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[extjs.git] / docs / output / Ext.grid.PropertyStore.html
1         <div class="body-wrap">
2         <div class="top-tools">
3             <a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.PropertyStore-props"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-prop">Properties</a>
4             <a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.PropertyStore-methods"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-method">Methods</a>
5             <a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.PropertyStore-events"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-event">Events</a>
6                             <a class="inner-link" href="#Ext.grid.PropertyStore-configs"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-config">Config Options</a>
7                         <a class="bookmark" href="../docs/?class=Ext.grid.PropertyStore"><img src="../resources/images/default/s.gif" class="item-icon icon-fav">Direct Link</a>
8         </div>
9                 <div class="inheritance res-block">
10 <pre class="res-block-inner"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a>
11   <img src="resources/elbow-end.gif"/>PropertyStore</pre></div>
12                 <h1>Class Ext.grid.PropertyStore</h1>
13         <table cellspacing="0">
14             <tr><td class="label">Package:</td><td class="hd-info">Ext.grid</td></tr>
15             <tr><td class="label">Defined In:</td><td class="hd-info"><a href="../src/PropertyGrid.js" target="_blank">PropertyGrid.js</a></td></tr>
16             <tr><td class="label">Class:</td><td class="hd-info">PropertyStore</td></tr>
17                                     <tr><td class="label">Extends:</td><td class="hd-info"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html">Observable</a></td></tr>
18                     </table>
19         <div class="description">
20             A custom wrapper for the <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.PropertyGrid" href="output/Ext.grid.PropertyGrid.html">Ext.grid.PropertyGrid</a>'s <a ext:cls="" href="output/"></a>. This class handles the mapping
21 between the custom data source objects supported by the grid and the <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.PropertyRecord" href="output/Ext.grid.PropertyRecord.html">Ext.grid.PropertyRecord</a> format
22 required for compatibility with the underlying store. Generally this class should not need to be used directly --
23 the grid's data should be accessed from the underlying store via the <a ext:cls="Ext.grid.PropertyStore" ext:member="store" href="output/Ext.grid.PropertyStore.html#store">store</a> property.        </div>
25         <div class="hr"></div>
26                 <a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-configs"></a>
27         <h2>Config Options</h2>
28         <table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
29             <tr>
30                 <th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Config Options</th>
31                 <th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
32             </tr>
33                 <tr class="config-row inherited expandable">\r
34         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
35         <td class="sig">\r
36         <a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-listeners"></a>\r
37             <b>listeners</b> : Object            <div class="mdesc">\r
38                         <div class="short">(optional) A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. Th...</div>\r
39             <div class="long">\r
40                 (optional) A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">addListener</a> example for attaching multiple handlers at once.            </div>\r
41                         </div>\r
42         </td>\r
43         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#listeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#listeners">Observable</a></td>\r
44     </tr>\r
45             </table>
46                 <a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-props"></a>
47         <h2>Public Properties</h2>
48         <div class="no-members">This class has no public properties.</div>        <a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-methods"></a>
49         <h2>Public Methods</h2>
50                 <table cellspacing="0" class="member-table">
51             <tr>
52                 <th class="sig-header" colspan="2">Method</th>
53                 <th class="msource-header">Defined By</th>
54             </tr>
55                 <tr class="method-row expandable">\r
56         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
57         <td class="sig">\r
58         <a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-PropertyStore"></a>\r
59             <b>PropertyStore</b>(&nbsp;<code>Ext.grid.Grid grid</code>, <code>Object source</code>&nbsp;)            <div class="mdesc">\r
60                         <div class="short"></div>\r
61             <div class="long">\r
62                     <div class="mdetail-params">\r
63         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
64         <ul><li><code>grid</code> : Ext.grid.Grid<div class="sub-desc">The grid this store will be bound to</div></li><li><code>source</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The source data config object</div></li>        </ul>\r
65         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
66         <ul>\r
67             <li><code></code></li>\r
68         </ul>\r
69     </div>\r
70                 </div>\r
71                         </div>\r
72         </td>\r
73         <td class="msource">PropertyStore</td>\r
74     </tr>\r
75         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
76         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
77         <td class="sig">\r
78         <a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-addEvents"></a>\r
79             <b>addEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object object</code>&nbsp;) : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
80                         <div class="short">Used to define events on this Observable</div>\r
81             <div class="long">\r
82                 Used to define events on this Observable    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
83         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
84         <ul><li><code>object</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The object with the events defined</div></li>        </ul>\r
85         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
86         <ul>\r
87             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
88         </ul>\r
89     </div>\r
90                 </div>\r
91                         </div>\r
92         </td>\r
93         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addEvents">Observable</a></td>\r
94     </tr>\r
95         <tr class="method-row inherited expandable">\r
96         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
97         <td class="sig">\r
98         <a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-addListener"></a>\r
99             <b>addListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
100                         <div class="short">Appends an event handler to this component</div>\r
101             <div class="long">\r
102                 Appends an event handler to this component    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
103         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
