 * @class Ext.chart.axis.Time
 * @extends Ext.chart.axis.Axis
 * A type of axis whose units are measured in time values. Use this axis
 * for listing dates that you will want to group or dynamically change.
 * If you just want to display dates as categories then use the
 * Category class for axis instead.
 * For example:
 *     axes: [{
 *         type: 'Time',
 *         position: 'bottom',
 *         fields: 'date',
 *         title: 'Day',
 *         dateFormat: 'M d',
 *         groupBy: 'year,month,day',
 *         aggregateOp: 'sum',
 *         constrain: true,
 *         fromDate: new Date('1/1/11'),
 *         toDate: new Date('1/7/11')
 *     }]
 * In this example we're creating a time axis that has as title *Day*.
 * The field the axis is bound to is `date`.
 * The date format to use to display the text for the axis labels is `M d`
 * which is a three letter month abbreviation followed by the day number.
 * The time axis will show values for dates between `fromDate` and `toDate`.
 * Since `constrain` is set to true all other values for other dates not between
 * the fromDate and toDate will not be displayed.
 * @constructor
Ext.define('Ext.chart.axis.Time', {

    /* Begin Definitions */

    extend: 'Ext.chart.axis.Category',

    alternateClassName: 'Ext.chart.TimeAxis',

    alias: 'axis.time',

    requires: ['Ext.data.Store', 'Ext.data.JsonStore'],

    /* End Definitions */

      * The minimum value drawn by the axis. If not set explicitly, the axis
      * minimum will be calculated automatically.
      * @property calculateByLabelSize
      * @type Boolean
    calculateByLabelSize: true,
     * Indicates the format the date will be rendered on. 
     * For example: 'M d' will render the dates as 'Jan 30', etc.
     * @property dateFormat
     * @type {String|Boolean}
    dateFormat: false,
     * Indicates the time unit to use for each step. Can be 'day', 'month', 'year' or a comma-separated combination of all of them.
     * Default's 'year,month,day'.
     * @property timeUnit
     * @type {String}
    groupBy: 'year,month,day',
     * Aggregation operation when grouping. Possible options are 'sum', 'avg', 'max', 'min'. Default's 'sum'.
     * @property aggregateOp
     * @type {String}
    aggregateOp: 'sum',
     * The starting date for the time axis.
     * @property fromDate
     * @type Date
    fromDate: false,
     * The ending date for the time axis.
     * @property toDate
     * @type Date
    toDate: false,
     * An array with two components: The first is the unit of the step (day, month, year, etc). The second one is the number of units for the step (1, 2, etc.).
     * Default's [Ext.Date.DAY, 1].
     * @property step 
     * @type Array
    step: [Ext.Date.DAY, 1],
     * If true, the values of the chart will be rendered only if they belong between the fromDate and toDate. 
     * If false, the time axis will adapt to the new values by adding/removing steps.
     * Default's [Ext.Date.DAY, 1].
     * @property constrain 
     * @type Boolean
    constrain: false,
    // @private a wrapper for date methods.
    dateMethods: {
        'year': function(date) {
            return date.getFullYear();
        'month': function(date) {
            return date.getMonth() + 1;
        'day': function(date) {
            return date.getDate();
        'hour': function(date) {
            return date.getHours();
        'minute': function(date) {
            return date.getMinutes();
        'second': function(date) {
            return date.getSeconds();
        'millisecond': function(date) {
            return date.getMilliseconds();
    // @private holds aggregate functions.
    aggregateFn: (function() {
        var etype = (function() {
            var rgxp = /^\[object\s(.*)\]$/,
                toString = Object.prototype.toString;
            return function(e) {
                return toString.call(e).match(rgxp)[1];
        return {
            'sum': function(list) {
                var i = 0, l = list.length, acum = 0;
                if (!list.length || etype(list[0]) != 'Number') {
                    return list[0];
                for (; i < l; i++) {
                    acum += list[i];
                return acum;
            'max': function(list) {
                if (!list.length || etype(list[0]) != 'Number') {
                    return list[0];
                return Math.max.apply(Math, list);
            'min': function(list) {
                if (!list.length || etype(list[0]) != 'Number') {
                    return list[0];
                return Math.min.apply(Math, list);
            'avg': function(list) {
                var i = 0, l = list.length, acum = 0;
                if (!list.length || etype(list[0]) != 'Number') {
                    return list[0];
                for (; i < l; i++) {
                    acum += list[i];
                return acum / l;
    // @private normalized the store to fill date gaps in the time interval.
    constrainDates: function() {
        var fromDate = Ext.Date.clone(this.fromDate),
            toDate = Ext.Date.clone(this.toDate),
            step = this.step,
            field = this.fields,
            store = this.chart.store,
            record, recObj, fieldNames = [],
            newStore = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
                model: store.model
        var getRecordByDate = (function() {
            var index = 0, l = store.getCount();
            return function(date) {
                var rec, recDate;
                for (; index < l; index++) {
                    rec = store.getAt(index);
                    recDate = rec.get(field);
                    if (+recDate > +date) {
                        return false;
                    } else if (+recDate == +date) {
                        return rec;
                return false;
        if (!this.constrain) {
            this.chart.filteredStore = this.chart.store;

