Upgrade to ExtJS 4.0.1 - Released 05/18/2011
[extjs.git] / docs / output / Ext.data.NodeInterface.js
1 Ext.data.JsonP.Ext_data_NodeInterface({
2   "tagname": "class",
3   "name": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
4   "doc": "<p>This class is meant to be used as a set of methods that are applied to the prototype of a\nRecord to decorate it with a Node API. This means that models used in conjunction with a tree\nwill have all of the tree related methods available on the model. In general this class will\nnot be used directly by the developer.</p>\n",
5   "extends": null,
6   "mixins": [
8   ],
9   "alternateClassNames": [
11   ],
12   "xtype": null,
13   "author": null,
14   "docauthor": null,
15   "singleton": false,
16   "private": false,
17   "cfg": [
19   ],
20   "method": [
21     {
22       "tagname": "method",
23       "name": "appendChild",
24       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
25       "doc": "<p>Insert node(s) as the last child node of this node.</p>\n\n\n<p>If the node was previously a child node of another parent node, it will be removed from that node first.</p>\n\n",
26       "params": [
27         {
28           "type": "Node/Array",
29           "name": "node",
30           "doc": "<p>The node or Array of nodes to append</p>\n",
31           "optional": false
32         },
33         {
34           "type": "Object",
35           "name": "suppressEvents",
36           "doc": "\n",
37           "optional": false
38         },
39         {
40           "type": "Object",
41           "name": "suppressNodeUpdate",
42           "doc": "\n",
43           "optional": false
44         }
45       ],
46       "return": {
47         "type": "Node",
48         "doc": "<p>The appended node if single append, or null if an array was passed</p>\n"
49       },
50       "private": false,
51       "static": false,
52       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
53       "linenr": 332,
54       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
55       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-appendChild",
56       "shortDoc": "Insert node(s) as the last child node of this node.\n\n\nIf the node was previously a child node of another parent node,..."
57     },
58     {
59       "tagname": "method",
60       "name": "bubble",
61       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
62       "doc": "<p>Bubbles up the tree from this node, calling the specified function with each node. The arguments to the function\nwill be the args provided or the current node. If the function returns false at any point,\nthe bubble is stopped.</p>\n",
63       "params": [
64         {
65           "type": "Function",
66           "name": "fn",
67           "doc": "<p>The function to call</p>\n",
68           "optional": false
69         },
70         {
71           "type": "Object",
72           "name": "scope",
73           "doc": "<p>(optional) The scope (<code>this</code> reference) in which the function is executed. Defaults to the current Node.</p>\n",
74           "optional": true
75         },
76         {
77           "type": "Array",
78           "name": "args",
79           "doc": "<p>(optional) The args to call the function with (default to passing the current Node)</p>\n",
80           "optional": true
81         }
82       ],
83       "return": {
84         "type": "void",
85         "doc": "\n"
86       },
87       "private": false,
88       "static": false,
89       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
90       "linenr": 707,
91       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
92       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-bubble",
93       "shortDoc": "Bubbles up the tree from this node, calling the specified function with each node. The arguments to the function\nwill..."
94     },
95     {
96       "tagname": "method",
97       "name": "cascadeBy",
98       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
99       "doc": "<p>Cascades down the tree from this node, calling the specified function with each node. The arguments to the function\nwill be the args provided or the current node. If the function returns false at any point,\nthe cascade is stopped on that branch.</p>\n",
100       "params": [
101         {
102           "type": "Function",
103           "name": "fn",
104           "doc": "<p>The function to call</p>\n",
105           "optional": false
106         },
107         {
108           "type": "Object",
109           "name": "scope",
110           "doc": "<p>(optional) The scope (<code>this</code> reference) in which the function is executed. Defaults to the current Node.</p>\n",
111           "optional": true
112         },
113         {
114           "type": "Array",
115           "name": "args",
116           "doc": "<p>(optional) The args to call the function with (default to passing the current Node)</p>\n",
117           "optional": true
118         }
119       ],
120       "return": {
121         "type": "void",
122         "doc": "\n"
123       },
124       "private": false,
125       "static": false,
126       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
127       "linenr": 734,
128       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
129       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-cascadeBy",
130       "shortDoc": "Cascades down the tree from this node, calling the specified function with each node. The arguments to the function\nw..."
