@interface MainController(Private)
- (ITMTRemote *)loadRemote;
-- (void)updateMenu;
- (void)rebuildUpcomingSongsMenu;
- (void)rebuildPlaylistMenu;
- (void)rebuildEQPresetsMenu;
+- (void)updateRatingMenu;
- (void)setupHotKeys;
- (void)timerUpdate;
- (void)setKeyEquivalentForCode:(short)code andModifiers:(long)modifiers
#pragma mark -
- (id)init
return self;
+- (void)dealloc
+ if (refreshTimer) {
+ [refreshTimer invalidate];
+ [refreshTimer release];
+ refreshTimer = nil;
+ }
+ [currentRemote halt];
+ [statusItem release];
+ [menu release];
+ [super dealloc];
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)note
+ NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
currentRemote = [self loadRemote];
- [currentRemote begin];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(remotePlayerTerminated:) name:@"ITMTRemoteAppDidTerminateNotification" object:nil];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(remotePlayerLaunched:) name:@"ITMTRemoteAppDidLaunchNotification" object:nil];
+ //Setup for notification of the remote player launching or quitting
+ [[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter]
+ addObserver:self
+ selector:@selector(applicationTerminated:)
+ name:NSWorkspaceDidTerminateApplicationNotification
+ object:nil];
- [self registerDefaultsIfNeeded];
+ [[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter]
+ addObserver:self
+ selector:@selector(applicationLaunched:)
+ name:NSWorkspaceDidLaunchApplicationNotification
+ object:nil];
+ if ( ! [defaults objectForKey:@"menu"] ) { // If this is nil, defaults have never been registered.
+ [[PreferencesController sharedPrefs] registerDefaults];
+ }
- menu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""];
+ statusItem = [[ITStatusItem alloc]
+ initWithStatusBar:[NSStatusBar systemStatusBar]
+ withLength:NSSquareStatusItemLength];
+ menu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""];
if ( ( [currentRemote playerRunningState] == ITMTRemotePlayerRunning ) ) {
- [self remotePlayerLaunched:nil];
+ [self applicationLaunched:nil];
} else {
- [self remotePlayerTerminated:nil];
+ [self applicationTerminated:nil];
- statusItem = [[ITStatusItem alloc] initWithStatusBar:[NSStatusBar systemStatusBar] withLength:NSSquareStatusItemLength];
[statusItem setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"menu"]];
[statusItem setAlternateImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"selected_image"]];
- [statusItem setMenu:menu];
// Below line of code is for creating builds for Beta Testers
// [statusItem setToolTip:@[NSString stringWithFormat:@"This Nontransferable Beta (Built on %s) of iThink Software's MenuTunes is Registered to: Beta Tester (betatester@somedomain.com).",__DATE__]];
+- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(NSNotification *)note
+ [self clearHotKeys];
+ [[NSStatusBar systemStatusBar] removeStatusItem:statusItem];
- (ITMTRemote *)loadRemote
NSString *folderPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] builtInPlugInsPath];
return [remoteArray objectAtIndex:0];
+- (void)applicationLaunched:(NSNotification *)note
+ if (!note || [[[note userInfo] objectForKey:@"NSApplicationName"] isEqualToString:[currentRemote playerFullName]]) {
+ [currentRemote begin];
+ [self timerUpdate];
+ [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(startTimerInNewThread) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
+ [self setupHotKeys];
+ isAppRunning = ITMTRemotePlayerRunning;
+ }
+- (void)applicationTerminated:(NSNotification *)note
+ if (!note || [[[note userInfo] objectForKey:@"NSApplicationName"] isEqualToString:[currentRemote playerFullName]]) {
+ NSMenu *notRunningMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""];
+ [notRunningMenu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Open %@", [currentRemote playerSimpleName]] action:@selector(showPlayer:) keyEquivalent:@""];
+ [notRunningMenu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
+ [notRunningMenu addItemWithTitle:@"Preferences..." action:@selector(showPreferences:) keyEquivalent:@""];
+ [[notRunningMenu addItemWithTitle:@"Quit" action:@selector(terminate:) keyEquivalent:@""] setTarget:NSApp];
+ [statusItem setMenu:[notRunningMenu autorelease]];
+ [currentRemote halt];
+ [refreshTimer invalidate];
+ [refreshTimer release];
+ refreshTimer = nil;
+ [self clearHotKeys];
+ isAppRunning = ITMTRemotePlayerNotRunning;
+ }
#pragma mark -
-- (void)registerDefaultsIfNeeded
+- (void)startTimerInNewThread
- NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
- if (![defaults objectForKey:@"menu"]) {
- BOOL found = NO;
- NSMutableDictionary *loginwindow;
- NSMutableArray *loginarray;
- int i;
- [defaults setObject:
- [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
- @"Play/Pause",
- @"Next Track",
- @"Previous Track",
- @"Fast Forward",
- @"Rewind",
- @"<separator>",
- @"Upcoming Songs",
- @"Playlists",
- @"Song Rating",
- @"<separator>",
- @"PreferencesÉ",
- @"Quit",
- @"<separator>",
- @"Current Track Info",
- nil] forKey:@"menu"];
- [defaults synchronize];
- loginwindow = [[defaults persistentDomainForName:@"loginwindow"] mutableCopy];
- loginarray = [loginwindow objectForKey:@"AutoLaunchedApplicationDictionary"];
