Upgrade to ExtJS 4.0.2 - Released 06/09/2011
[extjs.git] / docs / output / Ext.menu.Manager.js
1 Ext.data.JsonP.Ext_menu_Manager({
2   "allMixins": [
4   ],
5   "deprecated": null,
6   "docauthor": null,
7   "members": {
8     "cfg": [
10     ],
11     "method": [
12       {
13         "deprecated": null,
14         "alias": null,
15         "protected": false,
16         "tagname": "method",
17         "href": "Base3.html#Ext-Base-method-addStatics",
18         "shortDoc": "Add / override static properties of this class. ...",
19         "static": true,
20         "filename": "/mnt/ebs/nightly/git/SDK/platform/core/src/class/Base.js",
21         "private": false,
22         "params": [
23           {
24             "type": "Object",
25             "optional": false,
26             "doc": "\n",
27             "name": "members"
28           }
29         ],
30         "name": "addStatics",
31         "owner": "Ext.Base",
32         "doc": "<p>Add / override static properties of this class.</p>\n\n<pre><code>Ext.define('My.cool.Class', {\n    ...\n});\n\nMy.cool.Class.addStatics({\n    someProperty: 'someValue',      // My.cool.Class.someProperty = 'someValue'\n    method1: function() { ... },    // My.cool.Class.method1 = function() { ... };\n    method2: function() { ... }     // My.cool.Class.method2 = function() { ... };\n});\n</code></pre>\n",
33         "linenr": 388,
34         "return": {
35           "type": "Ext.Base",
36           "doc": "<p>this</p>\n"
37         },
38         "html_filename": "Base3.html"
39       },
40       {
41         "deprecated": null,
42         "alias": null,
43         "protected": false,
44         "tagname": "method",
45         "href": "Base3.html#Ext-Base-method-callOverridden",
46         "shortDoc": "Call the original method that was previously overridden with Ext.Base.override\n\nExt.define('My.Cat', {\n    constructo...",
47         "static": false,
48         "filename": "/mnt/ebs/nightly/git/SDK/platform/core/src/class/Base.js",
49         "private": false,
50         "params": [
51           {
52             "type": "Array/Arguments",
53             "optional": false,
54             "doc": "<p>The arguments, either an array or the <code>arguments</code> object</p>\n",
55             "name": "args"
56           }
57         ],
58         "name": "callOverridden",
59         "owner": "Ext.Base",
60         "doc": "<p>Call the original method that was previously overridden with <a href=\"#/api/Ext.Base-method-override\" rel=\"Ext.Base-method-override\" class=\"docClass\">Ext.Base.override</a></p>\n\n<pre><code>Ext.define('My.Cat', {\n    constructor: function() {\n        alert(\"I'm a cat!\");\n\n        return this;\n    }\n});\n\nMy.Cat.override({\n    constructor: function() {\n        alert(\"I'm going to be a cat!\");\n\n        var instance = this.callOverridden();\n\n        alert(\"Meeeeoooowwww\");\n\n        return instance;\n    }\n});\n\nvar kitty = new My.Cat(); // alerts \"I'm going to be a cat!\"\n                          // alerts \"I'm a cat!\"\n                          // alerts \"Meeeeoooowwww\"\n</code></pre>\n",
61         "linenr": 269,
62         "return": {
63           "type": "Mixed",
64           "doc": "<p>Returns the result after calling the overridden method</p>\n"
65         },
66         "html_filename": "Base3.html"
67       },
68       {
69         "deprecated": null,
70         "alias": null,
71         "protected": true,
72         "tagname": "method",
73         "href": "Base3.html#Ext-Base-method-callParent",
74         "shortDoc": "Call the parent's overridden method. ...",
75         "static": false,
76         "filename": "/mnt/ebs/nightly/git/SDK/platform/core/src/class/Base.js",
77         "private": false,
78         "params": [
79           {
80             "type": "Array/Arguments",
81             "optional": false,
82             "doc": "<p>The arguments, either an array or the <code>arguments</code> object\nfrom the current method, for example: <code>this.callParent(arguments)</code></p>\n",
83             "name": "args"
84           }
