- return [[ITAppleEventCenter sharedCenter] sendAEWithSendStringForNumber:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"kocl:type('cTrk'), '----':obj { form:'indx', want:type('cPly'), seld:long(%lu), from:'null'() }",index] eventClass:@"core" eventID:@"cnte" appPSN:savedPSN];
+ int temp1;
+ ITDebugLog(@"Getting number of songs in playlist at index %i", index);
+ temp1 = [[ITAppleEventCenter sharedCenter] sendAEWithSendStringForNumber:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"kocl:type('cTrk'), '----':obj { form:'indx', want:type('cPly'), seld:long(%lu), from:'null'() }",index] eventClass:@"core" eventID:@"cnte" appPSN:savedPSN];
+ ITDebugLog(@"Getting number of songs in playlist at index %i done", index);
+ return temp1;
+- (ITMTRemotePlayerSource)currentSource
+ unsigned long fourcc;
+ ITDebugLog(@"Getting current source.");
+ fourcc = (unsigned long)[[ITAppleEventCenter sharedCenter] sendAEWithSendStringForNumber :[NSString stringWithFormat:@"'----':obj { form:'prop', want:type('prop'), seld:type('pKnd'), from:obj { form:'prop', want:type('prop'), seld:type('ctnr'), from:obj { form:'prop', want:type('prop'), seld:type('pPla'), from:'null'() } } }"] eventClass:@"core" eventID:@"getd" appPSN:savedPSN];
+ switch (fourcc) {
+ case 'kTun':
+ ITDebugLog(@"Getting current source done. Source: Radio.");
+ return ITMTRemoteRadioSource;
+ break;
+ case 'kDev':
+ ITDebugLog(@"Getting current source done. Source: Generic Device.");
+ return ITMTRemoteGenericDeviceSource;
+ case 'kPod':
+ ITDebugLog(@"Getting current source done. Source: iPod.");
+ return ITMTRemoteiPodSource; //this is stupid
+ break;
+ case 'kMCD':
+ case 'kACD':
+ ITDebugLog(@"Getting current source done. Source: CD.");
+ return ITMTRemoteCDSource;
+ break;
+ case 'kUnk':
+ case 'kLib':
+ case 'kShd':
+ default:
+ ITDebugLog(@"Getting current source done. Source: Library.");
+ return ITMTRemoteLibrarySource;
+ break;
+ }