Ext.onReady(function(){ Ext.state.Manager.setProvider( new Ext.state.SessionProvider({state: Ext.appState})); var button = Ext.get('show-btn'); button.on('click', function(){ // tabs for the center var tabs = new Ext.TabPanel({ region: 'center', margins:'3 3 3 0', activeTab: 0, defaults:{autoScroll:true}, items:[{ title: 'Bogus Tab', html: Ext.example.bogusMarkup },{ title: 'Another Tab', html: Ext.example.bogusMarkup },{ title: 'Closable Tab', html: Ext.example.bogusMarkup, closable:true }] }); // Panel for the west var nav = new Ext.Panel({ title: 'Navigation', region: 'west', split: true, width: 200, collapsible: true, margins:'3 0 3 3', cmargins:'3 3 3 3' }); var win = new Ext.Window({ title: 'Layout Window', closable:true, width:600, height:350, //border:false, plain:true, layout: 'border', items: [nav, tabs] }); win.show(this); }); });