 * Ext JS Library 3.3.1
 * Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Sencha Inc.
 * licensing@sencha.com
 * http://www.sencha.com/license
/** * @class Ext.ux.Reorderer * @extends Object * Generic base class for handling reordering of items. This base class must be extended to provide the * actual reordering functionality - the base class just sets up events and abstract logic functions. * It will fire events and set defaults, deferring the actual reordering to a doReorder implementation. * See Ext.ux.TabReorderer for an example. */ Ext.ux.Reorderer = Ext.extend(Object, {
/** * @property defaults * @type Object * Object containing default values for plugin configuration details. These can be overridden when * constructing the plugin */ defaults: {
/** * @cfg animate * @type Boolean * If set to true, the rearranging of the toolbar items is animated */ animate: true,
/** * @cfg animationDuration * @type Number * The duration of the animation used to move other toolbar items out of the way */ animationDuration: 0.2,
/** * @cfg defaultReorderable * @type Boolean * True to make every toolbar draggable unless reorderable is specifically set to false. * This defaults to false */ defaultReorderable: false },
/** * Creates the plugin instance, applies defaults * @constructor * @param {Object} config Optional config object */ constructor: function(config) { Ext.apply(this, config || {}, this.defaults); },
/** * Initializes the plugin, stores a reference to the target * @param {Mixed} target The target component which contains the reorderable items */ init: function(target) {
/** * @property target * @type Ext.Component * Reference to the target component which contains the reorderable items */ this.target = target; this.initEvents(); var items = this.getItems(), length = items.length, i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { this.createIfReorderable(items[i]); } },
/** * Reorders the items in the target component according to the given mapping object. Example: * this.reorder({ * 1: 5, * 3: 2 * }); * Would move the item at index 1 to index 5, and the item at index 3 to index 2 * @param {Object} mappings Object containing current item index as key and new index as property */ reorder: function(mappings) { var target = this.target; if (target.fireEvent('before-reorder', mappings, target, this) !== false) { this.doReorder(mappings); target.fireEvent('reorder', mappings, target, this); } },
/** * Abstract function to perform the actual reordering. This MUST be overridden in a subclass * @param {Object} mappings Mappings of the old item indexes to new item indexes */ doReorder: function(paramName) { throw new Error("doReorder must be implemented in the Ext.ux.Reorderer subclass"); }, /** * Should create and return an Ext.dd.DD for the given item. This MUST be overridden in a subclass * @param {Mixed} item The item to create a DD for. This could be a TabPanel tab, a Toolbar button, etc * @return {Ext.dd.DD} The DD for the given item */ createItemDD: function(item) { throw new Error("createItemDD must be implemented in the Ext.ux.Reorderer subclass"); },
/** * Sets up the given Toolbar item as a draggable * @param {Mixed} button The item to make draggable (usually an Ext.Button instance) */ createItemDD: function(button) { var el = button.getEl(), id = el.id, tbar = this.target, me = this; button.dd = new Ext.dd.DD(el, undefined, { isTarget: false }); button.dd.constrainTo(tbar.getEl()); button.dd.setYConstraint(0, 0, 0); Ext.apply(button.dd, { b4StartDrag: function() { this.startPosition = el.getXY(); //bump up the z index of the button being dragged but keep a reference to the original this.startZIndex = el.getStyle('zIndex'); el.setStyle('zIndex', 10000); button.suspendEvents(); }, onDrag: function(e) { //calculate the button's index within the toolbar and its current midpoint var buttonX = el.getXY()[0], deltaX = buttonX - this.startPosition[0], items = tbar.items.items, oldIndex = items.indexOf(button), newIndex; //find which item in the toolbar the midpoint is currently over for (var index = 0; index < items.length; index++) { var item = items[index]; if (item.reorderable && item.id != button.id) { //find the midpoint of the button var box = item.getEl().getBox(), midpoint = (me.buttonXCache[item.id] || box.x) + (box.width / 2), movedLeft = oldIndex > index && deltaX < 0 && buttonX < midpoint, movedRight = oldIndex < index && deltaX > 0 && (buttonX + el.getWidth()) > midpoint; if (movedLeft || movedRight) { me[movedLeft ? 'onMovedLeft' : 'onMovedRight'](button, index, oldIndex); break; } } } },
/** * After the drag has been completed, make sure the button being dragged makes it back to * the correct location and resets its z index */ endDrag: function() { //we need to update the cache here for cases where the button was dragged but its //position in the toolbar did not change me.updateButtonXCache(); el.moveTo(me.buttonXCache[button.id], undefined, { duration: me.animationDuration, scope : this, callback: function() { button.resumeEvents(); tbar.fireEvent('reordered', button, tbar); } }); el.setStyle('zIndex', this.startZIndex); } }); }, /** * @private * Creates a DD instance for a given item if it is reorderable * @param {Mixed} item The item */ createIfReorderable: function(item) { if (this.defaultReorderable && item.reorderable == undefined) { item.reorderable = true; } if (item.reorderable && !item.dd) { if (item.rendered) { this.createItemDD(item); } else { item.on('render', this.createItemDD.createDelegate(this, [item]), this, {single: true}); } } },
