 * @class Ext.grid.Lockable
 * @private
 * Lockable is a private mixin which injects lockable behavior into any
 * TablePanel subclass such as GridPanel or TreePanel. TablePanel will
 * automatically inject the Ext.grid.Lockable mixin in when one of the
 * these conditions are met:
 * - The TablePanel has the lockable configuration set to true
 * - One of the columns in the TablePanel has locked set to true/false
 * Each TablePanel subclass *must* register an alias. It should have an array
 * of configurations to copy to the 2 separate tablepanel's that will be generated
 * to note what configurations should be copied. These are named normalCfgCopy and
 * lockedCfgCopy respectively.
 * Columns which are locked must specify a fixed width. They do *NOT* support a
 * flex width.
 * Configurations which are specified in this class will be available on any grid or
 * tree which is using the lockable functionality.
Ext.define('Ext.grid.Lockable', {
    requires: ['Ext.grid.LockingView'],
     * @cfg {Boolean} syncRowHeight Synchronize rowHeight between the normal and
     * locked grid view. This is turned on by default. If your grid is guaranteed
     * to have rows of all the same height, you should set this to false to
     * optimize performance.
    syncRowHeight: true,
     * @cfg {String} subGridXType The xtype of the subgrid to specify. If this is
     * not specified lockable will determine the subgrid xtype to create by the
     * following rule. Use the superclasses xtype if the superclass is NOT
     * tablepanel, otherwise use the xtype itself.
     * @cfg {Object} lockedViewConfig A view configuration to be applied to the
     * locked side of the grid. Any conflicting configurations between lockedViewConfig
     * and viewConfig will be overwritten by the lockedViewConfig.

     * @cfg {Object} normalViewConfig A view configuration to be applied to the
     * normal/unlocked side of the grid. Any conflicting configurations between normalViewConfig
     * and viewConfig will be overwritten by the normalViewConfig.
    // private variable to track whether or not the spacer is hidden/visible
    spacerHidden: true,
    // i8n text
    unlockText: 'Unlock',
    lockText: 'Lock',
    determineXTypeToCreate: function() {
        var me = this,

        if (me.subGridXType) {
            typeToCreate = me.subGridXType;
        } else {
            var xtypes     = this.getXTypes().split('/'),
                xtypesLn   = xtypes.length,
                xtype      = xtypes[xtypesLn - 1],
                superxtype = xtypes[xtypesLn - 2];
            if (superxtype !== 'tablepanel') {
                typeToCreate = superxtype;
            } else {
                typeToCreate = xtype;
        return typeToCreate;
    // injectLockable will be invoked before initComponent's parent class implementation
    // is called, so throughout this method this. are configurations
    injectLockable: function() {
        // ensure lockable is set to true in the TablePanel
        this.lockable = true;
        // Instruct the TablePanel it already has a view and not to create one.
        // We are going to aggregate 2 copies of whatever TablePanel we are using
        this.hasView = true;

        var me = this,
            // xtype of this class, 'treepanel' or 'gridpanel'
            // (Note: this makes it a requirement that any subclass that wants to use lockable functionality needs to register an
            // alias.)
            xtype = me.determineXTypeToCreate(),
            // share the selection model
            selModel = me.getSelectionModel(),
            lockedGrid = {
                xtype: xtype,
                // Lockable does NOT support animations for Tree
                enableAnimations: false,
                scroll: false,
                scrollerOwner: false,
                selModel: selModel,
                border: false,
                cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-inner-locked'
            normalGrid = {
                xtype: xtype,
                enableAnimations: false,
                scrollerOwner: false,
                selModel: selModel,
                border: false
            i = 0,
        me.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-locked');
        // copy appropriate configurations to the respective
        // aggregated tablepanel instances and then delete them
        // from the master tablepanel.
        Ext.copyTo(normalGrid, me, me.normalCfgCopy);
        Ext.copyTo(lockedGrid, me, me.lockedCfgCopy);
        for (; i < me.normalCfgCopy.length; i++) {
            delete me[me.normalCfgCopy[i]];
        for (i = 0; i < me.lockedCfgCopy.length; i++) {
            delete me[me.lockedCfgCopy[i]];
        me.lockedHeights = [];
        me.normalHeights = [];
        columns = me.processColumns(me.columns);