104         <ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
105 function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) An object containing handler configuration
106 properties. This may contain any of the following properties:<ul>
107 <li><b>scope</b> : Object<p class="sub-desc">The scope in which to execute the handler function. The handler function's "this" context.</p></li>
108 <li><b>delay</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">The number of milliseconds to delay the invocation of the handler after the event fires.</p></li>
109 <li><b>single</b> : Boolean<p class="sub-desc">True to add a handler to handle just the next firing of the event, and then remove itself.</p></li>
110 <li><b>buffer</b> : Number<p class="sub-desc">Causes the handler to be scheduled to run in an <a ext:cls="Ext.util.DelayedTask" href="output/Ext.util.DelayedTask.html">Ext.util.DelayedTask</a> delayed
111 by the specified number of milliseconds. If the event fires again within that time, the original
112 handler is <em>not</em> invoked, but the new handler is scheduled in its place.</p></li>
113 </ul><br>
114 <p>
115 <b>Combining Options</b><br>
116 Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:<br>
117 <br>
118 A normalized, delayed, one-time listener that auto stops the event and passes a custom argument (forumId)
119 <pre><code>el.on(<em>'click'</em>, <b>this</b>.onClick, <b>this</b>, {
120     single: true,
121     delay: 100,
122     forumId: 4
123 });</code></pre>
124 <p>
125 <b>Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call</b><br>
126 The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
127 which specify multiple handlers.
128 <p>
129 <pre><code>foo.on({
130     <em>'click'</em> : {
131         fn: <b>this</b>.onClick,
132         scope: <b>this</b>,
133         delay: 100
134     },
135     <em>'mouseover'</em> : {
136         fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
137         scope: <b>this</b>
138     },
139     <em>'mouseout'</em> : {
140         fn: <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
141         scope: <b>this</b>
142     }
143 });</code></pre>
144 <p>
145 Or a shorthand syntax:<br>
146 <pre><code>foo.on({
147     <em>'click'</em> : <b>this</b>.onClick,
148     <em>'mouseover'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOver,
149     <em>'mouseout'</em> : <b>this</b>.onMouseOut,
150      scope: <b>this</b>
151 });</code></pre></div></li>        </ul>\r
152         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
153         <ul>\r
154             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
155         </ul>\r
156     </div>\r
157                 </div>\r
158                         </div>\r
159         </td>\r
160         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#addListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#addListener">Observable</a></td>\r
161     </tr>\r
162         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
163         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
164         <td class="sig">\r
165         <a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-fireEvent"></a>\r
166             <b>fireEvent</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Object... args</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean            <div class="mdesc">\r
167                         <div class="short">Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).</div>\r
168             <div class="long">\r
169                 Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
170         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
171         <ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc"></div></li><li><code>args</code> : Object...<div class="sub-desc">Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers</div></li>        </ul>\r
172         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
173         <ul>\r
174             <li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true</div></li>\r
175         </ul>\r
176     </div>\r
177                 </div>\r
178                         </div>\r
179         </td>\r
180         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#fireEvent" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#fireEvent">Observable</a></td>\r
181     </tr>\r
182         <tr class="method-row inherited expandable">\r
183         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
184         <td class="sig">\r
185         <a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-hasListener"></a>\r
186             <b>hasListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>&nbsp;) : Boolean            <div class="mdesc">\r
187                         <div class="short">Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event</div>\r
188             <div class="long">\r
189                 Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
190         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
191         <ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The name of the event to check for</div></li>        </ul>\r
192         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
193         <ul>\r
194             <li><code>Boolean</code><div class="sub-desc">True if the event is being listened for, else false</div></li>\r
195         </ul>\r
196     </div>\r
197                 </div>\r
198                         </div>\r
199         </td>\r
200         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#hasListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#hasListener">Observable</a></td>\r
201     </tr>\r
202         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
203         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
204         <td class="sig">\r
205         <a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-on"></a>\r
206             <b>on</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object options</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
207                         <div class="short">Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)</div>\r
208             <div class="long">\r
209                 Appends an event handler to this element (shorthand for addListener)    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
210         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
211         <ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The method the event invokes</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope in which to execute the handler
212 function. The handler function's "this" context.</div></li><li><code>options</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional)</div></li>        </ul>\r
213         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
214         <ul>\r
215             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
216         </ul>\r
217     </div>\r
218                 </div>\r
219                         </div>\r
220         </td>\r
221         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#on" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#on">Observable</a></td>\r
222     </tr>\r
223         <tr class="method-row inherited expandable">\r
224         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
225         <td class="sig">\r
226         <a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-purgeListeners"></a>\r
227             <b>purgeListeners</b>() : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
228                         <div class="short">Removes all listeners for this object</div>\r
