 * Ext JS Library 3.3.1
 * Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Sencha Inc.
 * licensing@sencha.com
 * http://www.sencha.com/license
/** * @class Ext.calendar.CalendarView * @extends Ext.BoxComponent *

This is an abstract class that serves as the base for other calendar views. This class is not * intended to be directly instantiated.


When extending this class to create a custom calendar view, you must provide an implementation * for the renderItems method, as there is no default implementation for rendering events * The rendering logic is totally dependent on how the UI structures its data, which * is determined by the underlying UI template (this base class does not have a template).

* @constructor * @param {Object} config The config object */ Ext.calendar.CalendarView = Ext.extend(Ext.BoxComponent, {
/** * @cfg {Number} startDay * The 0-based index for the day on which the calendar week begins (0=Sunday, which is the default) */ startDay: 0,
/** * @cfg {Boolean} spansHavePriority * Allows switching between two different modes of rendering events that span multiple days. When true, * span events are always sorted first, possibly at the expense of start dates being out of order (e.g., * a span event that starts at 11am one day and spans into the next day would display before a non-spanning * event that starts at 10am, even though they would not be in date order). This can lead to more compact * layouts when there are many overlapping events. If false (the default), events will always sort by start date * first which can result in a less compact, but chronologically consistent layout. */ spansHavePriority: false,
/** * @cfg {Boolean} trackMouseOver * Whether or not the view tracks and responds to the browser mouseover event on contained elements (defaults to * true). If you don't need mouseover event highlighting you can disable this. */ trackMouseOver: true,
/** * @cfg {Boolean} enableFx * Determines whether or not visual effects for CRUD actions are enabled (defaults to true). If this is false * it will override any values for {@link #enableAddFx}, {@link #enableUpdateFx} or {@link enableRemoveFx} and * all animations will be disabled. */ enableFx: true,
/** * @cfg {Boolean} enableAddFx * True to enable a visual effect on adding a new event (the default), false to disable it. Note that if * {@link #enableFx} is false it will override this value. The specific effect that runs is defined in the * {@link #doAddFx} method. */ enableAddFx: true,
/** * @cfg {Boolean} enableUpdateFx * True to enable a visual effect on updating an event, false to disable it (the default). Note that if * {@link #enableFx} is false it will override this value. The specific effect that runs is defined in the * {@link #doUpdateFx} method. */ enableUpdateFx: false,
/** * @cfg {Boolean} enableRemoveFx * True to enable a visual effect on removing an event (the default), false to disable it. Note that if * {@link #enableFx} is false it will override this value. The specific effect that runs is defined in the * {@link #doRemoveFx} method. */ enableRemoveFx: true,
/** * @cfg {Boolean} enableDD * True to enable drag and drop in the calendar view (the default), false to disable it */ enableDD: true,
/** * @cfg {Boolean} monitorResize * True to monitor the browser's resize event (the default), false to ignore it. If the calendar view is rendered * into a fixed-size container this can be set to false. However, if the view can change dimensions (e.g., it's in * fit layout in a viewport or some other resizable container) it is very important that this config is true so that * any resize event propagates properly to all subcomponents and layouts get recalculated properly. */ monitorResize: true,
/** * @cfg {String} ddCreateEventText * The text to display inside the drag proxy while dragging over the calendar to create a new event (defaults to * 'Create event for {0}' where {0} is a date range supplied by the view) */ ddCreateEventText: 'Create event for {0}',
/** * @cfg {String} ddMoveEventText * The text to display inside the drag proxy while dragging an event to reposition it (defaults to * 'Move event to {0}' where {0} is the updated event start date/time supplied by the view) */ ddMoveEventText: 'Move event to {0}',
/** * @cfg {String} ddResizeEventText * The string displayed to the user in the drag proxy while dragging the resize handle of an event (defaults to * 'Update event to {0}' where {0} is the updated event start-end range supplied by the view). Note that * this text is only used in views * that allow resizing of events. */ ddResizeEventText: 'Update event to {0}', //private properties -- do not override: weekCount: 1, dayCount: 1, eventSelector: '.ext-cal-evt', eventOverClass: 'ext-evt-over', eventElIdDelimiter: '-evt-', dayElIdDelimiter: '-day-',
/** * Returns a string of HTML template markup to be used as the body portion of the event template created * by {@link #getEventTemplate}. This provdes the flexibility to customize what's in the body without * having to override the entire XTemplate. This string can include any valid {@link Ext.Template} code, and * any data tokens accessible to the containing event template can be referenced in this string. * @return {String} The body template string */ getEventBodyMarkup: Ext.emptyFn, // must be implemented by a subclass
/** *

Returns the XTemplate that is bound to the calendar's event store (it expects records of type * {@link Ext.calendar.EventRecord}) to populate the calendar views with events. Internally this method * by default generates different markup for browsers that support CSS border radius and those that don't. * This method can be overridden as needed to customize the markup generated.


