#import "MainController.h" #import "MenuController.h" #import "PreferencesController.h" #import "NetworkController.h" #import "NetworkObject.h" #import #import #import #import "StatusWindow.h" #import "StatusWindowController.h" #import "StatusItemHack.h" @implementation NSImage (SmoothAdditions) - (NSImage *)imageScaledSmoothlyToSize:(NSSize)scaledSize { NSImage *newImage; NSImageRep *rep = [self bestRepresentationForDevice:nil]; newImage = [[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:scaledSize]; [newImage lockFocus]; { [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] setImageInterpolation:NSImageInterpolationHigh]; [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] setShouldAntialias:YES]; [rep drawInRect:NSMakeRect(3, 3, scaledSize.width - 6, scaledSize.height - 6)]; } [newImage unlockFocus]; return [newImage autorelease]; } @end @interface MainController(Private) - (ITMTRemote *)loadRemote; - (void)setLatestSongIdentifier:(NSString *)newIdentifier; - (void)applicationLaunched:(NSNotification *)note; - (void)applicationTerminated:(NSNotification *)note; @end static MainController *sharedController; @implementation MainController + (MainController *)sharedController { return sharedController; } /*************************************************************************/ #pragma mark - #pragma mark INITIALIZATION/DEALLOCATION METHODS /*************************************************************************/ - (id)init { if ( ( self = [super init] ) ) { sharedController = self; remoteArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:1]; [[PreferencesController sharedPrefs] setController:self]; statusWindowController = [StatusWindowController sharedController]; menuController = [[MenuController alloc] init]; df = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] retain]; timerUpdating = NO; blinged = NO; } return self; } - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)note { //Turn on debug mode if needed if ([df boolForKey:@"ITDebugMode"]) { SetITDebugMode(YES); } if (([df integerForKey:@"appVersion"] < 1200) && ([df integerForKey:@"SongsInAdvance"] > 0)) { [df removePersistentDomainForName:@"com.ithinksw.menutunes"]; [df synchronize]; [[PreferencesController sharedPrefs] registerDefaults]; [[StatusWindowController sharedController] showPreferencesUpdateWindow]; } currentRemote = [self loadRemote]; [[self currentRemote] begin]; //Turn on network stuff if needed networkController = [[NetworkController alloc] init]; if ([df boolForKey:@"enableSharing"]) { [self setServerStatus:YES]; } else if ([df boolForKey:@"useSharedPlayer"]) { if ([self connectToServer] == 0) { [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:45 target:self selector:@selector(checkForRemoteServer:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES]; } } //Setup for notification of the remote player launching or quitting [[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(applicationTerminated:) name:NSWorkspaceDidTerminateApplicationNotification object:nil]; [[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(applicationLaunched:) name:NSWorkspaceDidLaunchApplicationNotification object:nil]; if ( ! [df objectForKey:@"menu"] ) { // If this is nil, defaults have never been registered. [[PreferencesController sharedPrefs] registerDefaults]; } if ([df boolForKey:@"ITMTNoStatusItem"]) { statusItem = nil; } else { [StatusItemHack install]; statusItem = [[ITStatusItem alloc] initWithStatusBar:[NSStatusBar systemStatusBar] withLength:NSSquareStatusItemLength]; } bling = [[MTBlingController alloc] init]; [self blingTime]; registerTimer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:10.0 target:self selector:@selector(blingTime) userInfo:nil repeats:YES] retain]; NS_DURING if ([[self currentRemote] playerRunningState] == ITMTRemotePlayerRunning) { [self applicationLaunched:nil]; } else { if ([df boolForKey:@"LaunchPlayerWithMT"]) [self showPlayer]; else [self applicationTerminated:nil]; } NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER [statusItem setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"MenuNormal"]]; [statusItem setAlternateImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"MenuInverted"]]; [networkController startRemoteServerSearch]; [NSApp deactivate]; } - (ITMTRemote *)loadRemote { NSString *folderPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] builtInPlugInsPath]; ITDebugLog(@"Gathering remotes."); if (folderPath) { NSArray *bundlePathList = [NSBundle pathsForResourcesOfType:@"remote" inDirectory:folderPath]; NSEnumerator *enumerator = [bundlePathList objectEnumerator]; NSString *bundlePath; while ( (bundlePath = [enumerator nextObject]) ) { NSBundle* remoteBundle = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:bundlePath]; if (remoteBundle) { Class remoteClass = [remoteBundle principalClass]; if ([remoteClass conformsToProtocol:@protocol(ITMTRemote)] && [remoteClass isKindOfClass:[NSObject class]]) { id remote = [remoteClass remote]; ITDebugLog(@"Adding remote at path %@", bundlePath); [remoteArray addObject:remote]; } } } // if ( [remoteArray count] > 0 ) { // UNCOMMENT WHEN WE HAVE > 1 PLUGIN // if ( [remoteArray count] > 1 ) { // [remoteArray sortUsingSelector:@selector(sortAlpha:)]; // } // [self loadModuleAccessUI]; //Comment out this line to disable remote visibility // } } // NSLog(@"%@", [remoteArray objectAtIndex:0]); //DEBUG return [remoteArray objectAtIndex:0]; } /*************************************************************************/ #pragma mark - #pragma mark INSTANCE METHODS /*************************************************************************/ /*- (void)startTimerInNewThread { NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; NSRunLoop *runLoop = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop]; refreshTimer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.5 target:self selector:@selector(timerUpdate) userInfo:nil repeats:YES] retain]; [runLoop run]; ITDebugLog(@"Timer started."); [pool release]; }*/ - (void)setBlingTime:(NSDate*)date { NSMutableDictionary *globalPrefs; [df synchronize]; globalPrefs = [[df persistentDomainForName:@".GlobalPreferences"] mutableCopy]; if (date) { [globalPrefs setObject:date forKey:@"ITMTTrialStart"]; [globalPrefs setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:MT_CURRENT_VERSION] forKey:@"ITMTTrialVers"]; } else { [globalPrefs removeObjectForKey:@"ITMTTrialStart"]; [globalPrefs removeObjectForKey:@"ITMTTrialVers"]; } [df setPersistentDomain:globalPrefs forName:@".GlobalPreferences"]; [df synchronize]; [globalPrefs release]; } - (NSDate*)getBlingTime { [df synchronize]; return [[df persistentDomainForName:@".GlobalPreferences"] objectForKey:@"ITMTTrialStart"]; } - (void)blingTime { NSDate *now = [NSDate date]; if (![self blingBling]) { if ( (! [self getBlingTime] ) || ([now timeIntervalSinceDate:[self getBlingTime]] < 0) ) { [self setBlingTime:now]; } else if ([[[df persistentDomainForName:@".GlobalPreferences"] objectForKey:@"ITMTTrialVers"] intValue] < MT_CURRENT_VERSION) { if ([now timeIntervalSinceDate:[self getBlingTime]] >= 345600) { [self setBlingTime:[now addTimeInterval:-259200]]; } else { NSMutableDictionary *globalPrefs; [df synchronize]; globalPrefs = [[df persistentDomainForName:@".GlobalPreferences"] mutableCopy]; [globalPrefs setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:MT_CURRENT_VERSION] forKey:@"ITMTTrialVers"]; [df setPersistentDomain:globalPrefs forName:@".GlobalPreferences"]; [df synchronize]; [globalPrefs release]; } } if ( ([now timeIntervalSinceDate:[self getBlingTime]] >= 604800) && (blinged != YES) ) { blinged = YES; [statusItem setEnabled:NO]; [self clearHotKeys]; if ([refreshTimer isValid]) { [refreshTimer invalidate]; } [statusWindowController showRegistrationQueryWindow]; } } else { if (blinged) { [statusItem setEnabled:YES]; [self setupHotKeys]; if (![refreshTimer isValid]) { [refreshTimer release]; refreshTimer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:([networkController isConnectedToServer] ? 