/** * @class Ext.view.BoundList * @extends Ext.view.View * An internal used DataView for ComboBox, MultiSelect and ItemSelector. */ Ext.define('Ext.view.BoundList', { extend: 'Ext.view.View', alias: 'widget.boundlist', alternateClassName: 'Ext.BoundList', requires: ['Ext.layout.component.BoundList', 'Ext.toolbar.Paging'], /** * @cfg {Number} pageSize If greater than <tt>0</tt>, a {@link Ext.toolbar.Paging} is displayed at the * bottom of the list and store queries will execute with page start and * {@link Ext.toolbar.Paging#pageSize limit} parameters. */ pageSize: 0, /** * @property pagingToolbar * @type {Ext.toolbar.Paging} * A reference to the PagingToolbar instance in this view. Only populated if {@link #pageSize} is greater * than zero and the BoundList has been rendered. */ // private overrides autoScroll: true, baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'boundlist', listItemCls: '', shadow: false, trackOver: true, refreshed: 0, ariaRole: 'listbox', componentLayout: 'boundlist', renderTpl: ['<div class="list-ct"></div>'], initComponent: function() { var me = this, baseCls = me.baseCls, itemCls = baseCls + '-item'; me.itemCls = itemCls; me.selectedItemCls = baseCls + '-selected'; me.overItemCls = baseCls + '-item-over'; me.itemSelector = "." + itemCls; if (me.floating) { me.addCls(baseCls + '-floating'); } // should be setting aria-posinset based on entire set of data // not filtered set me.tpl = Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate', '<ul><tpl for=".">', '<li role="option" class="' + itemCls + '">' + me.getInnerTpl(me.displayField) + '</li>', '</tpl></ul>' ); if (me.pageSize) { me.pagingToolbar = me.createPagingToolbar(); } me.callParent(); Ext.applyIf(me.renderSelectors, { listEl: '.list-ct' }); }, createPagingToolbar: function() { return Ext.widget('pagingtoolbar', { pageSize: this.pageSize, store: this.store, border: false }); }, onRender: function() { var me = this, toolbar = me.pagingToolbar; me.callParent(arguments); if (toolbar) { toolbar.render(me.el); } }, bindStore : function(store, initial) { var me = this, toolbar = me.pagingToolbar; me.callParent(arguments); if (toolbar) { toolbar.bindStore(store, initial); } }, getTargetEl: function() { return this.listEl || this.el; }, getInnerTpl: function(displayField) { return '{' + displayField + '}'; }, refresh: function() { var me = this; me.callParent(); if (me.isVisible()) { me.refreshed++; me.doComponentLayout(); me.refreshed--; } }, initAria: function() { this.callParent(); var selModel = this.getSelectionModel(), mode = selModel.getSelectionMode(), actionEl = this.getActionEl(); // TODO: subscribe to mode changes or allow the selModel to manipulate this attribute. if (mode !== 'SINGLE') { actionEl.dom.setAttribute('aria-multiselectable', true); } }, onDestroy: function() { Ext.destroyMembers(this, 'pagingToolbar', 'listEl'); this.callParent(); } });