#import "ITAppleEventCenter.h" Boolean MyAEIdleCallback ( EventRecord * theEvent, SInt32 * sleepTime, RgnHandle * mouseRgn ); Boolean MyAEIdleCallback ( EventRecord * theEvent, SInt32 * sleepTime, RgnHandle * mouseRgn ) { return FALSE; } @implementation ITAppleEventCenter static ITAppleEventCenter *_sharedAECenter = nil; + (id)sharedCenter { if( _sharedAECenter ) { return _sharedAECenter; } else { return _sharedAECenter = [[ITAppleEventCenter alloc] init]; } } - (id)init { if (self = [super init]) { idleUPP = NewAEIdleUPP(MyAEIdleCallback); } return self; } - (void)dealloc { DisposeAEIdleUPP(idleUPP); } - (NSString*)sendAEWithRequestedKey:(NSString*)key eventClass:(NSString*)eventClass eventID:(NSString*)eventID appPSN:(ProcessSerialNumber)psn { //Add error checking... AEEventClass eClass = *((unsigned long*)[eventClass UTF8String]); AEEventID eID = *((unsigned long*)[eventID UTF8String]); NSString *nssendString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"'----':obj { form:'prop', want:type('prop'), seld:type('%s'), from:'null'() }", [key UTF8String]]; const char *sendString = [nssendString UTF8String]; NSString *_finalString = nil; AppleEvent sendEvent, replyEvent; DescType resultType; Size resultSize, charResultSize; AEBuildError buildError; OSStatus err; OSErr err2, err3; /* if ((GetProcessPID(&psn, &pid) == noErr) && (pid == 0)) { NSLog(@"Error getting PID of application! Exiting."); return nil; } */ //NSLog(@"_sendString: %s", sendString); err = AEBuildAppleEvent(eClass, eID, typeProcessSerialNumber,(ProcessSerialNumber*)&psn, sizeof(ProcessSerialNumber), kAutoGenerateReturnID, 0, &sendEvent, &buildError, sendString); [self printCarbonDesc:&sendEvent]; if (err) { NSLog(@"%d:%d at \"%@\"",(int)buildError.fError,buildError.fErrorPos,[nssendString substringToIndex:buildError.fErrorPos]); } err = AESend(&sendEvent, &replyEvent, kAEWaitReply, kAENormalPriority, kNoTimeOut, idleUPP, NULL); [self printCarbonDesc:&replyEvent]; if (err) { NSLog(@"Send Error: %i",err); } else { unichar *result = 0; err2 = AESizeOfParam(&replyEvent, keyDirectObject, &resultType, &resultSize); result = malloc(resultSize); if (err2) { NSLog(@"Error After AESizeOfParam: %i", err2); } else { err3 = AEGetParamPtr(&replyEvent, keyDirectObject, resultType, NULL, result, resultSize, &charResultSize); if (err3) { NSLog(@"Error After AEGetParamPtr: %i", err3); } else { _finalString = [NSString stringWithCharacters:result length:charResultSize/sizeof(unichar)]; } } free(result); } AEDisposeDesc(&sendEvent); AEDisposeDesc(&replyEvent); return _finalString; } - (NSString*)sendAEWithSendString:(NSString*)nssendString eventClass:(NSString*)eventClass eventID:(NSString*)eventID appPSN:(ProcessSerialNumber)psn { //Add error checking... AEEventClass eClass = *((unsigned long*)[eventClass UTF8String]); AEEventID eID = *((unsigned long*)[eventID UTF8String]); const char *sendString = [nssendString UTF8String]; NSString *_finalString = nil; AppleEvent sendEvent, replyEvent; DescType resultType; Size resultSize, charResultSize; AEBuildError buildError; OSStatus err; OSErr err2, err3; /* if ((GetProcessPID(&psn, &pid) == noErr) && (pid == 0)) { NSLog(@"Error getting PID of application! Exiting."); return nil; } */ //NSLog(@"_sendString: %s", sendString); err = AEBuildAppleEvent(eClass, eID, typeProcessSerialNumber,(ProcessSerialNumber*)&psn, sizeof(ProcessSerialNumber), kAutoGenerateReturnID, 