10.0 : 0.5) target:self selector:@selector(timerUpdate) userInfo:nil repeats:YES] retain]; } blinged = NO; } [self setBlingTime:nil]; } } - (void)blingNow { [bling showPanel]; } - (BOOL)blingBling { if ( ! ([bling checkDone] == 2475) ) { return NO; } else { return YES; } } - (BOOL)songIsPlaying { NSString *identifier = nil; NS_DURING identifier = [[self currentRemote] playerStateUniqueIdentifier]; NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER return ( ! ([identifier isEqualToString:@"0-0"]) ); } - (BOOL)radioIsPlaying { ITMTRemotePlayerPlaylistClass class = nil; NS_DURING class = [[self currentRemote] currentPlaylistClass]; NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER return (class == ITMTRemotePlayerRadioPlaylist ); } - (BOOL)songChanged { NSString *identifier = nil; NS_DURING identifier = [[self currentRemote] playerStateUniqueIdentifier]; NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER return ( ! [identifier isEqualToString:_latestSongIdentifier] ); } - (NSString *)latestSongIdentifier { return _latestSongIdentifier; } - (void)setLatestSongIdentifier:(NSString *)newIdentifier { ITDebugLog(@"Setting latest song identifier:"); ITDebugLog(@" - Identifier: %@", newIdentifier); [_latestSongIdentifier autorelease]; _latestSongIdentifier = [newIdentifier retain]; } - (void)timerUpdate { if ( [self songChanged] && (timerUpdating != YES) && (playerRunningState == ITMTRemotePlayerRunning) ) { ITDebugLog(@"The song changed."); if ([df boolForKey:@"runScripts"]) { NSArray *scripts = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] directoryContentsAtPath:[NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Library/Application Support/MenuTunes/Scripts"]]; NSEnumerator *scriptsEnum = [scripts objectEnumerator]; NSString *nextScript; ITDebugLog(@"Running AppleScripts for song change."); while ( (nextScript = [scriptsEnum nextObject]) ) { NSDictionary *error; NSAppleScript *currentScript = [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Library/Application Support/MenuTunes/Scripts"] stringByAppendingPathComponent:nextScript]] error:&error]; ITDebugLog(@"Running script: %@", nextScript); if (!currentScript || ![currentScript executeAndReturnError:nil]) { ITDebugLog(@"Error running script %@.", nextScript); } [currentScript release]; } } timerUpdating = YES; [statusItem setEnabled:NO]; NS_DURING latestPlaylistClass = [[self currentRemote] currentPlaylistClass]; [menuController rebuildSubmenus]; if ( [df boolForKey:@"showSongInfoOnChange"] ) { [self performSelector:@selector(showCurrentTrackInfo) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.0]; } [self setLatestSongIdentifier:[[self currentRemote] playerStateUniqueIdentifier]]; //Create the tooltip for the status item if ( [df boolForKey:@"showToolTip"] ) { NSString *artist = [[self currentRemote] currentSongArtist]; NSString *title = [[self currentRemote] currentSongTitle]; NSString *toolTip; ITDebugLog(@"Creating status item tooltip."); if (artist) { toolTip = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ - %@", artist, title]; } else if (title) { toolTip = title; } else { toolTip = @"No Song Playing"; } [statusItem setToolTip:toolTip]; } else { [statusItem setToolTip:nil]; } NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER timerUpdating = NO; [statusItem setEnabled:YES]; } if ([networkController isConnectedToServer]) { [statusItem setMenu:[menuController menu]]; } } - (void)menuClicked { ITDebugLog(@"Menu clicked."); if ([networkController isConnectedToServer]) { //Used the cached version return; } NS_DURING if ([[self currentRemote] playerRunningState] == ITMTRemotePlayerRunning) { [statusItem setMenu:[menuController menu]]; } else { [statusItem setMenu:[menuController menuForNoPlayer]]; } NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER } // // // Menu Selectors // // - (void)playPause { NS_DURING ITMTRemotePlayerPlayingState state = [[self currentRemote] playerPlayingState]; ITDebugLog(@"Play/Pause toggled"); if (state == ITMTRemotePlayerPlaying) { [[self currentRemote] pause]; } else if ((state == ITMTRemotePlayerForwarding) || (state == ITMTRemotePlayerRewinding)) { [[self currentRemote] pause]; [[self currentRemote] play]; } else { [[self currentRemote] play]; } NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER [self timerUpdate]; } - (void)nextSong { ITDebugLog(@"Going to next song."); NS_DURING [[self currentRemote] goToNextSong]; NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER [self timerUpdate]; } - (void)prevSong { ITDebugLog(@"Going to previous song."); NS_DURING [[self currentRemote] goToPreviousSong]; NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER [self timerUpdate]; } - (void)fastForward { ITDebugLog(@"Fast forwarding."); NS_DURING [[self currentRemote] forward]; NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER [self timerUpdate]; } - (void)rewind { ITDebugLog(@"Rewinding."); NS_DURING [[self