Upgrade to ExtJS 3.2.0 - Released 03/30/2010
[extjs.git] / examples / chart / charts.js
1 /*!
2  * Ext JS Library 3.2.0
3  * Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Ext JS, Inc.
4  * licensing@extjs.com
5  * http://www.extjs.com/license
6  */
7 Ext.chart.Chart.CHART_URL = '../../resources/charts.swf';
9 Ext.onReady(function(){
11     var store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
12         fields:['name', 'visits', 'views'],
13         data: [
14             {name:'Jul 07', visits: 245000, views: 3000000},
15             {name:'Aug 07', visits: 240000, views: 3500000},
16             {name:'Sep 07', visits: 355000, views: 4000000},
17             {name:'Oct 07', visits: 375000, views: 4200000},
18             {name:'Nov 07', visits: 490000, views: 4500000},
19             {name:'Dec 07', visits: 495000, views: 5800000},
20             {name:'Jan 08', visits: 520000, views: 6000000},
21             {name:'Feb 08', visits: 620000, views: 7500000}
22         ]
23     });
25     // extra extra simple
26     new Ext.Panel({
27         title: 'ExtJS.com Visits Trend, 2007/2008 (No styling)',
28         renderTo: 'container',
29         width:500,
30         height:300,
31         layout:'fit',
33         items: {
34             xtype: 'linechart',
35             store: store,
36             xField: 'name',
37             yField: 'visits',
38                         listeners: {
39                                 itemclick: function(o){
40                                         var rec = store.getAt(o.index);
41                                         Ext.example.msg('Item Selected', 'You chose {0}.', rec.get('name'));
42                                 }
43                         }
44         }
45     });
47     // extra simple
48     new Ext.Panel({
49         iconCls:'chart',
50         title: 'ExtJS.com Visits Trend, 2007/2008 (Simple styling)',
51         frame:true,
52         renderTo: 'container',
53         width:500,
54         height:300,
55         layout:'fit',
57         items: {
58             xtype: 'linechart',
59             store: store,
60             url: '../../resources/charts.swf',
61             xField: 'name',
62             yField: 'visits',
63             yAxis: new Ext.chart.NumericAxis({
64                 displayName: 'Visits',
65                 labelRenderer : Ext.util.Format.numberRenderer('0,0')
66             }),
67             tipRenderer : function(chart, record){
68                 return Ext.util.Format.number(record.data.visits, '0,0') + ' visits in ' + record.data.name;
69             }
70         }
71     });
73     // more complex with a custom look
74     new Ext.Panel({
75         iconCls:'chart',
76         title: 'ExtJS.com Visits and Pageviews, 2007/2008 (Full styling)',
77         frame:true,
78         renderTo: 'container',
79         width:500,
80         height:300,
81         layout:'fit',
83         items: {
84             xtype: 'columnchart',
85             store: store,
86             url:'../../resources/charts.swf',
87             xField: 'name',
88             yAxis: new Ext.chart.NumericAxis({
89                 displayName: 'Visits',
90                 labelRenderer : Ext.util.Format.numberRenderer('0,0')
91             }),
92             tipRenderer : function(chart, record, index, series){
93                 if(series.yField == 'visits'){
94                     return Ext.util.Format.number(record.data.visits, '0,0') + ' visits in ' + record.data.name;
95                 }else{
96                     return Ext.util.Format.number(record.data.views, '0,0') + ' page views in ' + record.data.name;
97                 }
98             },
99             chartStyle: {
100                 padding: 10,
101                 animationEnabled: true,
102                 font: {
103                     name: 'Tahoma',
104                     color: 0x444444,
105                     size: 11
106                 },
107                 dataTip: {
108                     padding: 5,
109                     border: {
110                         color: 0x99bbe8,
111                         size:1
112                     },
113                     background: {
114                         color: 0xDAE7F6,
115                         alpha: .9
116                     },
117                     font: {
118                         name: 'Tahoma',
119                         color: 0x15428B,
120                         size: 10,
121                         bold: true
122                     }
123                 },
124                 xAxis: {
125                     color: 0x69aBc8,
126                     majorTicks: {color: 0x69aBc8, length: 4},
127                     minorTicks: {color: 0x69aBc8, length: 2},
128                     majorGridLines: {size: 1, color: 0xeeeeee}
129                 },
130                 yAxis: {
131                     color: 0x69aBc8,
132                     majorTicks: {color: 0x69aBc8, length: 4},
133                     minorTicks: {color: 0x69aBc8, length: 2},
134                     majorGridLines: {size: 1, color: 0xdfe8f6}
135                 }
136             },
137             series: [{
138                 type: 'column',
139                 displayName: 'Page Views',
140                 yField: 'views',
141                 style: {
142                     image:'bar.gif',
143                     mode: 'stretch',
144                     color:0x99BBE8
145                 }
146             },{
147                 type:'line',
148                 displayName: 'Visits',
149                 yField: 'visits',
150                 style: {
151                     color: 0x15428B
152                 }
153             }]
154         }
155     });
156 });