Note that this method calls {@link #getEventBodyMarkup} to retrieve the body markup for events separately * from the surrounding container markup. This provdes the flexibility to customize what's in the body without * having to override the entire XTemplate. If you do override this method, you should make sure that your * overridden version also does the same.

* @return {Ext.XTemplate} The event XTemplate */ getEventTemplate: Ext.emptyFn, // must be implemented by a subclass // private initComponent: function() { this.setStartDate(this.startDate || new Date()); Ext.calendar.CalendarView.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.addEvents({
/** * @event eventsrendered * Fires after events are finished rendering in the view * @param {Ext.calendar.CalendarView} this */ eventsrendered: true,
/** * @event eventclick * Fires after the user clicks on an event element * @param {Ext.calendar.CalendarView} this * @param {Ext.calendar.EventRecord} rec The {@link Ext.calendar.EventRecord record} for the event that was clicked on * @param {HTMLNode} el The DOM node that was clicked on */ eventclick: true,
/** * @event eventover * Fires anytime the mouse is over an event element * @param {Ext.calendar.CalendarView} this * @param {Ext.calendar.EventRecord} rec The {@link Ext.calendar.EventRecord record} for the event that the cursor is over * @param {HTMLNode} el The DOM node that is being moused over */ eventover: true,
/** * @event eventout * Fires anytime the mouse exits an event element * @param {Ext.calendar.CalendarView} this * @param {Ext.calendar.EventRecord} rec The {@link Ext.calendar.EventRecord record} for the event that the cursor exited * @param {HTMLNode} el The DOM node that was exited */ eventout: true,
/** * @event datechange * Fires after the start date of the view changes * @param {Ext.calendar.CalendarView} this * @param {Date} startDate The start date of the view (as explained in {@link #getStartDate} * @param {Date} viewStart The first displayed date in the view * @param {Date} viewEnd The last displayed date in the view */ datechange: true,
/** * @event rangeselect * Fires after the user drags on the calendar to select a range of dates/times in which to create an event * @param {Ext.calendar.CalendarView} this * @param {Object} dates An object containing the start (StartDate property) and end (EndDate property) dates selected * @param {Function} callback A callback function that MUST be called after the event handling is complete so that * the view is properly cleaned up (shim elements are persisted in the view while the user is prompted to handle the * range selection). The callback is already created in the proper scope, so it simply needs to be executed as a standard * function call (e.g., callback()). */ rangeselect: true,
/** * @event eventmove * Fires after an event element is dragged by the user and dropped in a new position * @param {Ext.calendar.CalendarView} this * @param {Ext.calendar.EventRecord} rec The {@link Ext.calendar.EventRecord record} for the event that was moved with * updated start and end dates */ eventmove: true,
/** * @event initdrag * Fires when a drag operation is initiated in the view * @param {Ext.calendar.CalendarView} this */ initdrag: true,
/** * @event dayover * Fires while the mouse is over a day element * @param {Ext.calendar.CalendarView} this * @param {Date} dt The date that is being moused over * @param {Ext.Element} el The day Element that is being moused over */ dayover: true,