currentRemote] rewind]; NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER [self timerUpdate]; } - (void)selectPlaylistAtIndex:(int)index { ITDebugLog(@"Selecting playlist %i", index); NS_DURING [[self currentRemote] switchToPlaylistAtIndex:(index % 1000) ofSourceAtIndex:(index / 1000)]; //[[self currentRemote] switchToPlaylistAtIndex:index]; NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER [self timerUpdate]; } - (void)selectSongAtIndex:(int)index { ITDebugLog(@"Selecting song %i", index); NS_DURING [[self currentRemote] switchToSongAtIndex:index]; NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER [self timerUpdate]; } - (void)selectSongRating:(int)rating { ITDebugLog(@"Selecting song rating %i", rating); NS_DURING [[self currentRemote] setCurrentSongRating:(float)rating / 100.0]; NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER [self timerUpdate]; } - (void)selectEQPresetAtIndex:(int)index { ITDebugLog(@"Selecting EQ preset %i", index); NS_DURING [[self currentRemote] switchToEQAtIndex:index]; NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER [self timerUpdate]; } - (void)showPlayer { ITDebugLog(@"Beginning show player."); if ( ( playerRunningState == ITMTRemotePlayerRunning) ) { ITDebugLog(@"Showing player interface."); NS_DURING [[self currentRemote] showPrimaryInterface]; NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER } else { ITDebugLog(@"Launching player."); NS_DURING NSString *path; if ( (path = [df stringForKey:@"CustomPlayerPath"]) ) { } else { path = [[self currentRemote] playerFullName]; } if (![[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] launchApplication:path]) { ITDebugLog(@"Error Launching Player"); } NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER } ITDebugLog(@"Finished show player."); } - (void)showPreferences { ITDebugLog(@"Show preferences."); [[PreferencesController sharedPrefs] showPrefsWindow:self]; } - (void)showPreferencesAndClose { ITDebugLog(@"Show preferences."); [[PreferencesController sharedPrefs] showPrefsWindow:self]; [[StatusWindow sharedWindow] setLocked:NO]; [[StatusWindow sharedWindow] vanish:self]; [[StatusWindow sharedWindow] setIgnoresMouseEvents:YES]; } - (void)showTestWindow { [self showCurrentTrackInfo]; } - (void)quitMenuTunes { ITDebugLog(@"Quitting MenuTunes."); [NSApp terminate:self]; } // // - (MenuController *)menuController { return menuController; } - (void)closePreferences { ITDebugLog(@"Preferences closed."); if ( ( playerRunningState == ITMTRemotePlayerRunning) ) { [self setupHotKeys]; } } - (ITMTRemote *)currentRemote { if ([networkController isConnectedToServer] && ![[networkController networkObject] isValid]) { [self networkError:nil]; return nil; } return currentRemote; } // // // Hot key setup // // - (void)clearHotKeys { NSEnumerator *hotKeyEnumerator = [[[ITHotKeyCenter sharedCenter] allHotKeys] objectEnumerator]; ITHotKey *nextHotKey; ITDebugLog(@"Clearing hot keys."); while ( (nextHotKey = [hotKeyEnumerator nextObject]) ) { [[ITHotKeyCenter sharedCenter] unregisterHotKey:nextHotKey]; } ITDebugLog(@"Done clearing hot keys."); } - (void)setupHotKeys { ITHotKey *hotKey; ITDebugLog(@"Setting up hot keys."); if (playerRunningState == ITMTRemotePlayerNotRunning && ![[NetworkController sharedController] isConnectedToServer]) { return; } if ([df objectForKey:@"PlayPause"] != nil) { ITDebugLog(@"Setting up play pause hot key."); hotKey = [[ITHotKey alloc] init]; [hotKey setName:@"PlayPause"]; [hotKey setKeyCombo:[ITKeyCombo keyComboWithPlistRepresentation:[df objectForKey:@"PlayPause"]]]; [hotKey setTarget:self]; [hotKey setAction:@selector(playPause)]; [[ITHotKeyCenter sharedCenter] registerHotKey:[hotKey autorelease]]; } if ([df objectForKey:@"NextTrack"] != nil) { ITDebugLog(@"Setting up next track hot key."); hotKey = [[ITHotKey alloc] init]; [hotKey setName:@"NextTrack"]; [hotKey setKeyCombo:[ITKeyCombo keyComboWithPlistRepresentation:[df objectForKey:@"NextTrack"]]]; [hotKey setTarget:self]; [hotKey setAction:@selector(nextSong)]; [[ITHotKeyCenter sharedCenter] registerHotKey:[hotKey autorelease]]; } if ([df objectForKey:@"PrevTrack"] != nil) { ITDebugLog(@"Setting up previous track hot key."); hotKey = [[ITHotKey alloc] init]; [hotKey setName:@"PrevTrack"]; [hotKey setKeyCombo:[ITKeyCombo keyComboWithPlistRepresentation:[df objectForKey:@"PrevTrack"]]]; [hotKey