var ResizableExample = { init : function(){ var basic = new Ext.Resizable('basic', { width: 200, height: 100, minWidth:100, minHeight:50 }); var animated = new Ext.Resizable('animated', { width: 200, pinned: true, height: 100, minWidth:100, minHeight:50, animate:true, easing: 'backIn', duration:.6 }); var wrapped = new Ext.Resizable('wrapped', { wrap:true, pinned:true, minWidth:50, minHeight: 50, preserveRatio: true }); var transparent = new Ext.Resizable('transparent', { wrap:true, minWidth:50, minHeight: 50, preserveRatio: true, transparent:true }); var custom = new Ext.Resizable('custom', { wrap:true, pinned:true, minWidth:50, minHeight: 50, preserveRatio: true, handles: 'all', draggable:true, dynamic:true }); var customEl = custom.getEl(); // move to the body to prevent overlap on my blog document.body.insertBefore(customEl.dom, document.body.firstChild); customEl.on('dblclick', function(){ customEl.hide(true); }); customEl.hide(); Ext.get('showMe').on('click', function(){;; }); var dwrapped = new Ext.Resizable('dwrapped', { wrap:true, pinned:true, width:450, height:150, minWidth:200, minHeight: 50, dynamic: true }); var snap = new Ext.Resizable('snap', { pinned:true, width:250, height:100, handles: 'e', widthIncrement:50, minWidth: 50, dynamic: true }); } }; Ext.EventManager.onDocumentReady(ResizableExample.init, ResizableExample, true);