- for (i = 0; i < [loginarray count]; i++) {
- NSDictionary *tempDict = [loginarray objectAtIndex:i];
- if ([[[tempDict objectForKey:@"Path"] lastPathComponent] isEqualToString:[[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath] lastPathComponent]]) {
- found = YES;
- }
- }
- //
- //This is teh sux
- //We must fix it so it is no longer suxy
- if (!found) {
- if (NSRunInformationalAlertPanel(@"Auto-launch MenuTunes", @"Would you like MenuTunes to automatically launch at login?", @"Yes", @"No", nil) == NSOKButton) {
- AEDesc scriptDesc, resultDesc;
- NSString *script = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"tell application \"System Events\"\nmake new login item at end of login items with properties {path:\"%@\", kind:\"APPLICATION\"}\nend tell", [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath]];
- ComponentInstance asComponent = OpenDefaultComponent(kOSAComponentType, kAppleScriptSubtype);
- AECreateDesc(typeChar, [script cString], [script cStringLength],
- &scriptDesc);
- OSADoScript(asComponent, &scriptDesc, kOSANullScript, typeChar, kOSAModeCanInteract, &resultDesc);
- AEDisposeDesc(&scriptDesc);
- AEDisposeDesc(&resultDesc);
- CloseComponent(asComponent);
- }
- }
- }
- if (![defaults integerForKey:@"SongsInAdvance"])
- {
- [defaults setInteger:5 forKey:@"SongsInAdvance"];
- }
- if (![defaults objectForKey:@"showName"]) {
- [defaults setBool:YES forKey:@"showName"];
- }
- if (![defaults objectForKey:@"showArtist"]) {
- [defaults setBool:YES forKey:@"showArtist"];
- }
- if (![defaults objectForKey:@"showAlbum"]) {
- [defaults setBool:NO forKey:@"showAlbum"];
- }
- if (![defaults objectForKey:@"showTime"]) {
- [defaults setBool:NO forKey:@"showTime"];
- }
+ NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
+ NSRunLoop *runLoop = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop];
+ refreshTimer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.5
+ target:self
+ selector:@selector(timerUpdate)
+ userInfo:nil
+ repeats:YES] retain];
+ [runLoop run];
+ [pool release];
//Recreate the status item menu
- (void)rebuildMenu
- NSArray *myMenu = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] arrayForKey:@"menu"];
+ NSUserDefaults *defaults;
+ NSArray *myMenu;
+ int playlist;
int i;
+ unichar fullstar = 0x2605;
+ unichar emptystar = 0x2606;
+ NSString *fullStarChar;
+ NSString *emptyStarChar;
+ if ([currentRemote playerRunningState] == ITMTRemotePlayerNotRunning) {
+ return;
+ }
+ defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
+ myMenu = [defaults arrayForKey:@"menu"];
+ playlist = [currentRemote currentPlaylistIndex];
+ fullStarChar = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&fullstar length:1];
+ emptyStarChar = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&emptystar length:1];
trackInfoIndex = -1;
- lastSongIndex = -1;
lastPlaylistIndex = -1;
- didHaveAlbumName = ([[currentRemote currentSongAlbum] length] > 0);
- didHaveArtistName = ([[currentRemote currentSongArtist] length] > 0);
- while ([menu numberOfItems] > 0) {
- [menu removeItemAtIndex:0];
- }
+ [menu release];
+ menu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""];
- playPauseMenuItem = nil;
+ //Release the old submenus
+ playPauseItem = nil;
upcomingSongsItem = nil;
- songRatingMenuItem = nil;
+ [upcomingSongsMenu release];
+ upcomingSongsMenu = nil;
playlistItem = nil;
[playlistMenu release];
playlistMenu = nil;
eqItem = nil;
[eqMenu release];
eqMenu = nil;
+ if (ratingItem) {
+ [ratingItem setSubmenu:nil];
+ [ratingItem release];
+ ratingItem = nil;
+ }
+ //Build the rating menu
+ [ratingMenu release];
+ ratingMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""];
+ [[ratingMenu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@%@%@", emptyStarChar, emptyStarChar, emptyStarChar, emptyStarChar, emptyStarChar] action:@selector(selectSongRating:) keyEquivalent:@""] setTag:0];
+ [[ratingMenu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@%@%@", fullStarChar, emptyStarChar, emptyStarChar, emptyStarChar, emptyStarChar] action:@selector(selectSongRating:) keyEquivalent:@""] setTag:20];
+ [[ratingMenu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@%@%@", fullStarChar, fullStarChar, emptyStarChar, emptyStarChar, emptyStarChar] action:@selector(selectSongRating:) keyEquivalent:@""] setTag:40];
+ [[ratingMenu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@%@%@", fullStarChar, fullStarChar, fullStarChar, emptyStarChar, emptyStarChar] action:@selector(selectSongRating:) keyEquivalent:@""] setTag:60];
+ [[ratingMenu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@%@%@", fullStarChar, fullStarChar, fullStarChar, fullStarChar, emptyStarChar] action:@selector(selectSongRating:) keyEquivalent:@""] setTag:80];
+ [[ratingMenu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@%@%@", fullStarChar, fullStarChar, fullStarChar, fullStarChar, fullStarChar] action:@selector(selectSongRating:) keyEquivalent:@""] setTag:100];
+ //Build the custom menu
for (i = 0; i < [myMenu count]; i++) {
NSString *item = [myMenu objectAtIndex:i];
if ([item isEqualToString:@"Play/Pause"]) {
KeyCombo *tempCombo = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] keyComboForKey:@"PlayPause"];
- playPauseMenuItem = [menu addItemWithTitle:@"Play"
