 * @author Jacky Nguyen <jacky@sencha.com>
 * @docauthor Jacky Nguyen <jacky@sencha.com>
 * @class Ext.Base
 * The root of all classes created with {@link Ext#define}
 * All prototype and static members of this class are inherited by any other class
(function(flexSetter) {

var Base = Ext.Base = function() {};
    Base.prototype = {
        $className: 'Ext.Base',

        $class: Base,

         * Get the reference to the current class from which this object was instantiated. Unlike {@link Ext.Base#statics},
         * `this.self` is scope-dependent and it's meant to be used for dynamic inheritance. See {@link Ext.Base#statics}
         * for a detailed comparison
         *     Ext.define('My.Cat', {
         *         statics: {
         *             speciesName: 'Cat' // My.Cat.speciesName = 'Cat'
         *         },
         *         constructor: function() {
         *             alert(this.self.speciesName); / dependent on 'this'
         *             return this;
         *         },
         *         clone: function() {
         *             return new this.self();
         *         }
         *     });
         *     Ext.define('My.SnowLeopard', {
         *         extend: 'My.Cat',
         *         statics: {
         *             speciesName: 'Snow Leopard'         // My.SnowLeopard.speciesName = 'Snow Leopard'
         *         }
         *     });
         *     var cat = new My.Cat();                     // alerts 'Cat'
         *     var snowLeopard = new My.SnowLeopard();     // alerts 'Snow Leopard'
         *     var clone = snowLeopard.clone();
         *     alert(Ext.getClassName(clone));             // alerts 'My.SnowLeopard'
         * @type Class
         * @protected
        self: Base,

        // Default constructor, simply returns `this`
        constructor: function() {
            return this;

         * Initialize configuration for this class. a typical example:
         *     Ext.define('My.awesome.Class', {
         *         // The default config
         *         config: {
         *             name: 'Awesome',
         *             isAwesome: true
         *         },
         *         constructor: function(config) {
         *             this.initConfig(config);
         *             return this;
         *         }
         *     });
         *     var awesome = new My.awesome.Class({
         *         name: 'Super Awesome'
         *     });
         *     alert(awesome.getName()); // 'Super Awesome'
         * @protected
         * @param {Object} config
         * @return {Object} mixins The mixin prototypes as key - value pairs
        initConfig: function(config) {
            if (!this.$configInited) {
                this.config = Ext.Object.merge({}, this.config || {}, config || {});


                this.$configInited = true;

            return this;

         * @private
        setConfig: function(config) {
            this.applyConfig(config || {});

            return this;

         * @private
        applyConfig: flexSetter(function(name, value) {
            var setter = 'set' + Ext.String.capitalize(name);

            if (typeof this[setter] === 'function') {
                this[setter].call(this, value);

            return this;

         * Call the parent's overridden method. For example:
         *     Ext.define('My.own.A', {
         *         constructor: function(test) {
         *             alert(test);
         *         }
         *     });
         *     Ext.define('My.own.B', {
         *         extend: 'My.own.A',
         *         constructor: function(test) {
         *             alert(test);
         *             this.callParent([test + 1]);
         *         }
         *     });
         *     Ext.define('My.own.C', {
         *         extend: 'My.own.B',
         *         constructor: function() {
         *             alert("Going to call parent's overriden constructor...");
         *             this.callParent(arguments);
         *         }
         *     });
         *     var a = new My.own.A(1); // alerts '1'
         *     var b = new My.own.B(1); // alerts '1', then alerts '2'
         *     var c = new My.own.C(2); // alerts "Going to call parent's overriden constructor..."
         *                              // alerts '2', then alerts '3'
         * @protected
         * @param {Array/Arguments} args The arguments, either an array or the `arguments` object
         * from the current method, for example: `this.callParent(arguments)`
         * @return {Mixed} Returns the result from the superclass' method
        callParent: function(args) {
            var method = this.callParent.caller,
                parentClass, methodName;

            if (!method.$owner) {
                //<debug error>
                if (!method.caller) {
                        sourceClass: Ext.getClassName(this),
                        sourceMethod: "callParent",
                        msg: "Attempting to call a protected method from the public scope, which is not allowed"

                method = method.caller;

            parentClass = method.$owner.superclass;
            methodName = method.$name;

            //<debug error>
            if (!(methodName in parentClass)) {
                    sourceClass: Ext.getClassName(this),
                    sourceMethod: methodName,
                    msg: "this.callParent() was called but there's no such method (" + methodName +
                         ") found in the parent class (" + (Ext.getClassName(parentClass) || 'Object') + ")"

            return parentClass[methodName].apply(this, args || []);