/** * @event dayout * Fires when the mouse exits a day element * @param {Ext.calendar.CalendarView} this * @param {Date} dt The date that is exited * @param {Ext.Element} el The day Element that is exited */ dayout: true /* * @event eventdelete * Fires after an event element is deleted by the user. Not currently implemented directly at the view level -- currently * deletes only happen from one of the forms. * @param {Ext.calendar.CalendarView} this * @param {Ext.calendar.EventRecord} rec The {@link Ext.calendar.EventRecord record} for the event that was deleted */ //eventdelete: true }); }, // private afterRender: function() { Ext.calendar.CalendarView.superclass.afterRender.call(this); this.renderTemplate(); if (this.store) { this.setStore(this.store, true); } this.el.on({ 'mouseover': this.onMouseOver, 'mouseout': this.onMouseOut, 'click': this.onClick, 'resize': this.onResize, scope: this }); this.el.unselectable(); if (this.enableDD && this.initDD) { this.initDD(); } this.on('eventsrendered', this.forceSize); this.forceSize.defer(100, this); }, // private forceSize: function() { if (this.el && this.el.child) { var hd = this.el.child('.ext-cal-hd-ct'), bd = this.el.child('.ext-cal-body-ct'); if (bd == null || hd == null) return; var headerHeight = hd.getHeight(), sz = this.el.parent().getSize(); bd.setHeight(sz.height - headerHeight); } }, refresh: function() { this.prepareData(); this.renderTemplate(); this.renderItems(); }, getWeekCount: function() { var days = Ext.calendar.Date.diffDays(this.viewStart, this.viewEnd); return Math.ceil(days / this.dayCount); }, // private prepareData: function() { var lastInMonth = this.startDate.getLastDateOfMonth(), w = 0, row = 0, dt = this.viewStart.clone(), weeks = this.weekCount < 1 ? 6: this.weekCount; this.eventGrid = [[]]; this.allDayGrid = [[]]; this.evtMaxCount = []; var evtsInView = this.store.queryBy(function(rec) { return this.isEventVisible(rec.data); }, this); for (; w < weeks; w++) { this.evtMaxCount[w] = 0; if (this.weekCount == -1 && dt > lastInMonth) { //current week is fully in next month so skip break; } this.eventGrid[w] = this.eventGrid[w] || []; this.allDayGrid[w] = this.allDayGrid[w] || []; for (d = 0; d < this.dayCount; d++) { if (evtsInView.getCount() > 0) { var evts = evtsInView.filterBy(function(rec) { var startsOnDate = (dt.getTime() == rec.data[Ext.calendar.EventMappings.StartDate.name].clearTime(true).getTime()); var spansFromPrevView = (w == 0 && d == 0 && (dt > rec.data[Ext.calendar.EventMappings.StartDate.name])); return startsOnDate || spansFromPrevView; }, this); this.sortEventRecordsForDay(evts); this.prepareEventGrid(evts, w, d); } dt = dt.add(Date.DAY, 1); } } this.currentWeekCount = w; }, // private prepareEventGrid: function(evts, w, d) { var row = 0, dt = this.viewStart.clone(), max = this.maxEventsPerDay ? this.maxEventsPerDay: 999; evts.each(function(evt) { var M = Ext.calendar.EventMappings, days = Ext.calendar.Date.diffDays( Ext.calendar.Date.max(this.viewStart, evt.data[M.StartDate.name]), Ext.calendar.Date.min(this.viewEnd, evt.data[M.EndDate.name])) + 1; if (days > 1 || Ext.calendar.Date.diffDays(evt.data[M.StartDate.name], evt.data[M.EndDate.name]) > 1) { this.prepareEventGridSpans(evt, this.eventGrid, w, d, days); this.prepareEventGridSpans(evt, this.allDayGrid, w, d, days, true); } else { row = this.findEmptyRowIndex(w, d); this.eventGrid[w][d] = this.eventGrid[w][d] || []; this.eventGrid[w][d][row] = evt; if (evt.data[M.IsAllDay.name]) { row = this.findEmptyRowIndex(w, d, true); this.allDayGrid[w][d] = this.allDayGrid[w][d] || []; this.allDayGrid[w][d][row] = evt; } } if (this.evtMaxCount[w] < this.eventGrid[w][d].length) { this.evtMaxCount[w] = Math.min(max + 1, this.eventGrid[w][d].length); } return true; }, this); }, // private prepareEventGridSpans: function(evt, grid, w, d, days, allday) { // this event spans multiple days/weeks, so we have to preprocess // the events and store special span events as placeholders so that // the render routine can build the necessary TD spans correctly. var w1 = w, d1 = d, row = this.findEmptyRowIndex(w, d, allday), dt = this.viewStart.clone(); var start = { event: evt, isSpan: true, isSpanStart: true, spanLeft: false, spanRight: (d == 6) }; grid[w][d] = grid[w][d] || []; grid[w][d][row] = start; while (--days) { dt = dt.add(Date.DAY, 1); if (dt > this.viewEnd) { break; } if (++d1 > 6) { // reset counters to the next week d1 = 0; w1++; row = this.findEmptyRowIndex(w1, 0); } grid[w1] = grid[w1] || []; grid[w1][d1] = grid[w1][d1] || []; grid[w1][d1][row] = { event: evt, isSpan: