- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)note
currentRemote = [self loadRemote];
+ [currentRemote begin];
asComponent = OpenDefaultComponent(kOSAComponentType, kAppleScriptSubtype);
[self registerDefaultsIfNeeded];
int i;
trackInfoIndex = -1;
+ lastSongIndex = -1;
didHaveAlbumName = ([[self runScriptAndReturnResult:@"return album of current track"] length] > 0);
didHaveArtistName = ([[self runScriptAndReturnResult:@"return artist of current track"] length] > 0);
- curTrackIndex = -1; //Force update of everything
[self timerUpdate]; //Updates dynamic info in the menu
[self clearHotKeys];
if (trackInfoIndex > -1)
NSString *curSongName, *curAlbumName = @"", *curArtistName = @"";
- curSongName = [self runScriptAndReturnResult:@"return name of current track"];
+ curSongName = [currentRemote currentSongTitle];
if ([defaults boolForKey:@"showAlbum"]) {
- curAlbumName = [self runScriptAndReturnResult:@"return album of current track"];
+ curAlbumName = [currentRemote currentSongAlbum];
if ([defaults boolForKey:@"showArtist"]) {
- curArtistName = [self runScriptAndReturnResult:@"return artist of current track"];
+ curArtistName = [currentRemote currentSongArtist];
if ([curSongName length] > 0) {
//Rebuild the upcoming songs submenu. Can be improved a lot.
- (void)rebuildUpcomingSongsMenu
- int numSongs = [[self runScriptAndReturnResult:@"return number of tracks in current playlist"] intValue];
+ int curIndex = [currentRemote currentPlaylistIndex];
+ int numSongs = [currentRemote numberOfSongsInPlaylistAtIndex:curIndex];
int numSongsInAdvance = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] integerForKey:@"SongsInAdvance"];
if (!isPlayingRadio) {
if (numSongs > 0) {
- int curTrack = [[self runScriptAndReturnResult:@"return index of current track"] intValue];
+ int curTrack = [currentRemote currentSongIndex];
int i;
[upcomingSongsMenu release];
for (i = curTrack + 1; i <= curTrack + numSongsInAdvance; i++) {
if (i <= numSongs) {
- NSString *curSong = [self runScriptAndReturnResult:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"return name of track %i of current playlist", i]];
+ NSString *curSong = [currentRemote songTitleAtIndex:i];
NSMenuItem *songItem;
songItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:curSong action:@selector(playTrack:) keyEquivalent:@""];
[songItem setTarget:self];
- (void)rebuildPlaylistMenu
- int numPlaylists = [[self runScriptAndReturnResult:@"return number of playlists"] intValue];
- int i, curPlaylist = [[self runScriptAndReturnResult:@"return index of current playlist"] intValue];
+ NSArray *playlists = [currentRemote playlists];
+ int i, curPlaylist = [currentRemote currentPlaylistIndex];
if (isPlayingRadio)
curPlaylist = 0;
- if (playlistMenu && (numPlaylists == [playlistMenu numberOfItems]))
+ if (playlistMenu && ([playlists count] == [playlistMenu numberOfItems]))
[playlistMenu release];
playlistMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""];
- for (i = 1; i <= numPlaylists; i++) {
- NSString *playlistName = [self runScriptAndReturnResult:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"return name of playlist %i", i]];
+ for (i = 1; i < [playlists count]; i++) {
+ NSString *playlistName = [playlists objectAtIndex:i];
NSMenuItem *tempItem;
tempItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:playlistName action:@selector(selectPlaylist:) keyEquivalent:@""];
[tempItem setTarget:self];
//Build a menu with the list of all available EQ presets
- (void)rebuildEQPresetsMenu
- int numSets = [[self runScriptAndReturnResult:@"return number of EQ presets"] intValue];
+ NSArray *eqPresets = [currentRemote eqPresets];
int i;
- if (eqMenu && (numSets == [eqMenu numberOfItems]))
+ if (eqMenu && ([[currentRemote eqPresets] count] == [eqMenu numberOfItems]))
[eqMenu release];
eqMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""];
- for (i = 1; i <= numSets; i++) {
- NSString *setName = [self runScriptAndReturnResult:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"return name of EQ preset %i", i]];
+ for (i = 0; i < [eqPresets count]; i++) {
+ NSString *setName = [eqPresets objectAtIndex:i];
NSMenuItem *tempItem;
tempItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:setName action:@selector(selectEQPreset:) keyEquivalent:@""];
[tempItem setTarget:self];
[eqItem setSubmenu:eqMenu];
- [[eqMenu itemAtIndex:[[self runScriptAndReturnResult:@"return index of current EQ preset"] intValue] - 1] setState:NSOnState];
+ [[eqMenu itemAtIndex:[currentRemote currentEQPresetIndex] - 1] setState:NSOnState];
- (void)clearHotKeys
//Called when the timer fires.
