// Setup the Window, and remove all its contentview's subviews.
windowWidth = ( SW_PAD + imageWidth + SW_SPACE + dataWidth + SW_PAD );
windowHeight = ( SW_PAD + contentHeight + SW_PAD );
- [self setFrame:NSMakeRect(SW_BORDER, SW_BORDER, windowWidth, windowHeight) display:YES];
+ [self setFrame:NSMakeRect( (SW_BORDER + [[self screen] visibleFrame].origin.x),
+ (SW_BORDER + [[self screen] visibleFrame].origin.y),
+ windowWidth,
+ windowHeight) display:YES];
[[[self contentView] subviews] makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(removeFromSuperview)];
// Setup, position, fill, and add the image view to the content view.
// Make the buttons, set the titles, and size them to fit their titles
okButton = [[ITButton alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 300, 24)];
cancelButton = [[ITButton alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 300, 24)];
+ [okButton setTarget:target];
+ [cancelButton setTarget:target];
+ [okButton setAction:okAction];
+ [cancelButton setAction:alternateAction];
[okButton setBezelStyle:ITGrayRoundedBezelStyle];
[cancelButton setBezelStyle:ITGrayRoundedBezelStyle];
[okButton setAlignment:NSRightTextAlignment];
[[self contentView] addSubview:okButton];
[[self contentView] addSubview:cancelButton];
- NSLog(@"%@", [[self contentView] description]);
[self setIgnoresMouseEvents:NO];