true, isSpanStart: (d1 == 0), spanLeft: (w1 > w) && (d1 % 7 == 0), spanRight: (d1 == 6) && (days > 1) }; } }, // private findEmptyRowIndex: function(w, d, allday) { var grid = allday ? this.allDayGrid: this.eventGrid, day = grid[w] ? grid[w][d] || [] : [], i = 0, ln = day.length; for (; i < ln; i++) { if (day[i] == null) { return i; } } return ln; }, // private renderTemplate: function() { if (this.tpl) { this.tpl.overwrite(this.el, this.getParams()); this.lastRenderStart = this.viewStart.clone(); this.lastRenderEnd = this.viewEnd.clone(); } }, disableStoreEvents: function() { this.monitorStoreEvents = false; }, enableStoreEvents: function(refresh) { this.monitorStoreEvents = true; if (refresh === true) { this.refresh(); } }, // private onResize: function() { this.refresh(); }, // private onInitDrag: function() { this.fireEvent('initdrag', this); }, // private onEventDrop: function(rec, dt) { if (Ext.calendar.Date.compare(rec.data[Ext.calendar.EventMappings.StartDate.name], dt) === 0) { // no changes return; } var diff = dt.getTime() - rec.data[Ext.calendar.EventMappings.StartDate.name].getTime(); rec.set(Ext.calendar.EventMappings.StartDate.name, dt); rec.set(Ext.calendar.EventMappings.EndDate.name, rec.data[Ext.calendar.EventMappings.EndDate.name].add(Date.MILLI, diff)); this.fireEvent('eventmove', this, rec); }, // private onCalendarEndDrag: function(start, end, onComplete) { // set this flag for other event handlers that might conflict while we're waiting this.dragPending = true; // have to wait for the user to save or cancel before finalizing the dd interation var o = {}; o[Ext.calendar.EventMappings.StartDate.name] = start; o[Ext.calendar.EventMappings.EndDate.name] = end; this.fireEvent('rangeselect', this, o, this.onCalendarEndDragComplete.createDelegate(this, [onComplete])); }, // private onCalendarEndDragComplete: function(onComplete) { // callback for the drop zone to clean up onComplete(); // clear flag for other events to resume normally this.dragPending = false; }, // private onUpdate: function(ds, rec, operation) { if (this.monitorStoreEvents === false) { return; } if (operation == Ext.data.Record.COMMIT) { this.refresh(); if (this.enableFx && this.enableUpdateFx) { this.doUpdateFx(this.getEventEls(rec.data[Ext.calendar.EventMappings.EventId.name]), { scope: this }); } } }, doUpdateFx: function(els, o) { this.highlightEvent(els, null, o); }, // private onAdd: function(ds, records, index) { if (this.monitorStoreEvents === false) { return; } var rec = records[0]; this.tempEventId = rec.id; this.refresh(); if (this.enableFx && this.enableAddFx) { this.doAddFx(this.getEventEls(rec.data[Ext.calendar.EventMappings.EventId.name]), { scope: this }); }; }, doAddFx: function(els, o) { els.fadeIn(Ext.apply(o, { duration: 2 })); }, // private onRemove: function(ds, rec) { if (this.monitorStoreEvents === false) { return; } if (this.enableFx && this.enableRemoveFx) { this.doRemoveFx(this.getEventEls(rec.data[Ext.calendar.EventMappings.EventId.name]), { remove: true, scope: this, callback: this.refresh }); } else { this.getEventEls(rec.data[Ext.calendar.EventMappings.EventId.name]).remove(); this.refresh(); } }, doRemoveFx: function(els, o) { els.fadeOut(o); },
/** * Visually highlights an event using {@link Ext.Fx#highlight} config options. * If {@link #highlightEventActions} is false this method will have no effect. * @param {Ext.CompositeElement} els The element(s) to highlight * @param {Object} color (optional) The highlight color. Should be a 6 char hex * color without the leading # (defaults to yellow: 'ffff9c') * @param {Object} o (optional) Object literal with any of the {@link Ext.Fx} config * options. See {@link Ext.Fx#highlight} for usage examples. */ highlightEvent: function(els, color, o) { if (this.enableFx) { var c; ! (Ext.isIE || Ext.isOpera) ? els.highlight(color, o) : // Fun IE/Opera handling: els.each(function(el) { el.highlight(color, Ext.applyIf({ attr: 'color' }, o)); c = el.child('.ext-cal-evm'); if (c) { c.highlight(color, o); } }, this); } },