- (void)timerUpdate
- int trackPlayingIndex = [[self runScriptAndReturnResult:@"return index of current track"] intValue];
+ int trackPlayingIndex = [currentRemote currentSongIndex];
+ int playlist = [currentRemote currentPlaylistIndex];
- if (trackPlayingIndex != curTrackIndex) {
+ if (trackPlayingIndex != lastSongIndex) {
bool wasPlayingRadio = isPlayingRadio;
- isPlayingRadio = [[self runScriptAndReturnResult:@"return class of current playlist"] isEqualToString:@"radio tuner playlist"];
+ isPlayingRadio = [[currentRemote classOfPlaylistAtIndex:playlist] isEqualToString:@"radio tuner playlist"];
if (isPlayingRadio && !wasPlayingRadio) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [playlistMenu numberOfItems]; i++)
[temp release];
[self updateMenu];
- curTrackIndex = trackPlayingIndex;
+ lastSongIndex = trackPlayingIndex;
- int playlist = [[self runScriptAndReturnResult:@"return index of current playlist"] intValue];
- if (playlist != curPlaylistIndex) {
+ if (playlist != [currentRemote currentPlaylistIndex]) {
bool wasPlayingRadio = isPlayingRadio;
- isPlayingRadio = [[self runScriptAndReturnResult:@"return class of current playlist"] isEqualToString:@"radio tuner playlist"];
+ isPlayingRadio = [[currentRemote classOfPlaylistAtIndex:playlist] isEqualToString:@"radio tuner playlist"];
if (isPlayingRadio && !wasPlayingRadio) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [playlistMenu numberOfItems]; i++)
[temp release];
[self updateMenu];
- curTrackIndex = trackPlayingIndex;
- curPlaylistIndex = playlist;
+ lastSongIndex = trackPlayingIndex;
//Update Play/Pause menu item
- (void)playTrack:(id)sender
- [self runScriptAndReturnResult:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"play track %i of current playlist", [[sender representedObject] intValue]]];
+ [currentRemote switchToSongAtIndex:[[sender representedObject] intValue]];
[self updateMenu];
int playlist = [[sender representedObject] intValue];
if (!isPlayingRadio) {
- int curPlaylist = [[self runScriptAndReturnResult:@"return index of current playlist"] intValue];
+ int curPlaylist = [currentRemote currentPlaylistIndex];
[[playlistMenu itemAtIndex:curPlaylist - 1] setState:NSOffState];
- [self runScriptAndReturnResult:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"play playlist %i", playlist]];
+ [currentRemote switchToPlaylistAtIndex:playlist];
[[playlistMenu itemAtIndex:playlist - 1] setState:NSOnState];
+ [self updateMenu];
- (void)selectEQPreset:(id)sender
- int curSet = [[self runScriptAndReturnResult:@"return index of current EQ preset"] intValue];
+ int curSet = [currentRemote currentEQPresetIndex];
int item = [[sender representedObject] intValue];
- [self runScriptAndReturnResult:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"set current EQ preset to EQ preset %i", item]];
- [self runScriptAndReturnResult:@"set EQ enabled to 1"];
+ [currentRemote switchToEQAtIndex:item];
[[eqMenu itemAtIndex:curSet - 1] setState:NSOffState];
[[eqMenu itemAtIndex:item - 1] setState:NSOnState];
- (void)playPause:(id)sender
- NSString *rawr;
NSString *state = [self runScriptAndReturnResult:@"return player state"];
+ NSLog(@"%i", [currentRemote playerState]);
if ([state isEqualToString:@"playing"]) {
- [self sendAEWithEventClass:'hook' andEventID:'Paus'];
+ [currentRemote play];
[playPauseMenuItem setTitle:@"Play"];
} else if ([state isEqualToString:@"fast forwarding"] || [state
isEqualToString:@"rewinding"]) {
- [self sendAEWithEventClass:'hook' andEventID:'Paus'];
- [self sendAEWithEventClass:'hook' andEventID:'Play'];
+ [currentRemote play];
+ [currentRemote pause];
} else {
- [self sendAEWithEventClass:'hook' andEventID:'Play'];
+ [currentRemote play];
[playPauseMenuItem setTitle:@"Pause"];
- (void)fastForward:(id)sender
- [self sendAEWithEventClass:'hook' andEventID:'Fast'];
+ [currentRemote fastForward];
- (void)rewind:(id)sender
- [self sendAEWithEventClass:'hook' andEventID:'Rwnd'];
+ [currentRemote rewind];
// Plugin independent selectors
- (void)quitMenuTunes:(id)sender
[NSApp terminate:self];
+//How is this going to work, now that we're pluginized?