+ playPauseItem = [menu addItemWithTitle:@"Play"
- [playPauseMenuItem setTarget:self];
if (tempCombo) {
[self setKeyEquivalentForCode:[tempCombo keyCode]
- andModifiers:[tempCombo modifiers] onItem:playPauseMenuItem];
+ andModifiers:[tempCombo modifiers] onItem:playPauseItem];
[tempCombo release];
} else if ([item isEqualToString:@"Next Track"]) {
- [nextTrack setTarget:self];
if (tempCombo) {
[self setKeyEquivalentForCode:[tempCombo keyCode]
andModifiers:[tempCombo modifiers] onItem:nextTrack];
- [prevTrack setTarget:self];
if (tempCombo) {
[self setKeyEquivalentForCode:[tempCombo keyCode]
andModifiers:[tempCombo modifiers] onItem:prevTrack];
[tempCombo release];
} else if ([item isEqualToString:@"Fast Forward"]) {
- [[menu addItemWithTitle:@"Fast Forward"
+ [menu addItemWithTitle:@"Fast Forward"
- keyEquivalent:@""] setTarget:self];
+ keyEquivalent:@""];
} else if ([item isEqualToString:@"Rewind"]) {
- [[menu addItemWithTitle:@"Rewind"
+ [menu addItemWithTitle:@"Rewind"
- keyEquivalent:@""] setTarget:self];
+ keyEquivalent:@""];
+ } else if ([item isEqualToString:@"Show Player"]) {
+ [menu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Show %@", [currentRemote playerSimpleName]]
+ action:@selector(showPlayer:)
+ keyEquivalent:@""];
} else if ([item isEqualToString:@"Upcoming Songs"]) {
upcomingSongsItem = [menu addItemWithTitle:@"Upcoming Songs"
+ upcomingSongsMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""];
+ [upcomingSongsItem setSubmenu:upcomingSongsMenu];
+ [upcomingSongsItem setEnabled:NO];
} else if ([item isEqualToString:@"Playlists"]) {
playlistItem = [menu addItemWithTitle:@"Playlists"
} else if ([item isEqualToString:@"PreferencesÉ"]) {
- [[menu addItemWithTitle:@"PreferencesÉ"
+ [menu addItemWithTitle:@"PreferencesÉ"
- keyEquivalent:@""] setTarget:self];
+ keyEquivalent:@""];
} else if ([item isEqualToString:@"Quit"]) {
[[menu addItemWithTitle:@"Quit"
- action:@selector(quitMenuTunes:)
- keyEquivalent:@""] setTarget:self];
+ action:@selector(terminate:)
+ keyEquivalent:@""] setTarget:NSApp];
} else if ([item isEqualToString:@"Current Track Info"]) {
trackInfoIndex = [menu numberOfItems];
[menu addItemWithTitle:@"No Song"
} else if ([item isEqualToString:@"Song Rating"]) {
- unichar fullstar = 0x2605;
- unichar emptystar = 0x2606;
- NSString *fullStarChar = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&fullstar length:1];
- NSString *emptyStarChar = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&emptystar length:1];
- NSMenuItem *item;
- int i;
- NSString *curTitle = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@%@%@", emptyStarChar, emptyStarChar, emptyStarChar, emptyStarChar, emptyStarChar];
- songRatingMenuItem = [menu addItemWithTitle:@"Song Rating"
+ ratingItem = [[menu addItemWithTitle:@"Song Rating"
- keyEquivalent:@""];
- ratingMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""];
- item = [ratingMenu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@%@%@", emptyStarChar, emptyStarChar, emptyStarChar, emptyStarChar, emptyStarChar]
- action:@selector(setSongRating:)
- keyEquivalent:@""];
- [item setTarget:self];
- [item setTag:0];
- for (i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
- curTitle = [curTitle substringToIndex:4];
- curTitle = [fullStarChar stringByAppendingString:curTitle];
- item = [ratingMenu addItemWithTitle:curTitle
- action:@selector(setSongRating:)
- keyEquivalent:@""];
- [item setTarget:self];
- [item setTag:(i * 20)];
- }
+ keyEquivalent:@""] retain];
+ [ratingItem setSubmenu:ratingMenu];
} else if ([item isEqualToString:@"<separator>"]) {
[menu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
- [self timerUpdate]; //Updates dynamic info in the menu
- [self clearHotKeys];
- [self setupHotKeys];
-//Updates the menu with current player state, song, and upcoming songs
-- (void)updateMenu
- NSMenuItem *menuItem;
- NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
+ if (playlistItem) {
+ [self rebuildPlaylistMenu];
+ }
- if ( ( isAppRunning == ITMTRemotePlayerNotRunning ) ) {
- return;
+ if (eqItem) {
+ [self rebuildEQPresetsMenu];
+ isPlayingRadio = ([currentRemote currentPlaylistClass] == ITMTRemotePlayerRadioPlaylist);
if (upcomingSongsItem) {
[self rebuildUpcomingSongsMenu];
- if (playlistItem) {
- [self rebuildPlaylistMenu];
+ if (ratingItem) {
+ if (isPlayingRadio || !playlist) {
+ [ratingItem setEnabled:NO];
+ } else {
+ int currentSongRating = ([currentRemote currentSongRating] * 5);
+ lastSongRating = currentSongRating;
+ [[ratingMenu itemAtIndex:lastSongRating] setState:NSOnState];
+ [ratingItem setEnabled:YES];
+ }
- if (eqItem) {
- [self rebuildEQPresetsMenu];
- }
- if (trackInfoIndex > -1) {
- NSString *curSongName, *curAlbumName = @"", *curArtistName = @"";
- curSongName = [currentRemote currentSongTitle];
+ //Set the new unique song identifier
+ lastSongIdentifier = [[currentRemote currentSongUniqueIdentifier] retain];
+ //If we're in a playlist or radio mode
+ if ( ![lastSongIdentifier isEqualToString:@"0-0"] && (trackInfoIndex > -1) ) {
+ NSString *title;
- if ([defaults boolForKey:@"showAlbum"]) {
- curAlbumName = [currentRemote currentSongAlbum];
+ if ( (i = [menu indexOfItemWithTitle:@"No Song"]) ) {
+ if ( (i > -1) ) {