        lockedGrid.width = columns.lockedWidth;
        lockedGrid.columns = columns.locked;
        normalGrid.columns = columns.normal;
        me.store = Ext.StoreManager.lookup(me.store);
        lockedGrid.store = me.store;
        normalGrid.store = me.store;
        // normal grid should flex the rest of the width
        normalGrid.flex = 1;
        lockedGrid.viewConfig = me.lockedViewConfig || {};
        lockedGrid.viewConfig.loadingUseMsg = false;
        normalGrid.viewConfig = me.normalViewConfig || {};
        Ext.applyIf(lockedGrid.viewConfig, me.viewConfig);
        Ext.applyIf(normalGrid.viewConfig, me.viewConfig);
        me.normalGrid = Ext.ComponentManager.create(normalGrid);
        me.lockedGrid = Ext.ComponentManager.create(lockedGrid);
        me.view = Ext.create('Ext.grid.LockingView', {
            locked: me.lockedGrid,
            normal: me.normalGrid,
            panel: me    
        if (me.syncRowHeight) {
                refresh: me.onLockedGridAfterRefresh,
                itemupdate: me.onLockedGridAfterUpdate,
                scope: me
                refresh: me.onNormalGridAfterRefresh,
                itemupdate: me.onNormalGridAfterUpdate,
                scope: me
        lockedHeaderCt = me.lockedGrid.headerCt;
        normalHeaderCt = me.normalGrid.headerCt;
        lockedHeaderCt.lockedCt = true;
        lockedHeaderCt.lockableInjected = true;
        normalHeaderCt.lockableInjected = true;
            columnshow: me.onLockedHeaderShow,
            columnhide: me.onLockedHeaderHide,
            columnmove: me.onLockedHeaderMove,
            sortchange: me.onLockedHeaderSortChange,
            columnresize: me.onLockedHeaderResize,
            scope: me
            columnmove: me.onNormalHeaderMove,
            sortchange: me.onNormalHeaderSortChange,
            scope: me
            scrollershow: me.onScrollerShow,
            scrollerhide: me.onScrollerHide,
            scope: me
        me.lockedGrid.on('afterlayout', me.onLockedGridAfterLayout, me, {single: true});
        me.items = [me.lockedGrid, me.normalGrid];

        me.layout = {
            type: 'hbox',
            align: 'stretch'
    processColumns: function(columns){
        // split apart normal and lockedWidths
        var i = 0,
            len = columns.length,
            lockedWidth = 0,
            lockedHeaders = [],
            normalHeaders = [],
        for (; i < len; ++i) {
            column = columns[i];
            // mark the column as processed so that the locked attribute does not
            // trigger trying to aggregate the columns again.
            column.processed = true;
            if (column.locked) {
                // <debug>
                if (column.flex) {
                    Ext.Error.raise("Columns which are locked do NOT support a flex width. You must set a width on the " + columns[i].text + "column.");
                // </debug>
                lockedWidth += column.width;
            } else {
        return {
            lockedWidth: lockedWidth,
            locked: lockedHeaders,
            normal: normalHeaders    
    // create a new spacer after the table is refreshed
    onLockedGridAfterLayout: function() {
        var me         = this,
            lockedView = me.lockedGrid.getView();
            refresh: me.createSpacer,
            beforerefresh: me.destroySpacer,
            scope: me
    // trigger a pseudo refresh on the normal side
    onLockedHeaderMove: function() {
        if (this.syncRowHeight) {
    // trigger a pseudo refresh on the locked side
    onNormalHeaderMove: function() {
        if (this.syncRowHeight) {
    // create a spacer in lockedsection and store a reference
    // TODO: Should destroy before refreshing content
    createSpacer: function() {
        var me   = this,
            // This affects scrolling all the way to the bottom of a locked grid
            // additional test, sort a column and make sure it synchronizes
            w    = Ext.getScrollBarWidth() + (Ext.isIE ? 2 : 0),
            view = me.lockedGrid.getView(),
            el   = view.el;

