+ * @enum ITMTRemotePlayerRunningState
+ * @abstract Possible running states for the remote's player.
+ * @discussion Used in fuctions that report or take the running state of the remote's player application.
+ * @constant ITMTRemotePlayerNotRunning The remote's player isn't running.
+ * @constant ITMTRemotePlayerLaunching The remote's player is starting up, or is running, but not yet accepting remote commands.
+ * @constant ITMTRemotePlayerRunning The remote's player is running, and as such, is accepting remote commands.
+ */
+typedef enum {
+ ITMTRemotePlayerNotRunning = -1,
+ ITMTRemotePlayerLaunching,
+ ITMTRemotePlayerRunning
+} ITMTRemotePlayerRunningState;
+ * @enum ITMTRemotePlayerPlayingState
+ * @abstract Possible playing states for the remote's player.
+ * @discussion Used in functions that report or take the playing state of the remote's player application.
+ * @constant ITMTRemotePlayerStopped The remote's player is stopped.
+ * @constant ITMTRemotePlayerPaused The remote's player is paused.
+ * @constant ITMTRemotePlayerPlaying The remote's player is playing.
+ * @constant ITMTRemotePlayerRewinding The remote's player is rewinding.
+ * @constant ITMTRemotePlayerForwarding The remote's player is forwarding.
+ */
+typedef enum {
+ ITMTRemotePlayerStopped = -1,
+ ITMTRemotePlayerPaused,
+ ITMTRemotePlayerPlaying,
+ ITMTRemotePlayerRewinding,
+ ITMTRemotePlayerForwarding
+} ITMTRemotePlayerPlayingState;
+ * @enum ITMTRemotePlayerRepeatMode
+ * @abstract Possible repeat modes for the remote's player.
+ * @discussion Used in functions that report or set the remote's player's repeat mode.
+ * @constant ITMTRemotePlayerRepeatOff The player plays all of the songs in a playlist through to the end, and then stops.
+ * @constant ITMTRemotePlayerRepeatAll The player plays all of the songs in a playlist through to the end, and then starts over again from the beginning.
+ * @constant ITMTRemotePlayerRepeatOne The player loops playing the selected song.
+ */
+typedef enum {
+ ITMTRemotePlayerRepeatOff = -1,
+ ITMTRemotePlayerRepeatAll,
+ ITMTRemotePlayerRepeatOne
+} ITMTRemotePlayerRepeatMode;
+ * @protocol ITMTRemote
+ * @discussion The Objective-C protocol which all MenuTunes remotes must implement.
+ */