+ [menu removeItemAtIndex:i];
+ [menu insertItemWithTitle:@"Now Playing" action:NULL keyEquivalent:@"" atIndex:i];
+ }
- if ([defaults boolForKey:@"showArtist"]) {
- curArtistName = [currentRemote currentSongArtist];
- }
+ title = [currentRemote currentSongTitle];
- if ([curSongName length] > 0) {
- int index = [menu indexOfItemWithTitle:@"Now Playing"];
- if (index > -1) {
- if ([defaults boolForKey:@"showName"]) {
- [menu removeItemAtIndex:index + 1];
- }
- if (didHaveAlbumName && [defaults boolForKey:@"showAlbum"]) {
- [menu removeItemAtIndex:index + 1];
- }
- if (didHaveArtistName && [defaults boolForKey:@"showArtist"]) {
- [menu removeItemAtIndex:index + 1];
- }
- if ([defaults boolForKey:@"showTime"]) {
- [menu removeItemAtIndex:index + 1];
+ if (!isPlayingRadio) {
+ if ([defaults boolForKey:@"showTime"]) {
+ NSString *length = [currentRemote currentSongLength];
+ char character = [length characterAtIndex:0];
+ if ( (character > '0') && (character < '9') ) {
+ [menu insertItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@" %@", [currentRemote currentSongLength]] action:nil keyEquivalent:@"" atIndex:trackInfoIndex + 1];
- if (!isPlayingRadio) {
- if ([defaults boolForKey:@"showTime"]) {
- menuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@" %@", [currentRemote currentSongLength]]
- action:nil
- keyEquivalent:@""];
- [menu insertItem:menuItem atIndex:trackInfoIndex + 1];
- [menuItem release];
- }
- if ([curArtistName length] > 0) {
- menuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@" %@", curArtistName]
- action:nil
- keyEquivalent:@""];
- [menu insertItem:menuItem atIndex:trackInfoIndex + 1];
- [menuItem release];
- }
- if ([curAlbumName length] > 0) {
- menuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@" %@", curAlbumName]
- action:nil
- keyEquivalent:@""];
- [menu insertItem:menuItem atIndex:trackInfoIndex + 1];
- [menuItem release];
+ if ([defaults boolForKey:@"showTrackRating"]) {
+ if (title) { //Check to see if there's a song playing
+ [menu insertItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@" %@", [[ratingMenu itemAtIndex:[currentRemote currentSongRating] * 5] title]] action:nil keyEquivalent:@"" atIndex:trackInfoIndex + 1];
- if (songRatingMenuItem) {
- int rating = (int)[currentRemote currentSongRating] * 10;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- [[ratingMenu itemAtIndex:i] setState:NSOffState];
- [[ratingMenu itemAtIndex:i] setTarget:self];
- }
- [[ratingMenu itemAtIndex:rating / 2] setState:NSOnState];
- }
- }
- if ([defaults boolForKey:@"showName"]) {
- menuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@" %@", curSongName]
- action:nil
- keyEquivalent:@""];
- [menu insertItem:menuItem atIndex:trackInfoIndex + 1];
- [menuItem release];
- if (index == -1) {
- menuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Now Playing" action:nil keyEquivalent:@""];
- [menu removeItemAtIndex:[menu indexOfItemWithTitle:@"No Song"]];
- [menu insertItem:menuItem atIndex:trackInfoIndex];
- [menuItem release];
- [songRatingMenuItem setSubmenu:ratingMenu];
- [songRatingMenuItem setEnabled:YES];
- }
- } else if ([menu indexOfItemWithTitle:@"No Song"] == -1) {
- [menu removeItemAtIndex:trackInfoIndex];
- if ([defaults boolForKey:@"showName"] == YES) {
- [menu removeItemAtIndex:trackInfoIndex];
- }
- if ([defaults boolForKey:@"showTime"] == YES) {
- [menu removeItemAtIndex:trackInfoIndex];
+ if ([defaults boolForKey:@"showArtist"]) {
+ NSString *artist = [currentRemote currentSongArtist];
+ if ([artist length] > 0) {
+ [menu insertItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@" %@", artist] action:nil keyEquivalent:@"" atIndex:trackInfoIndex + 1];
+ }
- if (didHaveArtistName && [defaults boolForKey:@"showArtist"]) {
- [menu removeItemAtIndex:trackInfoIndex];
+ if ([defaults boolForKey:@"showTrackNumber"]) {
+ int track = [currentRemote currentSongTrack];
+ int total = [currentRemote currentAlbumTrackCount];
+ if (total > 0) {
+ [menu insertItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@" Track %i of %i", track, total] action:nil keyEquivalent:@"" atIndex:trackInfoIndex + 1];
+ }
- if (didHaveAlbumName && [defaults boolForKey:@"showAlbum"]) {
- [menu removeItemAtIndex:trackInfoIndex];
+ if ([defaults boolForKey:@"showAlbum"]) {
+ NSString *album = [currentRemote currentSongAlbum];
+ if ([album length] > 0) {
+ [menu insertItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@" %@", album] action:nil keyEquivalent:@"" atIndex:trackInfoIndex + 1];
+ }
- menuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"No Song" action:nil keyEquivalent:@""];
- [menu insertItem:menuItem atIndex:trackInfoIndex];
- [menuItem release];
- if ([defaults boolForKey:@"showArtist"]) {
- didHaveArtistName = (([curArtistName length] > 0) ? YES : NO);
- }
- if ([defaults boolForKey:@"showAlbum"]) {
- didHaveAlbumName = (([curAlbumName length] > 0) ? YES : NO);
+ if ([title length] > 0) {
+ [menu insertItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@" %@", title] action:nil keyEquivalent:@"" atIndex:trackInfoIndex + 1];
- [menu update];
+ [statusItem setMenu:menu];
+ [self clearHotKeys];
+ [self setupHotKeys];
//Rebuild the upcoming songs submenu. Can be improved a lot.