        me.spacerEl = Ext.core.DomHelper.append(el, {
            cls: me.spacerHidden ? (Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'hidden') : '',
            style: 'height: ' + w + 'px;'
        }, true);
    destroySpacer: function() {
        var me = this;
        if (me.spacerEl) {
            delete me.spacerEl;
    // cache the heights of all locked rows and sync rowheights
    onLockedGridAfterRefresh: function() {
        var me     = this,
            view   = me.lockedGrid.getView(),
            el     = view.el,
            rowEls = el.query(view.getItemSelector()),
            ln     = rowEls.length,
            i = 0;
        // reset heights each time.
        me.lockedHeights = [];
        for (; i < ln; i++) {
            me.lockedHeights[i] = rowEls[i].clientHeight;
    // cache the heights of all normal rows and sync rowheights
    onNormalGridAfterRefresh: function() {
        var me     = this,
            view   = me.normalGrid.getView(),
            el     = view.el,
            rowEls = el.query(view.getItemSelector()),
            ln     = rowEls.length,
            i = 0;
        // reset heights each time.
        me.normalHeights = [];
        for (; i < ln; i++) {
            me.normalHeights[i] = rowEls[i].clientHeight;
    // rows can get bigger/smaller
    onLockedGridAfterUpdate: function(record, index, node) {
        this.lockedHeights[index] = node.clientHeight;
    // rows can get bigger/smaller
    onNormalGridAfterUpdate: function(record, index, node) {
        this.normalHeights[index] = node.clientHeight;
    // match the rowheights to the biggest rowheight on either
    // side
    syncRowHeights: function() {
        var me = this,
            lockedHeights = me.lockedHeights,
            normalHeights = me.normalHeights,
            calcHeights   = [],
            ln = lockedHeights.length,
            i  = 0,
            lockedView, normalView,
            lockedRowEls, normalRowEls,
            vertScroller = me.getVerticalScroller(),

        // ensure there are an equal num of locked and normal
        // rows before synchronization
        if (lockedHeights.length && normalHeights.length) {
            lockedView = me.lockedGrid.getView();
            normalView = me.normalGrid.getView();
            lockedRowEls = lockedView.el.query(lockedView.getItemSelector());
            normalRowEls = normalView.el.query(normalView.getItemSelector());

            // loop thru all of the heights and sync to the other side
            for (; i < ln; i++) {
                // ensure both are numbers
                if (!isNaN(lockedHeights[i]) && !isNaN(normalHeights[i])) {
                    if (lockedHeights[i] > normalHeights[i]) {
                    } else if (lockedHeights[i] < normalHeights[i]) {

            // invalidate the scroller and sync the scrollers
            // synchronize the view with the scroller, if we have a virtualScrollTop
            // then the user is using a PagingScroller 
            if (vertScroller && vertScroller.setViewScrollTop) {
            } else {
                // We don't use setScrollTop here because if the scrollTop is
                // set to the exact same value some browsers won't fire the scroll
                // event. Instead, we directly set the scrollTop.
                scrollTop = normalView.el.dom.scrollTop;
                normalView.el.dom.scrollTop = scrollTop;
                lockedView.el.dom.scrollTop = scrollTop;
            // reset the heights
            me.lockedHeights = [];
            me.normalHeights = [];
    // track when scroller is shown
    onScrollerShow: function(scroller, direction) {
        if (direction === 'horizontal') {
            this.spacerHidden = false;
            this.spacerEl.removeCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'hidden');
    // track when scroller is hidden
    onScrollerHide: function(scroller, direction) {
        if (direction === 'horizontal') {
            this.spacerHidden = true;
            this.spacerEl.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'hidden');

