- iThink Software
+ ITMTRemote 1.0 (MenuTunes Remotes)
- Copyright 2003 by iThink Software, All Rights Reserved.
- This is under Non-Disclosure
- Remotes need to include an Info.plist in their
- bundle/wrapper. It needs to have the following keys
- (with string values):
- ITMTRemoteName
- ITMTRemoteVersion
- ITMTRemotePublisher
- ITMTRemoteCopyright
- ITMTRemoteDescription
- ITMTRemoteIconFile
- It also needs to have an icon file who's filename (Relative)
- is indicated in the ITMTRemoteIconFile value.
+ Responsibility:
+ Joseph Spiros <joseph.spiros@ithinksw.com>
+ Copyright (c) 2002 - 2003 by iThink Software.
+ All Rights Reserved.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
-typedef enum {
- ITMTRemoteName,
- ITMTRemoteVersion,
- ITMTRemotePublisher,
- ITMTRemoteCopyright,
- ITMTRemoteDescription
-} ITMTRemoteInformationString;
-typedef enum {
- ITMTRemotePlayerStopped = -1,
- ITMTRemotePlayerPaused,
- ITMTRemotePlayerPlaying,
- ITMTRemotePlayerRewinding,
- ITMTRemotePlayerForwarding
-} ITMTRemoteControlState;
-typedef enum {
- ITMTRemoteStop = -1,
- ITMTRemotePause,
- ITMTRemotePlay,
- ITMTRemoteRewind,
- ITMTRemoteFastForward,
- ITMTRemotePreviousTrack,
- ITMTRemoteNextTrack
-} ITMTRemoteControlAction;
+#import <ITMTRemote/ITMTPlayer.h>
+#import <ITMTRemote/ITMTPlaylist.h>
+#import <ITMTRemote/ITMTTrack.h>
+#import <ITMTRemote/ITMTEqualizer.h>
+ @typedef ITMTGenericProperty
+ @constant ITMTNameProperty The object's human readable name.
+ @constant ITMTImageProperty An image that can be associated with the object.
typedef enum {
- ITMTRemoteSinglePlaylist,
- ITMTRemoteLibraryAndPlaylists,
- ITMTRemoteSeperatePlaylists
-} ITMTRemotePlaylistMode;
+ ITMTNameProperty,
+ ITMTImageProperty
+} ITMTGenericProperty;
+ @typedef ITMTRemoteProperty
+ @constant ITMTRemoteNameProperty
+ @constant ITMTRemoteImageProperty
+ @constant ITMTRemoteAuthorProperty
+ @constant ITMTRemoteDescriptionProperty
+ @constant ITMTRemoteURLProperty
+ @constant ITMTRemoteCopyrightProperty
typedef enum {
- ITMTRemoteTrackName,
- ITMTRemoteTrackArtist,
- ITMTRemoteTrackAlbum,
- ITMTRemoteTrackComposer,
- ITMTRemoteTrackNumber,
- ITMTRemoteTrackTotal,
- ITMTRemoteTrackComment,
- ITMTRemoteTrackGenre,
- ITMTRemoteTrackYear,
- ITMTRemoteTrackRating,
- ITMTRemoteTrackArt
-} ITMTRemoteTrackProperty;
+ ITMTRemoteNameProperty,
+ ITMTRemoteImageProperty,
+ ITMTRemoteAuthorProperty,
+ ITMTRemoteDescriptionProperty,
+ ITMTRemoteURLProperty,
+ ITMTRemoteCopyrightProperty,
+ ITMTRemoteActivationStringProperty,
+ ITMTRemoteDeactivationStringProperty
+} ITMTRemoteProperty
+ @typedef ITMTPlayerStyle
+ @constant ITMTSinglePlayerStyle Like iTunes, One player controls all available songs.
+ @constant ITMTMultiplePlayerStyle Like Audion, Multiple players control multiple playlists.
