 * Ext JS Library 3.0.3
 * Copyright(c) 2006-2009 Ext JS, LLC
 * licensing@extjs.com
 * http://www.extjs.com/license
/** * @class Ext.WindowGroup * An object that represents a group of {@link Ext.Window} instances and provides z-order management * and window activation behavior. * @constructor */ Ext.WindowGroup = function(){ var list = {}; var accessList = []; var front = null; // private var sortWindows = function(d1, d2){ return (!d1._lastAccess || d1._lastAccess < d2._lastAccess) ? -1 : 1; }; // private var orderWindows = function(){ var a = accessList, len = a.length; if(len > 0){ a.sort(sortWindows); var seed = a[0].manager.zseed; for(var i = 0; i < len; i++){ var win = a[i]; if(win && !win.hidden){ win.setZIndex(seed + (i*10)); } } } activateLast(); }; // private var setActiveWin = function(win){ if(win != front){ if(front){ front.setActive(false); } front = win; if(win){ win.setActive(true); } } }; // private var activateLast = function(){ for(var i = accessList.length-1; i >=0; --i) { if(!accessList[i].hidden){ setActiveWin(accessList[i]); return; } } // none to activate setActiveWin(null); }; return {
/** * The starting z-index for windows (defaults to 9000) * @type Number The z-index value */ zseed : 9000, // private register : function(win){ list[win.id] = win; accessList.push(win); win.on('hide', activateLast); }, // private unregister : function(win){ delete list[win.id]; win.un('hide', activateLast); accessList.remove(win); },
/** * Gets a registered window by id. * @param {String/Object} id The id of the window or a {@link Ext.Window} instance * @return {Ext.Window} */ get : function(id){ return typeof id == "object" ? id : list[id]; },
/** * Brings the specified window to the front of any other active windows. * @param {String/Object} win The id of the window or a {@link Ext.Window} instance * @return {Boolean} True if the dialog was brought to the front, else false * if it was already in front */ bringToFront : function(win){ win = this.get(win); if(win != front){ win._lastAccess = new Date().getTime(); orderWindows(); return true; } return false; },
/** * Sends the specified window to the back of other active windows. * @param {String/Object} win The id of the window or a {@link Ext.Window} instance * @return {Ext.Window} The window */ sendToBack : function(win){ win = this.get(win); win._lastAccess = -(new Date().getTime()); orderWindows(); return win; },
/** * Hides all windows in the group. */ hideAll : function(){ for(var id in list){ if(list[id] && typeof list[id] != "function" && list[id].isVisible()){ list[id].hide(); } } },
/** * Gets the currently-active window in the group. * @return {Ext.Window} The active window */ getActive : function(){ return front; },
/** * Returns zero or more windows in the group using the custom search function passed to this method. * The function should accept a single {@link Ext.Window} reference as its only argument and should * return true if the window matches the search criteria, otherwise it should return false. * @param {Function} fn The search function * @param {Object} scope (optional) The scope in which to execute the function (defaults to the window * that gets passed to the function if not specified) * @return {Array} An array of zero or more matching windows */ getBy : function(fn, scope){ var r = []; for(var i = accessList.length-1; i >=0; --i) { var win = accessList[i]; if(fn.call(scope||win, win) !== false){ r.push(win); } } return r; },
/** * Executes the specified function once for every window in the group, passing each * window as the only parameter. Returning false from the function will stop the iteration. * @param {Function} fn The function to execute for each item * @param {Object} scope (optional) The scope in which to execute the function */ each : function(fn, scope){ for(var id in list){ if(list[id] && typeof list[id] != "function"){ if(fn.call(scope || list[id], list[id]) === false){ return; } } } } }; };
/** * @class Ext.WindowMgr * @extends Ext.WindowGroup * The default global window group that is available automatically. To have more than one group of windows * with separate z-order stacks, create additional instances of {@link Ext.WindowGroup} as needed. * @singleton */ Ext.WindowMgr = new Ext.WindowGroup();