0, &sendEvent, &buildError, sendString); [self printCarbonDesc:&sendEvent]; if (err) { NSLog(@"%d:%d at \"%@\"",(int)buildError.fError,buildError.fErrorPos,[nssendString substringToIndex:buildError.fErrorPos]); } err = AESend(&sendEvent, &replyEvent, kAEWaitReply, kAENormalPriority, kNoTimeOut, idleUPP, NULL); [self printCarbonDesc:&replyEvent]; if (err) { NSLog(@"Send Error: %i",err); } else { unichar *result = 0; err2 = AESizeOfParam(&replyEvent, keyDirectObject, &resultType, &resultSize); result = malloc(resultSize); if (err2) { NSLog(@"Error After AESizeOfParam: %i", err2); } else { err3 = AEGetParamPtr(&replyEvent, keyDirectObject, resultType, NULL, result, resultSize, &charResultSize); if (err3) { NSLog(@"Error After AEGetParamPtr: %i", err3); } else { _finalString = [NSString stringWithCharacters:result length:charResultSize/sizeof(unichar)]; } } free(result); } AEDisposeDesc(&sendEvent); AEDisposeDesc(&replyEvent); return _finalString; } - (long)sendAEWithRequestedKeyForNumber:(NSString*)key eventClass:(NSString*)eventClass eventID:(NSString*)eventID appPSN:(ProcessSerialNumber)psn { //Add error checking... AEEventClass eClass = *((unsigned long*)[eventClass UTF8String]); AEEventID eID = *((unsigned long*)[eventID UTF8String]); NSString *nssendString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"'----':obj { form:'prop', want:type('prop'), seld:type('%s'), from:'null'() }", [key UTF8String]]; const char *sendString = [nssendString UTF8String]; long result = 0; AppleEvent sendEvent, replyEvent; DescType resultType; Size resultSize, charResultSize; AEBuildError buildError; OSStatus err; OSErr err2, err3; /* if ((GetProcessPID(&psn, &pid) == noErr) && (pid == 0)) { NSLog(@"Error getting PID of application! Exiting."); return nil; } */ //NSLog(@"_sendString: %s", sendString); err = AEBuildAppleEvent(eClass, eID, typeProcessSerialNumber,(ProcessSerialNumber*)&psn, sizeof(ProcessSerialNumber), kAutoGenerateReturnID, 0, &sendEvent, &buildError, sendString); [self printCarbonDesc:&sendEvent]; if (err) { NSLog(@"%d:%d at \"%@\"",(int)buildError.fError,buildError.fErrorPos,[nssendString substringToIndex:buildError.fErrorPos]); } err = AESend(&sendEvent, &replyEvent, kAEWaitReply, kAENormalPriority, kNoTimeOut, idleUPP, NULL); [self printCarbonDesc:&replyEvent]; if (err) { NSLog(@"Send Error: %i",err); } else { err2 = AESizeOfParam(&replyEvent, keyDirectObject, &resultType, &resultSize); if (err2) { NSLog(@"Error After AESizeOfParam: %i", err2); } else { err3 = AEGetParamPtr(&replyEvent, keyDirectObject, resultType, NULL, &result, resultSize, &charResultSize); if (err3) { NSLog(@"Error After AEGetParamPtr: %i", err3); } } } AEDisposeDesc(&sendEvent); AEDisposeDesc(&replyEvent); return result; } - (NSString*)sendTwoTierAEWithRequestedKey:(NSString*)key fromObjectByKey:(NSString*)object eventClass:(NSString*)eventClass eventID:(NSString*)eventID appPSN:(ProcessSerialNumber)psn { //Add error checking... AEEventClass eClass = *((unsigned long*)[eventClass UTF8String]); AEEventID eID = *((unsigned long*)[eventID UTF8String]); NSString *nssendString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"'----':obj { form:'prop', want:type('prop'), seld:type('%s'), from:obj { form:'prop', want:type('prop'), seld:type('%s'), from:'null'() } }", [key