    // inject Lock and Unlock text
    modifyHeaderCt: function() {
        var me = this;
        me.lockedGrid.headerCt.getMenuItems = me.getMenuItems(true);
        me.normalGrid.headerCt.getMenuItems = me.getMenuItems(false);
    onUnlockMenuClick: function() {
    onLockMenuClick: function() {
    getMenuItems: function(locked) {
        var me            = this,
            unlockText    = me.unlockText,
            lockText      = me.lockText,
            // TODO: Refactor to use Ext.baseCSSPrefix
            unlockCls     = 'xg-hmenu-unlock',
            lockCls       = 'xg-hmenu-lock',
            unlockHandler = Ext.Function.bind(me.onUnlockMenuClick, me),
            lockHandler   = Ext.Function.bind(me.onLockMenuClick, me);
        // runs in the scope of headerCt
        return function() {
            var o = Ext.grid.header.Container.prototype.getMenuItems.call(this);
                cls: unlockCls,
                text: unlockText,
                handler: unlockHandler,
                disabled: !locked
                cls: lockCls,
                text: lockText,
                handler: lockHandler,
                disabled: locked
            return o;
    // going from unlocked section to locked
     * Locks the activeHeader as determined by which menu is open OR a header
     * as specified.
     * @param {Ext.grid.column.Column} header (Optional) Header to unlock from the locked section. Defaults to the header which has the menu open currently.
     * @param {Number} toIdx (Optional) The index to move the unlocked header to. Defaults to appending as the last item.
     * @private
    lock: function(activeHd, toIdx) {
        var me         = this,
            normalGrid = me.normalGrid,
            lockedGrid = me.lockedGrid,
            normalHCt  = normalGrid.headerCt,
            lockedHCt  = lockedGrid.headerCt;
        activeHd = activeHd || normalHCt.getMenu().activeHeader;
        // if column was previously flexed, get/set current width
        // and remove the flex
        if (activeHd.flex) {
            activeHd.width = activeHd.getWidth();
            delete activeHd.flex;
        normalHCt.remove(activeHd, false);
        lockedHCt.suspendLayout = true;
        if (Ext.isDefined(toIdx)) {
            lockedHCt.insert(toIdx, activeHd);
        } else {
        lockedHCt.suspendLayout = false;
    syncLockedSection: function() {
        var me = this;
    // adjust the locked section to the width of its respective
    // headerCt
    syncLockedWidth: function() {
        var me = this,
            width = me.lockedGrid.headerCt.getFullWidth(true);
    onLockedHeaderResize: function() {
    onLockedHeaderHide: function() {
    onLockedHeaderShow: function() {
    onLockedHeaderSortChange: function(headerCt, header, sortState) {
        if (sortState) {
            // no real header, and silence the event so we dont get into an
            // infinite loop
            this.normalGrid.headerCt.clearOtherSortStates(null, true);
    onNormalHeaderSortChange: function(headerCt, header, sortState) {
        if (sortState) {
            // no real header, and silence the event so we dont get into an
            // infinite loop
            this.lockedGrid.headerCt.clearOtherSortStates(null, true);
    // going from locked section to unlocked
     * Unlocks the activeHeader as determined by which menu is open OR a header
     * as specified.
     * @param {Ext.grid.column.Column} header (Optional) Header to unlock from the locked section. Defaults to the header which has the menu open currently.
     * @param {Number} toIdx (Optional) The index to move the unlocked header to. Defaults to 0.
     * @private
    unlock: function(activeHd, toIdx) {
        var me         = this,
            normalGrid = me.normalGrid,
            lockedGrid = me.lockedGrid,
            normalHCt  = normalGrid.headerCt,
            lockedHCt  = lockedGrid.headerCt;

        if (!Ext.isDefined(toIdx)) {
            toIdx = 0;
        activeHd = activeHd || lockedHCt.getMenu().activeHeader;
        lockedHCt.remove(activeHd, false);
        normalHCt.insert(toIdx, activeHd);
    // we want to totally override the reconfigure behaviour here, since we're creating 2 sub-grids
    reconfigureLockable: function(store, columns) {
        var me = this,
            lockedGrid = me.lockedGrid,
            normalGrid = me.normalGrid;
        if (columns) {
            columns = me.processColumns(columns);
        if (store) {
            store = Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup(store);
            me.store = store;
        } else {