if (i <= numSongs) {
NSString *curSong = [currentRemote songTitleAtIndex:i];
NSMenuItem *songItem;
- songItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:curSong action:@selector(playTrack:) keyEquivalent:@""];
- [songItem setTarget:self];
+ songItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:curSong action:@selector(selectSong:) keyEquivalent:@""];
[songItem setRepresentedObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:i]];
[upcomingSongsMenu addItem:songItem];
[songItem release];
- (void)rebuildPlaylistMenu
NSArray *playlists = [currentRemote playlists];
- int i, curPlaylist = [currentRemote currentPlaylistIndex];
- if (isPlayingRadio) {
- curPlaylist = 0;
- }
- if (playlistMenu && ([playlists count] == [playlistMenu numberOfItems]))
- return;
+ int i, currentPlaylist = [currentRemote currentPlaylistIndex];
[playlistMenu release];
playlistMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""];
NSString *playlistName = [playlists objectAtIndex:i];
NSMenuItem *tempItem;
tempItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:playlistName action:@selector(selectPlaylist:) keyEquivalent:@""];
- [tempItem setTarget:self];
- [tempItem setRepresentedObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:i + 1]];
+ [tempItem setTag:i + 1];
[playlistMenu addItem:tempItem];
[tempItem release];
[playlistItem setSubmenu:playlistMenu];
[playlistItem setEnabled:YES];
- if (curPlaylist) {
- [[playlistMenu itemAtIndex:curPlaylist - 1] setState:NSOnState];
+ if (!isPlayingRadio && currentPlaylist) {
+ [[playlistMenu itemAtIndex:currentPlaylist - 1] setState:NSOnState];
- (void)rebuildEQPresetsMenu
NSArray *eqPresets = [currentRemote eqPresets];
- NSMenuItem *enabledItem;
int i;
- if (eqMenu && ([[currentRemote eqPresets] count] == [eqMenu numberOfItems]))
- return;
- [eqMenu release];
+ [eqMenu autorelease];
eqMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""];
- enabledItem = [eqMenu addItemWithTitle:@"Disabled"
- action:@selector(toggleEqualizer)
- keyEquivalent:@""];
- if ([currentRemote equalizerEnabled] == NO) {
- [enabledItem setState:NSOnState];
- }
- [eqMenu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
for (i = 0; i < [eqPresets count]; i++) {
- NSString *setName = [eqPresets objectAtIndex:i];
+ NSString *name;
NSMenuItem *tempItem;
- if (setName) {
- tempItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:setName action:@selector(selectEQPreset:) keyEquivalent:@""];
- [tempItem setTarget:self];
- [tempItem setRepresentedObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:i]];
- [eqMenu addItem:tempItem];
- [tempItem release];
+ if ( ( name = [eqPresets objectAtIndex:i] ) ) {
+ tempItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:name action:@selector(selectEQPreset:) keyEquivalent:@""];
+ [tempItem setTag:i];
+ [eqMenu addItem:tempItem];
+ [tempItem autorelease];
- [eqItem setSubmenu:eqMenu];
- [[eqMenu itemAtIndex:[currentRemote currentEQPresetIndex] + 1] setState:NSOnState];
-- (void)clearHotKeys
- [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] removeHotKey:@"PlayPause"];
- [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] removeHotKey:@"NextTrack"];
- [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] removeHotKey:@"PrevTrack"];
- [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] removeHotKey:@"TrackInfo"];
- [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] removeHotKey:@"UpcomingSongs"];
+ [eqItem setSubmenu:eqMenu];
+ [eqItem setEnabled:YES];
+ [[eqMenu itemAtIndex:([currentRemote currentEQPresetIndex] - 1)] setState:NSOnState];
-- (void)setupHotKeys
+- (void)updateRatingMenu
- NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
- if ([defaults objectForKey:@"PlayPause"] != nil) {
- [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] addHotKey:@"PlayPause"
- combo:[defaults keyComboForKey:@"PlayPause"]
- target:self action:@selector(playPause:)];
- }
- if ([defaults objectForKey:@"NextTrack"] != nil) {
- [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] addHotKey:@"NextTrack"
- combo:[defaults keyComboForKey:@"NextTrack"]
- target:self action:@selector(nextSong:)];
- }
- if ([defaults objectForKey:@"PrevTrack"] != nil) {
- [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] addHotKey:@"PrevTrack"
- combo:[defaults keyComboForKey:@"PrevTrack"]
- target:self action:@selector(prevSong:)];
- }
- if ([defaults objectForKey:@"TrackInfo"] != nil) {
- [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] addHotKey:@"TrackInfo"
- combo:[defaults keyComboForKey:@"TrackInfo"]
- target:self action:@selector(showCurrentTrackInfo)];
- }
- if ([defaults objectForKey:@"UpcomingSongs"] != nil) {
- [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] addHotKey:@"UpcomingSongs"
- combo:[defaults keyComboForKey:@"UpcomingSongs"]
- target:self action:@selector(showUpcomingSongs)];
+ int currentSongRating = ([currentRemote currentSongRating] * 5);
+ if ([currentRemote currentPlaylistIndex] && (currentSongRating != lastSongRating)) {
+ if ([currentRemote currentPlaylistClass] == ITMTRemotePlayerRadioPlaylist) {
+ return;
+ }
+ [[ratingMenu itemAtIndex:lastSongRating] setState:NSOffState];
+ lastSongRating = currentSongRating;
+ [[ratingMenu itemAtIndex:lastSongRating] setState:NSOnState];
-//Called when the timer fires.
