+- (NSMenu *)menuForNoPlayer
+ NSMenu *menu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""];
+ id <NSMenuItem> tempItem = nil;
+ ITDebugLog(@"Creating menu for when player isn't running.");
+ ITDebugLog(@"Add \"Open %@\" menu item.", [[[MainController sharedController] currentRemote] playerSimpleName]);
+ tempItem = [menu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@", NSLocalizedString(@"open", @"Open"), [[[MainController sharedController] currentRemote] playerSimpleName]] action:@selector(performMainMenuAction:) keyEquivalent:@""];
+ [[MainController sharedController] networkError:localException];
+ [tempItem setTag:MTMenuShowPlayerItem];
+ [tempItem setTarget:self];
+ ITDebugLog(@"Add a separator menu item.");
+ [menu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
+ ITDebugLog(@"Add \"Preferences...\" menu item.");
+ tempItem = [menu addItemWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"preferences", @"Preferences...") action:@selector(performMainMenuAction:) keyEquivalent:@""];
+ [tempItem setTag:MTMenuPreferencesItem];
+ [tempItem setTarget:self];
+ if ([[MainController sharedController] blingBling] == NO) {
+ ITDebugLog(@"Add \"Register MenuTunes...\" menu item.");
+ tempItem = [menu addItemWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"register", @"Register MenuTunes...") action:@selector(performMainMenuAction:) keyEquivalent:@""];
+ [tempItem setTag:MTMenuRegisterItem];
+ [tempItem setTarget:self];
+ }
+ ITDebugLog(@"Add \"Quit\" menu item.");
+ tempItem = [menu addItemWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"quit", @"Quit") action:@selector(performMainMenuAction:) keyEquivalent:@""];
+ [tempItem setTag:MTMenuQuitItem];
+ [tempItem setTarget:self];
+ return [menu autorelease];
+- (BOOL)rebuildSubmenus
+ NSArray *menu = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] arrayForKey:@"menu"];
+ ITDebugLog(@"Rebuilding all of the submenus.");
+ _currentTrack = [[[MainController sharedController] currentRemote] currentSongIndex];
+ if (_currentTrack > -1) {
+ _currentPlaylist = [[[MainController sharedController] currentRemote] currentPlaylistIndex];
+ }
+ _playingRadio = ([[[MainController sharedController] currentRemote] currentPlaylistClass] == ITMTRemotePlayerRadioPlaylist);
+ [[MainController sharedController] networkError:localException];
+ ITDebugLog(@"Releasing old submenus.");
+ _continue = YES;
+ ITDebugLog(@" - Rating menu");
+ [_ratingMenu release];
+ _ratingMenu = nil;
+ ITDebugLog(@" - Upcoming songs menu");
+ [_upcomingSongsMenu release];
+ _upcomingSongsMenu = nil;
+ ITDebugLog(@" - Playlists menu");
+ [_playlistsMenu release];
+ _playlistsMenu = nil;
+ ITDebugLog(@" - EQ menu");
+ [_eqMenu release];
+ _eqMenu = nil;
+ ITDebugLog(@"Beginning Rebuild of \"Song Rating\" submenu.");
+ _ratingMenu = [self ratingMenu];
+ ITDebugLog(@"Beginning Rebuild of \"Upcoming Songs\" submenu.");
+ _upcomingSongsMenu = [self upcomingSongsMenu];
+ if (_continue) {
+ ITDebugLog(@"Beginning Rebuild of \"Playlists\" submenu.");
+ _playlistsMenu = [self playlistsMenu];
+ }
+ if (_continue) {
+ ITDebugLog(@"Beginning Rebuild of \"EQ Presets\" submenu.");
+ _eqMenu = [self eqMenu];
+ }
+ if (_continue && [menu containsObject:@"artists"]) {
+ ITDebugLog(@"Releasing artists menu");
+ [_artistsMenu release];
+ ITDebugLog(@"Beginning Rebuild of \"Artists\" submenu.");
+ _artistsMenu = [self artistsMenu];
+ }
+ if (_continue && [menu containsObject:@"albums"]) {
+ ITDebugLog(@"Releasing albums menu");
+ [_albumsMenu release];
+ ITDebugLog(@"Beginning Rebuild of \"Albums\" submenu.");
+ _albumsMenu = [self albumsMenu];
+ }
+ ITDebugLog(@"Done rebuilding all of the submenus.");
+ return _continue;
+- (NSMenu *)ratingMenu
+ NSMenu *ratingMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""];
+ NSEnumerator *itemEnum;
+ id anItem;
+ int itemTag = 0;
+ SEL itemSelector = @selector(performRatingMenuAction:);
+ ITDebugLog(@"Building \"Song Rating\" menu.");
+ [ratingMenu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:"☆☆☆☆☆"] action:nil keyEquivalent:@""];