/** * Returns an array of items which will be made draggable. This defaults to the contents of this.target.items, * but can be overridden - e.g. for TabPanels * @return {Array} The array of items which will be made draggable */ getItems: function() { return this.target.items.items; },
/** * Adds before-reorder and reorder events to the target component */ initEvents: function() { this.target.addEvents(
/** * @event before-reorder * Fires before a reorder occurs. Return false to cancel * @param {Object} mappings Mappings of the old item indexes to new item indexes * @param {Mixed} component The target component * @param {Ext.ux.TabReorderer} this The plugin instance */ 'before-reorder',
/** * @event reorder * Fires after a reorder has occured. * @param {Object} mappings Mappings of the old item indexes to the new item indexes * @param {Mixed} component The target component * @param {Ext.ux.TabReorderer} this The plugin instance */ 'reorder' ); } });
/** * @class Ext.ux.HBoxReorderer * @extends Ext.ux.Reorderer * Description */ Ext.ux.HBoxReorderer = Ext.extend(Ext.ux.Reorderer, {
/** * Initializes the plugin, decorates the container with additional functionality */ init: function(container) {
/** * This is used to store the correct x value of each button in the array. We need to use this * instead of the button's reported x co-ordinate because the buttons are animated when they move - * if another onDrag is fired while the button is still moving, the comparison x value will be incorrect */ this.buttonXCache = {}; container.on({ scope: this, add : function(container, item) { this.createIfReorderable(item); } }); //super sets a reference to the toolbar in this.target Ext.ux.HBoxReorderer.superclass.init.apply(this, arguments); },
/** * Sets up the given Toolbar item as a draggable * @param {Mixed} button The item to make draggable (usually an Ext.Button instance) */ createItemDD: function(button) { if (button.dd != undefined) { return; } var el = button.getEl(), id = el.id, me = this, tbar = me.target; button.dd = new Ext.dd.DD(el, undefined, { isTarget: false }); el.applyStyles({ position: 'absolute' }); //if a button has a menu, it is disabled while dragging with this function var menuDisabler = function() { return false; }; Ext.apply(button.dd, { b4StartDrag: function() { this.startPosition = el.getXY(); //bump up the z index of the button being dragged but keep a reference to the original this.startZIndex = el.getStyle('zIndex'); el.setStyle('zIndex', 10000); button.suspendEvents(); if (button.menu) { button.menu.on('beforeshow', menuDisabler, me); } }, startDrag: function() { this.constrainTo(tbar.getEl()); this.setYConstraint(0, 0, 0); }, onDrag: function(e) { //calculate the button's index within the toolbar and its current midpoint var buttonX = el.getXY()[0], deltaX = buttonX - this.startPosition[0], items = tbar.items.items, length = items.length, oldIndex = items.indexOf(button), newIndex, index, item; //find which item in the toolbar the midpoint is currently over for (index = 0; index < length; index++) { item = items[index]; if (item.reorderable && item.id != button.id) { //find the midpoint of the button var box = item.getEl().getBox(), midpoint = (me.buttonXCache[item.id] || box.x) + (box.width / 2), movedLeft = oldIndex > index && deltaX < 0 && buttonX < midpoint, movedRight = oldIndex < index && deltaX > 0 && (buttonX + el.getWidth()) > midpoint; if (movedLeft || movedRight) { me[movedLeft ? 'onMovedLeft' : 'onMovedRight'](button, index, oldIndex); break; } } } },
/** * After the drag has been completed, make sure the button being dragged makes it back to * the correct location and resets its z index */ endDrag: function() { //we need to update the cache here for cases where the button was dragged but its //position in the toolbar did not change me.updateButtonXCache(); el.moveTo(me.buttonXCache[button.id], el.getY(), { duration: me.animationDuration, scope : this, callback: function() { button.resumeEvents(); if (button.menu) { button.menu.un('beforeshow', menuDisabler, me); } tbar.fireEvent('reordered', button, tbar); } }); el.setStyle('zIndex', this.startZIndex); } }); }, onMovedLeft: function(item, newIndex, oldIndex) { var tbar = this.target, items = tbar.items.items, length = items.length, index; if (newIndex != undefined && newIndex != oldIndex) { //move the button currently under drag to its new location tbar.remove(item, false); tbar.insert(newIndex, item); //set the correct x location of each item in the toolbar this.updateButtonXCache(); for (index = 0; index < length; index++) { var obj = items[index], newX = this.buttonXCache[obj.id]; if (item == obj) { item.dd.startPosition[0] = newX; } else { var el = obj.getEl(); el.moveTo(newX, el.getY(), { duration: this.animationDuration }); } } } }, onMovedRight: function(item, newIndex, oldIndex) { this.onMovedLeft.apply(this, arguments); }, /** * @private * Updates the internal cache of button X locations. */ updateButtonXCache: function() { var tbar = this.target, items = tbar.items, totalX = tbar.getEl().getBox(true).x; items.each(function(item) { this.buttonXCache[item.id] = totalX; totalX += item.getEl().getWidth(); }, this); } });