        while(+fromDate <= +toDate) {
            record = getRecordByDate(fromDate);
            recObj = {};
            if (record) {
            } else {
                newStore.model.prototype.fields.each(function(f) {
                    recObj[f.name] = false;
                recObj.date = fromDate;
            fromDate = Ext.Date.add(fromDate, step[0], step[1]);
        this.chart.filteredStore = newStore;
    // @private aggregates values if multiple store elements belong to the same time step.
    aggregate: function() {
        var aggStore = {}, 
            aggKeys = [], key, value,
            op = this.aggregateOp,
            field = this.fields, i,
            fields = this.groupBy.split(','),
            recFields = [],
            recFieldsLen = 0,
            dates = [],
            json = [],
            l = fields.length,
            dateMethods = this.dateMethods,
            aggregateFn = this.aggregateFn,
            store = this.chart.filteredStore || this.chart.store;
        store.each(function(rec) {
            //get all record field names in a simple array
            if (!recFields.length) {
                rec.fields.each(function(f) {
                recFieldsLen = recFields.length;
            //get record date value
            value = rec.get(field);
            //generate key for grouping records
            for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
                if (i == 0) {
                    key = String(dateMethods[fields[i]](value));
                } else {
                    key += '||' + dateMethods[fields[i]](value);
            //get aggregation record from hash
            if (key in aggStore) {
                obj = aggStore[key];
            } else {
                obj = aggStore[key] = {};
            //append record values to an aggregation record
            for (i = 0; i < recFieldsLen; i++) {
                curField = recFields[i];
                if (!obj[curField]) {
                    obj[curField] = [];
                if (rec.get(curField) !== undefined) {
        //perform aggregation operations on fields
        for (key in aggStore) {
            obj = aggStore[key];
            for (i = 0; i < recFieldsLen; i++) {
                curField = recFields[i];
                obj[curField] = aggregateFn[op](obj[curField]);
        this.chart.substore = Ext.create('Ext.data.JsonStore', {
            fields: recFields,
            data: json
        this.dates = dates;
    // @private creates a label array to be used as the axis labels.
     setLabels: function() {
        var store = this.chart.substore,
            fields = this.fields,
            format = this.dateFormat,
            labels, i, dates = this.dates,
            formatFn = Ext.Date.format;
        this.labels = labels = [];
        store.each(function(record, i) {
            if (!format) {
            } else {
                labels.push(formatFn(dates[i], format));
         }, this);

    processView: function() {
         //TODO(nico): fix this eventually...
         if (this.constrain) {
             this.chart.substore = this.chart.filteredStore;
         } else {

     // @private modifies the store and creates the labels for the axes.
     applyData: function() {
        var count = this.chart.substore.getCount();
         return {
             from: 0,
             to: count,
             steps: count - 1,
             step: 1