- (void)timerUpdate
- int playlist = [currentRemote currentPlaylistIndex];
- ITMTRemotePlayerPlayingState playerPlayingState = [currentRemote playerPlayingState];
- if ((playlist > 0) || playerPlayingState != ITMTRemotePlayerStopped) {
- int trackPlayingIndex = [currentRemote currentSongIndex];
- if (trackPlayingIndex != lastSongIndex) {
- BOOL wasPlayingRadio = isPlayingRadio;
- isPlayingRadio = ([currentRemote classOfPlaylistAtIndex:playlist] == ITMTRemotePlayerRadioPlaylist);
- if (isPlayingRadio && !wasPlayingRadio) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < [playlistMenu numberOfItems]; i++)
- {
- [[playlistMenu itemAtIndex:i] setState:NSOffState];
- }
- } else {
- [[playlistMenu itemAtIndex:playlist - 1] setState:NSOnState];
- }
- if (wasPlayingRadio) {
- NSMenuItem *temp = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"" action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""];
- [menu insertItem:temp atIndex:trackInfoIndex + 1];
- [temp release];
- }
- [self updateMenu];
- lastSongIndex = trackPlayingIndex;
- } else {
- if (playlist != lastPlaylistIndex) {
- BOOL wasPlayingRadio = isPlayingRadio;
- isPlayingRadio = ([currentRemote classOfPlaylistAtIndex:playlist] == ITMTRemotePlayerRadioPlaylist);
- if (isPlayingRadio && !wasPlayingRadio) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < [playlistMenu numberOfItems]; i++) {
- [[playlistMenu itemAtIndex:i] setState:NSOffState];
- }
- }
- if (wasPlayingRadio) {
- NSMenuItem *temp = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"" action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""];
- [menu insertItem:temp atIndex:trackInfoIndex + 1];
- [temp release];
- }
- if (!isPlayingRadio) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < [playlistMenu numberOfItems]; i++)
- {
- [[playlistMenu itemAtIndex:i] setState:NSOffState];
- }
- [[playlistMenu itemAtIndex:playlist - 1] setState:NSOnState];
- }
- [self updateMenu];
- lastSongIndex = trackPlayingIndex;
- lastPlaylistIndex = playlist;
- }
- }
- //Update Play/Pause menu item
- if (playPauseMenuItem){
- if (playerPlayingState == ITMTRemotePlayerPlaying) {
- [playPauseMenuItem setTitle:@"Pause"];
- } else {
- [playPauseMenuItem setTitle:@"Play"];
- }
- }
- } else if ((lastPlaylistIndex > 0) && (playlist == 0)) {
- NSMenuItem *menuItem;
- NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
- //Remote the now playing item and add no song item
- [menu removeItemAtIndex:trackInfoIndex];
- if ([defaults boolForKey:@"showName"] == YES) {
- [menu removeItemAtIndex:trackInfoIndex];
- }
- if ([defaults boolForKey:@"showTime"] == YES) {
- [menu removeItemAtIndex:trackInfoIndex];
- }
- if (didHaveArtistName && [defaults boolForKey:@"showArtist"]) {
- [menu removeItemAtIndex:trackInfoIndex];
- }
- if (didHaveAlbumName && [defaults boolForKey:@"showAlbum"]) {
- [menu removeItemAtIndex:trackInfoIndex];
- }
- [playPauseMenuItem setTitle:@"Play"];
- didHaveArtistName = NO;
- didHaveAlbumName = NO;
- lastPlaylistIndex = -1;
- lastSongIndex = -1;
- [upcomingSongsItem setSubmenu:nil];
- [upcomingSongsItem setEnabled:NO];
- [songRatingMenuItem setSubmenu:nil];
- [songRatingMenuItem setEnabled:NO];
- menuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"No Song" action:nil keyEquivalent:@""];
- [menu insertItem:menuItem atIndex:trackInfoIndex];
- [menuItem release];
+ NSString *currentIdentifier = [currentRemote currentSongUniqueIdentifier];
+ if (![lastSongIdentifier isEqualToString:currentIdentifier] ||
+ (!isPlayingRadio && ([currentRemote currentPlaylistClass] == ITMTRemotePlayerRadioPlaylist))) {
+ //
+ //
+ // If we want to show the new track floater, do it here!
+ //[self showCurrentTrackInfoStatusWindow];
+ //
+ //
+ [self rebuildMenu];
-- (void)remotePlayerLaunched:(NSNotification *)note
- isAppRunning = ITMTRemotePlayerRunning;
- //Restart the timer
- [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(runTimerInNewThread) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
+ [self updateRatingMenu];
- [self rebuildMenu]; //Rebuild the menu since no songs will be playing
- if (playlistItem) {
- [self rebuildPlaylistMenu];
- }
- if (eqItem) {
- [self rebuildEQPresetsMenu];
+ //Update Play/Pause menu item
+ if (playPauseItem){
+ //
+ //
+ // If we want to show the song played/paused, show it here!