setTarget:self]; [hotKey setAction:@selector(prevSong)]; [[ITHotKeyCenter sharedCenter] registerHotKey:[hotKey autorelease]]; } if ([df objectForKey:@"ShowPlayer"] != nil) { ITDebugLog(@"Setting up show player hot key."); hotKey = [[ITHotKey alloc] init]; [hotKey setName:@"ShowPlayer"]; [hotKey setKeyCombo:[ITKeyCombo keyComboWithPlistRepresentation:[df objectForKey:@"ShowPlayer"]]]; [hotKey setTarget:self]; [hotKey setAction:@selector(showPlayer)]; [[ITHotKeyCenter sharedCenter] registerHotKey:[hotKey autorelease]]; } if ([df objectForKey:@"TrackInfo"] != nil) { ITDebugLog(@"Setting up track info hot key."); hotKey = [[ITHotKey alloc] init]; [hotKey setName:@"TrackInfo"]; [hotKey setKeyCombo:[ITKeyCombo keyComboWithPlistRepresentation:[df objectForKey:@"TrackInfo"]]]; [hotKey setTarget:self]; [hotKey setAction:@selector(showCurrentTrackInfo)]; [[ITHotKeyCenter sharedCenter] registerHotKey:[hotKey autorelease]]; } if ([df objectForKey:@"UpcomingSongs"] != nil) { ITDebugLog(@"Setting up upcoming songs hot key."); hotKey = [[ITHotKey alloc] init]; [hotKey setName:@"UpcomingSongs"]; [hotKey setKeyCombo:[ITKeyCombo keyComboWithPlistRepresentation:[df objectForKey:@"UpcomingSongs"]]]; [hotKey setTarget:self]; [hotKey setAction:@selector(showUpcomingSongs)]; [[ITHotKeyCenter sharedCenter] registerHotKey:[hotKey autorelease]]; } if ([df objectForKey:@"ToggleLoop"] != nil) { ITDebugLog(@"Setting up toggle loop hot key."); hotKey = [[ITHotKey alloc] init]; [hotKey setName:@"ToggleLoop"]; [hotKey setKeyCombo:[ITKeyCombo keyComboWithPlistRepresentation:[df objectForKey:@"ToggleLoop"]]]; [hotKey setTarget:self]; [hotKey setAction:@selector(toggleLoop)]; [[ITHotKeyCenter sharedCenter] registerHotKey:[hotKey autorelease]]; } if ([df objectForKey:@"ToggleShuffle"] != nil) { ITDebugLog(@"Setting up toggle shuffle hot key."); hotKey = [[ITHotKey alloc] init]; [hotKey setName:@"ToggleShuffle"]; [hotKey setKeyCombo:[ITKeyCombo keyComboWithPlistRepresentation:[df objectForKey:@"ToggleShuffle"]]]; [hotKey setTarget:self]; [hotKey setAction:@selector(toggleShuffle)]; [[ITHotKeyCenter sharedCenter] registerHotKey:[hotKey autorelease]]; } if ([df objectForKey:@"IncrementVolume"] != nil) { ITDebugLog(@"Setting up increment volume hot key."); hotKey = [[ITHotKey alloc] init]; [hotKey setName:@"IncrementVolume"]; [hotKey setKeyCombo:[ITKeyCombo keyComboWithPlistRepresentation:[df objectForKey:@"IncrementVolume"]]]; [hotKey setTarget:self]; [hotKey setAction:@selector(incrementVolume)]; [[ITHotKeyCenter sharedCenter] registerHotKey:[hotKey autorelease]]; } if ([df objectForKey:@"DecrementVolume"] != nil) { ITDebugLog(@"Setting up decrement volume hot key."); hotKey = [[ITHotKey alloc] init]; [hotKey setName:@"DecrementVolume"]; [hotKey setKeyCombo:[ITKeyCombo keyComboWithPlistRepresentation:[df objectForKey:@"DecrementVolume"]]]; [hotKey setTarget:self]; [hotKey setAction:@selector(decrementVolume)]; [[ITHotKeyCenter sharedCenter] registerHotKey:[hotKey autorelease]]; } if ([df objectForKey:@"IncrementRating"] != nil) { ITDebugLog(@"Setting up increment rating hot key."); hotKey = [[ITHotKey alloc] init]; [hotKey setName:@"IncrementRating"]; [hotKey setKeyCombo:[ITKeyCombo keyComboWithPlistRepresentation:[df objectForKey:@"IncrementRating"]]]; [hotKey setTarget:self]; [hotKey setAction:@selector(incrementRating)]; [[ITHotKeyCenter sharedCenter] registerHotKey:[hotKey autorelease]]; } if ([df objectForKey:@"DecrementRating"] != nil) { ITDebugLog(@"Setting up decrement rating hot key."); hotKey = [[ITHotKey alloc] init]; [hotKey setName:@"DecrementRating"]; [hotKey setKeyCombo:[ITKeyCombo keyComboWithPlistRepresentation:[df objectForKey:@"DecrementRating"]]]; [hotKey setTarget:self]; [hotKey setAction:@selector(decrementRating)]; [[ITHotKeyCenter sharedCenter] registerHotKey:[hotKey autorelease]]; } ITDebugLog(@"Finished setting up hot keys."); } - (void)showCurrentTrackInfo { ITMTRemotePlayerSource source = 0; NSString *title = nil; NSString *album = nil; NSString *artist = nil; NSString *composer = nil; NSString *time = nil; NSString *track = nil; NSImage *art = nil; int rating = -1; ITDebugLog(@"Showing track info status window."); NS_DURING source = [[self currentRemote] currentSource]; title = [[self currentRemote] currentSongTitle]; NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER if ( title ) { if ( [df boolForKey:@"showAlbum"] ) { NS_DURING album = [[self currentRemote] currentSongAlbum]; NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER } if ( [df boolForKey:@"showArtist"] ) { NS_DURING artist = [[self currentRemote] currentSongArtist]; NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER } if ( [df boolForKey:@"showComposer"] ) { NS_DURING composer = [[self currentRemote] currentSongComposer]; NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER } if ( [df boolForKey:@"showTime"] ) { NS_DURING time = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@: %@ / %@", @"Time", [[self currentRemote] currentSongElapsed], [[self currentRemote] currentSongLength]]; NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER } if ( [df boolForKey:@"showTrackNumber"] ) { int trackNo = 0; int trackCount = 0; NS_DURING trackNo = [[self currentRemote] currentSongTrack]; trackCount = [[self currentRemote] currentAlbumTrackCount]; NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER if ( (trackNo > 0) || (trackCount > 0) ) { track = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@: %i %@ %i", @"Track", trackNo, @"of", trackCount]; } } if ( [df boolForKey:@"showTrackRating"] ) { float currentRating = 0; NS_DURING currentRating = [[self currentRemote] currentSongRating]; NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER if (currentRating >= 0.0) { rating = ( currentRating * 5 ); } } if ( [df boolForKey:@"showAlbumArtwork"] ) { NSSize oldSize, newSize; NS_DURING art = [[self currentRemote] currentSongAlbumArt]; oldSize = [art size]; if (oldSize.width > oldSize.height) newSize = NSMakeSize(110,oldSize.height * (110.0f / oldSize.width)); else newSize = NSMakeSize(oldSize.width * (110.0f / oldSize.height),110); art = [[[[NSImage alloc] initWithData:[art TIFFRepresentation]] autorelease] imageScaledSmoothlyToSize:newSize]; NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER } } else { title = NSLocalizedString(@"noSongPlaying", @"No song is playing."); } ITDebugLog(@"Showing current track info status window."); [statusWindowController showSongInfoWindowWithSource:source title:title album:album artist:artist composer:composer time:time track:track rating:rating image:art]; } - (void)showUpcomingSongs { int numSongs = 0; NS_DURING numSongs = [[self currentRemote] numberOfSongsInPlaylistAtIndex:[[self currentRemote] currentPlaylistIndex]]; NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER ITDebugLog(@"Showing upcoming songs status window."); NS_DURING if (numSongs > 0) { int numSongsInAdvance = [df integerForKey:@"SongsInAdvance"]; NSMutableArray *songList = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:numSongsInAdvance]; int curTrack = [[self currentRemote] currentSongIndex]; int i; for (i = curTrack + 1; i <= curTrack + numSongsInAdvance; i++) { if (i <= numSongs) { [songList addObject:[[self currentRemote] songTitleAtIndex:i]]; } } if ([songList count] == 0) { [songList addObject:NSLocalizedString(@"noUpcomingSongs", @"No upcoming songs.")]; } [statusWindowController showUpcomingSongsWindowWithTitles:songList]; } else { [statusWindowController showUpcomingSongsWindowWithTitles:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSLocalizedString(@"noUpcomingSongs", @"No upcoming songs.")]]; } NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER } - (void)incrementVolume { NS_DURING float volume = [[self currentRemote] volume]; float dispVol = volume; ITDebugLog(@"Incrementing volume."); volume += 0.110; dispVol += 0.100; if (volume > 1.0) { volume = 1.0; dispVol = 1.0; } ITDebugLog(@"Setting volume to %f", volume); [[self currentRemote] setVolume:volume]; // Show volume status window [statusWindowController showVolumeWindowWithLevel:dispVol]; NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER } - (void)decrementVolume { NS_DURING float volume = [[self currentRemote] volume]; float dispVol = volume; ITDebugLog(@"Decrementing volume."); volume -= 0.090; dispVol -= 0.100; if (volume < 0.0) { volume = 0.0; dispVol = 0.0; } ITDebugLog(@"Setting volume to %f", volume); [[self currentRemote] setVolume:volume]; //Show volume status window [statusWindowController showVolumeWindowWithLevel:dispVol]; NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER } - (void)incrementRating { NS_DURING float rating = [[self