 * @class Ext.dd.DragTracker
 * A DragTracker listens for drag events on an Element and fires events at the start and end of the drag,
 * as well as during the drag. This is useful for components such as {@link Ext.slider.Multi}, where there is
 * an element that can be dragged around to change the Slider's value.
 * DragTracker provides a series of template methods that should be overridden to provide functionality
 * in response to detected drag operations. These are onBeforeStart, onStart, onDrag and onEnd.
 * See {@link Ext.slider.Multi}'s initEvents function for an example implementation.
Ext.define('Ext.dd.DragTracker', {

    uses: ['Ext.util.Region'],

    mixins: {
        observable: 'Ext.util.Observable'

     * @property active
     * @type Boolean
     * Read-only property indicated whether the user is currently dragging this
     * tracker.
    active: false,

     * @property dragTarget
     * @type HtmlElement
     * <p><b>Only valid during drag operations. Read-only.</b></p>
     * <p>The element being dragged.</p>
     * <p>If the {@link #delegate} option is used, this will be the delegate element which was mousedowned.</p>

     * @cfg {Boolean} trackOver
     * <p>Defaults to <code>false</code>. Set to true to fire mouseover and mouseout events when the mouse enters or leaves the target element.</p>
     * <p>This is implicitly set when an {@link #overCls} is specified.</p>
     * <b>If the {@link #delegate} option is used, these events fire only when a delegate element is entered of left.</b>.
    trackOver: false,

     * @cfg {String} overCls
     * <p>A CSS class to add to the DragTracker's target element when the element (or, if the {@link #delegate} option is used,
     * when a delegate element) is mouseovered.</p>
     * <b>If the {@link #delegate} option is used, these events fire only when a delegate element is entered of left.</b>.

     * @cfg {Ext.util.Region/Element} constrainTo
     * <p>A {@link Ext.util.Region Region} (Or an element from which a Region measurement will be read) which is used to constrain
     * the result of the {@link #getOffset} call.</p>
     * <p>This may be set any time during the DragTracker's lifecycle to set a dynamic constraining region.</p>

     * @cfg {Number} tolerance
     * Number of pixels the drag target must be moved before dragging is
     * considered to have started. Defaults to <code>5</code>.
    tolerance: 5,

     * @cfg {Boolean/Number} autoStart
     * Defaults to <code>false</code>. Specify <code>true</code> to defer trigger start by 1000 ms.
     * Specify a Number for the number of milliseconds to defer trigger start.
    autoStart: false,

     * @cfg {String} delegate
     * Optional. <p>A {@link Ext.DomQuery DomQuery} selector which identifies child elements within the DragTracker's encapsulating
     * Element which are the tracked elements. This limits tracking to only begin when the matching elements are mousedowned.</p>
     * <p>This may also be a specific child element within the DragTracker's encapsulating element to use as the tracked element.</p>

     * @cfg {Boolean} preventDefault
     * Specify <code>false</code> to enable default actions on onMouseDown events. Defaults to <code>true</code>.

     * @cfg {Boolean} stopEvent
     * Specify <code>true</code> to stop the <code>mousedown</code> event from bubbling to outer listeners from the target element (or its delegates). Defaults to <code>false</code>.

    constructor : function(config){
        Ext.apply(this, config);
             * @event mouseover <p><b>Only available when {@link #trackOver} is <code>true</code></b></p>
             * <p>Fires when the mouse enters the DragTracker's target element (or if {@link #delegate} is
             * used, when the mouse enters a delegate element).</p>
             * @param {Object} this
             * @param {Object} e event object
             * @param {HtmlElement} target The element mouseovered.

             * @event mouseout <p><b>Only available when {@link #trackOver} is <code>true</code></b></p>
             * <p>Fires when the mouse exits the DragTracker's target element (or if {@link #delegate} is
             * used, when the mouse exits a delegate element).</p>
             * @param {Object} this
             * @param {Object} e event object

             * @event mousedown <p>Fires when the mouse button is pressed down, but before a drag operation begins. The
             * drag operation begins after either the mouse has been moved by {@link #tolerance} pixels, or after
             * the {@link #autoStart} timer fires.</p>
             * <p>Return false to veto the drag operation.</p>
             * @param {Object} this
             * @param {Object} e event object

             * @event mouseup
             * @param {Object} this
             * @param {Object} e event object

             * @event mousemove Fired when the mouse is moved. Returning false cancels the drag operation.
             * @param {Object} this
             * @param {Object} e event object

             * @event beforestart
             * @param {Object} this
             * @param {Object} e event object

             * @event dragstart
             * @param {Object} this
             * @param {Object} e event object

             * @event dragend
             * @param {Object} this
             * @param {Object} e event object

             * @event drag
             * @param {Object} this
             * @param {Object} e event object

        this.dragRegion = Ext.create('Ext.util.Region', 0,0,0,0);

        if (this.el) {

        // Dont pass the config so that it is not applied to 'this' again
        if (this.disabled) {


