#import "MainController.h" #import "PreferencesController.h" #import "HotKeyCenter.h" #import "StatusWindow.h" @interface MainController(Private) - (ITMTRemote *)loadRemote; - (void)setupHotKeys; - (void)setKeyEquivalentForCode:(short)code andModifiers:(long)modifiers onItem:(NSMenuItem *)item; - (NSMenu *)mainMenu; - (NSMenu *)songRatingMenu; - (NSMenu *)playlistsMenu; - (NSMenu *)upcomingSongsMenu; - (NSMenu *)eqPresetsMenu; @end @implementation MainController - (id)init { if ( ( self = [super init] ) ) { remoteArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:1]; statusWindow = [StatusWindow sharedWindow]; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { if (refreshTimer) { [refreshTimer invalidate]; [refreshTimer release]; refreshTimer = nil; } [currentRemote halt]; [statusItem release]; [super dealloc]; } - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)note { currentRemote = [self loadRemote]; [currentRemote begin]; //Setup for notification of the remote player launching or quitting [[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(applicationTerminated:) name:NSWorkspaceDidTerminateApplicationNotification object:nil]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(applicationLaunched:) name:NSWorkspaceDidLaunchApplicationNotification object:nil]; [self registerDefaults]; statusItem = [[ITStatusItem alloc] initWithStatusBar:[NSStatusBar systemStatusBar] withLength:NSSquareStatusItemLength]; [statusItem setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"menu"]]; [statusItem setAlternateImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"selected_image"]]; // Below line of code is for creating builds for Beta Testers // [statusItem setToolTip:@[NSString stringWithFormat:@"This Nontransferable Beta (Built on %s) of iThink Software's MenuTunes is Registered to: Beta Tester (betatester@somedomain.com).",__DATE__]]; if ( ( [currentRemote playerRunningState] == ITMTRemotePlayerRunning ) ) { [self applicationLaunched:nil]; } else { [self applicationTerminated:nil]; } } - (void)applicationWillTerminate:(NSNotification *)note { [self clearHotKeys]; [[NSStatusBar systemStatusBar] removeStatusItem:statusItem]; [[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter] removeObserver:self]; } // // - (ITMTRemote *)loadRemote { NSString *folderPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] builtInPlugInsPath]; if (folderPath) { NSArray *bundlePathList = [NSBundle pathsForResourcesOfType:@"remote" inDirectory:folderPath]; NSEnumerator *enumerator = [bundlePathList objectEnumerator]; NSString *bundlePath; while ( (bundlePath = [enumerator nextObject]) ) { NSBundle* remoteBundle = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:bundlePath]; if (remoteBundle) { Class remoteClass = [remoteBundle principalClass]; if ([remoteClass conformsToProtocol:@protocol(ITMTRemote)] && [remoteClass isKindOfClass:[NSObject class]]) { id remote = [remoteClass remote]; [remoteArray addObject:remote]; } } } // if ( [remoteArray count] > 0 ) { // UNCOMMENT WHEN WE HAVE > 1 PLUGIN // if ( [remoteArray count] > 1 ) { // [remoteArray sortUsingSelector:@selector(sortAlpha:)]; // } // [self loadModuleAccessUI]; //Comment out this line to disable remote visibility // } } // NSLog(@"%@", [remoteArray objectAtIndex:0]); //DEBUG return [remoteArray objectAtIndex:0]; } - (void)registerDefaults { NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; if (![defaults objectForKey:@"menu"]) { BOOL found = NO; NSMutableDictionary *loginwindow; NSMutableArray *loginarray; int i; [defaults setObject: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"Play/Pause", @"Next Track", @"Previous Track", @"Fast Forward", @"Rewind", @"", @"Upcoming Songs", @"Playlists", @"Song Rating", @"", @"PreferencesÉ", @"Quit", @"", @"Current Track Info", nil] forKey:@"menu"]; [defaults synchronize]; loginwindow = [[defaults persistentDomainForName:@"loginwindow"] mutableCopy]; loginarray = [loginwindow