menu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""];
- if ( ( [currentRemote remotePlayerStatus] == ITMTRemotePlayerRunning ) ) {
+ if ( ( [currentRemote playerRunningState] == ITMTRemotePlayerRunning ) ) {
[self remotePlayerLaunched:nil];
} else {
[self remotePlayerTerminated:nil];
- statusItem = [[ITStatusItem alloc] initWithStatusBar:[NSStatusBar systemStatusBar]
- withLength:NSSquareStatusItemLength];
+ statusItem = [[ITStatusItem alloc] initWithStatusBar:[NSStatusBar systemStatusBar] withLength:NSSquareStatusItemLength];
[statusItem setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"menu"]];
[statusItem setAlternateImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"selected_image"]];
playPauseMenuItem = nil;
upcomingSongsItem = nil;
+ songRatingMenuItem = nil;
playlistItem = nil;
[playlistMenu release];
playlistMenu = nil;
} else if ([item isEqualToString:@"Song Rating"]) {
- NSMenu *ratingSubmenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""];
- unichar whiteStar = 'o';//2606;
- unichar blackStar = 'x';//2605;
- NSString *whiteStarString = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&whiteStar
- length:1];
- NSString *blackStarString = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&blackStar
- length:1];
- NSString *string = @"";
+ NSMenuItem *item;
int i;
+ NSString *curTitle = @".....";
- for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- string = [string stringByAppendingString:whiteStarString];
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- NSMenuItem *ratingItem;
- ratingItem = [ratingSubmenu addItemWithTitle:string action:@selector(setSongRating:) keyEquivalent:@""];
- [ratingItem setTarget:self];
- [ratingItem setTag:i * 20];
- string = [string substringToIndex:4];
- string = [blackStarString stringByAppendingString:string];
- }
- [[menu addItemWithTitle:@"Song Rating"
+ songRatingMenuItem = [menu addItemWithTitle:@"Song Rating"
- keyEquivalent:@""] setSubmenu:ratingSubmenu];
- [ratingSubmenu autorelease];
+ keyEquivalent:@""];
+ ratingMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""];
+ item = [ratingMenu addItemWithTitle:@"....."
+ action:@selector(setSongRating:)
+ keyEquivalent:@""];
+ [item setTarget:self];
+ [item setTag:0];
+ for (i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
+ curTitle = [curTitle substringToIndex:4];
+ curTitle = [@"x" stringByAppendingString:curTitle];
+ item = [ratingMenu addItemWithTitle:curTitle
+ action:@selector(setSongRating:)
+ keyEquivalent:@""];
+ [item setTarget:self];
+ [item setTag:(i * 20)];
+ }
} else if ([item isEqualToString:@"<separator>"]) {
[menu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
NSMenuItem *menuItem;
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
- if ( ( isAppRunning = ITMTRemotePlayerNotRunning ) ) {
+ if ( ( isAppRunning == ITMTRemotePlayerNotRunning ) ) {
if (eqItem) {
[self rebuildEQPresetsMenu];
if (trackInfoIndex > -1) {
NSString *curSongName, *curAlbumName = @"", *curArtistName = @"";
curSongName = [currentRemote currentSongTitle];
[menu insertItem:menuItem atIndex:trackInfoIndex + 1];
[menuItem release];
+ if (songRatingMenuItem) {
+ int rating = (int)[currentRemote currentSongRating] * 10;
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ [[ratingMenu itemAtIndex:i] setState:NSOffState];
+ [[ratingMenu itemAtIndex:i] setTarget:self];
+ }
+ [[ratingMenu itemAtIndex:rating / 2] setState:NSOnState];
+ }
if ([defaults boolForKey:@"showName"]) {
[menu removeItemAtIndex:[menu indexOfItemWithTitle:@"No Song"]];
[menu insertItem:menuItem atIndex:trackInfoIndex];
[menuItem release];
+ [songRatingMenuItem setSubmenu:ratingMenu];
+ [songRatingMenuItem setEnabled:YES];
} else if ([menu indexOfItemWithTitle:@"No Song"] == -1) {
[menu removeItemAtIndex:trackInfoIndex];
didHaveAlbumName = (([curAlbumName length] > 0) ? YES : NO);
+ [menu update];
//Rebuild the upcoming songs submenu. Can be improved a lot.