     * Initializes the DragTracker on a given element.
     * @param {Ext.core.Element/HTMLElement} el The element
    initEl: function(el) {
        this.el = Ext.get(el);

        // The delegate option may also be an element on which to listen
        this.handle = Ext.get(this.delegate);

        // If delegate specified an actual element to listen on, we do not use the delegate listener option
        this.delegate = this.handle ? undefined : this.delegate;

        if (!this.handle) {
            this.handle = this.el;

        // Add a mousedown listener which reacts only on the elements targeted by the delegate config.
        // We process mousedown to begin tracking.
        this.mon(this.handle, {
            mousedown: this.onMouseDown,
            delegate: this.delegate,
            scope: this

        // If configured to do so, track mouse entry and exit into the target (or delegate).
        // The mouseover and mouseout CANNOT be replaced with mouseenter and mouseleave
        // because delegate cannot work with those pseudoevents. Entry/exit checking is done in the handler.
        if (this.trackOver || this.overCls) {
            this.mon(this.handle, {
                mouseover: this.onMouseOver,
                mouseout: this.onMouseOut,
                delegate: this.delegate,
                scope: this

    disable: function() {
        this.disabled = true;

    enable: function() {
        this.disabled = false;

    destroy : function() {
        delete this.el;

    // When the pointer enters a tracking element, fire a mouseover if the mouse entered from outside.
    // This is mouseenter functionality, but we cannot use mouseenter because we are using "delegate" to filter mouse targets
    onMouseOver: function(e, target) {
        var me = this;
        if (!me.disabled) {
            if (Ext.EventManager.contains(e) || me.delegate) {
                me.mouseIsOut = false;
                if (me.overCls) {
                me.fireEvent('mouseover', me, e, me.delegate ? e.getTarget(me.delegate, target) : me.handle);

    // When the pointer exits a tracking element, fire a mouseout.
    // This is mouseleave functionality, but we cannot use mouseleave because we are using "delegate" to filter mouse targets
    onMouseOut: function(e) {
        if (this.mouseIsDown) {
            this.mouseIsOut = true;
        } else {
            if (this.overCls) {
            this.fireEvent('mouseout', this, e);

    onMouseDown: function(e, target){
        // If this is disabled, or the mousedown has been processed by an upstream DragTracker, return
        if (this.disabled ||e.dragTracked) {

        // This information should be available in mousedown listener and onBeforeStart implementations
        this.dragTarget = this.delegate ? target : this.handle.dom;
        this.startXY = this.lastXY = e.getXY();
        this.startRegion = Ext.fly(this.dragTarget).getRegion();

        if (this.fireEvent('mousedown', this, e) === false ||
            this.fireEvent('beforedragstart', this, e) === false ||
            this.onBeforeStart(e) === false) {

        // Track when the mouse is down so that mouseouts while the mouse is down are not processed.
        // The onMouseOut method will only ever be called after mouseup.
        this.mouseIsDown = true;

        // Flag for downstream DragTracker instances that the mouse is being tracked.
        e.dragTracked = true;

        if (this.preventDefault !== false) {
            scope: this,
            mouseup: this.onMouseUp,
            mousemove: this.onMouseMove,
            selectstart: this.stopSelect
        if (this.autoStart) {
            this.timer =  Ext.defer(this.triggerStart, this.autoStart === true ? 1000 : this.autoStart, this, [e]);

    onMouseMove: function(e, target){
        // BrowserBug: IE hack to see if button was released outside of window.
        // Needed in IE6-9 in quirks and strictmode
        if (this.active && Ext.isIE && !e.browserEvent.button) {

        var xy = e.getXY(),
            s = this.startXY;

        this.lastXY = xy;
        if (!this.active) {
            if (Math.max(Math.abs(s[0]-xy[0]), Math.abs(s[1]-xy[1])) > this.tolerance) {
            } else {

        // Returning false from a mousemove listener deactivates 
        if (this.fireEvent('mousemove', this, e) === false) {
        } else {
            this.fireEvent('drag', this, e);

    onMouseUp: function(e) {
        // Clear the flag which ensures onMouseOut fires only after the mouse button
        // is lifted if the mouseout happens *during* a drag.
        this.mouseIsDown = false;

        // If we mouseouted the el *during* the drag, the onMouseOut method will not have fired. Ensure that it gets processed.
        if (this.mouseIsOut) {
            this.mouseIsOut = false;
        this.fireEvent('mouseup', this, e);

     * @private
     * Stop the drag operation, and remove active mouse listeners.
    endDrag: function(e) {
        var doc = Ext.getDoc(),
        wasActive = this.active;

        doc.un('mousemove', this.onMouseMove, this);
        doc.un('mouseup', this.onMouseUp, this);
        doc.un('selectstart', this.stopSelect, this);
        this.active = false;
        if (wasActive) {
            this.fireEvent('dragend', this, e);
        // Private property calculated when first required and only cached during a drag
        delete this._constrainRegion;