/** * Retrieve an Event object's id from its corresponding node in the DOM. * @param {String/Element/HTMLElement} el An {@link Ext.Element}, DOM node or id */ getEventIdFromEl: function(el) { el = Ext.get(el); var id = el.id.split(this.eventElIdDelimiter)[1]; if (id.indexOf('-') > -1) { //This id has the index of the week it is rendered in as the suffix. //This allows events that span across weeks to still have reproducibly-unique DOM ids. id = id.split('-')[0]; } return id; }, // private getEventId: function(eventId) { if (eventId === undefined && this.tempEventId) { eventId = this.tempEventId; } return eventId; },
/** * * @param {String} eventId * @param {Boolean} forSelect * @return {String} The selector class */ getEventSelectorCls: function(eventId, forSelect) { var prefix = forSelect ? '.': ''; return prefix + this.id + this.eventElIdDelimiter + this.getEventId(eventId); },
/** * * @param {String} eventId * @return {Ext.CompositeElement} The matching CompositeElement of nodes * that comprise the rendered event. Any event that spans across a view * boundary will contain more than one internal Element. */ getEventEls: function(eventId) { var els = Ext.select(this.getEventSelectorCls(this.getEventId(eventId), true), false, this.el.id); return new Ext.CompositeElement(els); },
/** * Returns true if the view is currently displaying today's date, else false. * @return {Boolean} True or false */ isToday: function() { var today = new Date().clearTime().getTime(); return this.viewStart.getTime() <= today && this.viewEnd.getTime() >= today; }, // private onDataChanged: function(store) { this.refresh(); }, // private isEventVisible: function(evt) { var start = this.viewStart.getTime(), end = this.viewEnd.getTime(), M = Ext.calendar.EventMappings, evStart = (evt.data ? evt.data[M.StartDate.name] : evt[M.StartDate.name]).getTime(), evEnd = (evt.data ? evt.data[M.EndDate.name] : evt[M.EndDate.name]).add(Date.SECOND, -1).getTime(), startsInRange = (evStart >= start && evStart <= end), endsInRange = (evEnd >= start && evEnd <= end), spansRange = (evStart < start && evEnd > end); return (startsInRange || endsInRange || spansRange); }, // private isOverlapping: function(evt1, evt2) { var ev1 = evt1.data ? evt1.data: evt1, ev2 = evt2.data ? evt2.data: evt2, M = Ext.calendar.EventMappings, start1 = ev1[M.StartDate.name].getTime(), end1 = ev1[M.EndDate.name].add(Date.SECOND, -1).getTime(), start2 = ev2[M.StartDate.name].getTime(), end2 = ev2[M.EndDate.name].add(Date.SECOND, -1).getTime(); if (end1 < start1) { end1 = start1; } if (end2 < start2) { end2 = start2; } var ev1startsInEv2 = (start1 >= start2 && start1 <= end2), ev1EndsInEv2 = (end1 >= start2 && end1 <= end2), ev1SpansEv2 = (start1 < start2 && end1 > end2); return (ev1startsInEv2 || ev1EndsInEv2 || ev1SpansEv2); }, getDayEl: function(dt) { return Ext.get(this.getDayId(dt)); }, getDayId: function(dt) { if (Ext.isDate(dt)) { dt = dt.format('Ymd'); } return this.id + this.dayElIdDelimiter + dt; },
/** * Returns the start date of the view, as set by {@link #setStartDate}. Note that this may not * be the first date displayed in the rendered calendar -- to get the start and end dates displayed * to the user use {@link #getViewBounds}. * @return {Date} The start date */ getStartDate: function() { return this.startDate; },
/** * Sets the start date used to calculate the view boundaries to display. The displayed view will be the * earliest and latest dates that match the view requirements and contain the date passed to this function. * @param {Date} dt The date used to calculate the new view boundaries */ setStartDate: function(start, refresh) { this.startDate = start.clearTime(); this.setViewBounds(start); this.store.load({ params: { start: this.viewStart.format('m-d-Y'), end: this.viewEnd.format('m-d-Y') } }); if (refresh === true) { this.refresh(); } this.fireEvent('datechange', this, this.startDate, this.viewStart, this.viewEnd); }, // private setViewBounds: function(startDate) { var start = startDate || this.startDate, offset = start.getDay() - this.startDay; switch (this.weekCount) { case 0: case 1: this.viewStart = this.dayCount < 7 ? start: start.add(Date.DAY, -offset).clearTime(true); this.viewEnd = this.viewStart.add(Date.DAY, this.dayCount || 7).add(Date.SECOND, -1); return; case - 1: // auto by month start = start.getFirstDateOfMonth(); offset = start.getDay() - this.startDay; if (offset < 0) { offset += 7; } this.viewStart = start.add(Date.DAY, -offset).clearTime(true); // start from current month start, not view start: var end = start.add(Date.MONTH, 1).add(Date.SECOND, -1); // fill out to the end of the week: this.viewEnd = end.add(Date.DAY, 6 - end.getDay()); return; default: this.viewStart = start.add(Date.DAY, -offset).clearTime(true); this.viewEnd = this.viewStart.add(Date.DAY, this.weekCount * 7).add(Date.SECOND, -1); } }, // private getViewBounds: function() { return { start: this.viewStart, end: this.viewEnd }; }, /* private * Sort events for a single day for display in the calendar. This sorts allday * events first, then non-allday events are sorted either based on event start * priority or span priority based on the value of {@link #spansHavePriority} * (defaults to event start priority). * @param {MixedCollection} evts A {@link Ext.util.MixedCollection MixedCollection} * of {@link #Ext.calendar.EventRecord EventRecord} objects */ sortEventRecordsForDay: function(evts) { if (evts.length < 2) { return; } evts.sort('ASC', function(evtA, evtB) { var a = evtA.data, b = evtB.data, M = Ext.calendar.EventMappings; // Always sort all day events before anything else if (a[M.IsAllDay.name]) { return - 1; } else if (b[M.IsAllDay.name]) { return 1; } if (this.spansHavePriority) { // This logic always weights span events higher than non-span events // (at the possible expense of start time order). This seems to // be the approach used by Google calendar and can lead to a more // visually appealing layout in complex cases, but event order is // not guaranteed to be consistent. var diff = Ext.calendar.Date.diffDays; if (diff(a[M.StartDate.name], a[M.EndDate.name]) > 0) { if (diff(b[M.StartDate.name], b[M.EndDate.name]) > 0) { // Both events are multi-day if (a[M.StartDate.name].getTime() == b[M.StartDate.name].getTime()) { // If both events start at the same time, sort the one // that ends later (potentially longer span bar) first return b[M.EndDate.name].getTime() - a[M.EndDate.name].getTime(); } return a[M.StartDate.name].getTime() - b[M.StartDate.name].getTime(); } return - 1; } else if (diff(b[M.StartDate.name], b[M.EndDate.name]) > 0) { return 1; } return a[M.StartDate.name].getTime() - b[M.StartDate.name].getTime(); } else { // Doing this allows span and non-span events to intermingle but // remain sorted sequentially by start time. This seems more proper // but can make for a less visually-compact layout when there are // many such events mixed together closely on the calendar. return a[M.StartDate.name].getTime() - b[M.StartDate.name].getTime(); } }.createDelegate(this)); },
/** * Updates the view to contain the passed date * @param {Date} dt The date to display */ moveTo: function(dt, noRefresh) { if (Ext.isDate(dt)) { this.setStartDate(dt); if (noRefresh !== false) { this.refresh(); } return this.startDate; } return dt; },
/** * Updates the view to the next consecutive date(s) */ moveNext: function(noRefresh) { return this.moveTo(this.viewEnd.add(Date.DAY, 1)); },
/** * Updates the view to the previous consecutive date(s) */ movePrev: function(noRefresh) { var days = Ext.calendar.Date.diffDays(this.viewStart, this.viewEnd) + 1; return this.moveDays( - days, noRefresh); },
/** * Shifts the view by the passed number of months relative to the currently set date * @param {Number} value The number of months (positive or negative) by which to shift the view */ moveMonths: function(value, noRefresh) { return this.moveTo(this.startDate.add(Date.MONTH, value), noRefresh); },