         * Get the reference to the class from which this object was instantiated. Note that unlike {@link Ext.Base#self},
         * `this.statics()` is scope-independent and it always returns the class from which it was called, regardless of what
         * `this` points to during run-time
         *     Ext.define('My.Cat', {
         *         statics: {
         *             totalCreated: 0,
         *             speciesName: 'Cat' // My.Cat.speciesName = 'Cat'
         *         },
         *         constructor: function() {
         *             var statics = this.statics();
         *             alert(statics.speciesName);     // always equals to 'Cat' no matter what 'this' refers to
         *                                             // equivalent to: My.Cat.speciesName
         *             alert(this.self.speciesName);   // dependent on 'this'
         *             statics.totalCreated++;
         *             return this;
         *         },
         *         clone: function() {
         *             var cloned = new this.self;                      // dependent on 'this'
         *             cloned.groupName = this.statics().speciesName;   // equivalent to: My.Cat.speciesName
         *             return cloned;
         *         }
         *     });
         *     Ext.define('My.SnowLeopard', {
         *         extend: 'My.Cat',
         *         statics: {
         *             speciesName: 'Snow Leopard'     // My.SnowLeopard.speciesName = 'Snow Leopard'
         *         },
         *         constructor: function() {
         *             this.callParent();
         *         }
         *     });
         *     var cat = new My.Cat();                 // alerts 'Cat', then alerts 'Cat'
         *     var snowLeopard = new My.SnowLeopard(); // alerts 'Cat', then alerts 'Snow Leopard'
         *     var clone = snowLeopard.clone();
         *     alert(Ext.getClassName(clone));         // alerts 'My.SnowLeopard'
         *     alert(clone.groupName);                 // alerts 'Cat'
         *     alert(My.Cat.totalCreated);             // alerts 3
         * @protected
         * @return {Class}
        statics: function() {
            var method = this.statics.caller,
                self = this.self;

            if (!method) {
                return self;

            return method.$owner;

         * Call the original method that was previously overridden with {@link Ext.Base#override}
         *     Ext.define('My.Cat', {
         *         constructor: function() {
         *             alert("I'm a cat!");
         *             return this;
         *         }
         *     });
         *     My.Cat.override({
         *         constructor: function() {
         *             alert("I'm going to be a cat!");
         *             var instance = this.callOverridden();
         *             alert("Meeeeoooowwww");
         *             return instance;
         *         }
         *     });
         *     var kitty = new My.Cat(); // alerts "I'm going to be a cat!"
         *                               // alerts "I'm a cat!"
         *                               // alerts "Meeeeoooowwww"
         * @param {Array/Arguments} args The arguments, either an array or the `arguments` object
         * @return {Mixed} Returns the result after calling the overridden method
        callOverridden: function(args) {
            var method = this.callOverridden.caller;

            //<debug error>
            if (!method.$owner) {
                    sourceClass: Ext.getClassName(this),
                    sourceMethod: "callOverridden",
                    msg: "Attempting to call a protected method from the public scope, which is not allowed"

            if (!method.$previous) {
                    sourceClass: Ext.getClassName(this),
                    sourceMethod: "callOverridden",
                    msg: "this.callOverridden was called in '" + method.$name +
                         "' but this method has never been overridden"

            return method.$previous.apply(this, args || []);

        destroy: function() {}

    // These static properties will be copied to every newly created class with {@link Ext#define}
    Ext.apply(Ext.Base, {
         * Create a new instance of this Class.
         *     Ext.define('My.cool.Class', {
         *         ...
         *     });
         *     My.cool.Class.create({
         *         someConfig: true
         *     });
         * All parameters are passed to the constructor of the class.
         * @return {Object} the created instance.
         * @static
        create: function() {
            return Ext.create.apply(Ext, [this].concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)));

         * @private
        own: flexSetter(function(name, value) {
            if (typeof value === 'function') {
                this.ownMethod(name, value);
            else {
                this.prototype[name] = value;

         * @private
        ownMethod: function(name, fn) {
            var originalFn;

            if (fn.$owner !== undefined && fn !== Ext.emptyFn) {
                originalFn = fn;

                fn = function() {
                    return originalFn.apply(this, arguments);

            var className;
            className = Ext.getClassName(this);
            if (className) {
                fn.displayName = className + '#' + name;
            fn.$owner = this;
            fn.$name = name;

            this.prototype[name] = fn;

         * Add / override static properties of this class.
         *     Ext.define('My.cool.Class', {
         *         ...
         *     });
         *     My.cool.Class.addStatics({
         *         someProperty: 'someValue',      // My.cool.Class.someProperty = 'someValue'
         *         method1: function() { ... },    // My.cool.Class.method1 = function() { ... };
         *         method2: function() { ... }     // My.cool.Class.method2 = function() { ... };
         *     });
         * @param {Object} members
         * @return {Ext.Base} this
         * @static
        addStatics: function(members) {
            for (var name in members) {
                if (members.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
                    this[name] = members[name];

            return this;