131     },
132     {
133       "tagname": "method",
134       "name": "collapse",
135       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
136       "doc": "<p>Collapse this node.</p>\n",
137       "params": [
138         {
139           "type": "Function",
140           "name": "recursive",
141           "doc": "<p>(Optional) True to recursively collapse all the children</p>\n",
142           "optional": false
143         },
144         {
145           "type": "Function",
146           "name": "callback",
147           "doc": "<p>(Optional) The function to execute once the collapse completes</p>\n",
148           "optional": false
149         },
150         {
151           "type": "Object",
152           "name": "scope",
153           "doc": "<p>(Optional) The scope to run the callback in</p>\n",
154           "optional": false
155         }
156       ],
157       "return": {
158         "type": "void",
159         "doc": "\n"
160       },
161       "private": false,
162       "static": false,
163       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
164       "linenr": 1006,
165       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
166       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-collapse",
167       "shortDoc": "<p>Collapse this node.</p>\n"
168     },
169     {
170       "tagname": "method",
171       "name": "collapseChildren",
172       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
173       "doc": "<p>Collapse all the children of this node.</p>\n",
174       "params": [
175         {
176           "type": "Function",
177           "name": "recursive",
178           "doc": "<p>(Optional) True to recursively collapse all the children</p>\n",
179           "optional": false
180         },
181         {
182           "type": "Function",
183           "name": "callback",
184           "doc": "<p>(Optional) The function to execute once all the children are collapsed</p>\n",
185           "optional": false
186         },
187         {
188           "type": "Object",
189           "name": "scope",
190           "doc": "<p>(Optional) The scope to run the callback in</p>\n",
191           "optional": false
192         }
193       ],
194       "return": {
195         "type": "void",
196         "doc": "\n"
197       },
198       "private": false,
199       "static": false,
200       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
201       "linenr": 1043,
202       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
203       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-collapseChildren",
204       "shortDoc": "<p>Collapse all the children of this node.</p>\n"
205     },
206     {
207       "tagname": "method",
208       "name": "contains",
209       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
210       "doc": "<p>Returns true if this node is an ancestor (at any point) of the passed node.</p>\n",
211       "params": [
212         {
213           "type": "Node",
214           "name": "node",
215           "doc": "\n",
216           "optional": false
217         }
218       ],
219       "return": {
220         "type": "Boolean",
221         "doc": "\n"
222       },
223       "private": false,
224       "static": false,
225       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
226       "linenr": 815,
227       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
228       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-contains",
229       "shortDoc": "<p>Returns true if this node is an ancestor (at any point) of the passed node.</p>\n"
230     },
231     {
232       "tagname": "method",
233       "name": "copy",
234       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
235       "doc": "<p>Creates a copy (clone) of this Node.</p>\n",
236       "params": [
237         {
238           "type": "String",
239           "name": "id",
240           "doc": "<p>(optional) A new id, defaults to this Node's id. See <code><a href=\"#/api/Ext.data.NodeInterface--id\" rel=\"Ext.data.NodeInterface--id\" class=\"docClass\">id</a></code>.</p>\n",
241           "optional": true
242         },
243         {
244           "type": "Boolean",
245           "name": "deep",
246           "doc": "<p>(optional) <p>If passed as <code>true</code>, all child Nodes are recursively copied into the new Node.</p></p>\n\n<p>If omitted or false, the copy will have no child Nodes.</p>\n\n",
247           "optional": true
248         }
249       ],
250       "return": {
251         "type": "Node",
252         "doc": "<p>A copy of this Node.</p>\n"
253       },
254       "private": false,
255       "static": false,
256       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
257       "linenr": 475,
258       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
259       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-copy",
260       "shortDoc": "<p>Creates a copy (clone) of this Node.</p>\n"
261     },
262     {
263       "tagname": "method",
264       "name": "createNode",
265       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
266       "doc": "<p>Ensures that the passed object is an instance of a Record with the NodeInterface applied</p>\n",
267       "params": [
268         {
269           "type": "Object",
270           "name": "node",
271           "doc": "\n",
272           "optional": false
273         }
274       ],
275       "return": {
276         "type": "Boolean",
277         "doc": "\n"
278       },
279       "private": false,
280       "static": false,
281       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
282       "linenr": 219,
283       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
284       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-createNode",
285       "shortDoc": "<p>Ensures that the passed object is an instance of a Record with the NodeInterface applied</p>\n"
286     },
287     {
288       "tagname": "method",
289       "name": "decorate",
290       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
291       "doc": "<p>This method allows you to decorate a Record's prototype to implement the NodeInterface.\nThis adds a set of methods, new events, new properties and new fields on every Record\nwith the same Model as the passed Record.</p>\n",
292       "params": [
293         {
294           "type": "Ext.data.Record",
295           "name": "record",
296           "doc": "<p>The Record you want to decorate the prototype of.</p>\n",
297           "optional": false
298         }
299       ],
300       "return": {
301         "type": "void",
302         "doc": "\n"
303       },
304       "private": false,
305       "static": true,
306       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
307       "linenr": 12,
308       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
309       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-decorate",
310       "shortDoc": "This method allows you to decorate a Record's prototype to implement the NodeInterface.\nThis adds a set of methods, n..."
