/** * @private * @class Ext.slider.Thumb * @extends Ext.Base * @private * Represents a single thumb element on a Slider. This would not usually be created manually and would instead * be created internally by an {@link Ext.slider.Multi Ext.Slider}. */ Ext.define('Ext.slider.Thumb', { requires: ['Ext.dd.DragTracker', 'Ext.util.Format'], /** * @private * @property topThumbZIndex * @type Number * The number used internally to set the z index of the top thumb (see promoteThumb for details) */ topZIndex: 10000, /** * @constructor * @cfg {Ext.slider.MultiSlider} slider The Slider to render to (required) */ constructor: function(config) { var me = this; /** * @property slider * @type Ext.slider.MultiSlider * The slider this thumb is contained within */ Ext.apply(me, config || {}, { cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'slider-thumb', /** * @cfg {Boolean} constrain True to constrain the thumb so that it cannot overlap its siblings */ constrain: false }); me.callParent([config]); if (me.slider.vertical) { Ext.apply(me, Ext.slider.Thumb.Vertical); } }, /** * Renders the thumb into a slider */ render: function() { var me = this; me.el = me.slider.innerEl.insertFirst({cls: me.cls}); if (me.disabled) { me.disable(); } me.initEvents(); }, /** * @private * move the thumb */ move: function(v, animate){ if(!animate){ this.el.setLeft(v); }else{ Ext.create('Ext.fx.Anim', { target: this.el, duration: 350, to: { left: v } }); } }, /** * @private * Bring thumb dom element to front. */ bringToFront: function() { this.el.setStyle('zIndex', this.topZIndex); }, /** * @private * Send thumb dom element to back. */ sendToBack: function() { this.el.setStyle('zIndex', ''); }, /** * Enables the thumb if it is currently disabled */ enable: function() { var me = this; me.disabled = false; if (me.el) { me.el.removeCls(me.slider.disabledCls); } }, /** * Disables the thumb if it is currently enabled */ disable: function() { var me = this; me.disabled = true; if (me.el) { me.el.addCls(me.slider.disabledCls); } }, /** * Sets up an Ext.dd.DragTracker for this thumb */ initEvents: function() { var me = this, el = me.el; me.tracker = Ext.create('Ext.dd.DragTracker', { onBeforeStart: Ext.Function.bind(me.onBeforeDragStart, me), onStart : Ext.Function.bind(me.onDragStart, me), onDrag : Ext.Function.bind(me.onDrag, me), onEnd : Ext.Function.bind(me.onDragEnd, me), tolerance : 3, autoStart : 300, overCls : Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'slider-thumb-over' }); me.tracker.initEl(el); }, /** * @private * This is tied into the internal Ext.dd.DragTracker. If the slider is currently disabled, * this returns false to disable the DragTracker too. * @return {Boolean} False if the slider is currently disabled */ onBeforeDragStart : function(e) { if (this.disabled) { return false; } else { this.slider.promoteThumb(this); return true; } }, /** * @private * This is tied into the internal Ext.dd.DragTracker's onStart template method. Adds the drag CSS class * to the thumb and fires the 'dragstart' event */ onDragStart: function(e){ var me = this; me.el.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'slider-thumb-drag'); me.dragging = true; me.dragStartValue = me.value; me.slider.fireEvent('dragstart', me.slider, e, me); }, /** * @private * This is tied into the internal Ext.dd.DragTracker's onDrag template method. This is called every time * the DragTracker detects a drag movement. It updates the Slider's value using the position of the drag */ onDrag: function(e) { var me = this, slider = me.slider, index = me.index, newValue = me.getNewValue(), above, below; if (me.constrain) { above = slider.thumbs[index + 1]; below = slider.thumbs[index - 1]; if (below !== undefined && newValue <= below.value) { newValue = below.value; } if (above !== undefined && newValue >= above.value) { newValue = above.value; } } slider.setValue(index, newValue, false); slider.fireEvent('drag', slider, e, me); }, getNewValue: function() { var slider = this.slider, pos = slider.innerEl.translatePoints(this.tracker.getXY()); return Ext.util.Format.round(slider.reverseValue(pos.left), slider.decimalPrecision); }, /** * @private * This is tied to the internal Ext.dd.DragTracker's onEnd template method. Removes the drag CSS class and * fires the 'changecomplete' event with the new value */ onDragEnd: function(e) { var me = this, slider = me.slider, value = me.value; me.el.removeCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'slider-thumb-drag'); me.dragging = false; slider.fireEvent('dragend', slider, e); if (me.dragStartValue != value) { slider.fireEvent('changecomplete', slider, value, me); } }, destroy: function() { Ext.destroy(this.tracker); }, statics: { // Method overrides to support vertical dragging of thumb within slider Vertical: { getNewValue: function() { var slider = this.slider, innerEl = slider.innerEl, pos = innerEl.translatePoints(this.tracker.getXY()), bottom = innerEl.getHeight() - pos.top; return Ext.util.Format.round(slider.reverseValue(bottom), slider.decimalPrecision); }, move: function(v, animate) { if (!animate) { this.el.setBottom(v); } else { Ext.create('Ext.fx.Anim', { target: this.el, duration: 350, to: { bottom: v } }); } } } } });