Upgrade to ExtJS 4.0.1 - Released 05/18/2011
[extjs.git] / docs / output / Ext.chart.Legend.js
1 Ext.data.JsonP.Ext_chart_Legend({
2   "tagname": "class",
3   "name": "Ext.chart.Legend",
4   "doc": "<p>Defines a legend for a chart's series.\nThe 'chart' member must be set prior to rendering.\nThe legend class displays a list of legend items each of them related with a\nseries being rendered. In order to render the legend item of the proper series\nthe series configuration object must have <code>showInSeries</code> set to true.</p>\n\n<p>The legend configuration object accepts a <code>position</code> as parameter.\nThe <code>position</code> parameter can be <code>left</code>, <code>right</code>\n<code>top</code> or <code>bottom</code>. For example:</p>\n\n<pre><code>legend: {\n    position: 'right'\n},\n</code></pre>\n\n<p>Full example:</p>\n\n<pre><code>    var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.JsonStore', {\n        fields: ['name', 'data1', 'data2', 'data3', 'data4', 'data5'],\n        data: [\n            {'name':'metric one', 'data1':10, 'data2':12, 'data3':14, 'data4':8, 'data5':13},\n            {'name':'metric two', 'data1':7, 'data2':8, 'data3':16, 'data4':10, 'data5':3},\n            {'name':'metric three', 'data1':5, 'data2':2, 'data3':14, 'data4':12, 'data5':7},\n            {'name':'metric four', 'data1':2, 'data2':14, 'data3':6, 'data4':1, 'data5':23},\n            {'name':'metric five', 'data1':27, 'data2':38, 'data3':36, 'data4':13, 'data5':33}                                                \n        ]\n    });\n    \n    Ext.create('Ext.chart.Chart', {\n        renderTo: Ext.getBody(),\n        width: 500,\n        height: 300,\n        animate: true,\n        store: store,\n        shadow: true,\n        theme: 'Category1',\n        legend: {\n            position: 'top'\n        },\n         axes: [{\n                type: 'Numeric',\n                grid: true,\n                position: 'left',\n                fields: ['data1', 'data2', 'data3', 'data4', 'data5'],\n                title: 'Sample Values',\n                grid: {\n                    odd: {\n                        opacity: 1,\n                        fill: '#ddd',\n                        stroke: '#bbb',\n                        'stroke-width': 1\n                    }\n                },\n                minimum: 0,\n                adjustMinimumByMajorUnit: 0\n            }, {\n                type: 'Category',\n                position: 'bottom',\n                fields: ['name'],\n                title: 'Sample Metrics',\n                grid: true,\n                label: {\n                    rotate: {\n                        degrees: 315\n                    }\n                }\n        }],\n        series: [{\n            type: 'area',\n            highlight: false,\n            axis: 'left',\n            xField: 'name',\n            yField: ['data1', 'data2', 'data3', 'data4', 'data5'],\n            style: {\n                opacity: 0.93\n            }\n        }]\n    });    \n    </code></pre>\n\n",
5   "extends": null,
6   "mixins": [
8   ],
9   "alternateClassNames": [
11   ],
12   "xtype": null,
13   "author": null,
14   "docauthor": null,
15   "singleton": false,
16   "private": false,
17   "cfg": [
18     {
19       "tagname": "cfg",
20       "name": "boxFill",
21       "member": "Ext.chart.Legend",
22       "type": "String",
23       "doc": "<p>Fill style for the legend box</p>\n",
24       "private": false,
25       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/chart/Legend.js",
26       "linenr": 139,
27       "html_filename": "Legend.html",
28       "href": "Legend.html#Ext-chart-Legend-cfg-boxFill"
29     },
30     {
31       "tagname": "cfg",
32       "name": "boxStroke",
33       "member": "Ext.chart.Legend",
34       "type": "String",
35       "doc": "<p>Style of the stroke for the legend box</p>\n",
36       "private": false,
37       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/chart/Legend.js",
38       "linenr": 127,
39       "html_filename": "Legend.html",
40       "href": "Legend.html#Ext-chart-Legend-cfg-boxStroke"
41     },
42     {
43       "tagname": "cfg",
44       "name": "boxStrokeWidth",
45       "member": "Ext.chart.Legend",
46       "type": "String",
47       "doc": "<p>Width of the stroke for the legend box</p>\n",
48       "private": false,
49       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/chart/Legend.js",
50       "linenr": 133,
51       "html_filename": "Legend.html",
52       "href": "Legend.html#Ext-chart-Legend-cfg-boxStrokeWidth"
53     },
54     {
55       "tagname": "cfg",
56       "name": "boxZIndex",
57       "member": "Ext.chart.Legend",
58       "type": "Number",
59       "doc": "<p>Sets the z-index for the legend. Defaults to 100.</p>\n",
60       "private": false,
61       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/chart/Legend.js",
62       "linenr": 162,
63       "html_filename": "Legend.html",
64       "href": "Legend.html#Ext-chart-Legend-cfg-boxZIndex"
65     },
66     {
67       "tagname": "cfg",
68       "name": "itemSpacing",
69       "member": "Ext.chart.Legend",
