/** * @class Ext.data.DataWriter *

Ext.data.DataWriter facilitates create, update, and destroy actions between * an Ext.data.Store and a server-side framework. A Writer enabled Store will * automatically manage the Ajax requests to perform CRUD actions on a Store.


Ext.data.DataWriter is an abstract base class which is intended to be extended * and should not be created directly. For existing implementations, see * {@link Ext.data.JsonWriter}.


Creating a writer is simple:


var writer = new Ext.data.JsonWriter();

The proxy for a writer enabled store can be configured with a simple url:


// Create a standard HttpProxy instance.
var proxy = new Ext.data.HttpProxy({
    url: 'app.php/users'

For finer grained control, the proxy may also be configured with an api:


// Use the api specification
var proxy = new Ext.data.HttpProxy({
    api: {
        read    : 'app.php/users/read',
        create  : 'app.php/users/create',
        update  : 'app.php/users/update',
        destroy : 'app.php/users/destroy'

Creating a Writer enabled store:


var store = new Ext.data.Store({
    proxy: proxy,
    reader: reader,
    writer: writer
* @constructor Create a new DataWriter * @param {Object} meta Metadata configuration options (implementation-specific) * @param {Object} recordType Either an Array of field definition objects as specified * in {@link Ext.data.Record#create}, or an {@link Ext.data.Record} object created * using {@link Ext.data.Record#create}. */ Ext.data.DataWriter = function(config){
/** * This DataWriter's configured metadata as passed to the constructor. * @type Mixed * @property meta */ Ext.apply(this, config); }; Ext.data.DataWriter.prototype = {
/** * @cfg {Boolean} writeAllFields * false by default. Set true to have DataWriter return ALL fields of a modified * record -- not just those that changed. * false to have DataWriter only request modified fields from a record. */ writeAllFields : false,
/** * @cfg {Boolean} listful * false by default. Set true to have the DataWriter always write HTTP params as a list, * even when acting upon a single record. */ listful : false, // <-- listful is actually not used internally here in DataWriter. @see Ext.data.Store#execute.
/** * Writes data in preparation for server-write action. Simply proxies to DataWriter#update, DataWriter#create * DataWriter#destroy. * @param {String} action [CREATE|UPDATE|DESTROY] * @param {Object} params The params-hash to write-to * @param {Record/Record[]} rs The recordset write. */ write : function(action, params, rs) { this.render(action, rs, params, this[action](rs)); },
/** * abstract method meant to be overridden by all DataWriter extensions. It's the extension's job to apply the "data" to the "params". * The data-object provided to render is populated with data according to the meta-info defined in the user's DataReader config, * @param {String} action [Ext.data.Api.actions.create|read|update|destroy] * @param {Record[]} rs Store recordset * @param {Object} params Http params to be sent to server. * @param {Object} data object populated according to DataReader meta-data. */ render : Ext.emptyFn, /** * update * @param {Object} p Params-hash to apply result to. * @param {Record/Record[]} rs Record(s) to write * @private */ update : function(rs) { var params = {}; if (Ext.isArray(rs)) { var data = [], ids = []; Ext.each(rs, function(val){ ids.push(val.id); data.push(this.updateRecord(val)); }, this); params[this.meta.idProperty] = ids; params[this.meta.root] = data; } else if (rs instanceof Ext.data.Record) { //params[this.meta.idProperty] = rs.id; // <-- removed, un-neccessary. params[this.meta.root] = this.updateRecord(rs); } return params; },
/** * @cfg {Function} saveRecord Abstract method that should be implemented in all subclasses * (e.g.: {@link Ext.data.JsonWriter#saveRecord JsonWriter.saveRecord} */ updateRecord : Ext.emptyFn, /** * create * @param {Object} p Params-hash to apply result to. * @param {Record/Record[]} rs Record(s) to write * @private */ create : function(rs) { var params = {}; if (Ext.isArray(rs)) { var data = []; Ext.each(rs, function(val){ data.push(this.createRecord(val)); }, this); params[this.meta.root] = data; } else if (rs instanceof Ext.data.Record) { params[this.meta.root] = this.createRecord(rs); } return params; },
/** * @cfg {Function} createRecord Abstract method that should be implemented in all subclasses * (e.g.: {@link Ext.data.JsonWriter#createRecord JsonWriter.createRecord}) */ createRecord : Ext.emptyFn, /** * destroy * @param {Object} p Params-hash to apply result to. * @param {Record/Record[]} rs Record(s) to write * @private */ destroy : function(rs) { var params = {}; if (Ext.isArray(rs)) { var data = [], ids = []; Ext.each(rs, function(val){ data.push(this.destroyRecord(val)); }, this); params[this.meta.root] = data; } else if (rs instanceof Ext.data.Record) { params[this.meta.root] = this.destroyRecord(rs); } return params; },
/** * @cfg {Function} destroyRecord Abstract method that should be implemented in all subclasses * (e.g.: {@link Ext.data.JsonWriter#destroyRecord JsonWriter.destroyRecord}) */ destroyRecord : Ext.emptyFn, /** * Converts a Record to a hash * @param {Record} * @private */ toHash : function(rec) { var map = rec.fields.map, data = {}, raw = (this.writeAllFields === false && rec.phantom === false) ? rec.getChanges() : rec.data, m; Ext.iterate(raw, function(prop, value){ if((m = map[prop])){ data[m.mapping ? m.mapping : m.name] = value; } }); data[this.meta.idProperty] = rec.id; return data; } };