/* * ITAppleEventTools.c * ITFoundation * * Created by Alexander Strange on Wed Feb 11 2004. * Copyright (c) 2004 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved. * */ #import "ITDebug.h" #import "ITAppleEventTools.h" NSAppleEventDescriptor *ITSendAEWithString(NSString *sendString, FourCharCode evClass, FourCharCode evID,const ProcessSerialNumber *psn) { //Add error checking... pid_t pid; const char *usendString = [sendString UTF8String]; AppleEvent sendEvent, replyEvent; NSAppleEventDescriptor *send, *recv; AEBuildError buildError; OSStatus berr,err; if ((GetProcessPID(psn, &pid) == noErr) && (pid == 0)) { ITDebugLog(@"Error getting PID of application."); return nil; } berr = AEBuildAppleEvent(evClass, evID, typeProcessSerialNumber,psn, sizeof(ProcessSerialNumber), kAutoGenerateReturnID, 0, &sendEvent, &buildError, usendString); send = [[[NSAppleEventDescriptor alloc] initWithAEDescNoCopy:&sendEvent] autorelease]; if (!berr) [send logDesc]; if (berr) { ITDebugLog(@"Error: %d:%d at \"%@\"",(int)buildError.fError,buildError.fErrorPos,[sendString substringToIndex:buildError.fErrorPos]); } err = AESend(&sendEvent, &replyEvent, kAEWaitReply, kAENormalPriority, kNoTimeOut, NULL, NULL); recv = [[[NSAppleEventDescriptor alloc] initWithAEDescNoCopy:&replyEvent] autorelease]; if (!err) [recv logDesc]; if (err) { ITDebugLog(@"Send Error: %i",err); } return recv; } NSAppleEventDescriptor *ITSendAEWithKey(FourCharCode reqKey, FourCharCode evClass, FourCharCode evID,const ProcessSerialNumber *psn) { return nil; } NSAppleEventDescriptor *ITSendAE(FourCharCode eClass, FourCharCode eID,const ProcessSerialNumber *psn) { AEDesc dest; int pid; AppleEvent event, reply; OSStatus cerr,cerr2,err; NSAppleEventDescriptor *nsd, *nse, *nsr; if ((GetProcessPID(psn, &pid) == noErr) && (pid == 0)) { ITDebugLog(@"Error getting PID of application."); return nil; } cerr = AECreateDesc(typeProcessSerialNumber,psn,sizeof(ProcessSerialNumber),&dest); nsd = [[[NSAppleEventDescriptor alloc] initWithAEDescNoCopy:&dest] autorelease]; cerr2 = AECreateAppleEvent(eClass,eID,&dest,kAutoGenerateReturnID,kAnyTransactionID,&event); nse = [[[NSAppleEventDescriptor alloc] initWithAEDescNoCopy:&event] autorelease]; if (!cerr2) [nse logDesc]; err = AESend(&event, &reply, kAENoReply, kAENormalPriority, kAEDefaultTimeout, NULL, NULL); nsr = [[[NSAppleEventDescriptor alloc] initWithAEDescNoCopy:&reply] autorelease]; [nsr logDesc]; return nsr; } @implementation NSAppleEventDescriptor (ITAELogging) -(void) logDesc { Handle xx; AEPrintDescToHandle([self aeDesc],&xx); ITDebugLog(@"AE Descriptor: %s", *xx); DisposeHandle(xx); } @end