
Class Ext.grid.ColumnModel

Defined In:ColumnModel.js

After the data has been read into the client side cache (Store), the ColumnModel is used to configure how and what parts of that data will be displayed in the vertical slices (columns) of the grid. The Ext.grid.ColumnModel Class is the default implementation of a ColumnModel used by implentations of GridPanel.

Data is mapped into the store's records and then indexed into the ColumnModel using the dataIndex:

{data source} == mapping ==> {data store} == dataIndex ==> {ColumnModel}

Each Column in the grid's ColumnModel is configured with a dataIndex to specify how the data within each record in the store is indexed into the ColumnModel.

There are two ways to initialize the ColumnModel class:

Initialization Method 1: an Array

var colModel = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([
    { header: "Ticker", width: 60, sortable: true},
    { header: "Company Name", width: 150, sortable: true, id: 'company'},
    { header: "Market Cap.", width: 100, sortable: true},
    { header: "$ Sales", width: 100, sortable: true, renderer: money},
    { header: "Employees", width: 100, sortable: true, resizable: false}

The ColumnModel may be initialized with an Array of Ext.grid.Column column configuration objects to define the initial layout / display of the columns in the Grid. The order of each Ext.grid.Column column configuration object within the specified Array defines the initial order of the column display. A Column's display may be initially hidden using the hidden config property (and then shown using the column header menu). Fields that are not included in the ColumnModel will not be displayable at all.

How each column in the grid correlates (maps) to the Ext.data.Record field in the Store the column draws its data from is configured through the dataIndex. If the dataIndex is not explicitly defined (as shown in the example above) it will use the column configuration's index in the Array as the index.

See Ext.grid.Column for additional configuration options for each column.

Initialization Method 2: an Object

In order to use configuration options from Ext.grid.ColumnModel, an Object may be used to initialize the ColumnModel. The column configuration Array will be specified in the columns config property. The defaults config property can be used to apply defaults for all columns, e.g.:

var colModel = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel({
    columns: [
        { header: "Ticker", width: 60, menuDisabled: false},
        { header: "Company Name", width: 150, id: 'company'},
        { header: "Market Cap."},
        { header: "$ Sales", renderer: money},
        { header: "Employees", resizable: false}
    defaults: {
        sortable: true,
        menuDisabled: true,
        width: 100
    listeners: {
        hiddenchange: function(cm, colIndex, hidden) {
            saveConfig(colIndex, hidden);

In both examples above, the ability to apply a CSS class to all cells in a column (including the header) is demonstrated through the use of the id config option. This column could be styled by including the following css:

//add this css *after* the core css is loaded
.x-grid3-td-company {
    color: red; // entire column will have red font
// modify the header row only, adding an icon to the column header
.x-grid3-hd-company {
    background: transparent
        no-repeat 3px 3px ! important;
Note that the "Company Name" column could be specified as the Ext.grid.GridPanel.autoExpandColumn.

Config Options

Config OptionsDefined By

Public Properties

PropertyDefined By

Public Methods

MethodDefined By

Public Events

EventDefined By