return YES;
-/*- (BOOL)switchToPlaylistAtIndex:(int)index ofSourceAtIndex:(int)index2
+- (BOOL)switchToPlaylistAtIndex:(int)index ofSourceAtIndex:(int)index2
ITDebugLog(@"Switching to playlist at index %i of source %i", index, index2);
[[ITAppleEventCenter sharedCenter] sendAEWithSendString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"'----':obj { form:'indx', want:type('cPly'), seld:long(%lu), from: obj { form:'indx', want:type('cSrc'), seld:long(%lu), from:'null'() } }", index - 1, index2 + 1] eventClass:@"hook" eventID:@"Play" appPSN:savedPSN];
//{ form:'indx', want:type('cPly'), seld:long(%lu), from:obj { form:'indx', want:type('cSrc'), seld:long('%lu'), from:'null'() } } -- obj { form:'indx', want:type('cSrc'), seld:long(1), from:'null'() }
ITDebugLog(@"Done switching to playlist at index %i of source %i", index, index2);
return YES;
- (BOOL)switchToSongAtIndex:(int)index