[eqMenu release];
eqMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""];
- enabledItem = [eqMenu addItemWithTitle:@"EQ Enabled"
- action:NULL
+ enabledItem = [eqMenu addItemWithTitle:@"Disabled"
+ action:@selector(toggleEqualizer)
+ if ([currentRemote equalizerEnabled] == NO) {
+ [enabledItem setState:NSOnState];
+ }
[eqMenu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
for (i = 0; i < [eqPresets count]; i++) {
- (void)timerUpdate
int playlist = [currentRemote currentPlaylistIndex];
- ITMTRemotePlayerState playerState = [currentRemote playerState];
+ ITMTRemotePlayerPlayingState playerPlayingState = [currentRemote playerPlayingState];
- if ((playlist > 0) || playerState != stopped) {
+ if ((playlist > 0) || playerPlayingState != ITMTRemotePlayerStopped) {
int trackPlayingIndex = [currentRemote currentSongIndex];
if (trackPlayingIndex != lastSongIndex) {
BOOL wasPlayingRadio = isPlayingRadio;
- isPlayingRadio = [[currentRemote classOfPlaylistAtIndex:playlist] isEqualToString:@"radio tuner playlist"];
+ isPlayingRadio = ([currentRemote classOfPlaylistAtIndex:playlist] == ITMTRemotePlayerRadioPlaylist);
if (isPlayingRadio && !wasPlayingRadio) {
int i;
} else {
if (playlist != lastPlaylistIndex) {
BOOL wasPlayingRadio = isPlayingRadio;
- isPlayingRadio = [[currentRemote classOfPlaylistAtIndex:playlist] isEqualToString:@"radio tuner playlist"];
+ isPlayingRadio = ([currentRemote classOfPlaylistAtIndex:playlist] == ITMTRemotePlayerRadioPlaylist);
if (isPlayingRadio && !wasPlayingRadio) {
int i;
//Update Play/Pause menu item
if (playPauseMenuItem){
- if (playerState == playing) {
+ if (playerPlayingState == ITMTRemotePlayerPlaying) {
[playPauseMenuItem setTitle:@"Pause"];
} else {
[playPauseMenuItem setTitle:@"Play"];
[upcomingSongsItem setSubmenu:nil];
[upcomingSongsItem setEnabled:NO];
+ [songRatingMenuItem setSubmenu:nil];
+ [songRatingMenuItem setEnabled:NO];
menuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"No Song" action:nil keyEquivalent:@""];
[menu insertItem:menuItem atIndex:trackInfoIndex];
[menuItem release];
isAppRunning = ITMTRemotePlayerRunning;
//Restart the timer
- refreshTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:3.0 target:self selector:@selector(timerUpdate) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
+ [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(runTimerInNewThread) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
[self rebuildMenu]; //Rebuild the menu since no songs will be playing
if (playlistItem) {
[statusItem setMenu:menu]; //Set the menu back to the main one
+- (void)runTimerInNewThread
+ NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
+ NSRunLoop *runLoop = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop];
+ refreshTimer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.5 target:self selector:@selector(timerUpdate) userInfo:nil repeats:YES] retain];
+ [runLoop run];
+ [pool release];
- (void)remotePlayerTerminated:(NSNotification *)note
isAppRunning = ITMTRemotePlayerNotRunning;
[statusItem setMenu:menu];
[refreshTimer invalidate];
+ [refreshTimer release];
refreshTimer = nil;
[self clearHotKeys];
- (void)playTrack:(id)sender
[currentRemote switchToSongAtIndex:[[sender representedObject] intValue]];
- [self updateMenu];
- (void)selectPlaylist:(id)sender
int curSet = [currentRemote currentEQPresetIndex];
int item = [[sender representedObject] intValue];
[currentRemote switchToEQAtIndex:item];
- [[eqMenu itemAtIndex:curSet - 1] setState:NSOffState];
- [[eqMenu itemAtIndex:item - 1] setState:NSOnState];
+ [[eqMenu itemAtIndex:curSet + 1] setState:NSOffState];
+ [[eqMenu itemAtIndex:item + 2] setState:NSOnState];
- (void)playPause:(id)sender
- ITMTRemotePlayerState state = [currentRemote playerState];
+ ITMTRemotePlayerPlayingState state = [currentRemote playerPlayingState];
- if (state == playing) {
+ if (state == ITMTRemotePlayerPlaying) {
[currentRemote pause];
[playPauseMenuItem setTitle:@"Play"];
- } else if ((state == forwarding) || (state == rewinding)) {
+ } else if ((state == ITMTRemotePlayerForwarding) || (state == ITMTRemotePlayerRewinding)) {
[currentRemote pause];
[currentRemote play];
} else {
- (void)fastForward:(id)sender
- [currentRemote fastForward];
+ [currentRemote forward];
[playPauseMenuItem setTitle:@"Play"];
[playPauseMenuItem setTitle:@"Play"];
+- (void)toggleEqualizer
+ [currentRemote setEqualizerEnabled:![currentRemote equalizerEnabled]];
- (void)setSongRating:(id)sender
+ NSLog(@"%f", [currentRemote currentSongRating]);
NSLog(@"%f", (float)[sender tag] / 100.0);
[currentRemote setCurrentSongRating:(float)[sender tag] / 100.0];
if (refreshTimer) {
[refreshTimer invalidate];
+ [refreshTimer release];
refreshTimer = nil;
[currentRemote halt];