85         ],
86         "name": "callParent",
87         "owner": "Ext.Base",
88         "doc": "<p>Call the parent's overridden method. For example:</p>\n\n<pre><code>Ext.define('My.own.A', {\n    constructor: function(test) {\n        alert(test);\n    }\n});\n\nExt.define('My.own.B', {\n    extend: 'My.own.A',\n\n    constructor: function(test) {\n        alert(test);\n\n        this.callParent([test + 1]);\n    }\n});\n\nExt.define('My.own.C', {\n    extend: 'My.own.B',\n\n    constructor: function() {\n        alert(\"Going to call parent's overriden constructor...\");\n\n        this.callParent(arguments);\n    }\n});\n\nvar a = new My.own.A(1); // alerts '1'\nvar b = new My.own.B(1); // alerts '1', then alerts '2'\nvar c = new My.own.C(2); // alerts \"Going to call parent's overriden constructor...\"\n                         // alerts '2', then alerts '3'\n</code></pre>\n",
89         "linenr": 124,
90         "return": {
91           "type": "Mixed",
92           "doc": "<p>Returns the result from the superclass' method</p>\n"
93         },
94         "html_filename": "Base3.html"
95       },
96       {
97         "deprecated": null,
98         "alias": null,
99         "protected": false,
100         "tagname": "method",
101         "href": "Base3.html#Ext-Base-method-create",
102         "shortDoc": "Create a new instance of this Class. ...",
103         "static": true,
104         "filename": "/mnt/ebs/nightly/git/SDK/platform/core/src/class/Base.js",
105         "private": false,
106         "params": [
108         ],
109         "name": "create",
110         "owner": "Ext.Base",
111         "doc": "<p>Create a new instance of this Class.</p>\n\n<pre><code>Ext.define('My.cool.Class', {\n    ...\n});\n\nMy.cool.Class.create({\n    someConfig: true\n});\n</code></pre>\n\n<p>All parameters are passed to the constructor of the class.</p>\n",
112         "linenr": 329,
113         "return": {
114           "type": "Object",
115           "doc": "<p>the created instance.</p>\n"
116         },
117         "html_filename": "Base3.html"
118       },
119       {
120         "deprecated": null,
121         "alias": null,
122         "protected": false,
123         "tagname": "method",
124         "href": "Base3.html#Ext-Base-method-createAlias",
125         "shortDoc": "Create aliases for existing prototype methods. ...",
126         "static": true,
127         "filename": "/mnt/ebs/nightly/git/SDK/platform/core/src/class/Base.js",
128         "private": false,
129         "params": [
130           {
131             "type": "String/Object",
132             "optional": false,
133             "doc": "<p>The new method name, or an object to set multiple aliases. See\n<a href=\"#/api/Ext.Function-method-flexSetter\" rel=\"Ext.Function-method-flexSetter\" class=\"docClass\">flexSetter</a></p>\n",
134             "name": "alias"
135           },
136           {
137             "type": "String/Object",
138             "optional": false,
139             "doc": "<p>The original method name</p>\n",
140             "name": "origin"
141           }
142         ],
143         "name": "createAlias",
144         "owner": "Ext.Base",
145         "doc": "<p>Create aliases for existing prototype methods. Example:</p>\n\n<pre><code>Ext.define('My.cool.Class', {\n    method1: function() { ... },\n    method2: function() { ... }\n});\n\nvar test = new My.cool.Class();\n\nMy.cool.Class.createAlias({\n    method3: 'method1',\n    method4: 'method2'\n});\n\ntest.method3(); // test.method1()\n\nMy.cool.Class.createAlias('method5', 'method3');\n\ntest.method5(); // test.method3() -&gt; test.method1()\n</code></pre>\n",
146         "linenr": 648,
147         "return": {
148           "type": "void",
149           "doc": "\n"
150         },
151         "html_filename": "Base3.html"
152       },
153       {
154         "deprecated": null,
155         "alias": null,
156         "protected": false,
157         "tagname": "method",
158         "href": "Manager.html#Ext-menu-Manager-method-get",
159         "shortDoc": "Returns a Ext.menu.Menu object ...",
