 * @class Ext.Element
/** * Measures the element's content height and updates height to match. Note: this function uses setTimeout so * the new height may not be available immediately. * @param {Boolean} animate (optional) Animate the transition (defaults to false) * @param {Float} duration (optional) Length of the animation in seconds (defaults to .35) * @param {Function} onComplete (optional) Function to call when animation completes * @param {String} easing (optional) Easing method to use (defaults to easeOut) * @return {Ext.Element} this */ autoHeight : function(animate, duration, onComplete, easing){ var oldHeight = this.getHeight(); this.clip(); this.setHeight(1); // force clipping setTimeout(function(){ var height = parseInt(this.dom.scrollHeight, 10); // parseInt for Safari if(!animate){ this.setHeight(height); this.unclip(); if(typeof onComplete == "function"){ onComplete(); } }else{ this.setHeight(oldHeight); // restore original height this.setHeight(height, animate, duration, function(){ this.unclip(); if(typeof onComplete == "function") onComplete(); }.createDelegate(this), easing); } }.createDelegate(this), 0); return this; } });