311     },
312     {
313       "tagname": "method",
314       "name": "destroy",
315       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
316       "doc": "<p>Destroys the node.</p>\n",
317       "params": [
318         {
319           "type": "Object",
320           "name": "silent",
321           "doc": "\n",
322           "optional": false
323         }
324       ],
325       "return": {
326         "type": "void",
327         "doc": "\n"
328       },
329       "private": false,
330       "static": false,
331       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
332       "linenr": 512,
333       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
334       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-destroy",
335       "shortDoc": "<p>Destroys the node.</p>\n"
336     },
337     {
338       "tagname": "method",
339       "name": "eachChild",
340       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
341       "doc": "<p>Interates the child nodes of this node, calling the specified function with each node. The arguments to the function\nwill be the args provided or the current node. If the function returns false at any point,\nthe iteration stops.</p>\n",
342       "params": [
343         {
344           "type": "Function",
345           "name": "fn",
346           "doc": "<p>The function to call</p>\n",
347           "optional": false
348         },
349         {
350           "type": "Object",
351           "name": "scope",
352           "doc": "<p>(optional) The scope (<code>this</code> reference) in which the function is executed. Defaults to the current Node in the iteration.</p>\n",
353           "optional": true
354         },
355         {
356           "type": "Array",
357           "name": "args",
358           "doc": "<p>(optional) The args to call the function with (default to passing the current Node)</p>\n",
359           "optional": true
360         }
361       ],
362       "return": {
363         "type": "void",
364         "doc": "\n"
365       },
366       "private": false,
367       "static": false,
368       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
369       "linenr": 754,
370       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
371       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-eachChild",
372       "shortDoc": "Interates the child nodes of this node, calling the specified function with each node. The arguments to the function\n..."
373     },
374     {
375       "tagname": "method",
376       "name": "expand",
377       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
378       "doc": "<p>Expand this node.</p>\n",
379       "params": [
380         {
381           "type": "Function",
382           "name": "recursive",
383           "doc": "<p>(Optional) True to recursively expand all the children</p>\n",
384           "optional": false
385         },
386         {
387           "type": "Function",
388           "name": "callback",
389           "doc": "<p>(Optional) The function to execute once the expand completes</p>\n",
390           "optional": false
391         },
392         {
393           "type": "Object",
394           "name": "scope",
395           "doc": "<p>(Optional) The scope to run the callback in</p>\n",
396           "optional": false
397         }
398       ],
399       "return": {
400         "type": "void",
401         "doc": "\n"
402       },
403       "private": false,
404       "static": false,
405       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
406       "linenr": 924,
407       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
408       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-expand",
409       "shortDoc": "<p>Expand this node.</p>\n"
410     },
411     {
412       "tagname": "method",
413       "name": "expandChildren",
414       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
415       "doc": "<p>Expand all the children of this node.</p>\n",
416       "params": [
417         {
418           "type": "Function",
419           "name": "recursive",
420           "doc": "<p>(Optional) True to recursively expand all the children</p>\n",
421           "optional": false
422         },
423         {
424           "type": "Function",
425           "name": "callback",
426           "doc": "<p>(Optional) The function to execute once all the children are expanded</p>\n",
427           "optional": false
428         },
429         {
430           "type": "Object",
431           "name": "scope",
432           "doc": "<p>(Optional) The scope to run the callback in</p>\n",
433           "optional": false
434         }
435       ],
436       "return": {
437         "type": "void",
438         "doc": "\n"
439       },
440       "private": false,
441       "static": false,
442       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
443       "linenr": 975,
444       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
445       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-expandChildren",
446       "shortDoc": "<p>Expand all the children of this node.</p>\n"
447     },
448     {
449       "tagname": "method",
450       "name": "findChild",
451       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
452       "doc": "<p>Finds the first child that has the attribute with the specified value.</p>\n",
453       "params": [
454         {
455           "type": "String",
456           "name": "attribute",
457           "doc": "<p>The attribute name</p>\n",
458           "optional": false
459         },
460         {
461           "type": "Mixed",
462           "name": "value",
463           "doc": "<p>The value to search for</p>\n",
464           "optional": false
465         },
466         {
467           "type": "Boolean",
468           "name": "deep",
469           "doc": "<p>(Optional) True to search through nodes deeper than the immediate children</p>\n",
470           "optional": false
471         }
472       ],
473       "return": {
474         "type": "Node",
475         "doc": "<p>The found child or null if none was found</p>\n"
476       },
477       "private": false,
478       "static": false,
479       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
480       "linenr": 774,
481       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
482       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-findChild",
483       "shortDoc": "<p>Finds the first child that has the attribute with the specified value.</p>\n"
484     },
485     {
486       "tagname": "method",
487       "name": "findChildBy",
488       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
489       "doc": "<p>Finds the first child by a custom function. The child matches if the function passed returns <code>true</code>.</p>\n",
490       "params": [
491         {
492           "type": "Function",
493           "name": "fn",
494           "doc": "<p>A function which must return <code>true</code> if the passed Node is the required Node.</p>\n",
495           "optional": false
496         },
497         {
498           "type": "Object",
499           "name": "scope",
500           "doc": "<p>(optional) The scope (<code>this</code> reference) in which the function is executed. Defaults to the Node being tested.</p>\n",
501           "optional": true
502         },
503         {
504           "type": "Boolean",
505           "name": "deep",
506           "doc": "<p>(Optional) True to search through nodes deeper than the immediate children</p>\n",
507           "optional": false
508         }
509       ],
510       "return": {
511         "type": "Node",
512         "doc": "<p>The found child or null if none was found</p>\n"
513       },
514       "private": false,
515       "static": false,
516       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
517       "linenr": 787,
518       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