+ [ratingMenu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:"★☆☆☆☆"] action:nil keyEquivalent:@""];
+ [ratingMenu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:"★★☆☆☆"] action:nil keyEquivalent:@""];
+ [ratingMenu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:"★★★☆☆"] action:nil keyEquivalent:@""];
+ [ratingMenu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:"★★★★☆"] action:nil keyEquivalent:@""];
+ [ratingMenu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:"★★★★★"] action:nil keyEquivalent:@""];
+ itemEnum = [[ratingMenu itemArray] objectEnumerator];
+ while ( (anItem = [itemEnum nextObject]) ) {
+ ITDebugLog(@"Setting up \"%@\" menu item.", [anItem title]);
+ [anItem setAction:itemSelector];
+ [anItem setTarget:self];
+ [anItem setTag:itemTag];
+ itemTag += 20;
+ }
+ ITDebugLog(@"Done Building \"Song Rating\" menu.");
+ return ratingMenu;
+- (NSMenu *)upcomingSongsMenu
+ NSMenu *upcomingSongsMenu;
+ int numSongs = 0, numSongsInAdvance = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] integerForKey:@"SongsInAdvance"];
+ if (_currentTrack == -1) {
+ return nil;
+ }
+ numSongs = [[[MainController sharedController] currentRemote] numberOfSongsInPlaylistAtIndex:_currentPlaylist];
+ [[MainController sharedController] networkError:localException];
+ if (numSongs == -1) {
+ return nil;
+ }
+ upcomingSongsMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""];
+ ITDebugLog(@"Building \"Upcoming Songs\" menu.");
+ if (_currentPlaylist && !_playingRadio) {
+ if (numSongs > 0) {
+ int i;
+ for (i = _currentTrack + 1; i <= _currentTrack + numSongsInAdvance && i <= numSongs; i++) {
+ BOOL enabled = YES;
+ //Check if the song at this index is enabled for playback. If it isn't, skip over it
+ enabled = [[[MainController sharedController] currentRemote] songEnabledAtIndex:i];
+ [[MainController sharedController] networkError:localException];
+ if (enabled) {
+ NSString *curSong = nil;
+ curSong = [[[MainController sharedController] currentRemote] songTitleAtIndex:i];
+ [[MainController sharedController] networkError:localException];
+ id <NSMenuItem> songItem;
+ ITDebugLog(@"Adding song: %@", curSong);
+ songItem = [upcomingSongsMenu addItemWithTitle:curSong action:@selector(performUpcomingSongsMenuAction:) keyEquivalent:@""];
+ [songItem setTag:i];
+ [songItem setTarget:self];
+ } else {
+ numSongsInAdvance++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ([upcomingSongsMenu numberOfItems] == 0) {
+ [upcomingSongsMenu addItemWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"noUpcomingSongs", @"No upcoming songs.") action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""];
+ }
+ }
+ ITDebugLog(@"Done Building \"Upcoming Songs\" menu.");
+ NS_VALUERETURN(upcomingSongsMenu, NSMenu *);
+ [upcomingSongsMenu release];
+ _continue = NO;
+ NS_VALUERETURN(nil, NSMenu *);
+/*- (NSMenu *)playlistsMenu
+ NSMenu *playlistsMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""];
+ NSArray *playlists;
+ id <NSMenuItem> tempItem;
+ ITMTRemotePlayerSource source = [[[MainController sharedController] currentRemote] currentSource];
+ int i;
+ playlists = [[[MainController sharedController] currentRemote] playlists];
+ [[MainController sharedController] networkError:localException];
+ ITDebugLog(@"Building \"Playlists\" menu.");
+ for (i = 0; i < [playlists count]; i++) {
+ NSString *curPlaylist = [playlists objectAtIndex:i];
+ ITDebugLog(@"Adding playlist: %@", curPlaylist);
+ tempItem = [playlistsMenu addItemWithTitle:curPlaylist action:@selector(performPlaylistMenuAction:) keyEquivalent:@""];
+ [tempItem setTag:i + 1];
+ [tempItem setTarget:self];
+ }
+ if (source == ITMTRemoteRadioSource) {
+ [[playlistsMenu addItemWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"radio", @"Radio") action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""] setState:NSOnState];
+ } else if (source == ITMTRemoteGenericDeviceSource) {
+ [[playlistsMenu addItemWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"genericDevice", @"Generic Device") action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""] setState:NSOnState];