UTF8String], [object UTF8String]]; const char *sendString = [nssendString UTF8String]; NSString *_finalString = nil; AppleEvent sendEvent, replyEvent; DescType resultType; Size resultSize, charResultSize; AEBuildError buildError; OSStatus err; OSErr err2, err3; /* if ((GetProcessPID(&psn, &pid) == noErr) && (pid == 0)) { NSLog(@"Error getting PID of application! Exiting."); return nil; }*/ //NSLog(@"_sendString: %s", sendString); err = AEBuildAppleEvent(eClass, eID, typeProcessSerialNumber,(ProcessSerialNumber*)&psn, sizeof(ProcessSerialNumber), kAutoGenerateReturnID, 0, &sendEvent, &buildError, sendString); [self printCarbonDesc:&sendEvent]; if (err) { NSLog(@"%d:%d at \"%@\"",(int)buildError.fError,buildError.fErrorPos,[nssendString substringToIndex:buildError.fErrorPos]); } err = AESend(&sendEvent, &replyEvent, kAEWaitReply, kAENormalPriority, kNoTimeOut, idleUPP, NULL); [self printCarbonDesc:&replyEvent]; if (err) { NSLog(@"Send Error: %i",err); } else { unichar *result = 0; err2 = AESizeOfParam(&replyEvent, keyDirectObject, &resultType, &resultSize); result = malloc(resultSize); if (err2) { NSLog(@"Error After AESizeOfParam: %i", err2); } else { err3 = AEGetParamPtr(&replyEvent, keyDirectObject, resultType, NULL, result, resultSize, &charResultSize); if (err3) { NSLog(@"Error After AEGetParamPtr: %i", err3); } else { _finalString = [NSString stringWithCharacters:result length:charResultSize/sizeof(unichar)]; } } free(result); } AEDisposeDesc(&sendEvent); AEDisposeDesc(&replyEvent); return _finalString; } - (long)sendTwoTierAEWithRequestedKeyForNumber:(NSString*)key fromObjectByKey:(NSString*)object eventClass:(NSString*)eventClass eventID:(NSString*)eventID appPSN:(ProcessSerialNumber)psn { //Add error checking... AEEventClass eClass = *((unsigned long*)[eventClass UTF8String]); AEEventID eID = *((unsigned long*)[eventID UTF8String]); NSString *nssendString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"'----':obj { form:'prop', want:type('prop'), seld:type('%s'), from:obj { form:'prop', want:type('prop'), seld:type('%s'), from:'null'() } }", [key UTF8String], [object UTF8String]]; const char *sendString = [nssendString UTF8String]; long result = 0; AppleEvent sendEvent, replyEvent; DescType resultType; Size resultSize, charResultSize; AEBuildError buildError; OSStatus err; OSErr err2, err3; /* if ((GetProcessPID(&psn, &pid) == noErr) && (pid == 0)) { NSLog(@"Error getting PID of application! Exiting."); return nil; } */ // NSLog(@"_sendString: %s", sendString); err = AEBuildAppleEvent(eClass, eID, typeProcessSerialNumber,(ProcessSerialNumber*)&psn, sizeof(ProcessSerialNumber), kAutoGenerateReturnID, 0, &sendEvent, &buildError, sendString); [self printCarbonDesc:&sendEvent]; if (err) { NSLog(@"%d:%d at \"%@\"",(int)buildError.fError,buildError.fErrorPos,[nssendString substringToIndex:buildError.fErrorPos]); } err = AESend(&sendEvent, &replyEvent, kAEWaitReply, kAENormalPriority, kNoTimeOut, idleUPP, NULL); [self printCarbonDesc:&replyEvent]; if (err) { NSLog(@"Send Error: %i",err); } else { err2 = AESizeOfParam(&replyEvent, keyDirectObject, &resultType, &resultSize); if (err2) { NSLog(@"Error After AESizeOfParam: %i", err2); } else { err3 = AEGetParamPtr(&replyEvent, keyDirectObject, resultType, NULL, &result, resultSize, &charResultSize); if (err3) { NSLog(@"Error After