objectForKey:@"AutoLaunchedApplicationDictionary"]; for (i = 0; i < [loginarray count]; i++) { NSDictionary *tempDict = [loginarray objectAtIndex:i]; if ([[[tempDict objectForKey:@"Path"] lastPathComponent] isEqualToString:[[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath] lastPathComponent]]) { found = YES; } } // //This is teh sux //We must fix it so it is no longer suxy if (!found) { if (NSRunInformationalAlertPanel(@"Auto-launch MenuTunes", @"Would you like MenuTunes to automatically launch at login?", @"Yes", @"No", nil) == NSOKButton) { AEDesc scriptDesc, resultDesc; NSString *script = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"tell application \"System Events\"\nmake new login item at end of login items with properties {path:\"%@\", kind:\"APPLICATION\"}\nend tell", [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath]]; ComponentInstance asComponent = OpenDefaultComponent(kOSAComponentType, kAppleScriptSubtype); AECreateDesc(typeChar, [script cString], [script cStringLength], &scriptDesc); OSADoScript(asComponent, &scriptDesc, kOSANullScript, typeChar, kOSAModeCanInteract, &resultDesc); AEDisposeDesc(&scriptDesc); AEDisposeDesc(&resultDesc); CloseComponent(asComponent); } } } if (![defaults integerForKey:@"SongsInAdvance"]) { [defaults setInteger:5 forKey:@"SongsInAdvance"]; } if (![defaults objectForKey:@"showName"]) { [defaults setBool:YES forKey:@"showName"]; } if (![defaults objectForKey:@"showArtist"]) { [defaults setBool:YES forKey:@"showArtist"]; } if (![defaults objectForKey:@"showAlbum"]) { [defaults setBool:NO forKey:@"showAlbum"]; } if (![defaults objectForKey:@"showTime"]) { [defaults setBool:NO forKey:@"showTime"]; } } // // - (void)applicationLaunched:(NSNotification *)note { if (!note || [[[note userInfo] objectForKey:@"NSApplicationName"] isEqualToString:[currentRemote playerFullName]]) { [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(startTimerInNewThread) toTarget:self withObject:nil]; [statusItem setMenu:[self mainMenu]]; [self setupHotKeys]; isAppRunning = ITMTRemotePlayerRunning; return; } isAppRunning = ITMTRemotePlayerRunning; } - (void)applicationTerminated:(NSNotification *)note { if (!note || [[[note userInfo] objectForKey:@"NSApplicationName"] isEqualToString:[currentRemote playerFullName]]) { NSMenu *menu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""]; [[menu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Open %@", [currentRemote playerSimpleName]] action:@selector(showPlayer:) keyEquivalent:@""] setTarget:self]; [menu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]]; [[menu addItemWithTitle:@"Preferences" action:@selector(showPreferences:) keyEquivalent:@""] setTarget:self]; [[menu addItemWithTitle:@"Quit" action:@selector(quitMenuTunes:) keyEquivalent:@""] setTarget:self]; [statusItem setMenu:[menu autorelease]]; [refreshTimer invalidate]; [refreshTimer release]; refreshTimer = nil; [self clearHotKeys]; isAppRunning = NO; return; } } - (void)startTimerInNewThread { NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; NSRunLoop *runLoop = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop]; refreshTimer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.5 target:self selector:@selector(timerUpdate) userInfo:nil repeats:YES] retain]; [runLoop run]; [pool release]; } - (void)timerUpdate { ITMTRemotePlayerPlayingState playerPlayingState = [currentRemote playerPlayingState]; NSMenu *statusMenu = [statusItem menu]; int index; //Update play/pause menu item if (playerPlayingState == ITMTRemotePlayerPlaying) { index = [statusMenu indexOfItemWithTitle:@"Play"]; if (index > -1) { [[statusMenu itemAtIndex:index] setTitle:@"Pause"]; } } else { index = [statusMenu indexOfItemWithTitle:@"Pause"]; if (index > -1) { [[statusMenu itemAtIndex:index] setTitle:@"Play"]; } } if (0 == 1/*Maybe set this to something better sometime*/) { [statusItem setMenu:[self mainMenu]]; } } // // - (NSMenu *)mainMenu { NSMenu *mainMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""]; NSArray *myMenu = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] arrayForKey:@"menu"]; int i; for (i = 0; i < [myMenu count]; i++) { NSString *currentItem = [myMenu objectAtIndex:i]; if ([currentItem isEqualToString:@"Play/Pause"]) { KeyCombo *tempCombo = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] keyComboForKey:@"PlayPause"]; NSMenuItem *playPauseMenuItem = [mainMenu addItemWithTitle:@"Play" action:@selector(playPause:) keyEquivalent:@""]; [playPauseMenuItem setTarget:self]; if (tempCombo) { [self setKeyEquivalentForCode:[tempCombo keyCode] andModifiers:[tempCombo modifiers] onItem:playPauseMenuItem]; [tempCombo release]; } } else if ([currentItem isEqualToString:@"Next Track"]) { KeyCombo *tempCombo = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] keyComboForKey:@"NextTrack"]; NSMenuItem *nextTrack = [mainMenu addItemWithTitle:@"Next Track" action:@selector(nextSong:) keyEquivalent:@""]; [nextTrack setTarget:self]; if (tempCombo) { [self setKeyEquivalentForCode:[tempCombo keyCode] andModifiers:[tempCombo modifiers] onItem:nextTrack]; [tempCombo release]; } } else if ([currentItem isEqualToString:@"Previous Track"]) { KeyCombo *tempCombo = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] keyComboForKey:@"PrevTrack"]; NSMenuItem *prevTrack = [mainMenu addItemWithTitle:@"Previous Track" action:@selector(prevSong:) keyEquivalent:@""]; [prevTrack setTarget:self]; if (tempCombo) { [self setKeyEquivalentForCode:[tempCombo keyCode] andModifiers:[tempCombo modifiers] onItem:prevTrack]; [tempCombo release]; } } else if ([currentItem isEqualToString:@"Fast Forward"]) { [[mainMenu addItemWithTitle:@"Fast Forward"action:@selector(fastForward:) keyEquivalent:@""] setTarget:self]; } else if ([currentItem isEqualToString:@"Rewind"]) { [[mainMenu addItemWithTitle:@"Rewind" action:@selector(rewind:) keyEquivalent:@""] setTarget:self]; } else if ([currentItem isEqualToString:@"EQ Presets"]) { [[mainMenu addItemWithTitle:@"EQ Presets" action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""] setSubmenu:[self eqPresetsMenu]]; } else if ([currentItem isEqualToString:@"Playlists"]) { [[mainMenu addItemWithTitle:@"Playlists" action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""] setSubmenu:[self playlistsMenu]]; } else if ([currentItem isEqualToString:@"Song Rating"]) { [[mainMenu addItemWithTitle:@"Song Rating"action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""] setSubmenu:[self songRatingMenu]]; } else if ([currentItem isEqualToString:@"Upcoming Songs"]) { [[mainMenu addItemWithTitle:@"Upcoming Songs"action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""] setSubmenu:[self upcomingSongsMenu]]; } else if ([currentItem isEqualToString:@"PreferencesÉ"]) { [[mainMenu addItemWithTitle:@"Preferences..." action:@selector(showPreferences:) keyEquivalent:@""] setTarget:self]; } else if ([currentItem isEqualToString:@"Quit"]) { [[mainMenu addItemWithTitle:@"Quit" action:@selector(quitMenuTunes:) keyEquivalent:@""] setTarget:self]; } else if ([currentItem isEqualToString:@"Current Song Info"]) { //Current Song Info { int currentSongIndex = [currentRemote currentSongIndex]; if (currentSongIndex == 0) { [mainMenu addItemWithTitle:@"No Song" action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""]; } else { NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; [mainMenu addItemWithTitle:@"Now Playing" action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""]; if ([defaults objectForKey:@"showName"]) { [mainMenu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@" %@", [currentRemote currentSongTitle]] action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""]; } if ([defaults objectForKey:@"showAlbum"]) { [mainMenu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@" %@", [currentRemote currentSongAlbum]] action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""]; } if ([defaults