currentRemote] currentSongRating]; ITDebugLog(@"Incrementing rating."); if ([[self currentRemote] currentPlaylistIndex] == 0) { ITDebugLog(@"No song playing, rating change aborted."); return; } rating += 0.2; if (rating > 1.0) { rating = 1.0; } ITDebugLog(@"Setting rating to %f", rating); [[self currentRemote] setCurrentSongRating:rating]; //Show rating status window [statusWindowController showRatingWindowWithRating:rating]; NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER } - (void)decrementRating { NS_DURING float rating = [[self currentRemote] currentSongRating]; ITDebugLog(@"Decrementing rating."); if ([[self currentRemote] currentPlaylistIndex] == 0) { ITDebugLog(@"No song playing, rating change aborted."); return; } rating -= 0.2; if (rating < 0.0) { rating = 0.0; } ITDebugLog(@"Setting rating to %f", rating); [[self currentRemote] setCurrentSongRating:rating]; //Show rating status window [statusWindowController showRatingWindowWithRating:rating]; NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER } - (void)toggleLoop { NS_DURING ITMTRemotePlayerRepeatMode repeatMode = [[self currentRemote] repeatMode]; ITDebugLog(@"Toggling repeat mode."); switch (repeatMode) { case ITMTRemotePlayerRepeatOff: repeatMode = ITMTRemotePlayerRepeatAll; break; case ITMTRemotePlayerRepeatAll: repeatMode = ITMTRemotePlayerRepeatOne; break; case ITMTRemotePlayerRepeatOne: repeatMode = ITMTRemotePlayerRepeatOff; break; } ITDebugLog(@"Setting repeat mode to %i", repeatMode); [[self currentRemote] setRepeatMode:repeatMode]; //Show loop status window [statusWindowController showRepeatWindowWithMode:repeatMode]; NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER } - (void)toggleShuffle { NS_DURING BOOL newShuffleEnabled = ( ! [[self currentRemote] shuffleEnabled] ); ITDebugLog(@"Toggling shuffle mode."); [[self currentRemote] setShuffleEnabled:newShuffleEnabled]; //Show shuffle status window ITDebugLog(@"Setting shuffle mode to %i", newShuffleEnabled); [statusWindowController showShuffleWindow:newShuffleEnabled]; NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER } - (void)registerNowOK { [[StatusWindow sharedWindow] setLocked:NO]; [[StatusWindow sharedWindow] vanish:self]; [[StatusWindow sharedWindow] setIgnoresMouseEvents:YES]; [self blingNow]; } - (void)registerNowCancel { [[StatusWindow sharedWindow] setLocked:NO]; [[StatusWindow sharedWindow] vanish:self]; [[StatusWindow sharedWindow] setIgnoresMouseEvents:YES]; [NSApp terminate:self]; } /*************************************************************************/ #pragma mark - #pragma mark NETWORK HANDLERS /*************************************************************************/ - (void)setServerStatus:(BOOL)newStatus { if (newStatus) { //Turn on [networkController setServerStatus:YES]; } else { //Tear down [networkController setServerStatus:NO]; } } - (int)connectToServer { int result; ITDebugLog(@"Attempting to connect to shared remote."); result = [networkController connectToHost:[df stringForKey:@"sharedPlayerHost"]]; //Connect if (result == 1) { [[PreferencesController sharedPrefs] resetRemotePlayerTextFields]; currentRemote = [[[networkController networkObject] remote] retain]; [self setupHotKeys]; playerRunningState = ITMTRemotePlayerRunning; [refreshTimer invalidate]; refreshTimer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:([networkController isConnectedToServer] ? 10.0 : 0.5) target:self selector:@selector(timerUpdate) userInfo:nil repeats:YES] retain]; [self timerUpdate]; ITDebugLog(@"Connection successful."); return 1; } else if (result == 0) { ITDebugLog(@"Connection failed."); currentRemote = [remoteArray objectAtIndex:0]; return 0; } else { //Do something about the password being invalid ITDebugLog(@"Connection failed."); currentRemote = [remoteArray objectAtIndex:0]; return -1; } } - (BOOL)disconnectFromServer { ITDebugLog(@"Disconnecting from shared remote."); //Disconnect [currentRemote release]; currentRemote = [remoteArray objectAtIndex:0]; [networkController disconnect]; if ([[self currentRemote] playerRunningState] == ITMTRemotePlayerRunning) { [self applicationLaunched:nil]; } else { [self applicationTerminated:nil]; } [self timerUpdate]; return YES; } - (void)checkForRemoteServer:(NSTimer *)timer { ITDebugLog(@"Checking for remote server."); if ([networkController