+ } else if (source == ITMTRemoteiPodSource) {
+ [[playlistsMenu addItemWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"iPod", @"iPod") action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""] setState:NSOnState];
+ } else if (source == ITMTRemoteCDSource) {
+ [[playlistsMenu addItemWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"cd", @"CD") action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""] setState:NSOnState];
+ } else if (source == ITMTRemoteSharedLibrarySource) {
+ [[playlistsMenu addItemWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"sharedLibrary", @"Shared Library") action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""] setState:NSOnState];
+ } else if (source == ITMTRemoteLibrarySource && _currentPlaylist) {
+ [[playlistsMenu itemAtIndex:_currentPlaylist - 1] setState:NSOnState];
+ }
+ ITDebugLog(@"Done Building \"Playlists\" menu");
+ return playlistsMenu;
+- (void)playlistsMenuAux:(NSMenu *)menu node:(PlaylistNode *)node tagPrefix:(int)p
+ id <NSMenuItem> tempItem;
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < [[node children] count]; i++) {
+ PlaylistNode *nextNode = [[node children] objectAtIndex:i];
+ if ([nextNode type] == ITMTFolderNode) {
+ NSMenu *submenu = [[NSMenu alloc] init];
+ tempItem = [menu addItemWithTitle:[nextNode name] action:@selector(performPlaylistMenuAction:) keyEquivalent:@""];
+ [tempItem setTag:p + [nextNode index] + 1];
+ [tempItem setTarget:self];
+ [tempItem setSubmenu:submenu];
+ [self playlistsMenuAux:[submenu autorelease] node:nextNode tagPrefix:p];
+ } else {
+ tempItem = [menu addItemWithTitle:[nextNode name] action:@selector(performPlaylistMenuAction:) keyEquivalent:@""];
+ [tempItem setTag:p + [nextNode index] + 1];
+ [tempItem setTarget:self];
+ }
+ PlaylistNode *root = node;
+ while ([root type] == ITMTPlaylistNode || [root type] == ITMTFolderNode) {
+ root = [root parent];
+ }
+ if ([root index] == [[[MainController sharedController] currentRemote] currentSourceIndex] && [nextNode index] == _currentPlaylist) {
+ [tempItem setState:NSOnState];
+ }
+ }
+- (NSMenu *)playlistsMenu
+ NSMenu *playlistsMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""];
+ NSArray *playlists = nil;
+ id <NSMenuItem> tempItem;
+ ITMTRemotePlayerSource source = [[[MainController sharedController] currentRemote] currentSource];
+ int i;
+ NSMutableArray *indices = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
+ playlists = [[[MainController sharedController] currentRemote] playlists];
+ [[MainController sharedController] networkError:localException];
+ if (!playlists) {
+ [playlistsMenu release];
+ return nil;
+ }
+ ITDebugLog(@"Building \"Playlists\" menu.");
+ {
+ //First we add the main Library source, since it is guaranteed to be there.
+ PlaylistNode *library = [playlists objectAtIndex:0];
+ ITDebugLog(@"Adding main source: %@", [library name]);
+ [self playlistsMenuAux:playlistsMenu node:library tagPrefix:0];
+ ITDebugLog(@"Adding index to the index array.");
+ [indices addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[library index]]];
+ }
+ //Next go through the other sources
+ if ([playlists count] > 1) {
+ //Add the radio source if it is playing
+ if ([[playlists objectAtIndex:1] sourceType] == ITMTRemoteRadioSource) {
+ [indices addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[[playlists objectAtIndex:1] index]]];
+ if (source == ITMTRemoteRadioSource) {
+ [playlistsMenu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
+ [[playlistsMenu addItemWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"radio", @"Radio") action:@selector(performPlaylistMenuAction:) keyEquivalent:@""] setState:NSOnState];
+ } else if ([playlists count] > 2) {
+ [playlistsMenu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
+ }
+ }
+ //Add other sources as needed (shared music, iPods, CDs)
+ for (i = [playlists count] - 1; i > 1 ; i--) {
+ PlaylistNode *nextSource = [playlists objectAtIndex:i];
+ if ([nextSource type] != ITMTRemoteRadioSource) {
