+ if ( ! _locked ) {
+ float textWidth = 0.0;
+ float textHeight = 0.0;
+ float okWidth = 0.0;
+ float cancelWidth = 0.0;
+ float wideButtonW = 0.0;
+ float buttonWidth = 0.0;
+ float dataHeight = 0.0;
+ float dataWidth = 0.0;
+ NSRect dataRect;
+ float textY = 0.0;
+ NSRect textRect;
+ float textAddBelow = 32.0;
+ float dataMinH = 92.0;
+ float textMinH = 48.0;
+ NSArray *lines = [message componentsSeparatedByString:@"\n"];
+ id oneLine = nil;
+ NSEnumerator *lineEnum = [lines objectEnumerator];
+ ITTextField *textField;
+ ITButton *okButton;
+ ITButton *cancelButton;
+ NSColor *textColor = [NSColor whiteColor];
+ NSFont *font = [NSFont fontWithName:@"Lucida Grande Bold" size:18];
+ NSDictionary *attr = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:font forKey:NSFontAttributeName];
+ NSFont *buttonFont = [NSFont fontWithName:@"Lucida Grande Bold" size:14];
+ NSDictionary *buttonAttr = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
+ buttonFont , NSFontAttributeName,
+ textColor , NSForegroundColorAttributeName,
+ nil];
+// Iterate over each line to get text width and height
+ while ( (oneLine = [lineEnum nextObject]) ) {
+// Get the width of one line, adding 8.0 because Apple sucks donkey rectum.
+ float oneLineWidth = ( [oneLine sizeWithAttributes:attr].width + 8.0 );
+// Add the height of this line to the total text height
+ textHeight += [oneLine sizeWithAttributes:attr].height;
+// If this line wider than the last one, set it as the text width.
+ textWidth = ( ( textWidth > oneLineWidth ) ? textWidth : oneLineWidth );
+ }
+// Add 4.0 to the final dataHeight to accomodate the shadow.
+ textHeight += 4.0;
+// Add extra padding below the text
+ dataHeight = (textHeight + textAddBelow);
+// Test to see if data height is tall enough
+ if ( dataHeight < dataMinH ) {
+ dataHeight = dataMinH;
+ }
+// Make the buttons, set the titles, and size them to fit their titles
+ okButton = [[ITButton alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 300, 24)];
+ cancelButton = [[ITButton alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 300, 24)];
+ [okButton setTarget:target];
+ [cancelButton setTarget:target];
+ [okButton setAction:okAction];
+ [cancelButton setAction:alternateAction];
+ [okButton setBezelStyle:ITGrayRoundedBezelStyle];
+ [cancelButton setBezelStyle:ITGrayRoundedBezelStyle];
+ [okButton setAlignment:NSRightTextAlignment];
+ [cancelButton setAlignment:NSCenterTextAlignment];
+ [okButton setImagePosition:NSNoImage];
+ [cancelButton setImagePosition:NSNoImage];
+ [okButton setAttributedTitle:[[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:defaultTitle
+ attributes:buttonAttr] autorelease]];
+ [cancelButton setAttributedTitle:[[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:alternateTitle
+ attributes:buttonAttr] autorelease]];
+ [okButton sizeToFit];
+ [cancelButton sizeToFit];
+// Get the button widths. Add any extra width here.
+ okWidth = ([okButton frame].size.width + SW_BUTTON_EXTRA_W);
+ cancelWidth = ([cancelButton frame].size.width + SW_BUTTON_EXTRA_W);
+// Figure out which button is wider.
+ wideButtonW = ( (okWidth > cancelWidth) ? okWidth : cancelWidth );
+// Get the total width of the buttons. Add the divider space.
+ buttonWidth = ( (wideButtonW * 2) + SW_BUTTON_DIV );
+// Set the dataWidth to whichever is greater: text width or button width.
+ dataWidth = ( (textWidth > buttonWidth) ? textWidth : buttonWidth);
+// Setup the window
+ dataRect = [self setupWindowWithDataSize:NSMakeSize(dataWidth, dataHeight)];
+// Set an initial vertical point for the textRect's origin.
+ textY = dataRect.origin.y + textAddBelow;
+// Move that point up if the minimimum height of the text area is not occupied.
+ if ( textHeight < textMinH ) {
+ textY += ( (textMinH - textHeight) / 2 );
+ }
+// Build the text rect.
+ textRect = NSMakeRect(dataRect.origin.x,
+ textY,
+ textWidth,
+ textHeight);
+// Create, position, setup, fill, and add the text view to the content view.
+ textField = [[[ITTextField alloc] initWithFrame:textRect] autorelease];
+ [textField setEditable:NO];
+ [textField setSelectable:NO];
+ [textField setBordered:NO];
+ [textField setDrawsBackground:NO];
+ [textField setFont:font];
+ [textField setTextColor:textColor];
+ [textField setCastsShadow:YES];
+ [textField setStringValue:message];
+ [textField setShadowSaturation:SW_SHADOW_SAT];
+ [[self contentView] addSubview:textField];
+// Set the button frames, and add them to the content view.
+ [okButton setFrame:NSMakeRect( ([[self contentView] frame].size.width - (wideButtonW + SW_BUTTON_PAD_R) ),
+ wideButtonW,
+ 24.0)];
+ [cancelButton setFrame:NSMakeRect( ([[self contentView] frame].size.width - ((wideButtonW * 2) + SW_BUTTON_DIV + SW_BUTTON_PAD_R) ),
+ wideButtonW,
+ 24.0)];
+ [[self contentView] addSubview:okButton];
+ [[self contentView] addSubview:cancelButton];