playPause = "Play/Pause"; play = "Play"; pause = "Pause"; resume = "Resume"; nextTrack = "Next Track"; prevTrack = "Previous Track"; fastForward = "Fast Forward"; rewind = "Rewind"; showPlayer = "Show Player"; show = "Show"; preferences = "Preferences..."; quit = "Quit MenuTunes"; trackInfo = "Current Track Info"; nowPlaying = "Now Playing"; noSong = "No Song"; track = "Track"; separator = ""; songRating = "Song Rating"; upcomingSongs = "Upcoming Songs"; playlists = "Playlists"; eqPresets = "EQ Presets"; open = "Open"; noSongPlaying = "No song is playing."; noUpcomingSongs = "No upcoming songs."; autolaunch = "Auto-launch MenuTunes"; autolaunch_msg = "Would you like MenuTunes to automatically launch at login?"; duplicateCombo = "Duplicate Key Combo"; duplicateCombo_msg = "The specified key combo is already in use..."; replace = "Replace"; cancel = "Cancel"; register = "Register MenuTunes..."; validated_title = "Registration Successful"; validated_msg = "Your license key has been validated and stored. Thank you for your support."; failed_title = "Registration Failed"; failed_msg = "Your license key could not be validated. Be sure that the name you entered matches the license key.";