+ NSString *name = [nextSource name];
+ ITDebugLog(@"Adding source: %@", name);
+ if ( ([nextSource type] == ITMTRemoteiPodSource) && [self iPodWithNameAutomaticallyUpdates:name] ) {
+ ITDebugLog(@"Invalid iPod source.");
+ [playlistsMenu addItemWithTitle:name action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""];
+ } else {
+ NSMenu *menu = [[NSMenu alloc] init];
+ [[playlistsMenu addItemWithTitle:name action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""] setSubmenu:[menu autorelease]];
+ [self playlistsMenuAux:menu node:nextSource tagPrefix:(i * 1000)];
+ }
+ ITDebugLog(@"Adding index to the index array.");
+ [indices addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[nextSource index]]];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (_currentPlaylist != -1) {
+ if ( (source == ITMTRemoteSharedLibrarySource) || (source == ITMTRemoteiPodSource) || (source == ITMTRemoteGenericDeviceSource) || (source == ITMTRemoteCDSource) ) {
+ tempItem = [playlistsMenu itemAtIndex:[playlistsMenu numberOfItems] + [indices indexOfObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[[[MainController sharedController] currentRemote] currentSourceIndex]]] - [indices count]];
+ [tempItem setState:NSOnState];
+ }
+ }
+ [indices release];
+ tempItem = [playlistsMenu addItemWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"refresh", @"Refresh") action:@selector(rebuildSubmenus) keyEquivalent:@""];
+ [tempItem setTarget:self];
+ [tempItem setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"ChasingArrow"]];
+ ITDebugLog(@"Done Building \"Playlists\" menu");
+ NS_VALUERETURN(playlistsMenu, NSMenu *);
+ [playlistsMenu release];
+ _continue = NO;
+ NS_VALUERETURN(nil, NSMenu *);
+- (NSMenu *)eqMenu
+ NSMenu *eqMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""];
+ NSArray *eqPresets = nil;
+ id <NSMenuItem> tempItem;
+ int i;
+ eqPresets = [[[MainController sharedController] currentRemote] eqPresets];
+ [[MainController sharedController] networkError:localException];
+ ITDebugLog(@"Building \"EQ Presets\" menu.");
+ tempItem = [eqMenu addItemWithTitle:@"Enabled" action:@selector(performEqualizerMenuAction:) keyEquivalent:@""];
+ [tempItem setTag:-1];
+ [tempItem setTarget:self];
+ [eqMenu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
+ for (i = 0; i < [eqPresets count]; i++) {
+ NSString *name;
+ if ( ( name = [eqPresets objectAtIndex:i] ) ) {
+ ITDebugLog(@"Adding EQ Preset: %@", name);
+ tempItem = [eqMenu addItemWithTitle:name
+ action:@selector(performEqualizerMenuAction:)
+ keyEquivalent:@""];
+ [tempItem setTag:i];
+ [tempItem setTarget:self];
+ }
+ }
+ ITDebugLog(@"Done Building \"EQ Presets\" menu");
+ return eqMenu;
+- (NSMenu *)artistsMenu
+ NSMenu *artistsMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@"Artists"];
+ NSEnumerator *artistsEnumerator;
+ NSString *nextArtist;
+ id <NSMenuItem> tempItem;
+ ITDebugLog(@"Building \"Artists\" menu.");
+ artistsEnumerator = [[[[MainController sharedController] currentRemote] artists] objectEnumerator];
+ while ( (nextArtist = [artistsEnumerator nextObject]) ) {
+ tempItem = [artistsMenu addItemWithTitle:nextArtist action:@selector(performBrowseMenuAction:) keyEquivalent:@""];
+ [tempItem setTarget:self];
+ }
+ [[MainController sharedController] networkError:localException];
+ ITDebugLog(@"Done Building \"Artists\" menu");
+ return artistsMenu;
+- (NSMenu *)albumsMenu
+ NSMenu *albumsMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@"Albums"];
+ NSEnumerator *albumsEnumerator;
+ NSString *nextAlbum;
+ id <NSMenuItem> tempItem;
+ ITDebugLog(@"Building \"Albums\" menu.");
+ albumsEnumerator = [[[[MainController sharedController] currentRemote] albums] objectEnumerator];
+ while ( (nextAlbum = [albumsEnumerator nextObject]) ) {
+ tempItem = [albumsMenu addItemWithTitle:nextAlbum action:@selector(performBrowseMenuAction:) keyEquivalent:@""];
+ [tempItem setTarget:self];
+ }
+ [[MainController sharedController] networkError:localException];
+ ITDebugLog(@"Done Building \"Albums\" menu");
+ return albumsMenu;