+ //
+ //
+ if ([currentRemote playerPlayingState] == ITMTRemotePlayerPlaying) {
+ [playPauseItem setTitle:@"Pause"];
+ } else {
+ [playPauseItem setTitle:@"Play"];
+ }
- [statusItem setMenu:menu]; //Set the menu back to the main one
-- (void)runTimerInNewThread
- NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
- NSRunLoop *runLoop = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop];
- refreshTimer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.5 target:self selector:@selector(timerUpdate) userInfo:nil repeats:YES] retain];
- [runLoop run];
- [pool release];
-- (void)remotePlayerTerminated:(NSNotification *)note
- isAppRunning = ITMTRemotePlayerNotRunning;
- [menu release];
- menu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""];
- [[menu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Open %@", [currentRemote playerSimpleName]] action:@selector(showPlayer:) keyEquivalent:@""] setTarget:self];
- [menu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
- [[menu addItemWithTitle:@"Preferences" action:@selector(showPreferences:) keyEquivalent:@""] setTarget:self];
- [[menu addItemWithTitle:@"Quit" action:@selector(quitMenuTunes:) keyEquivalent:@""] setTarget:self];
- [statusItem setMenu:menu];
- [refreshTimer invalidate];
- [refreshTimer release];
- refreshTimer = nil;
- [self clearHotKeys];
-// Selectors - called from status item menu
+// Menu Selectors
-// Plugin dependent selectors
-- (void)playTrack:(id)sender
+- (void)selectSong:(id)sender
[currentRemote switchToSongAtIndex:[[sender representedObject] intValue]];
- (void)selectPlaylist:(id)sender
- int playlist = [[sender representedObject] intValue];
- if (!isPlayingRadio) {
- int curPlaylist = [currentRemote currentPlaylistIndex];
- if (curPlaylist > 0) {
- [[playlistMenu itemAtIndex:curPlaylist - 1] setState:NSOffState];
- }
- }
+ int playlist = [sender tag];
[currentRemote switchToPlaylistAtIndex:playlist];
- [[playlistMenu itemAtIndex:playlist - 1] setState:NSOnState];
- [self updateMenu];
- (void)selectEQPreset:(id)sender
int curSet = [currentRemote currentEQPresetIndex];
- int item = [[sender representedObject] intValue];
+ int item = [sender tag];
[currentRemote switchToEQAtIndex:item];
- [[eqMenu itemAtIndex:curSet + 1] setState:NSOffState];
- [[eqMenu itemAtIndex:item + 2] setState:NSOnState];
+ [[eqMenu itemAtIndex:curSet - 1] setState:NSOffState];
+ [[eqMenu itemAtIndex:item] setState:NSOnState];
+- (void)selectSongRating:(id)sender
+ int newRating = [sender tag];
+ [[ratingMenu itemAtIndex:lastSongRating] setState:NSOffState];
+ [sender setState:NSOnState];
+ [currentRemote setCurrentSongRating:(float)newRating / 100.0];
+ lastSongRating = newRating / 20;
- (void)playPause:(id)sender
if (state == ITMTRemotePlayerPlaying) {
[currentRemote pause];
- [playPauseMenuItem setTitle:@"Play"];
+ [playPauseItem setTitle:@"Play"];
} else if ((state == ITMTRemotePlayerForwarding) || (state == ITMTRemotePlayerRewinding)) {
[currentRemote pause];
[currentRemote play];
} else {
[currentRemote play];
- [playPauseMenuItem setTitle:@"Pause"];
+ [playPauseItem setTitle:@"Pause"];
- (void)fastForward:(id)sender
[currentRemote forward];
- [playPauseMenuItem setTitle:@"Play"];
+ [playPauseItem setTitle:@"Play"];
- (void)rewind:(id)sender
[currentRemote rewind];
- [playPauseMenuItem setTitle:@"Play"];
-- (void)toggleEqualizer
- [currentRemote setEqualizerEnabled:![currentRemote equalizerEnabled]];
-- (void)setSongRating:(id)sender
- NSLog(@"%f", [currentRemote currentSongRating]);
- NSLog(@"%f", (float)[sender tag] / 100.0);
- [currentRemote setCurrentSongRating:(float)[sender tag] / 100.0];
+ [playPauseItem setTitle:@"Play"];
-// Plugin independent selectors
-- (void)quitMenuTunes:(id)sender
+- (void)showPlayer:(id)sender
- [NSApp terminate:self];
+ if ( ( isAppRunning == ITMTRemotePlayerRunning) ) {
+ [currentRemote showPrimaryInterface];
+ } else {
+ if (![[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] launchApplication:[currentRemote playerFullName]]) {
+ NSLog(@"Error Launching Player");
+ }
+ }
- (void)showPreferences:(id)sender
- if (!prefsController) {
- prefsController = [[PreferencesController alloc] initWithMenuTunes:self];
- [self clearHotKeys];
- }
+ [[PreferencesController sharedPrefs] setController:self];
+ [[PreferencesController sharedPrefs] showPrefsWindow:self];
- (void)closePreferences
if ( ( isAppRunning == ITMTRemotePlayerRunning) ) {
[self setupHotKeys];
- [prefsController release];
- prefsController = nil;
-- (void)showPlayer:(id)sender
+- (ITMTRemote *)currentRemote
- if ( ( isAppRunning == ITMTRemotePlayerRunning) ) {
- [currentRemote showPrimaryInterface];
- } else {
- if (![[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] launchApplication:[currentRemote playerFullName]]) {
- NSLog(@"Error Launching Player");
- }
+ return currentRemote;
+// Hot key setup
+- (void)clearHotKeys
+ [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] removeHotKey:@"PlayPause"];
+ [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] removeHotKey:@"NextTrack"];
+ [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] removeHotKey:@"PrevTrack"];
+ [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] removeHotKey:@"ToggleVisualizer"];
+ [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] removeHotKey:@"TrackInfo"];
+ [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] removeHotKey:@"UpcomingSongs"];
+ [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] removeHotKey:@"ToggleLoop"];
+ [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] removeHotKey:@"ToggleShuffle"];
+ [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] removeHotKey:@"IncrementVolume"];
