Ext.onReady(function(){ var data = { name: 'Jack Slocum', company: 'Ext JS, LLC', address: '4 Red Bulls Drive', city: 'Cleveland', state: 'Ohio', zip: '44102', kids: [{ name: 'Sara Grace', age:3 },{ name: 'Zachary', age:2 },{ name: 'John James', age:0 }] }; var p = new Ext.Panel({ title: 'Basic Template', width: 300, html: 'Apply the template to see results here
', tbar: [{ text: 'Apply Template', handler: function(){ var tpl = new Ext.Template( 'Name: {name}
', 'Company: {company}
', 'Location: {city}, {state}
' ); tpl.overwrite(p.body, data); p.body.highlight('#c3daf9', {block:true}); } }], renderTo: document.body }); var p2 = new Ext.Panel({ title: 'XTemplate', width: 300, html: 'Apply the template to see results here
', tbar: [{ text: 'Apply Template', handler: function(){ var tpl = new Ext.XTemplate( 'Name: {name}
', 'Company: {company}
', 'Location: {city}, {state}
', 'Kids: ', '
' ); tpl.overwrite(p2.body, data); p2.body.highlight('#c3daf9', {block:true}); } }], renderTo: document.body }); });', ' ', ' {#}. {parent.name}\'s kid - {name}