519       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-findChildBy",
520       "shortDoc": "<p>Finds the first child by a custom function. The child matches if the function passed returns <code>true</code>.</p>\n"
521     },
522     {
523       "tagname": "method",
524       "name": "getChildAt",
525       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
526       "doc": "<p>Returns the child node at the specified index.</p>\n",
527       "params": [
528         {
529           "type": "Number",
530           "name": "index",
531           "doc": "\n",
532           "optional": false
533         }
534       ],
535       "return": {
536         "type": "Node",
537         "doc": "\n"
538       },
539       "private": false,
540       "static": false,
541       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
542       "linenr": 667,
543       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
544       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-getChildAt",
545       "shortDoc": "<p>Returns the child node at the specified index.</p>\n"
546     },
547     {
548       "tagname": "method",
549       "name": "getDepth",
550       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
551       "doc": "<p>Returns depth of this node (the root node has a depth of 0)</p>\n",
552       "params": [
554       ],
555       "return": {
556         "type": "Number",
557         "doc": "\n"
558       },
559       "private": false,
560       "static": false,
561       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
562       "linenr": 699,
563       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
564       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-getDepth",
565       "shortDoc": "<p>Returns depth of this node (the root node has a depth of 0)</p>\n"
566     },
567     {
568       "tagname": "method",
569       "name": "hasChildNodes",
570       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
571       "doc": "<p>Returns true if this node has one or more child nodes, else false.</p>\n",
572       "params": [
574       ],
575       "return": {
576         "type": "Boolean",
577         "doc": "\n"
578       },
579       "private": false,
580       "static": false,
581       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
582       "linenr": 315,
583       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
584       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-hasChildNodes",
585       "shortDoc": "<p>Returns true if this node has one or more child nodes, else false.</p>\n"
586     },
587     {
588       "tagname": "method",
589       "name": "indexOf",
590       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
591       "doc": "<p>Returns the index of a child node</p>\n",
592       "params": [
593         {
594           "type": "Node",
595           "name": "node",
596           "doc": "\n",
597           "optional": false
598         }
599       ],
600       "return": {
601         "type": "Number",
602         "doc": "<p>The index of the node or -1 if it was not found</p>\n"
603       },
604       "private": false,
605       "static": false,
606       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
607       "linenr": 690,
608       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
609       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-indexOf",
610       "shortDoc": "<p>Returns the index of a child node</p>\n"
611     },
612     {
613       "tagname": "method",
614       "name": "insertBefore",
615       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
616       "doc": "<p>Inserts the first node before the second node in this nodes childNodes collection.</p>\n",
617       "params": [
618         {
619           "type": "Node",
620           "name": "node",
621           "doc": "<p>The node to insert</p>\n",
622           "optional": false
623         },
624         {
625           "type": "Node",
626           "name": "refNode",
627           "doc": "<p>The node to insert before (if null the node is appended)</p>\n",
628           "optional": false
629         },
630         {
631           "type": "Object",
632           "name": "suppressEvents",
633           "doc": "\n",
634           "optional": false
635         }
636       ],
637       "return": {
638         "type": "Node",
639         "doc": "<p>The inserted node</p>\n"
640       },
641       "private": false,
642       "static": false,
643       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
644       "linenr": 540,
645       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
646       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-insertBefore",
647       "shortDoc": "<p>Inserts the first node before the second node in this nodes childNodes collection.</p>\n"
648     },
649     {
650       "tagname": "method",
651       "name": "insertChild",
652       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
653       "doc": "<p>Insert a node into this node</p>\n",
654       "params": [
655         {
656           "type": "Number",
657           "name": "index",
658           "doc": "<p>The zero-based index to insert the node at</p>\n",
659           "optional": false
660         },
661         {
662           "type": "Ext.data.Model",
663           "name": "node",
664           "doc": "<p>The node to insert</p>\n",
665           "optional": false
666         }
667       ],
668       "return": {
669         "type": "Ext.data.Record",
670         "doc": "<p>The record you just inserted</p>\n"
671       },
672       "private": false,
673       "static": false,
674       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
675       "linenr": 622,
676       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
677       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-insertChild",
678       "shortDoc": "<p>Insert a node into this node</p>\n"
679     },
680     {
681       "tagname": "method",
682       "name": "isAncestor",
683       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
684       "doc": "<p>Returns true if the passed node is an ancestor (at any point) of this node.</p>\n",
685       "params": [
686         {
687           "type": "Node",
688           "name": "node",
689           "doc": "\n",
690           "optional": false
691         }
692       ],
693       "return": {
694         "type": "Boolean",
695         "doc": "\n"
696       },
697       "private": false,
698       "static": false,
699       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
700       "linenr": 824,
701       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
702       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-isAncestor",
703       "shortDoc": "<p>Returns true if the passed node is an ancestor (at any point) of this node.</p>\n"
704     },
705     {
706       "tagname": "method",
707       "name": "isExpandable",
708       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
709       "doc": "<p>Returns true if this node has one or more child nodes, or if the <tt>expandable</tt>\nnode attribute is explicitly specified as true (see <a href=\"#/api/Ext.data.NodeInterface--attributes\" rel=\"Ext.data.NodeInterface--attributes\" class=\"docClass\">attributes</a>), otherwise returns false.</p>\n",
710       "params": [
712       ],
713       "return": {
714         "type": "Boolean",
715         "doc": "\n"
716       },
717       "private": false,
718       "static": false,
719       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
720       "linenr": 323,
721       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
722       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-isExpandable",
723       "shortDoc": "Returns true if this node has one or more child nodes, or if the expandable\nnode attribute is explicitly specified as..."
