fire itemclick event.
        me.series.each(function(series) {
            if (Ext.draw.Draw.withinBox(position[0], position[1], series.bbox)) {
                if (series.getItemForPoint) {
                    item = series.getItemForPoint(position[0], position[1]);
                    if (item) {
                        series.fireEvent('itemclick', item);
        }, me);

    // @private wrap the mouse down position to delegate the event to the series.
    onMouseDown: function(e) {
        var me = this,
            position = me.getEventXY(e),

        if (me.mask) {
            me.mixins.mask.onMouseDown.call(me, e);
        // Ask each series if it has an item corresponding to (not necessarily exactly
        // on top of) the current mouse coords. Fire mousedown event.
        me.series.each(function(series) {
            if (Ext.draw.Draw.withinBox(position[0], position[1], series.bbox)) {
                if (series.getItemForPoint) {
                    item = series.getItemForPoint(position[0], position[1]);
                    if (item) {
                        series.fireEvent('itemmousedown', item);
        }, me);

    // @private wrap the mouse up event to delegate it to the series.
    onMouseUp: function(e) {
        var me = this,
            position = me.getEventXY(e),

        if (me.mask) {
            me.mixins.mask.onMouseUp.call(me, e);
        // Ask each series if it has an item corresponding to (not necessarily exactly
        // on top of) the current mouse coords. Fire mousedown event.
        me.series.each(function(series) {
            if (Ext.draw.Draw.withinBox(position[0], position[1], series.bbox)) {
                if (series.getItemForPoint) {
                    item = series.getItemForPoint(position[0], position[1]);
                    if (item) {
                        series.fireEvent('itemmouseup', item);
        }, me);

    // @private wrap the mouse move event so it can be delegated to the series.
    onMouseMove: function(e) {
        var me = this,
            position = me.getEventXY(e),
            item, last, storeItem, storeField;

        if (me.mask) {
            me.mixins.mask.onMouseMove.call(me, e);
        // Ask each series if it has an item corresponding to (not necessarily exactly
        // on top of) the current mouse coords. Fire itemmouseover/out events.
        me.series.each(function(series) {
            if (Ext.draw.Draw.withinBox(position[0], position[1], series.bbox)) {
                if (series.getItemForPoint) {
                    item = series.getItemForPoint(position[0], position[1]);
                    last = series._lastItemForPoint;
                    storeItem = series._lastStoreItem;
                    storeField = series._lastStoreField;

                    if (item !== last || item && (item.storeItem != storeItem || item.storeField != storeField)) {
                        if (last) {
                            series.fireEvent('itemmouseout', last);
                            delete series._lastItemForPoint;
                            delete series._lastStoreField;
                            delete series._lastStoreItem;
                        if (item) {
                            series.fireEvent('itemmouseover', item);
                            series._lastItemForPoint = item;
                            series._lastStoreItem = item.storeItem;
                            series._lastStoreField = item.storeField;
            } else {
                last = series._lastItemForPoint;
                if (last) {
                    series.fireEvent('itemmouseout', last);
                    delete series._lastItemForPoint;
                    delete series._lastStoreField;
                    delete series._lastStoreItem;
        }, me);

    // @private handle mouse leave event.
    onMouseLeave: function(e) {
        var me = this;
        if (me.mask) {
            me.mixins.mask.onMouseLeave.call(me, e);
        me.series.each(function(series) {
            delete series._lastItemForPoint;

    // @private buffered refresh for when we update the store
    delayRefresh: function() {
        var me = this;
        if (!me.refreshTask) {
            me.refreshTask = Ext.create('Ext.util.DelayedTask', me.refresh, me);

    // @private
    refresh: function() {
        var me = this;
        if (me.rendered && me.curWidth != undefined && me.curHeight != undefined) {
            if (me.fireEvent('beforerefresh', me) !== false) {
                me.fireEvent('refresh', me);

     * Changes the data store bound to this chart and refreshes it.
     * @param {Store} store The store to bind to this chart
    bindStore: function(store, initial) {
        var me = this;
        if (!initial && me.store) {
            if (store !== me.store && me.store.autoDestroy) {
            else {
                me.store.un('datachanged', me.refresh, me);
                me.store.un('add', me.delayRefresh, me);
                me.store.un('remove', me.delayRefresh, me);
                me.store.un('update', me.delayRefresh, me);
                me.store.un('clear', me.refresh, me);
        if (store) {
            store = Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup(store);
                scope: me,
                datachanged: me.refresh,
                add: me.delayRefresh,
                remove: me.delayRefresh,
                update: me.delayRefresh,
                clear: me.refresh
        me.store = store;
        if (store && !initial) {