objectForKey:@"showArtist"]) { [mainMenu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@" %@", [currentRemote currentSongArtist]] action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""]; } if ([defaults objectForKey:@"showTime"]) { [mainMenu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@" %@", [currentRemote currentSongLength]] action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""]; } } } } else if ([currentItem isEqualToString:@""]) { [mainMenu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]]; } } NSLog(@"%@", mainMenu); return [mainMenu autorelease]; } - (NSMenu *)songRatingMenu { NSMenu *songRatingMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""]; unichar fullstar = 0x2605; unichar emptystar = 0x2606; NSString *fullStarChar = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&fullstar length:1]; NSString *emptyStarChar = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&emptystar length:1]; NSMenuItem *item; int currentSongRating = ([currentRemote currentSongRating] * 5); item = [songRatingMenu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@%@%@", emptyStarChar, emptyStarChar, emptyStarChar, emptyStarChar, emptyStarChar] action:@selector(selectSongRating:) keyEquivalent:@""]; [item setTarget:self]; [item setTag:0]; item = [songRatingMenu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@%@%@", fullStarChar, emptyStarChar, emptyStarChar, emptyStarChar, emptyStarChar] action:@selector(selectSongRating:) keyEquivalent:@""]; [item setTarget:self]; [item setTag:20]; item = [songRatingMenu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@%@%@", fullStarChar, fullStarChar, emptyStarChar, emptyStarChar, emptyStarChar] action:@selector(selectSongRating:) keyEquivalent:@""]; [item setTarget:self]; [item setTag:40]; item = [songRatingMenu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@%@%@", fullStarChar, fullStarChar, fullStarChar, emptyStarChar, emptyStarChar] action:@selector(selectSongRating:) keyEquivalent:@""]; [item setTarget:self]; [item setTag:60]; item = [songRatingMenu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@%@%@", fullStarChar, fullStarChar, fullStarChar, fullStarChar, emptyStarChar] action:@selector(selectSongRating:) keyEquivalent:@""]; [item setTarget:self]; [item setTag:80]; item = [songRatingMenu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@%@%@", fullStarChar, fullStarChar, fullStarChar, fullStarChar, fullStarChar] action:@selector(selectSongRating:) keyEquivalent:@""]; [item setTarget:self]; [item setTag:100]; [[songRatingMenu itemAtIndex:(currentSongRating / 20)] setState:NSOnState]; return [songRatingMenu autorelease]; } - (void)selectSongRating:(id)sender { [currentRemote setCurrentSongRating:(float)[sender tag] / 100.0]; } - (NSMenu *)playlistsMenu { NSMenu *playlistsMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""]; NSArray *playlists = [currentRemote playlists]; int i, currentPlaylistIndex = [currentRemote currentPlaylistIndex]; if ([currentRemote classOfPlaylistAtIndex:currentPlaylistIndex] == ITMTRemotePlayerRadioPlaylist) { currentPlaylistIndex = 0; } for (i = 0; i < [playlists count]; i++) { NSString *name = [playlists objectAtIndex:i]; NSMenuItem *item; item = [playlistsMenu addItemWithTitle:name action:@selector(selectPlaylist:) keyEquivalent:@""]; [item setTarget:self]; [item setTag:i + 1]; if (i + 1 == currentPlaylistIndex) { [item setState:NSOnState]; } } return [playlistsMenu autorelease]; } - (void)selectPlaylist:(id)sender { int newPlaylistIndex = [sender tag]; if ([currentRemote currentPlaylistIndex] + 1 != newPlaylistIndex) { [currentRemote switchToPlaylistAtIndex:newPlaylistIndex]; } } - (NSMenu *)upcomingSongsMenu { NSMenu *upcomingSongsMenu; int i, currentPlaylistIndex, currentPlaylistLength, currentSongIndex, songsInAdvance; if ([currentRemote classOfPlaylistAtIndex:currentPlaylistIndex] == ITMTRemotePlayerRadioPlaylist) { return