160         "static": false,
161         "filename": "/mnt/ebs/nightly/git/SDK/extjs/src/menu/Manager.js",
162         "private": false,
163         "params": [
164           {
165             "type": "String/Object",
166             "optional": false,
167             "doc": "<p>The string menu id, an existing menu object reference, or a Menu config that will\nbe used to generate and return a new Menu this.</p>\n",
168             "name": "menu"
169           }
170         ],
171         "name": "get",
172         "owner": "Ext.menu.Manager",
173         "doc": "<p>Returns a <a href=\"#/api/Ext.menu.Menu\" rel=\"Ext.menu.Menu\" class=\"docClass\">Ext.menu.Menu</a> object</p>\n",
174         "linenr": 130,
175         "return": {
176           "type": "Ext.menu.Menu",
177           "doc": "<p>The specified menu, or null if none are found</p>\n"
178         },
179         "html_filename": "Manager.html"
180       },
181       {
182         "deprecated": null,
183         "alias": null,
184         "protected": false,
185         "tagname": "method",
186         "href": "Base3.html#Ext-Base-method-getName",
187         "shortDoc": "Get the current class' name in string format. ...",
188         "static": false,
189         "filename": "/mnt/ebs/nightly/git/SDK/platform/core/src/class/Base.js",
190         "private": false,
191         "params": [
193         ],
194         "name": "getName",
195         "owner": "Ext.Base",
196         "doc": "<p>Get the current class' name in string format.</p>\n\n<pre><code>Ext.define('My.cool.Class', {\n    constructor: function() {\n        alert(this.self.getName()); // alerts 'My.cool.Class'\n    }\n});\n\nMy.cool.Class.getName(); // 'My.cool.Class'\n</code></pre>\n",
197         "linenr": 631,
198         "return": {
199           "type": "String",
200           "doc": "<p>className</p>\n"
201         },
202         "html_filename": "Base3.html"
203       },
204       {
205         "deprecated": null,
206         "alias": null,
207         "protected": false,
208         "tagname": "method",
209         "href": "Manager.html#Ext-menu-Manager-method-hideAll",
210         "shortDoc": "Hides all menus that are currently visible ...",
211         "static": false,
212         "filename": "/mnt/ebs/nightly/git/SDK/extjs/src/menu/Manager.js",
213         "private": false,
214         "params": [
216         ],
217         "name": "hideAll",
218         "owner": "Ext.menu.Manager",
219         "doc": "<p>Hides all menus that are currently visible</p>\n",
220         "linenr": 32,
221         "return": {
222           "type": "Boolean",
223           "doc": "<p>success True if any active menus were hidden.</p>\n"
224         },
225         "html_filename": "Manager.html"
226       },
227       {
228         "deprecated": null,
229         "alias": null,
230         "protected": false,
231         "tagname": "method",
232         "href": "Base3.html#Ext-Base-method-implement",
233         "shortDoc": "Add methods / properties to the prototype of this class. ...",
234         "static": true,
235         "filename": "/mnt/ebs/nightly/git/SDK/platform/core/src/class/Base.js",
236         "private": false,
237         "params": [
238           {
239             "type": "Object",
240             "optional": false,
241             "doc": "\n",
242             "name": "members"
243           }
244         ],
245         "name": "implement",
246         "owner": "Ext.Base",
247         "doc": "<p>Add methods / properties to the prototype of this class.</p>\n\n<pre><code>Ext.define('My.awesome.Cat', {\n    constructor: function() {\n        ...\n    }\n});\n\n My.awesome.Cat.implement({\n     meow: function() {\n        alert('Meowww...');\n     }\n });\n\n var kitty = new My.awesome.Cat;\n kitty.meow();\n</code></pre>\n",
248         "linenr": 415,
249         "return": {
250           "type": "void",
251           "doc": "\n"
252         },
253         "html_filename": "Base3.html"
254       },
255       {
256         "deprecated": null,
257         "alias": null,
258         "protected": true,
259         "tagname": "method",