+ @constant ITMTSinglePlayerSinglePlaylistStyle Like *Amp, XMMS. Not recommended, but instead, developers are urged to use ITMTSinglePlayerStyle with emulated support for multiple playlists.
typedef enum {
- ITMTRemoteRepeatNone,
- ITMTRemoteRepeatAll,
- ITMTRemoteRepeatOne
-} ITMTRemoteRepeatMode;
-/*enum {
- ITMTRemoteCustomPreset = -1;
+ ITMTSinglePlayerStyle,
+ ITMTMultiplePlayerStyle,
+ ITMTSinglePlayerSinglePlaylistStyle
+} ITMTPlayerStyle;
+ @protocol ITMTRemote
+ @abstract The ITMTRemote protocol is the protocol that all MenuTunes remotes' primary class must implement.
@protocol ITMTRemote
+ @method remote
+ @result Returns an autoreleased instance of the remote.
+ (id)remote;
-- (NSString*)informationString:(ITMTRemoteInformationString)string;
-- (NSImage*)icon;
-- (BOOL)begin;
-- (BOOL)halt;
-- (BOOL)supportsControlAction:(ITMTRemoteControlAction)action;
-- (BOOL)sendControlAction:(ITMTRemoteControlAction)action;
-- (ITMTRemoteControlState)controlState;
-- (ITMTRemotePlaylistMode)playlistMode;
-- (NSArray*)playlistNames;
-- (BOOL)switchToPlaylist:(int)playlistIndex;
-- (BOOL)switchToTrackAtIndex:(int)index;
-- (int)indexForTrack:(int)identifier inPlaylist:(int)playlistIndex;
-- (int)identifierForTrackAtIndex:(int)index inPlaylist:(int)playlistIndex;
-- (BOOL)supportsTrackProperty:(ITMTRemoteTrackProperty)property;
-- (id)trackProperty:(ITMTRemoteTrackProperty)property atIndex:(int)index;
-- (BOOL)setTrackProperty:(ITMTRemoteTrackProperty)property toValue:(id)value atIndex:(int)index;
-/* currently only used to set Ratings... someday, we might provide a full frontend? well, it is possible that other apps could use MT remotes, as such, they might want to set other values. For Rating, send in an NSNumber from a float 0.0 - 1.0. For Art, send in an NSImage... this is also what you'll recieve when using the accessor */
+ @method valueOfProperty:
+- (id)valueOfProperty:(ITMTRemoteProperty)property;
-- (BOOL)supportsShuffle;
-- (BOOL)setShuffle:(BOOL)toggle;
-- (BOOL)shuffle;
-- (BOOL)supportsRepeatMode:(ITMTRemoteRepeatMode)repeatMode;
-- (BOOL)setRepeatMode:(ITMTRemoteRepeatMode)repeatMode;
-- (ITMTRemoteRepeatMode)repeatMode;
-- (BOOL)supportsVolume;
-- (BOOL)setVolume:(float)volume;
-- (float)volume;
-- (BOOL)supportsCustomEqualizer;
-- (BOOL)showEqualizerWindow;
+ @method propertiesAndValues
+- (NSDictionary *)propertiesAndValues;
-- (BOOL)supportsEqualizerPresets;
-- (NSArray*)equalizerPresetNames;
-- (BOOL)switchToEqualizerPreset:(int)index; // ITMTRemoteCustomPreset = Custom
+ @method playerStyle
+ @result An ITMTPlayerStyle defining how the remote works with players and playlists.
+- (ITMTPlayerStyle)playerStyle;
-- (BOOL)supportsExternalWindow;
-- (NSString*)externalWindowName;
-- (BOOL)showExternalWindow;
+ @method activate
+ @result A BOOL indicating success or failure.
+- (BOOL)activate;
+ @method deactivate
+ @result A BOOL indicating success or failure.
+- (BOOL)deactivate;
+ @method currentPlayer
+ @result An ITMTPlayer object representing the currently active player that the remote is controlling.
+- (ITMTPlayer *)currentPlayer
+ @method players
+ @result An NSArray filled with ITMTPlayer objects.
+- (NSArray *)players;
+ @class ITMTRemote
@interface ITMTRemote : NSObject <ITMTRemote>
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