- (void)openiTunes:(id)sender
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] launchApplication:@"iTunes"];
if ([defaults boolForKey:@"showName"]) {
if ([defaults boolForKey:@"showArtist"]) {
- NSString *trackArtist = [self runScriptAndReturnResult:@"return artist of current track"];
+ NSString *trackArtist = [currentRemote currentSongArtist];
trackName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ - %@", trackArtist, trackName];
stringToShow = [stringToShow stringByAppendingString:trackName];
if ([defaults boolForKey:@"showAlbum"]) {
- NSString *trackAlbum = [self runScriptAndReturnResult:@"return album of current track"];
+ NSString *trackAlbum = [currentRemote currentSongAlbum];
if ([trackAlbum length]) {
stringToShow = [stringToShow stringByAppendingString:trackAlbum];
stringToShow = [stringToShow stringByAppendingString:@"\n"];
if ([defaults boolForKey:@"showTime"]) {
- NSString *trackTime = [self runScriptAndReturnResult:@"return time of current track"];
+ NSString *trackTime = [currentRemote currentSongLength];
+ NSLog(@"%@", trackTime);
if ([trackTime length]) {
stringToShow = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@Total Time: %@\n", stringToShow, trackTime];
- int trackTimeLeft = [[self runScriptAndReturnResult:@"return (duration of current track) - player position"] intValue];
+ int trackTimeLeft = [[currentRemote currentSongRemaining] intValue];
int minutes = trackTimeLeft / 60, seconds = trackTimeLeft % 60;
if (seconds < 10) {
stringToShow = [stringToShow stringByAppendingString:
- (void)showUpcomingSongs
+ int curPlaylist = [currentRemote currentPlaylistIndex];
if (!statusController) {
- int numSongs = [[self runScriptAndReturnResult:@"return number of tracks in current playlist"] intValue];
+ int numSongs = [currentRemote numberOfSongsInPlaylistAtIndex:curPlaylist];
if (numSongs > 0) {
int numSongsInAdvance = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] integerForKey:@"SongsInAdvance"];
- int curTrack = [[self runScriptAndReturnResult:@"return index of current track"] intValue];
+ int curTrack = [currentRemote currentSongIndex];
int i;
NSString *songs = @"";
statusController = [[StatusWindowController alloc] init];
for (i = curTrack + 1; i <= curTrack + numSongsInAdvance; i++) {
if (i <= numSongs) {
- NSString *curSong = [self runScriptAndReturnResult:
- [NSString stringWithFormat:@"return name of track %i of current playlist", i]];
+ NSString *curSong = [currentRemote songTitleAtIndex:i];
songs = [songs stringByAppendingString:curSong];
songs = [songs stringByAppendingString:@"\n"];
switch (code)
case 36:
+ charcode = '\r';
case 48:
+ charcode = '\t';
+ //Space -- ARGH!
case 49:
+ {
+ /*MenuRef menuRef = _NSGetCarbonMenu([item menu]);
+ NSLog(@"%@", menuRef);
+ SetMenuItemCommandKey(menuRef, 0, NO, 49);
+ SetMenuItemModifiers(menuRef, 0, kMenuNoCommandModifier);
+ SetMenuItemKeyGlyph(menuRef, 0, kMenuBlankGlyph);
+ charcode = 'b';*/
+ }
case 51:
charcode = NSDeleteFunctionKey;
- break;
+ break;
case 53:
+ charcode = '\e';
case 71:
+ charcode = '\e';
case 76:
+ charcode = '\r';
case 96:
case 115:
+ charcode = NSHomeFunctionKey;
case 116:
keyTrans = KeyTranslate(kchr, code, &state);
charCode = keyTrans;
[item setKeyEquivalent:[NSString stringWithCString:&charCode length:1]];
- } else {
+ } else if (charcode != 'b') {
[item setKeyEquivalent:[NSString stringWithCharacters:&charcode length:1]];
refreshTimer = nil;
+ [currentRemote halt];
[statusItem release];
[menu release];
// [view release];