70       "type": "Number",
71       "doc": "<p>Amount of space between legend items</p>\n",
72       "private": false,
73       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/chart/Legend.js",
74       "linenr": 145,
75       "html_filename": "Legend.html",
76       "href": "Legend.html#Ext-chart-Legend-cfg-itemSpacing"
77     },
78     {
79       "tagname": "cfg",
80       "name": "labelFont",
81       "member": "Ext.chart.Legend",
82       "type": "String",
83       "doc": "<p>Font to be used for the legend labels, eg '12px Helvetica'</p>\n",
84       "private": false,
85       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/chart/Legend.js",
86       "linenr": 121,
87       "html_filename": "Legend.html",
88       "href": "Legend.html#Ext-chart-Legend-cfg-labelFont"
89     },
90     {
91       "tagname": "cfg",
92       "name": "padding",
93       "member": "Ext.chart.Legend",
94       "type": "Number",
95       "doc": "<p>Amount of padding between the legend box's border and its items</p>\n",
96       "private": false,
97       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/chart/Legend.js",
98       "linenr": 151,
99       "html_filename": "Legend.html",
100       "href": "Legend.html#Ext-chart-Legend-cfg-padding"
101     },
102     {
103       "tagname": "cfg",
104       "name": "position",
105       "member": "Ext.chart.Legend",
106       "type": "String",
107       "doc": "<p>The position of the legend in relation to the chart. One of: \"top\",\n\"bottom\", \"left\", \"right\", or \"float\". If set to \"float\", then the legend\nbox will be positioned at the point denoted by the x and y parameters.</p>\n",
108       "private": false,
109       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/chart/Legend.js",
110       "linenr": 99,
111       "html_filename": "Legend.html",
112       "href": "Legend.html#Ext-chart-Legend-cfg-position",
113       "shortDoc": "The position of the legend in relation to the chart. One of: \"top\",\n\"bottom\", \"left\", \"right\", or \"float\". If set to ..."
114     },
115     {
116       "tagname": "cfg",
117       "name": "visible",
118       "member": "Ext.chart.Legend",
119       "type": "Boolean",
120       "doc": "<p>Whether or not the legend should be displayed.</p>\n",
121       "private": false,
122       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/chart/Legend.js",
123       "linenr": 93,
124       "html_filename": "Legend.html",
125       "href": "Legend.html#Ext-chart-Legend-cfg-visible"
126     },
127     {
128       "tagname": "cfg",
129       "name": "x",
130       "member": "Ext.chart.Legend",
131       "type": "Number",
132       "doc": "<p>X-position of the legend box. Used directly if position is set to \"float\", otherwise\nit will be calculated dynamically.</p>\n",
133       "private": false,
134       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/chart/Legend.js",
135       "linenr": 107,
136       "html_filename": "Legend.html",
137       "href": "Legend.html#Ext-chart-Legend-cfg-x"
138     },
139     {
140       "tagname": "cfg",
141       "name": "y",
142       "member": "Ext.chart.Legend",
143       "type": "Number",
144       "doc": "<p>Y-position of the legend box. Used directly if position is set to \"float\", otherwise\nit will be calculated dynamically.</p>\n",
145       "private": false,
146       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/chart/Legend.js",
147       "linenr": 114,
148       "html_filename": "Legend.html",
149       "href": "Legend.html#Ext-chart-Legend-cfg-y"
150     }
151   ],
152   "method": [
153     {
154       "tagname": "method",
155       "name": "Legend",
156       "member": "Ext.chart.Legend",
157       "doc": "\n",
158       "params": [
160       ],
161       "return": {
162         "type": "void",
163         "doc": "\n"
164       },
165       "private": false,
166       "static": false,
167       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/chart/Legend.js",
168       "linenr": 1,
169       "html_filename": "Legend.html",
170       "href": "Legend.html#Ext-chart-Legend-method-constructor",
171       "shortDoc": "\n"
172     }
173   ],
174   "property": [
175     {
176       "tagname": "property",
177       "name": "isVertical",
178       "member": "Ext.chart.Legend",
179       "type": "Boolean",
180       "doc": "<p>Whether the legend box is oriented vertically, i.e. if it is on the left or right side or floating.</p>\n",
181       "private": false,
182       "static": false,
183       "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/chart/Legend.js",
184       "linenr": 174,
185       "html_filename": "Legend.html",
186       "href": "Legend.html#Ext-chart-Legend-property-isVertical"
187     }
188   ],
189   "event": [
191   ],
192   "filename": "/Users/nick/Projects/sencha/SDK/platform/src/chart/Legend.js",
193   "linenr": 1,
194   "html_filename": "Legend.html",
195   "href": "Legend.html#Ext-chart-Legend",
196   "cssVar": [
198   ],
199   "cssMixin": [
201   ],
202   "component": false,
203   "superclasses": [
205   ],
206   "subclasses": [
208   ],
209   "mixedInto": [
211   ],
212   "allMixins": [
214   ]
215 });