724     },
725     {
726       "tagname": "method",
727       "name": "isExpanded",
728       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
729       "doc": "<p>Returns true if this node is expaned</p>\n",
730       "params": [
732       ],
733       "return": {
734         "type": "Boolean",
735         "doc": "\n"
736       },
737       "private": false,
738       "static": false,
739       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
740       "linenr": 877,
741       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
742       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-isExpanded",
743       "shortDoc": "<p>Returns true if this node is expaned</p>\n"
744     },
745     {
746       "tagname": "method",
747       "name": "isFirst",
748       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
749       "doc": "<p>Returns true if this node is the first child of its parent</p>\n",
750       "params": [
752       ],
753       "return": {
754         "type": "Boolean",
755         "doc": "\n"
756       },
757       "private": false,
758       "static": false,
759       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
760       "linenr": 307,
761       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
762       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-isFirst",
763       "shortDoc": "<p>Returns true if this node is the first child of its parent</p>\n"
764     },
765     {
766       "tagname": "method",
767       "name": "isLast",
768       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
769       "doc": "<p>Returns true if this node is the last child of its parent</p>\n",
770       "params": [
772       ],
773       "return": {
774         "type": "Boolean",
775         "doc": "\n"
776       },
777       "private": false,
778       "static": false,
779       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
780       "linenr": 299,
781       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
782       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-isLast",
783       "shortDoc": "<p>Returns true if this node is the last child of its parent</p>\n"
784     },
785     {
786       "tagname": "method",
787       "name": "isLeaf",
788       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
789       "doc": "<p>Returns true if this node is a leaf</p>\n",
790       "params": [
792       ],
793       "return": {
794         "type": "Boolean",
795         "doc": "\n"
796       },
797       "private": false,
798       "static": false,
799       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
800       "linenr": 231,
801       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
802       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-isLeaf",
803       "shortDoc": "<p>Returns true if this node is a leaf</p>\n"
804     },
805     {
806       "tagname": "method",
807       "name": "isLoaded",
808       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
809       "doc": "<p>Returns true if this node is loaded</p>\n",
810       "params": [
812       ],
813       "return": {
814         "type": "Boolean",
815         "doc": "\n"
816       },
817       "private": false,
818       "static": false,
819       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
820       "linenr": 885,
821       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
822       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-isLoaded",
823       "shortDoc": "<p>Returns true if this node is loaded</p>\n"
824     },
825     {
826       "tagname": "method",
827       "name": "isLoading",
828       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
829       "doc": "<p>Returns true if this node is loading</p>\n",
830       "params": [
832       ],
833       "return": {
834         "type": "Boolean",
835         "doc": "\n"
836       },
837       "private": false,
838       "static": false,
839       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
840       "linenr": 893,
841       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
842       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-isLoading",
843       "shortDoc": "<p>Returns true if this node is loading</p>\n"
844     },
845     {
846       "tagname": "method",
847       "name": "isRoot",
848       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
849       "doc": "<p>Returns true if this node is the root node</p>\n",
850       "params": [
852       ],
853       "return": {
854         "type": "Boolean",
855         "doc": "\n"
856       },
857       "private": false,
858       "static": false,
859       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
860       "linenr": 901,
861       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
862       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-isRoot",
863       "shortDoc": "<p>Returns true if this node is the root node</p>\n"
864     },
865     {
866       "tagname": "method",
867       "name": "isVisible",
868       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
869       "doc": "<p>Returns true if this node is visible</p>\n",
870       "params": [
872       ],
873       "return": {
874         "type": "Boolean",
875         "doc": "\n"
876       },
877       "private": false,
878       "static": false,
879       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
880       "linenr": 909,
881       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
882       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-isVisible",
883       "shortDoc": "<p>Returns true if this node is visible</p>\n"
884     },
885     {
886       "tagname": "method",
887       "name": "remove",
888       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
889       "doc": "<p>Removes this node from its parent</p>\n",
890       "params": [
891         {
892           "type": "Boolean",
893           "name": "destroy",
894           "doc": "<p><tt>true</tt> to destroy the node upon removal. Defaults to <tt>false</tt>.</p>\n",
895           "optional": false
896         },
897         {
898           "type": "Object",
899           "name": "suppressEvents",
900           "doc": "\n",
901           "optional": false
902         }
903       ],
904       "return": {
905         "type": "Node",
906         "doc": "<p>this</p>\n"
907       },
908       "private": false,
909       "static": false,
910       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
911       "linenr": 638,
912       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