+ [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] removeHotKey:@"DecrementVolume"];
+ [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] removeHotKey:@"IncrementRating"];
+ [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] removeHotKey:@"DecrementRating"];
+- (void)setupHotKeys
+ NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
+ if ([defaults objectForKey:@"PlayPause"] != nil) {
+ [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] addHotKey:@"PlayPause"
+ combo:[defaults keyComboForKey:@"PlayPause"]
+ target:self action:@selector(playPause:)];
+ }
+ if ([defaults objectForKey:@"NextTrack"] != nil) {
+ [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] addHotKey:@"NextTrack"
+ combo:[defaults keyComboForKey:@"NextTrack"]
+ target:self action:@selector(nextSong:)];
+ }
+ if ([defaults objectForKey:@"PrevTrack"] != nil) {
+ [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] addHotKey:@"PrevTrack"
+ combo:[defaults keyComboForKey:@"PrevTrack"]
+ target:self action:@selector(prevSong:)];
+ }
+ if ([defaults objectForKey:@"ToggleVisualizer"] != nil) {
+ [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] addHotKey:@"ToggleVisualizer"
+ combo:[defaults keyComboForKey:@"ToggleVisualizer"]
+ target:self action:@selector(toggleVisualizer)];
+ }
+ if ([defaults objectForKey:@"TrackInfo"] != nil) {
+ [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] addHotKey:@"TrackInfo"
+ combo:[defaults keyComboForKey:@"TrackInfo"]
+ target:self action:@selector(showCurrentTrackInfoStatusWindow)];
+ }
+ if ([defaults objectForKey:@"UpcomingSongs"] != nil) {
+ [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] addHotKey:@"UpcomingSongs"
+ combo:[defaults keyComboForKey:@"UpcomingSongs"]
+ target:self action:@selector(showUpcomingSongsStatusWindow)];
+ }
+ if ([defaults objectForKey:@"ToggleLoop"] != nil) {
+ [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] addHotKey:@"ToggleLoop"
+ combo:[defaults keyComboForKey:@"ToggleLoop"]
+ target:self action:@selector(showToggleLoopStatusWindow)];
+ }
+ if ([defaults objectForKey:@"ToggleShuffle"] != nil) {
+ [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] addHotKey:@"ToggleShuffle"
+ combo:[defaults keyComboForKey:@"ToggleShuffle"]
+ target:self action:@selector(showToggleShuffleStatusWindow)];
+ }
+ if ([defaults objectForKey:@"IncrementVolume"] != nil) {
+ [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] addHotKey:@"IncrementVolume"
+ combo:[defaults keyComboForKey:@"IncrementVolume"]
+ target:self action:@selector(showVolumeIncrementStatusWindow)];
+ }
+ if ([defaults objectForKey:@"DecrementVolume"] != nil) {
+ [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] addHotKey:@"DecrementVolume"
+ combo:[defaults keyComboForKey:@"DecrementVolume"]
+ target:self action:@selector(showVolumeDecrementStatusWindow)];
+ }
+ if ([defaults objectForKey:@"IncrementRating"] != nil) {
+ [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] addHotKey:@"IncrementRating"
+ combo:[defaults keyComboForKey:@"IncrementRating"]
+ target:self action:@selector(showRatingIncrementStatusWindow)];
+ }
+ if ([defaults objectForKey:@"DecrementRating"] != nil) {
+ [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] addHotKey:@"DecrementRating"
+ combo:[defaults keyComboForKey:@"DecrementRating"]
+ target:self action:@selector(showRatingDecrementStatusWindow)];
-// Show Current Track Info And Show Upcoming Songs Floaters
+// Status Window Methods
-- (void)showCurrentTrackInfo
+- (void)showCurrentTrackInfoStatusWindow
NSString *trackName = [currentRemote currentSongTitle];
if (!statusWindow && [trackName length]) {
- [statusWindow setText:stringToShow];
+ //
+ //
+ /*[statusWindow setText:stringToShow];
[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:3.0
- repeats:NO];
+ repeats:NO];*/
-- (void)showUpcomingSongs
+- (void)showUpcomingSongsStatusWindow
int curPlaylist = [currentRemote currentPlaylistIndex];
if (!statusWindow) {
int i;
NSString *songs = @"";
- statusWindow = [ITTransientStatusWindow sharedWindow];
for (i = curTrack + 1; i <= curTrack + numSongsInAdvance; i++) {
if (i <= numSongs) {
NSString *curSong = [currentRemote songTitleAtIndex:i];
songs = [songs stringByAppendingString:@"\n"];
- [statusWindow setText:songs];
+ //
+ //
+ /*[statusWindow setText:songs];
[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:3.0
- repeats:NO];
+ repeats:NO];*/
+- (void)showVolumeIncrementStatusWindow
+- (void)showVolumeDecrementStatusWindow
+- (void)showRatingIncrementStatusWindow
+- (void)showRatingDecrementStatusWindow
+- (void)showToggleLoopStatusWindow
+- (void)showToggleShuffleStatusWindow
+- (void)toggleVisualizer
+ NSLog(@"Visualizer On/Off");
- (void)fadeAndCloseStatusWindow
[statusWindow orderOut:self];
case 49:
/*MenuRef menuRef = _NSGetCarbonMenu([item menu]);
- NSLog(@"%@", menuRef);
- SetMenuItemCommandKey(menuRef, 0, NO, 49);
- SetMenuItemModifiers(menuRef, 0, kMenuNoCommandModifier);
- SetMenuItemKeyGlyph(menuRef, 0, kMenuBlankGlyph);
- charcode = 'b';*/
+ SetMenuItemCommandKey(menuRef, 1, NO, 49);
+ SetMenuItemModifiers(menuRef, 1, kMenuNoCommandModifier);
+ SetMenuItemKeyGlyph(menuRef, 1, kMenuBlankGlyph);*/
+ charcode = 'b';
-#pragma mark -
-#pragma mark NSApplication DELEGATE METHODS
-- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(NSNotification *)note
- [self clearHotKeys];
- [[NSStatusBar systemStatusBar] removeStatusItem:statusItem];
-#pragma mark -
-- (void)dealloc
- if (refreshTimer) {
- [refreshTimer invalidate];
- [refreshTimer release];
- refreshTimer = nil;
- }
- [currentRemote halt];
- [statusItem release];
- [menu release];
-// [view release];
- [super dealloc];