260         "href": "Base3.html#Ext-Base-method-initConfig",
261         "shortDoc": "Initialize configuration for this class. ...",
262         "static": false,
263         "filename": "/mnt/ebs/nightly/git/SDK/platform/core/src/class/Base.js",
264         "private": false,
265         "params": [
266           {
267             "type": "Object",
268             "optional": false,
269             "doc": "\n",
270             "name": "config"
271           }
272         ],
273         "name": "initConfig",
274         "owner": "Ext.Base",
275         "doc": "<p>Initialize configuration for this class. a typical example:</p>\n\n<pre><code>Ext.define('My.awesome.Class', {\n    // The default config\n    config: {\n        name: 'Awesome',\n        isAwesome: true\n    },\n\n    constructor: function(config) {\n        this.initConfig(config);\n\n        return this;\n    }\n});\n\nvar awesome = new My.awesome.Class({\n    name: 'Super Awesome'\n});\n\nalert(awesome.getName()); // 'Super Awesome'\n</code></pre>\n",
276         "linenr": 63,
277         "return": {
278           "type": "Object",
279           "doc": "<p>mixins The mixin prototypes as key - value pairs</p>\n"
280         },
281         "html_filename": "Base3.html"
282       },
283       {
284         "deprecated": null,
285         "alias": null,
286         "protected": false,
287         "tagname": "method",
288         "href": "Base3.html#Ext-Base-method-override",
289         "shortDoc": "Override prototype members of this class. ...",
290         "static": true,
291         "filename": "/mnt/ebs/nightly/git/SDK/platform/core/src/class/Base.js",
292         "private": false,
293         "params": [
294           {
295             "type": "Object",
296             "optional": false,
297             "doc": "\n",
298             "name": "members"
299           }
300         ],
301         "name": "override",
302         "owner": "Ext.Base",
303         "doc": "<p>Override prototype members of this class. Overridden methods can be invoked via\n<a href=\"#/api/Ext.Base-method-callOverridden\" rel=\"Ext.Base-method-callOverridden\" class=\"docClass\">Ext.Base.callOverridden</a></p>\n\n<pre><code>Ext.define('My.Cat', {\n    constructor: function() {\n        alert(\"I'm a cat!\");\n\n        return this;\n    }\n});\n\nMy.Cat.override({\n    constructor: function() {\n        alert(\"I'm going to be a cat!\");\n\n        var instance = this.callOverridden();\n\n        alert(\"Meeeeoooowwww\");\n\n        return instance;\n    }\n});\n\nvar kitty = new My.Cat(); // alerts \"I'm going to be a cat!\"\n                          // alerts \"I'm a cat!\"\n                          // alerts \"Meeeeoooowwww\"\n</code></pre>\n",
304         "linenr": 518,
305         "return": {
306           "type": "Ext.Base",
307           "doc": "<p>this</p>\n"
308         },
309         "html_filename": "Base3.html"
310       },
311       {
312         "deprecated": null,
313         "alias": null,
314         "protected": true,
315         "tagname": "method",
316         "href": "Base3.html#Ext-Base-method-statics",
317         "shortDoc": "Get the reference to the class from which this object was instantiated. ...",
318         "static": false,
319         "filename": "/mnt/ebs/nightly/git/SDK/platform/core/src/class/Base.js",
320         "private": false,
321         "params": [
323         ],
324         "name": "statics",
325         "owner": "Ext.Base",
326         "doc": "<p>Get the reference to the class from which this object was instantiated. Note that unlike <a href=\"#/api/Ext.Base-property-self\" rel=\"Ext.Base-property-self\" class=\"docClass\">Ext.Base.self</a>,\n<code>this.statics()</code> is scope-independent and it always returns the class from which it was called, regardless of what\n<code>this</code> points to during run-time</p>\n\n<pre><code>Ext.define('My.Cat', {\n    statics: {\n        totalCreated: 0,\n        speciesName: 'Cat' // My.Cat.speciesName = 'Cat'\n    },\n\n    constructor: function() {\n        var statics = this.statics();\n\n        