913       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-remove",
914       "shortDoc": "<p>Removes this node from its parent</p>\n"
915     },
916     {
917       "tagname": "method",
918       "name": "removeAll",
919       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
920       "doc": "<p>Removes all child nodes from this node.</p>\n",
921       "params": [
922         {
923           "type": "Boolean",
924           "name": "destroy",
925           "doc": "<p><tt>true</tt> to destroy the node upon removal. Defaults to <tt>false</tt>.</p>\n",
926           "optional": false
927         },
928         {
929           "type": "Object",
930           "name": "suppressEvents",
931           "doc": "\n",
932           "optional": false
933         }
934       ],
935       "return": {
936         "type": "Node",
937         "doc": "<p>this</p>\n"
938       },
939       "private": false,
940       "static": false,
941       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
942       "linenr": 652,
943       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
944       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-removeAll",
945       "shortDoc": "<p>Removes all child nodes from this node.</p>\n"
946     },
947     {
948       "tagname": "method",
949       "name": "removeChild",
950       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
951       "doc": "<p>Removes a child node from this node.</p>\n",
952       "params": [
953         {
954           "type": "Node",
955           "name": "node",
956           "doc": "<p>The node to remove</p>\n",
957           "optional": false
958         },
959         {
960           "type": "Boolean",
961           "name": "destroy",
962           "doc": "<p><tt>true</tt> to destroy the node upon removal. Defaults to <tt>false</tt>.</p>\n",
963           "optional": false
964         },
965         {
966           "type": "Object",
967           "name": "suppressEvents",
968           "doc": "\n",
969           "optional": false
970         },
971         {
972           "type": "Object",
973           "name": "suppressNodeUpdate",
974           "doc": "\n",
975           "optional": false
976         }
977       ],
978       "return": {
979         "type": "Node",
980         "doc": "<p>The removed node</p>\n"
981       },
982       "private": false,
983       "static": false,
984       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
985       "linenr": 421,
986       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
987       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-removeChild",
988       "shortDoc": "<p>Removes a child node from this node.</p>\n"
989     },
990     {
991       "tagname": "method",
992       "name": "replaceChild",
993       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
994       "doc": "<p>Replaces one child node in this node with another.</p>\n",
995       "params": [
996         {
997           "type": "Node",
998           "name": "newChild",
999           "doc": "<p>The replacement node</p>\n",
1000           "optional": false
1001         },
1002         {
1003           "type": "Node",
1004           "name": "oldChild",
1005           "doc": "<p>The node to replace</p>\n",
1006           "optional": false
1007         },
1008         {
1009           "type": "Object",
1010           "name": "suppressEvents",
1011           "doc": "\n",
1012           "optional": false
1013         }
1014       ],
1015       "return": {
1016         "type": "Node",
1017         "doc": "<p>The replaced node</p>\n"
1018       },
1019       "private": false,
1020       "static": false,
1021       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
1022       "linenr": 676,
1023       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
1024       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-replaceChild",
1025       "shortDoc": "<p>Replaces one child node in this node with another.</p>\n"
1026     },
1027     {
1028       "tagname": "method",
1029       "name": "sort",
1030       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
1031       "doc": "<p>Sorts this nodes children using the supplied sort function.</p>\n",
1032       "params": [
1033         {
1034           "type": "Function",
1035           "name": "fn",
1036           "doc": "<p>A function which, when passed two Nodes, returns -1, 0 or 1 depending upon required sort order.</p>\n",
1037           "optional": false
1038         },
1039         {
1040           "type": "Boolean",
1041           "name": "recursive",
1042           "doc": "<p>Whether or not to apply this sort recursively</p>\n",
1043           "optional": false
1044         },
1045         {
1046           "type": "Boolean",
1047           "name": "suppressEvent",
1048           "doc": "<p>Set to true to not fire a sort event.</p>\n",
1049           "optional": false
1050         }
1051       ],
1052       "return": {
1053         "type": "void",
1054         "doc": "\n"
1055       },
1056       "private": false,
1057       "static": false,
1058       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
1059       "linenr": 840,
1060       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
1061       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-sort",
1062       "shortDoc": "<p>Sorts this nodes children using the supplied sort function.</p>\n"
1063     },
1064     {
1065       "tagname": "method",
1066       "name": "updateInfo",
1067       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
1068       "doc": "<p>Updates general data of this node like isFirst, isLast, depth. This\nmethod is internally called after a node is moved. This shouldn't\nhave to be called by the developer unless they are creating custom\nTree plugins.</p>\n",
1069       "params": [
1070         {
1071           "type": "Object",
1072           "name": "silent",
1073           "doc": "\n",
1074           "optional": false
1075         }
1076       ],
1077       "return": {
1078         "type": "Boolean",
1079         "doc": "\n"
1080       },
1081       "private": false,
1082       "static": false,
1083       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
1084       "linenr": 257,
1085       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
1086       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-method-updateInfo",
1087       "shortDoc": "Updates general data of this node like isFirst, isLast, depth. This\nmethod is internally called after a node is moved..."
