- for (i = 2; i < [playlists count]; i++) {
- NSArray *curPlaylist = [playlists objectAtIndex:i];
- NSString *name = [curPlaylist objectAtIndex:0];
- NSMenu *submenu = [[NSMenu alloc] init];
- ITDebugLog(@"Adding source: %@", name);
- if ([[curPlaylist objectAtIndex:1] intValue] == ITMTRemoteiPodSource) {
- NSLog(@"We have an iPod!");
- NSLog(@"This iPod is named %@!", name);
- NSLog(@"Does it update automagically?");
- NSLog(@"Result: %i", [self iPodWithNameAutomaticallyUpdates:name]);
- }
- if ( ([[curPlaylist objectAtIndex:1] intValue] == ITMTRemoteiPodSource) && [self iPodWithNameAutomaticallyUpdates:name] ) {
- ITDebugLog(@"Invalid iPod source.");
- } else {
- for (j = 3; j < [curPlaylist count]; j++) {
- ITDebugLog(@"Adding playlist: %@", [curPlaylist objectAtIndex:j]);
- tempItem = [submenu addItemWithTitle:[curPlaylist objectAtIndex:j] action:@selector(performPlaylistMenuAction:) keyEquivalent:@""];
- [tempItem setTag:(i * 1000) + j - 1];
- [tempItem setTarget:self];
+ if ([playlists count] > 1) {
+ for (i = 1; i < [playlists count]; i++) {
+ NSArray *curPlaylist = [playlists objectAtIndex:i];
+ if ([[curPlaylist objectAtIndex:1] intValue] != ITMTRemoteRadioSource) {
+ NSString *name = [curPlaylist objectAtIndex:0];
+ NSMenu *submenu = [[NSMenu alloc] init];
+ ITDebugLog(@"Adding source: %@", name);
+ if ( ([[curPlaylist objectAtIndex:1] intValue] == ITMTRemoteiPodSource) && [self iPodWithNameAutomaticallyUpdates:name] ) {
+ ITDebugLog(@"Invalid iPod source.");
+ [playlistsMenu addItemWithTitle:name action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""];
+ } else {
+ for (j = 3; j < [curPlaylist count]; j++) {
+ ITDebugLog(@"Adding playlist: %@", [curPlaylist objectAtIndex:j]);
+ tempItem = [submenu addItemWithTitle:[curPlaylist objectAtIndex:j] action:@selector(performPlaylistMenuAction:) keyEquivalent:@""];
+ [tempItem setTag:(i * 1000) + j - 1];
+ [tempItem setTarget:self];
+ }
+ [[playlistsMenu addItemWithTitle:name action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""] setSubmenu:[submenu autorelease]];
+ }
+ ITDebugLog(@"Adding index to the index array.");
+ [indices addObject:[curPlaylist objectAtIndex:2]];