229             <div class="long">\r
230                 Removes all listeners for this object    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
231         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
232         <ul><li>None.</li>        </ul>\r
233         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
234         <ul>\r
235             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
236         </ul>\r
237     </div>\r
238                 </div>\r
239                         </div>\r
240         </td>\r
241         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#purgeListeners" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#purgeListeners">Observable</a></td>\r
242     </tr>\r
243         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
244         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
245         <td class="sig">\r
246         <a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-relayEvents"></a>\r
247             <b>relayEvents</b>(&nbsp;<code>Object o</code>, <code>Array events</code>&nbsp;) : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
248                         <div class="short">Relays selected events from the specified Observable as if the events were fired by <tt><b>this</b></tt>.</div>\r
249             <div class="long">\r
250                 Relays selected events from the specified Observable as if the events were fired by <tt><b>this</b></tt>.    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
251         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
252         <ul><li><code>o</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">The Observable whose events this object is to relay.</div></li><li><code>events</code> : Array<div class="sub-desc">Array of event names to relay.</div></li>        </ul>\r
253         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
254         <ul>\r
255             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
256         </ul>\r
257     </div>\r
258                 </div>\r
259                         </div>\r
260         </td>\r
261         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#relayEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#relayEvents">Observable</a></td>\r
262     </tr>\r
263         <tr class="method-row inherited expandable">\r
264         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
265         <td class="sig">\r
266         <a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-removeListener"></a>\r
267             <b>removeListener</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
268                         <div class="short">Removes a listener</div>\r
269             <div class="long">\r
270                 Removes a listener    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
271         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
272         <ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li>        </ul>\r
273         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
274         <ul>\r
275             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
276         </ul>\r
277     </div>\r
278                 </div>\r
279                         </div>\r
280         </td>\r
281         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#removeListener" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#removeListener">Observable</a></td>\r
282     </tr>\r
283         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
284         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
285         <td class="sig">\r
286         <a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-resumeEvents"></a>\r
287             <b>resumeEvents</b>() : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
288                         <div class="short">Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)</div>\r
289             <div class="long">\r
290                 Resume firing events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">suspendEvents</a>)    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
291         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
292         <ul><li>None.</li>        </ul>\r
293         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
294         <ul>\r
295             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
296         </ul>\r
297     </div>\r
298                 </div>\r
299                         </div>\r
300         </td>\r
301         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">Observable</a></td>\r
302     </tr>\r
303         <tr class="method-row inherited expandable">\r
304         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
305         <td class="sig">\r
306         <a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-suspendEvents"></a>\r
307             <b>suspendEvents</b>() : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
308                         <div class="short">Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)</div>\r
309             <div class="long">\r
310                 Suspend the firing of all events. (see <a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="resumeEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#resumeEvents">resumeEvents</a>)    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
311         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
312         <ul><li>None.</li>        </ul>\r
313         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
314         <ul>\r
315             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
316         </ul>\r
317     </div>\r
318                 </div>\r
319                         </div>\r
320         </td>\r
321         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#suspendEvents" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#suspendEvents">Observable</a></td>\r
322     </tr>\r
323         <tr class="method-row inherited alt expandable">\r
324         <td class="micon"><a class="exi" href="#expand">&nbsp;</a></td>\r
325         <td class="sig">\r
326         <a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-un"></a>\r
327             <b>un</b>(&nbsp;<code>String eventName</code>, <code>Function handler</code>, <span class="optional" title="Optional">[<code>Object scope</code>]</span>&nbsp;) : void            <div class="mdesc">\r
328                         <div class="short">Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)</div>\r
329             <div class="long">\r
330                 Removes a listener (shorthand for removeListener)    <div class="mdetail-params">\r
331         <strong>Parameters:</strong>\r
332         <ul><li><code>eventName</code> : String<div class="sub-desc">The type of event to listen for</div></li><li><code>handler</code> : Function<div class="sub-desc">The handler to remove</div></li><li><code>scope</code> : Object<div class="sub-desc">(optional) The scope (this object) for the handler</div></li>        </ul>\r
333         <strong>Returns:</strong>\r
334         <ul>\r
335             <li><code>void</code></li>\r
336         </ul>\r
337     </div>\r
338                 </div>\r
339                         </div>\r
340         </td>\r
341         <td class="msource"><a ext:cls="Ext.util.Observable" ext:member="#un" href="output/Ext.util.Observable.html#un">Observable</a></td>\r
342     </tr>\r
343             </table>
344                 <a id="Ext.grid.PropertyStore-events"></a>
345         <h2>Public Events</h2>
346         <div class="no-members">This class has no public events.</div>
347         </div>