nil; } upcomingSongsMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""]; currentPlaylistIndex = [currentRemote currentPlaylistIndex]; currentPlaylistLength = [currentRemote numberOfSongsInPlaylistAtIndex:currentPlaylistIndex]; currentSongIndex = [currentRemote currentSongIndex]; songsInAdvance = 8; //Change according to the preferences for (i = currentSongIndex + 1; i <= currentSongIndex + songsInAdvance; i++) { if (i <= currentPlaylistLength) { NSString *name = [currentRemote songTitleAtIndex:i]; NSMenuItem *item; item = [upcomingSongsMenu addItemWithTitle:name action:@selector(selectUpcomingSong:) keyEquivalent:@""]; [item setTarget:self]; [item setTag:i]; } } return [upcomingSongsMenu autorelease]; } - (void)selectUpcomingSong:(id)sender { [currentRemote switchToSongAtIndex:[sender tag]]; } - (NSMenu *)eqPresetsMenu { NSMenu *eqPresetsMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""]; NSArray *eqPresets = [currentRemote eqPresets]; int i, currentPresetIndex = [currentRemote currentEQPresetIndex]; NSMenuItem *eqEnabledMenuItem; eqEnabledMenuItem = [eqPresetsMenu addItemWithTitle:@"Enabled" action:@selector(selectEQPreset:) keyEquivalent:@""]; [eqEnabledMenuItem setTarget:self]; [eqEnabledMenuItem setTag:-1]; if ([currentRemote equalizerEnabled] == YES) { [eqEnabledMenuItem setState:NSOnState]; } [eqPresetsMenu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]]; for (i = 0; i < [eqPresets count]; i++) { NSString *name = [eqPresets objectAtIndex:i]; NSMenuItem *item; item = [eqPresetsMenu addItemWithTitle:name action:@selector(selectEQPreset:) keyEquivalent:@""]; [item setTarget:self]; [item setTag:i]; if (currentPresetIndex == i) { [item setState:NSOnState]; } } return [eqPresetsMenu autorelease]; } - (void)selectEQPreset:(id)sender { int newEQPresetIndex = [sender tag]; if (newEQPresetIndex == -1) { [currentRemote setEqualizerEnabled:![currentRemote equalizerEnabled]]; } if ([currentRemote currentEQPresetIndex] + 1 != newEQPresetIndex) { [currentRemote switchToEQAtIndex:newEQPresetIndex]; } } // // - (void)clearHotKeys { [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] removeHotKey:@"PlayPause"]; [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] removeHotKey:@"NextTrack"]; [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] removeHotKey:@"PrevTrack"]; [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] removeHotKey:@"TrackInfo"]; [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] removeHotKey:@"UpcomingSongs"]; } - (void)setupHotKeys { NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; if ([defaults objectForKey:@"PlayPause"] != nil) { [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] addHotKey:@"PlayPause" combo:[defaults keyComboForKey:@"PlayPause"] target:self action:@selector(playPause:)]; } if ([defaults objectForKey:@"NextTrack"] != nil) { [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] addHotKey:@"NextTrack" combo:[defaults keyComboForKey:@"NextTrack"] target:self action:@selector(nextSong:)]; } if ([defaults objectForKey:@"PrevTrack"] != nil) { [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] addHotKey:@"PrevTrack" combo:[defaults keyComboForKey:@"PrevTrack"] target:self action:@selector(prevSong:)]; } if ([defaults objectForKey:@"TrackInfo"] != nil) { [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] addHotKey:@"TrackInfo" combo:[defaults keyComboForKey:@"TrackInfo"] target:self action:@selector(showCurrentTrackInfo)]; } if ([defaults objectForKey:@"UpcomingSongs"] != nil) { [[HotKeyCenter sharedCenter] addHotKey:@"UpcomingSongs" combo:[defaults keyComboForKey:@"UpcomingSongs"] target:self action:@selector(showUpcomingSongs)]; } } // // - (void)playPause:(id)sender { ITMTRemotePlayerPlayingState state = [currentRemote playerPlayingState]; NSMenu *statusMenu = [statusItem menu]; if (state == ITMTRemotePlayerPlaying) { [currentRemote pause]; [[statusMenu itemAtIndex:[statusMenu indexOfItemWithTitle:@"Pause"]] setTitle:@"Play"]; } else if ((state == ITMTRemotePlayerForwarding) || (state == ITMTRemotePlayerRewinding)) { [currentRemote pause]; [currentRemote play]; } else { [currentRemote play]; [[statusMenu itemAtIndex:[statusMenu indexOfItemWithTitle:@"Play"]] setTitle:@"Pause"]; } } - (void)nextSong:(id)sender { [currentRemote goToNextSong]; } - (void)prevSong:(id)sender { [currentRemote goToPreviousSong]; } - (void)fastForward:(id)sender { [currentRemote forward]; } - (void)rewind:(id)sender { [currentRemote rewind]; } - (void)toggleEqualizer { [currentRemote setEqualizerEnabled:![currentRemote equalizerEnabled]]; } - (void)quitMenuTunes:(id)sender { [NSApp terminate:self]; } - (void)showPreferences:(id)sender { if (!prefsController) { prefsController = [[PreferencesController alloc] initWithMenuTunes:self]; [self clearHotKeys]; } } - (void)closePreferences { if ( ( isAppRunning == ITMTRemotePlayerRunning) ) { [self setupHotKeys]; } [prefsController release]; prefsController = nil; } - (void)showPlayer:(id)sender { if ( ( isAppRunning == ITMTRemotePlayerRunning) ) { [currentRemote showPrimaryInterface]; } else { if (![[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] launchApplication:[currentRemote playerFullName]]) { NSLog(@"Error Launching Player"); } } } // // //The status window methods go here! // // - (void)setKeyEquivalentForCode:(short)code andModifiers:(long)modifiers onItem:(NSMenuItem *)item { unichar charcode = 'a'; int i; long cocoaModifiers = 0; static long carbonToCocoa[6][2] = { { cmdKey, NSCommandKeyMask }, { optionKey, NSAlternateKeyMask }, { controlKey, NSControlKeyMask }, { shiftKey, NSShiftKeyMask }, }; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (modifiers & carbonToCocoa[i][0]) { cocoaModifiers += carbonToCocoa[i][1]; } } [item setKeyEquivalentModifierMask:cocoaModifiers]; //Missing key combos for some keys. Must find them later. switch (code) { case 36: charcode = '\r'; break; case 48: charcode = '\t'; break; //Space -- ARGH! case 49: { /*MenuRef menuRef = _NSGetCarbonMenu([item menu]); NSLog(@"%@", menuRef); SetMenuItemCommandKey(menuRef, 0, NO, 49); SetMenuItemModifiers(menuRef, 0, kMenuNoCommandModifier); SetMenuItemKeyGlyph(menuRef, 0, kMenuBlankGlyph); charcode = 'b';*/ } break; case 51: charcode = NSDeleteFunctionKey; break; case 53: charcode = '\e'; break; case 71: charcode = '\e'; break; case 76: charcode = '\r'; break; case 96: charcode = NSF5FunctionKey; break; case 97: charcode = NSF6FunctionKey; break; case 98: charcode = NSF7FunctionKey; break; case 99: charcode = NSF3FunctionKey; break; case 100: charcode = NSF8FunctionKey; break; case 101: charcode = NSF9FunctionKey; break; case 103: charcode = NSF11FunctionKey; break; case 105: charcode = NSF3FunctionKey; break; case 107: charcode = NSF14FunctionKey; break; case 109: charcode = NSF10FunctionKey; break; case 111: charcode = NSF12FunctionKey; break; case 113: charcode = NSF13FunctionKey; break; case 114: charcode = NSInsertFunctionKey; break; case 115: charcode = NSHomeFunctionKey; break; case 116: charcode = NSPageUpFunctionKey; break; case 117: charcode = NSDeleteFunctionKey; break; case 118: charcode = NSF4FunctionKey; break; case 119: charcode = NSEndFunctionKey; break; case 120: charcode = NSF2FunctionKey; break; case 121: charcode = NSPageDownFunctionKey; break; case 122: charcode = NSF1FunctionKey; break; case 123: charcode = NSLeftArrowFunctionKey; break; case 124: charcode = NSRightArrowFunctionKey; break; case 125: charcode = NSDownArrowFunctionKey; break; case 126: charcode = NSUpArrowFunctionKey; break; } if (charcode == 'a') { unsigned long state; long keyTrans; char charCode; Ptr kchr; state = 0; kchr = (Ptr) GetScriptVariable(smCurrentScript, smKCHRCache); keyTrans = KeyTranslate(kchr, code, &state); charCode = keyTrans; [item setKeyEquivalent:[NSString stringWithCString:&charCode length:1]]; } else if (charcode != 'b') { [item setKeyEquivalent:[NSString stringWithCharacters:&charcode length:1]]; } } @end