@interface PreferencesController (Private)
++ (SecKeychainItemRef)keychainItemForUser:(NSString *)user;
++ (BOOL)keychainItemExistsForUser:(NSString *)user;
++ (BOOL)createKeychainItemForUser:(NSString *)user andPassword:(NSString *)password;
++ (BOOL)deleteKeychainItemForUser:(NSString *)user;
++ (BOOL)setKeychainItemPassword:(NSString *)password forUser:(NSString *)user;
- (void)setupWindow;
- (void)setupCustomizationTables;
- (void)setupMenuItems;
- (void)repopulateEffectPopupsForVerticalPosition:(ITVerticalWindowPosition)vPos horizontalPosition:(ITHorizontalWindowPosition)hPos;
- (BOOL)effect:(Class)effectClass supportsVerticalPosition:(ITVerticalWindowPosition)vPos withHorizontalPosition:(ITHorizontalWindowPosition)hPos;
- (IBAction)changeMenus:(id)sender;
-- (SecKeychainItemRef)keychainItemForUser:(NSString *)user;
-- (BOOL)keychainItemExistsForUser:(NSString *)user;
-- (BOOL)createKeychainItemForUser:(NSString *)user andPassword:(NSString *)password;
-- (BOOL)deleteKeychainItemForUser:(NSString *)user;
-- (BOOL)setKeychainItemPassword:(NSString *)password forUser:(NSString *)user;
static PreferencesController *prefs = nil;
+#pragma mark -
++ (SecKeychainItemRef)keychainItemForUser:(NSString *)user
+ SecKeychainSearchRef search;
+ SecKeychainItemRef item;
+ OSStatus status;
+ SecKeychainAttribute attributes[3];
+ SecKeychainAttributeList list;
+ ITDebugLog(@"Audioscrobbler: Searching for keychain item for %@.", user);
+ attributes[0].tag = kSecAccountItemAttr;
+ attributes[0].data = (char *)[user UTF8String];
+ attributes[0].length = [user length];
+ attributes[1].tag = kSecDescriptionItemAttr;
+ attributes[1].data = AUDIOSCROBBLER_KEYCHAIN_KIND;
+ attributes[1].length = strlen(AUDIOSCROBBLER_KEYCHAIN_KIND);
+ attributes[2].tag = kSecLabelItemAttr;
+ attributes[2].length = strlen(AUDIOSCROBBLER_KEYCHAIN_SERVICE);
+ list.count = 3;
+ list.attr = attributes;
+ status = SecKeychainSearchCreateFromAttributes(NULL, kSecGenericPasswordItemClass, &list, &search);
+ if (status != noErr) {
+ ITDebugLog(@"Audioscrobbler: Error searching for existing keychain item: %i", status);
+ }
+ status = SecKeychainSearchCopyNext(search, &item);
+ if (status != noErr) {
+ ITDebugLog(@"Audioscrobbler: Error searching for existing keychain item: %i", status);
+ item = nil;
+ }
+ CFRelease(search);
+ return item;
++ (BOOL)keychainItemExistsForUser:(NSString *)user
+ SecKeychainItemRef item = [PreferencesController keychainItemForUser:user];
+ BOOL exists = (item != nil);
+ if (item) {
+ CFRelease(item);
+ }
+ return exists;
++ (BOOL)createKeychainItemForUser:(NSString *)user andPassword:(NSString *)password
+ SecKeychainItemRef item;
+ OSStatus status;
+ SecKeychainAttribute attributes[3];
+ SecKeychainAttributeList list;
+ ITDebugLog(@"Audioscrobbler: Creating new keychain item for %@.", user);
+ attributes[0].tag = kSecAccountItemAttr;
+ attributes[0].data = (char *)[user UTF8String];
+ attributes[0].length = [user length];
+ attributes[1].tag = kSecDescriptionItemAttr;
+ attributes[1].data = AUDIOSCROBBLER_KEYCHAIN_KIND;
+ attributes[1].length = strlen(AUDIOSCROBBLER_KEYCHAIN_KIND);
+ attributes[2].tag = kSecLabelItemAttr;
+ attributes[2].length = strlen(AUDIOSCROBBLER_KEYCHAIN_SERVICE);
+ list.count = 3;
+ list.attr = attributes;
+ status = SecKeychainItemCreateFromContent(kSecGenericPasswordItemClass, &list, [password length], [password UTF8String], NULL, NULL, &item);
+ if (status != noErr) {
+ ITDebugLog(@"Audioscrobbler: Error creating keychain item: %i", status);
+ }
+ return (status == noErr);
++ (BOOL)deleteKeychainItemForUser:(NSString *)user
+ OSStatus status = errSecNotAvailable;
+ SecKeychainItemRef item = [PreferencesController keychainItemForUser:user];
+ if (item != nil) {
+ status = SecKeychainItemDelete(item);
+ if (status != noErr) {
+ ITDebugLog(@"Audioscrobbler: Error deleting keychain item: %i", status);
+ }
+ CFRelease(item);
+ }
+ return (status == noErr);
++ (BOOL)setKeychainItemPassword:(NSString *)password forUser:(NSString *)user
+ OSStatus status = errSecNotAvailable;