         * Add methods / properties to the prototype of this class.
         *     Ext.define('My.awesome.Cat', {
         *         constructor: function() {
         *             ...
         *         }
         *     });
         *      My.awesome.Cat.implement({
         *          meow: function() {
         *             alert('Meowww...');
         *          }
         *      });
         *      var kitty = new My.awesome.Cat;
         *      kitty.meow();
         * @param {Object} members
         * @static
        implement: function(members) {
            var prototype = this.prototype,
                name, i, member, previous;
            var className = Ext.getClassName(this);
            for (name in members) {
                if (members.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
                    member = members[name];

                    if (typeof member === 'function') {
                        member.$owner = this;
                        member.$name = name;
                        if (className) {
                            member.displayName = className + '#' + name;

                    prototype[name] = member;

            if (Ext.enumerables) {
                var enumerables = Ext.enumerables;

                for (i = enumerables.length; i--;) {
                    name = enumerables[i];

                    if (members.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
                        member = members[name];
                        member.$owner = this;
                        member.$name = name;
                        prototype[name] = member;

         * Borrow another class' members to the prototype of this class.
         *     Ext.define('Bank', {
         *         money: '$$$',
         *         printMoney: function() {
         *             alert('$$$$$$$');
         *         }
         *     });
         *     Ext.define('Thief', {
         *         ...
         *     });
         *     Thief.borrow(Bank, ['money', 'printMoney']);
         *     var steve = new Thief();
         *     alert(steve.money); // alerts '$$$'
         *     steve.printMoney(); // alerts '$$$$$$$'
         * @param {Ext.Base} fromClass The class to borrow members from
         * @param {Array/String} members The names of the members to borrow
         * @return {Ext.Base} this
         * @static
         * @private
        borrow: function(fromClass, members) {
            var fromPrototype = fromClass.prototype,
                i, ln, member;

            members = Ext.Array.from(members);

            for (i = 0, ln = members.length; i < ln; i++) {
                member = members[i];

                this.own(member, fromPrototype[member]);

            return this;

         * Override prototype members of this class. Overridden methods can be invoked via
         * {@link Ext.Base#callOverridden}
         *     Ext.define('My.Cat', {
         *         constructor: function() {
         *             alert("I'm a cat!");
         *             return this;
         *         }
         *     });
         *     My.Cat.override({
         *         constructor: function() {
         *             alert("I'm going to be a cat!");
         *             var instance = this.callOverridden();
         *             alert("Meeeeoooowwww");
         *             return instance;
         *         }
         *     });
         *     var kitty = new My.Cat(); // alerts "I'm going to be a cat!"
         *                               // alerts "I'm a cat!"
         *                               // alerts "Meeeeoooowwww"
         * @param {Object} members
         * @return {Ext.Base} this
         * @static
        override: function(members) {
            var prototype = this.prototype,
                name, i, member, previous;

            for (name in members) {
                if (members.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
                    member = members[name];

                    if (typeof member === 'function') {
                        if (typeof prototype[name] === 'function') {
                            previous = prototype[name];
                            member.$previous = previous;

                        this.ownMethod(name, member);
                    else {
                        prototype[name] = member;

            if (Ext.enumerables) {
                var enumerables = Ext.enumerables;

                for (i = enumerables.length; i--;) {
                    name = enumerables[i];

                    if (members.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
                        if (prototype[name] !== undefined) {
                            previous = prototype[name];
                            members[name].$previous = previous;

                        this.ownMethod(name, members[name]);

            return this;

         * Used internally by the mixins pre-processor
         * @private
        mixin: flexSetter(function(name, cls) {
            var mixin = cls.prototype,
                my = this.prototype,
                i, fn;

            for (i in mixin) {
                if (mixin.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
                    if (my[i] === undefined) {
                        if (typeof mixin[i] === 'function') {
                            fn = mixin[i];

                            if (fn.$owner === undefined) {
                                this.ownMethod(i, fn);
                            else {
                                my[i] = fn;
                        else {
                            my[i] = mixin[i];
                    else if (i === 'config' && my.config && mixin.config) {
                        Ext.Object.merge(my.config, mixin.config);

            if (my.mixins === undefined) {
                my.mixins = {};

            my.mixins[name] = mixin;

         * Get the current class' name in string format.
         *     Ext.define('My.cool.Class', {
         *         constructor: function() {
         *             alert(this.self.getName()); // alerts 'My.cool.Class'
         *         }
         *     });
         *     My.cool.Class.getName(); // 'My.cool.Class'
         * @return {String} className
        getName: function() {
            return Ext.getClassName(this);

         * Create aliases for existing prototype methods. Example:
         *     Ext.define('My.cool.Class', {
         *         method1: function() { ... },
         *         method2: function() { ... }
         *     });
         *     var test = new My.cool.Class();
         *     My.cool.Class.createAlias({
         *         method3: 'method1',
         *         method4: 'method2'
         *     });
         *     test.method3(); // test.method1()
         *     My.cool.Class.createAlias('method5', 'method3');
         *     test.method5(); // test.method3() -> test.method1()
         * @param {String/Object} alias The new method name, or an object to set multiple aliases. See
         * {@link Ext.Function#flexSetter flexSetter}
         * @param {String/Object} origin The original method name
         * @static
         * @method
        createAlias: flexSetter(function(alias, origin) {
            this.prototype[alias] = this.prototype[origin];