        // Remove flag from event singleton.  Using "Ext.EventObject" here since "endDrag" is called directly in some cases without an "e" param
        delete Ext.EventObject.dragTracked;

    triggerStart: function(e) {
        this.active = true;
        this.fireEvent('dragstart', this, e);

    clearStart : function() {
        if (this.timer) {
            delete this.timer;

    stopSelect : function(e) {
        return false;

     * Template method which should be overridden by each DragTracker instance. Called when the user first clicks and
     * holds the mouse button down. Return false to disallow the drag
     * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event object
    onBeforeStart : function(e) {


     * Template method which should be overridden by each DragTracker instance. Called when a drag operation starts
     * (e.g. the user has moved the tracked element beyond the specified tolerance)
     * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event object
    onStart : function(xy) {


     * Template method which should be overridden by each DragTracker instance. Called whenever a drag has been detected.
     * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event object
    onDrag : function(e) {


     * Template method which should be overridden by each DragTracker instance. Called when a drag operation has been completed
     * (e.g. the user clicked and held the mouse down, dragged the element and then released the mouse button)
     * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event object
    onEnd : function(e) {


     * </p>Returns the drag target. This is usually the DragTracker's encapsulating element.</p>
     * <p>If the {@link #delegate} option is being used, this may be a child element which matches the
     * {@link #delegate} selector.</p>
     * @return {Ext.core.Element} The element currently being tracked.
    getDragTarget : function(){
        return this.dragTarget;

     * @private
     * @returns {Element} The DragTracker's encapsulating element.
    getDragCt : function(){
        return this.el;

     * @private
     * Return the Region into which the drag operation is constrained.
     * Either the XY pointer itself can be constrained, or the dragTarget element
     * The private property _constrainRegion is cached until onMouseUp
    getConstrainRegion: function() {
        if (this.constrainTo) {
            if (this.constrainTo instanceof Ext.util.Region) {
                return this.constrainTo;
            if (!this._constrainRegion) {
                this._constrainRegion = Ext.fly(this.constrainTo).getViewRegion();
        } else {
            if (!this._constrainRegion) {
                this._constrainRegion = this.getDragCt().getViewRegion();
        return this._constrainRegion;

    getXY : function(constrain){
        return constrain ? this.constrainModes[constrain](this, this.lastXY) : this.lastXY;

     * <p>Returns the X, Y offset of the current mouse position from the mousedown point.</p>
     * <p>This method may optionally constrain the real offset values, and returns a point coerced in one
     * of two modes:</p><ul>
     * <li><code>point</code><div class="sub-desc">The current mouse position is coerced into the
     * {@link #constrainRegion}, and the resulting position is returned.</div></li>
     * <li><code>dragTarget</code><div class="sub-desc">The new {@link Ext.util.Region Region} of the
     * {@link #getDragTarget dragTarget} is calculated based upon the current mouse position, and then
     * coerced into the {@link #constrainRegion}. The returned mouse position is then adjusted by the
     * same delta as was used to coerce the region.</div></li>
     * </ul>
     * @param constrainMode {String} Optional. If omitted the true mouse position is returned. May be passed
     * as <code>'point'</code> or <code>'dragTarget'. See above.</code>.
     * @returns {Array} The <code>X, Y</code> offset from the mousedown point, optionally constrained.
    getOffset : function(constrain){
        var xy = this.getXY(constrain),
            s = this.startXY;

        return [xy[0]-s[0], xy[1]-s[1]];

    constrainModes: {
        // Constrain the passed point to within the constrain region
        point: function(me, xy) {
            var dr = me.dragRegion,
                constrainTo = me.getConstrainRegion();

            // No constraint
            if (!constrainTo) {
                return xy;

            dr.x = dr.left = dr[0] = dr.right = xy[0];
            dr.y = dr.top = dr[1] = dr.bottom = xy[1];

            return [dr.left, dr.top];

        // Constrain the dragTarget to within the constrain region. Return the passed xy adjusted by the same delta.
        dragTarget: function(me, xy) {
            var s = me.startXY,
                dr = me.startRegion.copy(),
                constrainTo = me.getConstrainRegion(),

            // No constraint
            if (!constrainTo) {
                return xy;

            // See where the passed XY would put the dragTarget if translated by the unconstrained offset.
            // If it overflows, we constrain the passed XY to bring the potential
            // region back within the boundary.
            dr.translateBy(xy[0]-s[0], xy[1]-s[1]);

            // Constrain the X coordinate by however much the dragTarget overflows
            if (dr.right > constrainTo.right) {
                xy[0] += adjust = (constrainTo.right - dr.right);    // overflowed the right
                dr.left += adjust;
            if (dr.left < constrainTo.left) {
                xy[0] += (constrainTo.left - dr.left);      // overflowed the left

            // Constrain the Y coordinate by however much the dragTarget overflows
            if (dr.bottom > constrainTo.bottom) {
                xy[1] += adjust = (constrainTo.bottom - dr.bottom);  // overflowed the bottom
                dr.top += adjust;
            if (dr.top < constrainTo.top) {
                xy[1] += (constrainTo.top - dr.top);        // overflowed the top
            return xy;