+ SecKeychainItemRef item = [PreferencesController keychainItemForUser:user];
+ if (item != nil) {
+ status = SecKeychainItemModifyContent(item, NULL, [password length], [password cString]);
+ if (status != noErr) {
+ ITDebugLog(@"Audioscrobbler: Error deleting keychain item: %i", status);
+ }
+ CFRelease(item);
+ }
+ return (status == noErr);
++ (NSString *)getKeychainItemPasswordForUser:(NSString *)user
+ OSStatus status = errSecNotAvailable;
+ SecKeychainItemRef item = [PreferencesController keychainItemForUser:user];
+ NSString *pass = nil;
+ if (item != nil) {
+ UInt32 length;
+ char *buffer;
+ status = SecKeychainItemCopyContent(item, NULL, NULL, &length, (void **)&buffer);
+ if (status != noErr) {
+ ITDebugLog(@"Audioscrobbler: Error getting keychain item password: %i", status);
+ } else {
+ if ([NSString respondsToSelector:@selector(stringWithCString:encoding:)]) {
+ pass = [NSString stringWithCString:buffer encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
+ } else {
+ pass = [NSString stringWithCString:buffer];
+ }
+ }
+ if (status != noErr) {
+ ITDebugLog(@"Audioscrobbler: Error deleting keychain item: %i", status);
+ }
+ CFRelease(item);
+ }
+ return pass;
#pragma mark -
//Here we create a new keychain item if needed and deletes the keychain item if the field is cleared.
NSString *currentAccount = [df stringForKey:@"audioscrobblerUser"], *newAccount = [sender stringValue];
if ([newAccount length] == 0) {
- [self deleteKeychainItemForUser:currentAccount];
+ [PreferencesController deleteKeychainItemForUser:currentAccount];
} else if (![currentAccount isEqualToString:newAccount] && [[audioscrobblerPasswordTextField stringValue] length] > 0) {
[df setObject:newAccount forKey:@"audioscrobblerUser"];
- if ([self keychainItemExistsForUser:currentAccount]) {
+ if ([PreferencesController keychainItemExistsForUser:currentAccount]) {
//Delete the current keychain item if there is one
- [self deleteKeychainItemForUser:currentAccount];
+ [PreferencesController deleteKeychainItemForUser:currentAccount];
- [self createKeychainItemForUser:newAccount andPassword:[audioscrobblerPasswordTextField stringValue]];
+ [PreferencesController createKeychainItemForUser:newAccount andPassword:[audioscrobblerPasswordTextField stringValue]];
} else if ( [sender tag ] == 6030) {
//Here we set the password for an existing keychain item or we create a new keychain item.
if ([[audioscrobblerUserTextField stringValue] length] > 0) {
NSString *account = [df stringForKey:@"audioscrobblerUser"];
- if ([self keychainItemExistsForUser:account]) {
+ if ([PreferencesController keychainItemExistsForUser:account]) {
//Update the current keychain item
- [self setKeychainItemPassword:[sender stringValue] forUser:account];
+ [PreferencesController setKeychainItemPassword:[sender stringValue] forUser:account];
} else if ([[sender stringValue] length] > 0 && [[audioscrobblerUserTextField stringValue] length]) {
//Create a new keychain item
- [self createKeychainItemForUser:account andPassword:[sender stringValue]];
+ [PreferencesController createKeychainItemForUser:account andPassword:[sender stringValue]];
} else if ( [sender tag] == 6045) {
-#pragma mark -
-- (SecKeychainItemRef)keychainItemForUser:(NSString *)user
- SecKeychainSearchRef search;
- SecKeychainItemRef item;
- OSStatus status;
- SecKeychainAttribute attributes[3];
- SecKeychainAttributeList list;
- ITDebugLog(@"Audioscrobbler: Searching for keychain item for %@.", user);
- attributes[0].tag = kSecAccountItemAttr;
- attributes[0].data = (char *)[user UTF8String];
- attributes[0].length = [user length];
- attributes[1].tag = kSecDescriptionItemAttr;
- attributes[1].data = AUDIOSCROBBLER_KEYCHAIN_KIND;
- attributes[1].length = strlen(AUDIOSCROBBLER_KEYCHAIN_KIND);
- attributes[2].tag = kSecLabelItemAttr;
- attributes[2].length = strlen(AUDIOSCROBBLER_KEYCHAIN_SERVICE);
- list.count = 3;
- list.attr = attributes;
- status = SecKeychainSearchCreateFromAttributes(NULL, kSecGenericPasswordItemClass, &list, &search);
- if (status != noErr) {
- ITDebugLog(@"Audioscrobbler: Error searching for existing keychain item: %i", status);