1088     }
1089   ],
1090   "property": [
1092   ],
1093   "event": [
1094     {
1095       "tagname": "event",
1096       "name": "append",
1097       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
1098       "doc": "<p>Fires when a new child node is appended</p>\n",
1099       "params": [
1100         {
1101           "type": "Node",
1102           "name": "this",
1103           "doc": "<p>This node</p>\n",
1104           "optional": false
1105         },
1106         {
1107           "type": "Node",
1108           "name": "node",
1109           "doc": "<p>The newly appended node</p>\n",
1110           "optional": false
1111         },
1112         {
1113           "type": "Number",
1114           "name": "index",
1115           "doc": "<p>The index of the newly appended node</p>\n",
1116           "optional": false
1117         }
1118       ],
1119       "private": false,
1120       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
1121       "linenr": 84,
1122       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
1123       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-event-append",
1124       "shortDoc": "<p>Fires when a new child node is appended</p>\n"
1125     },
1126     {
1127       "tagname": "event",
1128       "name": "beforeappend",
1129       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
1130       "doc": "<p>Fires before a new child is appended, return false to cancel the append.</p>\n",
1131       "params": [
1132         {
1133           "type": "Node",
1134           "name": "this",
1135           "doc": "<p>This node</p>\n",
1136           "optional": false
1137         },
1138         {
1139           "type": "Node",
1140           "name": "node",
1141           "doc": "<p>The child node to be appended</p>\n",
1142           "optional": false
1143         }
1144       ],
1145       "private": false,
1146       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
1147       "linenr": 120,
1148       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
1149       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-event-beforeappend",
1150       "shortDoc": "<p>Fires before a new child is appended, return false to cancel the append.</p>\n"
1151     },
1152     {
1153       "tagname": "event",
1154       "name": "beforecollapse",
1155       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
1156       "doc": "<p>Fires before this node is collapsed.</p>\n",
1157       "params": [
1158         {
1159           "type": "Node",
1160           "name": "this",
1161           "doc": "<p>The collapsing node</p>\n",
1162           "optional": false
1163         }
1164       ],
1165       "private": false,
1166       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
1167       "linenr": 183,
1168       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
1169       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-event-beforecollapse",
1170       "shortDoc": "<p>Fires before this node is collapsed.</p>\n"
1171     },
1172     {
1173       "tagname": "event",
1174       "name": "beforeexpand",
1175       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
1176       "doc": "<p>Fires before this node is expanded.</p>\n",
1177       "params": [
1178         {
1179           "type": "Node",
1180           "name": "this",
1181           "doc": "<p>The expanding node</p>\n",
1182           "optional": false
1183         }
1184       ],
1185       "private": false,
1186       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
1187       "linenr": 169,
1188       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
1189       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-event-beforeexpand",
1190       "shortDoc": "<p>Fires before this node is expanded.</p>\n"
1191     },
1192     {
1193       "tagname": "event",
1194       "name": "beforeinsert",
1195       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
1196       "doc": "<p>Fires before a new child is inserted, return false to cancel the insert.</p>\n",
1197       "params": [
1198         {
1199           "type": "Node",
1200           "name": "this",
1201           "doc": "<p>This node</p>\n",
1202           "optional": false
1203         },
1204         {
1205           "type": "Node",
1206           "name": "node",
1207           "doc": "<p>The child node to be inserted</p>\n",
1208           "optional": false
1209         },
1210         {
1211           "type": "Node",
1212           "name": "refNode",
1213           "doc": "<p>The child node the node is being inserted before</p>\n",
1214           "optional": false
1215         }
1216       ],
1217       "private": false,
1218       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
1219       "linenr": 146,
1220       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
1221       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-event-beforeinsert",
1222       "shortDoc": "<p>Fires before a new child is inserted, return false to cancel the insert.</p>\n"
1223     },
1224     {
1225       "tagname": "event",
1226       "name": "beforemove",
1227       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
1228       "doc": "<p>Fires before this node is moved to a new location in the tree. Return false to cancel the move.</p>\n",
1229       "params": [
1230         {
1231           "type": "Node",
1232           "name": "this",
1233           "doc": "<p>This node</p>\n",
1234           "optional": false
1235         },
1236         {
1237           "type": "Node",
1238           "name": "oldParent",
1239           "doc": "<p>The parent of this node</p>\n",
1240           "optional": false
1241         },
1242         {
1243           "type": "Node",
1244           "name": "newParent",
1245           "doc": "<p>The new parent this node is moving to</p>\n",
1246           "optional": false
1247         },
1248         {
1249           "type": "Number",
1250           "name": "index",
1251           "doc": "<p>The index it is being moved to</p>\n",
1252           "optional": false
1253         }
1254       ],
1255       "private": false,
1256       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
1257       "linenr": 136,
1258       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
1259       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-event-beforemove",
1260       "shortDoc": "<p>Fires before this node is moved to a new location in the tree. Return false to cancel the move.</p>\n"