checkForServerAtHost:[df stringForKey:@"sharedPlayerHost"]]) { ITDebugLog(@"Remote server found."); [timer invalidate]; if (![networkController isServerOn] && ![networkController isConnectedToServer]) { [[StatusWindowController sharedController] showReconnectQueryWindow]; } } else { ITDebugLog(@"Remote server not found."); } } - (void)networkError:(NSException *)exception { ITDebugLog(@"Remote exception thrown: %@: %@", [exception name], [exception reason]); if ( ((exception == nil) || [[exception name] isEqualToString:NSPortTimeoutException]) && [networkController isConnectedToServer]) { NSRunCriticalAlertPanel(@"Remote MenuTunes Disconnected", @"The MenuTunes server you were connected to stopped responding or quit. MenuTunes will revert back to the local player.", @"OK", nil, nil); if ([self disconnectFromServer]) { [[PreferencesController sharedPrefs] resetRemotePlayerTextFields]; [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:45 target:self selector:@selector(checkForRemoteServer:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES]; } else { ITDebugLog(@"CRITICAL ERROR, DISCONNECTING!"); } } } - (void)reconnect { if ([self connectToServer] == 0) { [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:45 target:self selector:@selector(checkForRemoteServer:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES]; } [[StatusWindow sharedWindow] setLocked:NO]; [[StatusWindow sharedWindow] vanish:self]; [[StatusWindow sharedWindow] setIgnoresMouseEvents:YES]; } - (void)cancelReconnect { [[StatusWindow sharedWindow] setLocked:NO]; [[StatusWindow sharedWindow] vanish:self]; [[StatusWindow sharedWindow] setIgnoresMouseEvents:YES]; } /*************************************************************************/ #pragma mark - #pragma mark WORKSPACE NOTIFICATION HANDLERS /*************************************************************************/ - (void)applicationLaunched:(NSNotification *)note { NS_DURING if (!note || [[[note userInfo] objectForKey:@"NSApplicationName"] isEqualToString:[[self currentRemote] playerFullName]]) { ITDebugLog(@"Remote application launched."); playerRunningState = ITMTRemotePlayerRunning; [[self currentRemote] begin]; [self setLatestSongIdentifier:@""]; [self timerUpdate]; refreshTimer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:([networkController isConnectedToServer] ? 10.0 : 0.5) target:self selector:@selector(timerUpdate) userInfo:nil repeats:YES] retain]; //[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(startTimerInNewThread) toTarget:self withObject:nil]; [self setupHotKeys]; } NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER } - (void)applicationTerminated:(NSNotification *)note { NS_DURING if (!note || [[[note userInfo] objectForKey:@"NSApplicationName"] isEqualToString:[[self currentRemote] playerFullName]]) { ITDebugLog(@"Remote application terminated."); playerRunningState = ITMTRemotePlayerNotRunning; [[self currentRemote] halt]; [refreshTimer invalidate]; [refreshTimer release]; refreshTimer = nil; [self clearHotKeys]; if ([df objectForKey:@"ShowPlayer"] != nil) { ITHotKey *hotKey; ITDebugLog(@"Setting up show player hot key."); hotKey = [[ITHotKey alloc] init]; [hotKey setName:@"ShowPlayer"]; [hotKey setKeyCombo:[ITKeyCombo keyComboWithPlistRepresentation:[df objectForKey:@"ShowPlayer"]]]; [hotKey setTarget:self]; [hotKey setAction:@selector(showPlayer)]; [[ITHotKeyCenter sharedCenter] registerHotKey:[hotKey autorelease]]; } } NS_HANDLER [self networkError:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER } /*************************************************************************/ #pragma mark - #pragma mark NSApplication DELEGATE METHODS /*************************************************************************/ - (void)applicationWillTerminate:(NSNotification *)note { [networkController stopRemoteServerSearch]; [self clearHotKeys]; [[NSStatusBar systemStatusBar] removeStatusItem:statusItem]; } /*************************************************************************/ #pragma mark - #pragma mark DEALLOCATION METHOD /*************************************************************************/ - (void)dealloc { [self applicationTerminated:nil]; [bling release]; [statusItem release]; [statusWindowController release]; [menuController release]; [networkController release]; [super dealloc]; } @end