- }
- status = SecKeychainSearchCopyNext(search, &item);
- if (status != noErr) {
- ITDebugLog(@"Audioscrobbler: Error searching for existing keychain item: %i", status);
- item = nil;
- }
- CFRelease(search);
- return item;
-- (BOOL)keychainItemExistsForUser:(NSString *)user
- SecKeychainItemRef item = [self keychainItemForUser:user];
- BOOL exists = (item != nil);
- if (item) {
- CFRelease(item);
- }
- return exists;
-- (BOOL)createKeychainItemForUser:(NSString *)user andPassword:(NSString *)password
- SecKeychainItemRef item;
- OSStatus status;
- SecKeychainAttribute attributes[3];
- SecKeychainAttributeList list;
- ITDebugLog(@"Audioscrobbler: Creating new keychain item for %@.", user);
- attributes[0].tag = kSecAccountItemAttr;
- attributes[0].data = (char *)[user UTF8String];
- attributes[0].length = [user length];
- attributes[1].tag = kSecDescriptionItemAttr;
- attributes[1].data = AUDIOSCROBBLER_KEYCHAIN_KIND;
- attributes[1].length = strlen(AUDIOSCROBBLER_KEYCHAIN_KIND);
- attributes[2].tag = kSecLabelItemAttr;
- attributes[2].length = strlen(AUDIOSCROBBLER_KEYCHAIN_SERVICE);
- list.count = 3;
- list.attr = attributes;
- status = SecKeychainItemCreateFromContent(kSecGenericPasswordItemClass, &list, [password length], [password UTF8String], NULL, NULL, &item);
- if (status != noErr) {
- ITDebugLog(@"Audioscrobbler: Error creating keychain item: %i", status);
- }
- return (status == noErr);
-- (BOOL)deleteKeychainItemForUser:(NSString *)user
- OSStatus status = errSecNotAvailable;
- SecKeychainItemRef item = [self keychainItemForUser:user];
- if (item != nil) {
- status = SecKeychainItemDelete(item);
- if (status != noErr) {
- ITDebugLog(@"Audioscrobbler: Error deleting keychain item: %i", status);
- }
- CFRelease(item);
- }
- return (status == noErr);
-- (BOOL)setKeychainItemPassword:(NSString *)password forUser:(NSString *)user
- OSStatus status = errSecNotAvailable;
- SecKeychainItemRef item = [self keychainItemForUser:user];
- if (item != nil) {
- status = SecKeychainItemModifyContent(item, NULL, [password length], [password cString]);
- if (status != noErr) {
- ITDebugLog(@"Audioscrobbler: Error deleting keychain item: %i", status);
- }
- CFRelease(item);
- }
- return (status == noErr);
-- (NSString *)getKeychainItemPasswordForUser:(NSString *)user
- OSStatus status = errSecNotAvailable;
- SecKeychainItemRef item = [self keychainItemForUser:user];
- NSString *pass = nil;
- if (item != nil) {
- UInt32 length;
- char *buffer;
- status = SecKeychainItemCopyContent(item, NULL, NULL, &length, (void **)&buffer);
- if (status != noErr) {
- ITDebugLog(@"Audioscrobbler: Error getting keychain item password: %i", status);
- } else {
- if ([NSString respondsToSelector:@selector(stringWithCString:encoding:)]) {
- pass = [NSString stringWithCString:buffer encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
- } else {
- pass = [NSString stringWithCString:buffer];
- }
- }
- if (status != noErr) {
- ITDebugLog(@"Audioscrobbler: Error deleting keychain item: %i", status);
- }
- CFRelease(item);
- }
- return pass;
#pragma mark -
[audioscrobblerUseCacheCheckbox setEnabled:NO];
NSString *audioscrobblerUser = [df stringForKey:@"audioscrobblerUser"];
- if (audioscrobblerUser != nil && [audioscrobblerUser length] > 0 && [self keychainItemExistsForUser:audioscrobblerUser]) {
- NSString *password = [self getKeychainItemPasswordForUser:audioscrobblerUser];
+ if (audioscrobblerUser != nil && [audioscrobblerUser length] > 0 && [PreferencesController keychainItemExistsForUser:audioscrobblerUser]) {
+ NSString *password = [PreferencesController getKeychainItemPasswordForUser:audioscrobblerUser];
[audioscrobblerUserTextField setStringValue:audioscrobblerUser];
if (password != nil) {
[audioscrobblerPasswordTextField setStringValue:password];
+ [audioscrobblerUseCacheCheckbox setState:[df boolForKey:@"audioscrobblerCacheSubmissions"]];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:sharingTableView selector:@selector(reloadData) name:@"ITMTFoundNetService" object:nil];