Imgorg.ImageThumbPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, { minWidth: 80, title: 'All Photos', initComponent: function() { this.tfId = 'tag-filter-'; var sliderValue = 0; var p = Ext.state.Manager.getProvider(); if (p) { sliderValue = Ext.num(p.get('sliderValue'), 0); } Ext.apply(this,{ layout:'fit', cls: 'images-view', items:Ext.apply({ xtype: 'img-dv', itemId: 'imgorg-dv' },this.dvConfig||{}), bbar:['Tags:',{ xtype: 'img-tagmulticombo', id: this.tfId, listeners: { select: function(combo, record, idx) { var vals = combo.getValue(); this.tagFilter(vals); return true; }, clearall: function(combo) { this.clearFilter(); }, scope: this } },'->',{ xtype: 'slider', itemId: 'size-slider', width: 200, style: 'margin-right:20px;', value: sliderValue, plugins: new Ext.ux.SliderTip({ getText: function(slider){ return String.format('{0}%', 100+slider.getValue()*3); } }), listeners: { change: this.onChange, scope: this } }] });; this.on('activate', this.onActivate, this); }, afterRender: function() {; this.view = this.getComponent('imgorg-dv'); (function() { this.dragZone = new ImageDragZone(this.view, { containerScroll:true, ddGroup: 'organizerDD' }); }).defer(100, this); }, onActivate: function() { this.reload(); var p = Ext.state.Manager.getProvider(); if (p) { sliderValue = Ext.num(p.get('sliderValue'), 0); var slider = this.getBottomToolbar().getComponent('size-slider'); slider.setValue(sliderValue); this.onChange(slider); } }, onChange: function(slider, e) { var p = Ext.state.Manager.getProvider(); if (p) { p.set('sliderValue', slider.getValue()); } Ext.util.CSS.updateRule('.images-view .thumb img','height',this.minWidth+slider.getValue()*3); }, tagFilter: function(vals) { if ( { var album =; }{ params: { tags: vals, album: album } }); }, clearFilter: function() { var album =;{ params: { album: album } }); Ext.getCmp(this.tfId).reset(); }, albumFilter: function(album) { this.getComponent('imgorg-dv').store.load({ params: { album: } }); }, reload: function() {; } }); Ext.reg('img-thumbpanel', Imgorg.ImageThumbPanel); ImageDragZone = function(view, config){ this.view = view;, view.getEl(), config); }; Ext.extend(ImageDragZone, Ext.dd.DragZone, { // We don't want to register our image elements, so let's // override the default registry lookup to fetch the image // from the event instead getDragData : function(e){ var target = e.getTarget('.thumb-wrap'); if(target){ var view = this.view; if(!view.isSelected(target)){ view.onClick(e); } var selNodes = view.getSelectedNodes(); var dragData = { nodes: selNodes }; if(selNodes.length == 1){ dragData.ddel = target; dragData.single = true; }else{ var div = document.createElement('div'); // create the multi element drag "ghost" div.className = 'multi-proxy'; for(var i = 0, len = selNodes.length; i < len; i++){ div.appendChild(selNodes[i].firstChild.firstChild.cloneNode(true)); // image nodes only if((i+1) % 3 == 0){ div.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); } } var count = document.createElement('div'); // selected image count count.innerHTML = i + ' images selected'; div.appendChild(count); dragData.ddel = div; dragData.multi = true; } return dragData; } return false; }, // this method is called by the TreeDropZone after a node drop // to get the new tree node (there are also other way, but this is easiest) getTreeNode : function(){ var treeNodes = []; var nodeData = this.view.getRecords(this.dragData.nodes); for(var i = 0, len = nodeData.length; i < len; i++){ var data = nodeData[i].data; treeNodes.push(new Ext.tree.TreeNode({ text:, icon: '../view/'+data.url, data: data, leaf:true, cls: 'image-node' })); } return treeNodes; }, // the default action is to "highlight" after a bad drop // but since an image can't be highlighted, let's frame it afterRepair:function(){ for(var i = 0, len = this.dragData.nodes.length; i < len; i++){[i]).frame('#8db2e3', 1); } this.dragging = false; }, // override the default repairXY with one offset for the margins and padding getRepairXY : function(e){ if(!this.dragData.multi){ var xy =; xy[0]+=3;xy[1]+=3; return xy; } return false; } });