/** * Shifts the view by the passed number of weeks relative to the currently set date * @param {Number} value The number of weeks (positive or negative) by which to shift the view */ moveWeeks: function(value, noRefresh) { return this.moveTo(this.startDate.add(Date.DAY, value * 7), noRefresh); },
/** * Shifts the view by the passed number of days relative to the currently set date * @param {Number} value The number of days (positive or negative) by which to shift the view */ moveDays: function(value, noRefresh) { return this.moveTo(this.startDate.add(Date.DAY, value), noRefresh); },
/** * Updates the view to show today */ moveToday: function(noRefresh) { return this.moveTo(new Date(), noRefresh); },
/** * Sets the event store used by the calendar to display {@link Ext.calendar.EventRecord events}. * @param {Ext.data.Store} store */ setStore: function(store, initial) { if (!initial && this.store) { this.store.un("datachanged", this.onDataChanged, this); this.store.un("add", this.onAdd, this); this.store.un("remove", this.onRemove, this); this.store.un("update", this.onUpdate, this); this.store.un("clear", this.refresh, this); } if (store) { store.on("datachanged", this.onDataChanged, this); store.on("add", this.onAdd, this); store.on("remove", this.onRemove, this); store.on("update", this.onUpdate, this); store.on("clear", this.refresh, this); } this.store = store; if (store && store.getCount() > 0) { this.refresh(); } }, getEventRecord: function(id) { var idx = this.store.find(Ext.calendar.EventMappings.EventId.name, id); return this.store.getAt(idx); }, getEventRecordFromEl: function(el) { return this.getEventRecord(this.getEventIdFromEl(el)); }, // private getParams: function() { return { viewStart: this.viewStart, viewEnd: this.viewEnd, startDate: this.startDate, dayCount: this.dayCount, weekCount: this.weekCount, title: this.getTitle() }; }, getTitle: function() { return this.startDate.format('F Y'); }, /* * Shared click handling. Each specific view also provides view-specific * click handling that calls this first. This method returns true if it * can handle the click (and so the subclass should ignore it) else false. */ onClick: function(e, t) { var el = e.getTarget(this.eventSelector, 5); if (el) { var id = this.getEventIdFromEl(el); this.fireEvent('eventclick', this, this.getEventRecord(id), el); return true; } }, // private onMouseOver: function(e, t) { if (this.trackMouseOver !== false && (this.dragZone == undefined || !this.dragZone.dragging)) { if (!this.handleEventMouseEvent(e, t, 'over')) { this.handleDayMouseEvent(e, t, 'over'); } } }, // private onMouseOut: function(e, t) { if (this.trackMouseOver !== false && (this.dragZone == undefined || !this.dragZone.dragging)) { if (!this.handleEventMouseEvent(e, t, 'out')) { this.handleDayMouseEvent(e, t, 'out'); } } }, // private handleEventMouseEvent: function(e, t, type) { var el = e.getTarget(this.eventSelector, 5, true), rel, els, evtId; if (el) { rel = Ext.get(e.getRelatedTarget()); if (el == rel || el.contains(rel)) { return true; } evtId = this.getEventIdFromEl(el); if (this.eventOverClass != '') { els = this.getEventEls(evtId); els[type == 'over' ? 'addClass': 'removeClass'](this.eventOverClass); } this.fireEvent('event' + type, this, this.getEventRecord(evtId), el); return true; } return false; }, // private getDateFromId: function(id, delim) { var parts = id.split(delim); return parts[parts.length - 1]; }, // private handleDayMouseEvent: function(e, t, type) { t = e.getTarget('td', 3); if (t) { if (t.id && t.id.indexOf(this.dayElIdDelimiter) > -1) { var dt = this.getDateFromId(t.id, this.dayElIdDelimiter), rel = Ext.get(e.getRelatedTarget()), relTD, relDate; if (rel) { relTD = rel.is('td') ? rel: rel.up('td', 3); relDate = relTD && relTD.id ? this.getDateFromId(relTD.id, this.dayElIdDelimiter) : ''; } if (!rel || dt != relDate) { var el = this.getDayEl(dt); if (el && this.dayOverClass != '') { el[type == 'over' ? 'addClass': 'removeClass'](this.dayOverClass); } this.fireEvent('day' + type, this, Date.parseDate(dt, "Ymd"), el); } } } }, // private renderItems: function() { throw 'This method must be implemented by a subclass'; } });