commit extjs-2.2.1
[extjs.git] / examples / remoteload / ComponentLoader.js
1 /*\r
2  * Ext JS Library 2.2.1\r
3  * Copyright(c) 2006-2009, Ext JS, LLC.\r
4  *\r
5  * \r
6  *\r
7  */\r
8 \r
9 Ext.namespace('Ext.ux');\r
10 \r
11 /**\r
12  * @class Ext.ux.ComponentLoader\r
13  * Provides an easy way to load components dynamically. If you provide these components\r
14  * with an id you can use Ext.ComponentMgr's onAvailable function to manipulate the components\r
15  * as they are added.\r
16  * @singleton\r
17  */\r
18 Ext.ux.ComponentLoader = function() {\r
19         var cm = Ext.ComponentMgr;                      \r
20         return {\r
21                 /*\r
22                  *  \r
23                  */\r
24                 root: 'components',\r
25                 /*\r
26                  * Load components from a server resource, config options include anything available in @link\r
27                  * Note: Always uses the connection of Ext.Ajax \r
28                  */\r
29                 load : function(config) {\r
30                         Ext.apply(config, {\r
31                                 callback: this.onLoad.createDelegate(this, [config.container], true),\r
32                                 scope: this\r
33                         });     \r
34                         if (config.container) {\r
35                                 Ext.apply(config.params, {\r
36                                         container: config.container\r
37                                 });\r
38                         }\r
39                         Ext.Ajax.request(config);\r
40                 },\r
41                 // private\r
42                 onLoad : function(opts, success, response, ct) {                        \r
43                         var config = Ext.decode(response.responseText);\r
44                         if (config.success) {\r
45                                 var comps = config[this.root];                          \r
46                                 // loop over each component returned.                           \r
47                                 for (var i = 0; i < comps.length; i++) {\r
48                                         var c = comps[i];\r
49                                         // special case of viewport, no container to add to\r
50                                         if (c.xtype && c.xtype === 'viewport') {\r
51                                                 cm.create(c);\r
52                                         // add to container\r
53                                         } else {\r
54                                                 var ct = c.container || ct;\r
55                                                 Ext.getCmp(ct).add(c);\r
56                                                 Ext.getCmp(ct).doLayout();\r
57                                         }\r
58                                 }\r
59                                 \r
60                         } else {\r
61                                 this.onFailure();\r
62                         }\r
63                 },\r
64                 onFailure: function() {\r
65                         Ext.Msg.alert('Load failed.');\r
66                 }\r
67         };\r
68 }();