alert(statics.speciesName);     // always equals to 'Cat' no matter what 'this' refers to\n                                        // equivalent to: My.Cat.speciesName\n\n        alert(this.self.speciesName);   // dependent on 'this'\n\n        statics.totalCreated++;\n\n        return this;\n    },\n\n    clone: function() {\n        var cloned = new this.self;                      // dependent on 'this'\n\n        cloned.groupName = this.statics().speciesName;   // equivalent to: My.Cat.speciesName\n\n        return cloned;\n    }\n});\n\n\nExt.define('My.SnowLeopard', {\n    extend: 'My.Cat',\n\n    statics: {\n        speciesName: 'Snow Leopard'     // My.SnowLeopard.speciesName = 'Snow Leopard'\n    },\n\n    constructor: function() {\n        this.callParent();\n    }\n});\n\nvar cat = new My.Cat();                 // alerts 'Cat', then alerts 'Cat'\n\nvar snowLeopard = new My.SnowLeopard(); // alerts 'Cat', then alerts 'Snow Leopard'\n\nvar clone = snowLeopard.clone();\nalert(Ext.getClassName(clone));         // alerts 'My.SnowLeopard'\nalert(clone.groupName);                 // alerts 'Cat'\n\nalert(My.Cat.totalCreated);             // alerts 3\n</code></pre>\n",
327         "linenr": 199,
328         "return": {
329           "type": "Class",
330           "doc": "\n"
331         },
332         "html_filename": "Base3.html"
333       }
334     ],
335     "property": [
336       {
337         "type": "Class",
338         "deprecated": null,
339         "alias": null,
340         "protected": true,
341         "tagname": "property",
342         "href": "Base3.html#Ext-Base-property-self",
343         "shortDoc": "Get the reference to the current class from which this object was instantiated. ...",
344         "static": false,
345         "filename": "/mnt/ebs/nightly/git/SDK/platform/core/src/class/Base.js",
346         "private": false,
347         "name": "self",
348         "owner": "Ext.Base",
349         "doc": "<p>Get the reference to the current class from which this object was instantiated. Unlike <a href=\"#/api/Ext.Base-method-statics\" rel=\"Ext.Base-method-statics\" class=\"docClass\">Ext.Base.statics</a>,\n<code>this.self</code> is scope-dependent and it's meant to be used for dynamic inheritance. See <a href=\"#/api/Ext.Base-method-statics\" rel=\"Ext.Base-method-statics\" class=\"docClass\">Ext.Base.statics</a>\nfor a detailed comparison</p>\n\n<pre><code>Ext.define('My.Cat', {\n    statics: {\n        speciesName: 'Cat' // My.Cat.speciesName = 'Cat'\n    },\n\n    constructor: function() {\n        alert(this.self.speciesName); / dependent on 'this'\n\n        return this;\n    },\n\n    clone: function() {\n        return new this.self();\n    }\n});\n\n\nExt.define('My.SnowLeopard', {\n    extend: 'My.Cat',\n    statics: {\n        speciesName: 'Snow Leopard'         // My.SnowLeopard.speciesName = 'Snow Leopard'\n    }\n});\n\nvar cat = new My.Cat();                     // alerts 'Cat'\nvar snowLeopard = new My.SnowLeopard();     // alerts 'Snow Leopard'\n\nvar clone = snowLeopard.clone();\nalert(Ext.getClassName(clone));             // alerts 'My.SnowLeopard'\n</code></pre>\n",
350         "linenr": 18,
351         "html_filename": "Base3.html"
352       }
353     ],
354     "cssVar": [
356     ],
357     "cssMixin": [
359     ],
360     "event": [
362     ]
363   },
364   "singleton": true,
365   "alias": null,
366   "superclasses": [
367     "Ext.Base"
368   ],
369   "protected": false,
370   "tagname": "class",
371   "mixins": [
373   ],
374   "href": "Manager.html#Ext-menu-Manager",
375   "subclasses": [
377   ],
378   "static": false,
379   "author": null,
380   "component": false,
381   "filename": "/mnt/ebs/nightly/git/SDK/extjs/src/menu/Manager.js",
382   "private": false,
383   "alternateClassNames": [
384     "Ext.menu.MenuMgr"
385   ],
386   "name": "Ext.menu.Manager",
387   "doc": "<p>Provides a common registry of all menus on a page.</p>\n",
388   "mixedInto": [
390   ],
391   "linenr": 1,
392   "xtypes": [
394   ],
395   "html_filename": "Manager.html",
396   "extends": "Ext.Base"
397 });