    // @private Create Axis
    initializeAxis: function(axis) {
        var me = this,
            chartBBox = me.chartBBox,
            w = chartBBox.width,
            h = chartBBox.height,
            x = chartBBox.x,
            y = chartBBox.y,
            themeAttrs = me.themeAttrs,
            config = {
                chart: me
        if (themeAttrs) {
            config.axisStyle = Ext.apply({}, themeAttrs.axis);
            config.axisLabelLeftStyle = Ext.apply({}, themeAttrs.axisLabelLeft);
            config.axisLabelRightStyle = Ext.apply({}, themeAttrs.axisLabelRight);
            config.axisLabelTopStyle = Ext.apply({}, themeAttrs.axisLabelTop);
            config.axisLabelBottomStyle = Ext.apply({}, themeAttrs.axisLabelBottom);
            config.axisTitleLeftStyle = Ext.apply({}, themeAttrs.axisTitleLeft);
            config.axisTitleRightStyle = Ext.apply({}, themeAttrs.axisTitleRight);
            config.axisTitleTopStyle = Ext.apply({}, themeAttrs.axisTitleTop);
            config.axisTitleBottomStyle = Ext.apply({}, themeAttrs.axisTitleBottom);
        switch (axis.position) {
            case 'top':
                Ext.apply(config, {
                    length: w,
                    width: h,
                    x: x,
                    y: y
            case 'bottom':
                Ext.apply(config, {
                    length: w,
                    width: h,
                    x: x,
                    y: h
            case 'left':
                Ext.apply(config, {
                    length: h,
                    width: w,
                    x: x,
                    y: h
            case 'right':
                Ext.apply(config, {
                    length: h,
                    width: w,
                    x: w,
                    y: h
        if (!axis.chart) {
            Ext.apply(config, axis);
            axis = me.axes.replace(Ext.createByAlias('axis.' + axis.type.toLowerCase(), config));
        else {
            Ext.apply(axis, config);

     * @private Adjust the dimensions and positions of each axis and the chart body area after accounting
     * for the space taken up on each side by the axes and legend.
    alignAxes: function() {
        var me = this,
            axes = me.axes,
            legend = me.legend,
            edges = ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'],
            insetPadding = me.insetPadding,
            insets = {
                top: insetPadding,
                right: insetPadding,
                bottom: insetPadding,
                left: insetPadding

        function getAxis(edge) {
            var i = axes.findIndex('position', edge);
            return (i < 0) ? null : axes.getAt(i);

        // Find the space needed by axes and legend as a positive inset from each edge
        Ext.each(edges, function(edge) {
            var isVertical = (edge === 'left' || edge === 'right'),
                axis = getAxis(edge),

            // Add legend size if it's on this edge
            if (legend !== false) {
                if (legend.position === edge) {
                    bbox = legend.getBBox();
                    insets[edge] += (isVertical ? bbox.width : bbox.height) + insets[edge];

            // Add axis size if there's one on this edge only if it has been
            //drawn before.
            if (axis && axis.bbox) {
                bbox = axis.bbox;
                insets[edge] += (isVertical ? bbox.width : bbox.height);
        // Build the chart bbox based on the collected inset values
        chartBBox = {
            x: insets.left,
            y: insets.top,
            width: me.curWidth - insets.left - insets.right,
            height: me.curHeight - insets.top - insets.bottom
        me.chartBBox = chartBBox;

        // Go back through each axis and set its length and position based on the
        // corresponding edge of the chartBBox
        axes.each(function(axis) {
            var pos = axis.position,
                isVertical = (pos === 'left' || pos === 'right');

            axis.x = (pos === 'right' ? chartBBox.x + chartBBox.width : chartBBox.x);
            axis.y = (pos === 'top' ? chartBBox.y : chartBBox.y + chartBBox.height);
            axis.width = (isVertical ? chartBBox.width : chartBBox.height);
            axis.length = (isVertical ? chartBBox.height : chartBBox.width);

    // @private initialize the series.
    initializeSeries: function(series, idx) {
        var me = this,
            themeAttrs = me.themeAttrs,
            seriesObj, markerObj, seriesThemes, st,
            markerThemes, colorArrayStyle = [],
            i = 0, l,
            config = {
                chart: me,
                seriesId: series.seriesId
        if (themeAttrs) {
            seriesThemes = themeAttrs.seriesThemes;
            markerThemes = themeAttrs.markerThemes;
            seriesObj = Ext.apply({}, themeAttrs.series);
            markerObj = Ext.apply({}, themeAttrs.marker);
            config.seriesStyle = Ext.apply(seriesObj, seriesThemes[idx % seriesThemes.length]);
            config.seriesLabelStyle = Ext.apply({}, themeAttrs.seriesLabel);
            config.markerStyle = Ext.apply(markerObj, markerThemes[idx % markerThemes.length]);
            if (themeAttrs.colors) {
                config.colorArrayStyle = themeAttrs.colors;
            } else {
                colorArrayStyle = [];
                for (l = seriesThemes.length; i < l; i++) {
                    st = seriesThemes[i];
                    if (st.fill || st.stroke) {
                        colorArrayStyle.push(st.fill || st.stroke);
                if (colorArrayStyle.length) {
                    config.colorArrayStyle = colorArrayStyle;
            config.seriesIdx = idx;
        if (series instanceof Ext.chart.series.Series) {
            Ext.apply(series, config);
        } else {
            Ext.applyIf(config, series);
            series = me.series.replace(Ext.createByAlias('series.' + series.type.toLowerCase(), config));
        if (series.initialize) {

    // @private
    getMaxGutter: function() {
        var me = this,
            maxGutter = [0, 0];
        me.series.each(function(s) {
            var gutter = s.getGutters && s.getGutters() || [0, 0];
            maxGutter[0] = Math.max(maxGutter[0], gutter[0]);
            maxGutter[1] = Math.max(maxGutter[1], gutter[1]);
        me.maxGutter = maxGutter;

    // @private draw axis.
    drawAxis: function(axis) {

    // @private draw series.
    drawCharts: function(series) {
        series.triggerafterrender = false;
        if (!this.animate) {

    // @private remove gently.
    destroy: function() {