1261     },
1262     {
1263       "tagname": "event",
1264       "name": "beforeremove",
1265       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
1266       "doc": "<p>Fires before a child is removed, return false to cancel the remove.</p>\n",
1267       "params": [
1268         {
1269           "type": "Node",
1270           "name": "this",
1271           "doc": "<p>This node</p>\n",
1272           "optional": false
1273         },
1274         {
1275           "type": "Node",
1276           "name": "node",
1277           "doc": "<p>The child node to be removed</p>\n",
1278           "optional": false
1279         }
1280       ],
1281       "private": false,
1282       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
1283       "linenr": 128,
1284       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
1285       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-event-beforeremove",
1286       "shortDoc": "<p>Fires before a child is removed, return false to cancel the remove.</p>\n"
1287     },
1288     {
1289       "tagname": "event",
1290       "name": "collapse",
1291       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
1292       "doc": "<p>Fires when this node is collapsed.</p>\n",
1293       "params": [
1294         {
1295           "type": "Node",
1296           "name": "this",
1297           "doc": "<p>The collapsing node</p>\n",
1298           "optional": false
1299         }
1300       ],
1301       "private": false,
1302       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
1303       "linenr": 162,
1304       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
1305       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-event-collapse",
1306       "shortDoc": "<p>Fires when this node is collapsed.</p>\n"
1307     },
1308     {
1309       "tagname": "event",
1310       "name": "expand",
1311       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
1312       "doc": "<p>Fires when this node is expanded.</p>\n",
1313       "params": [
1314         {
1315           "type": "Node",
1316           "name": "this",
1317           "doc": "<p>The expanding node</p>\n",
1318           "optional": false
1319         }
1320       ],
1321       "private": false,
1322       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
1323       "linenr": 155,
1324       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
1325       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-event-expand",
1326       "shortDoc": "<p>Fires when this node is expanded.</p>\n"
1327     },
1328     {
1329       "tagname": "event",
1330       "name": "insert",
1331       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
1332       "doc": "<p>Fires when a new child node is inserted.</p>\n",
1333       "params": [
1334         {
1335           "type": "Node",
1336           "name": "this",
1337           "doc": "<p>This node</p>\n",
1338           "optional": false
1339         },
1340         {
1341           "type": "Node",
1342           "name": "node",
1343           "doc": "<p>The child node inserted</p>\n",
1344           "optional": false
1345         },
1346         {
1347           "type": "Node",
1348           "name": "refNode",
1349           "doc": "<p>The child node the node was inserted before</p>\n",
1350           "optional": false
1351         }
1352       ],
1353       "private": false,
1354       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
1355       "linenr": 111,
1356       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
1357       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-event-insert",
1358       "shortDoc": "<p>Fires when a new child node is inserted.</p>\n"
1359     },
1360     {
1361       "tagname": "event",
1362       "name": "move",
1363       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
1364       "doc": "<p>Fires when this node is moved to a new location in the tree</p>\n",
1365       "params": [
1366         {
1367           "type": "Node",
1368           "name": "this",
1369           "doc": "<p>This node</p>\n",
1370           "optional": false
1371         },
1372         {
1373           "type": "Node",
1374           "name": "oldParent",
1375           "doc": "<p>The old parent of this node</p>\n",
1376           "optional": false
1377         },
1378         {
1379           "type": "Node",
1380           "name": "newParent",
1381           "doc": "<p>The new parent of this node</p>\n",
1382           "optional": false
1383         },
1384         {
1385           "type": "Number",
1386           "name": "index",
1387           "doc": "<p>The index it was moved to</p>\n",
1388           "optional": false
1389         }
1390       ],
1391       "private": false,
1392       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
1393       "linenr": 101,
1394       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
1395       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-event-move",
1396       "shortDoc": "<p>Fires when this node is moved to a new location in the tree</p>\n"
1397     },
1398     {
1399       "tagname": "event",
1400       "name": "remove",
1401       "member": "Ext.data.NodeInterface",
1402       "doc": "<p>Fires when a child node is removed</p>\n",
1403       "params": [
1404         {
1405           "type": "Node",
1406           "name": "this",
1407           "doc": "<p>This node</p>\n",
1408           "optional": false
1409         },
1410         {
1411           "type": "Node",
1412           "name": "node",
1413           "doc": "<p>The removed node</p>\n",
1414           "optional": false
1415         }
1416       ],
1417       "private": false,
1418       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
1419       "linenr": 93,
1420       "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
1421       "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface-event-remove",
1422       "shortDoc": "<p>Fires when a child node is removed</p>\n"
1423     }
1424   ],
1425   "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/data/NodeInterface.js",
1426   "linenr": 1,
1427   "html_filename": "NodeInterface.html",
1428   "href": "NodeInterface.html#Ext-data-NodeInterface",
1429   "cssVar": [
1431   ],
1432   "cssMixin": [
1434   ],
1435   "component": false,
1436   "superclasses": [
1438   ],
1439   "subclasses": [
1441   ],
1442   "mixedInto": [
1444   ],
1445   "allMixins": [
1447   ]
1448 });