AEGetParamPtr: %i", err3); } } } AEDisposeDesc(&sendEvent); AEDisposeDesc(&replyEvent); return result; } - (NSString *)sendAEWithRequestedArray:(NSArray *)array eventClass:(NSString*)eventClass eventID:(NSString*)eventID appPSN:(ProcessSerialNumber)psn { NSString *buildString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"{ form:'prop', want:type('prop'), seld:type('%s'), from:'null'() }", [[array objectAtIndex:0] UTF8String]]; const char *sendString; int i; NSString *_finalString = nil; AEEventClass eClass = *((unsigned long*)[eventClass UTF8String]); AEEventID eID = *((unsigned long*)[eventID UTF8String]); AppleEvent sendEvent, replyEvent; DescType resultType; Size resultSize, charResultSize; AEBuildError buildError; OSStatus err; OSErr err2, err3; for (i = 1; i < [array count]; i++) { NSString *from = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"{ form:'prop', want:type('prop'), seld:type('%s'), from:obj %@ }", [[array objectAtIndex:i] UTF8String], buildString]; buildString = from; } buildString = [@"'----':obj " stringByAppendingString:buildString]; sendString = [buildString UTF8String]; /* if ((GetProcessPID(&psn, &pid) == noErr) && (pid == 0)) { NSLog(@"Error getting PID of application! Exiting."); return nil; } */ //NSLog(@"_sendString: %s", sendString); err = AEBuildAppleEvent(eClass, eID, typeProcessSerialNumber,(ProcessSerialNumber*)&psn, sizeof(ProcessSerialNumber), kAutoGenerateReturnID, 0, &sendEvent, &buildError, sendString); [self printCarbonDesc:&sendEvent]; if (err) { NSLog(@"%d:%d at \"%@\"",(int)buildError.fError,buildError.fErrorPos,[buildString substringToIndex:buildError.fErrorPos]); } err = AESend(&sendEvent, &replyEvent, kAEWaitReply, kAENormalPriority, kNoTimeOut, idleUPP, NULL); [self printCarbonDesc:&replyEvent]; if (err) { NSLog(@"Send Error: %i",err); } else { unichar *result = 0; err2 = AESizeOfParam(&replyEvent, keyDirectObject, &resultType, &resultSize); result=malloc(resultSize); if (err2) { NSLog(@"Error After AESizeOfParam: %i", err2); } else { err3 = AEGetParamPtr(&replyEvent, keyDirectObject, resultType, NULL, result, resultSize, &charResultSize); if (err3) { NSLog(@"Error After AEGetParamPtr: %i", err3); } else { _finalString = [NSString stringWithCharacters:result length:charResultSize/sizeof(unichar)]; } } free(result); } return _finalString; } - (void)sendAEWithEventClass:(NSString*)eventClass eventID:(NSString*)eventID appPSN:(ProcessSerialNumber)psn { //Add error checking... AEEventClass eClass = *((unsigned long*)[eventClass UTF8String]); AEEventID eID = *((unsigned long*)[eventID UTF8String]); AEDesc dest; AppleEvent event, reply; //AEBuildAppleEvent(eClass, eID, typeProcessSerialNumber,(ProcessSerialNumber*)&psn, sizeof(ProcessSerialNumber), kAutoGenerateReturnID, kAnyTransactionID, &event, nil, ""); AECreateDesc(typeProcessSerialNumber,(ProcessSerialNumber*)&psn,sizeof(ProcessSerialNumber),&dest); AECreateAppleEvent(eClass,eID,&dest,kAutoGenerateReturnID,kAnyTransactionID,&event); [self printCarbonDesc:&event]; AESend(&event, &reply, kAENoReply, kAENormalPriority, kAEDefaultTimeout, idleUPP, nil); [self printCarbonDesc:&reply]; AEDisposeDesc(&dest); AEDisposeDesc(&event); AEDisposeDesc(&reply); } - (void)printCarbonDesc:(AEDesc*)desc { Handle xx; AEPrintDescToHandle(desc,&xx); NSLog(@"Handle: %s", *xx); DisposeHandle(xx); } - (AEArrayDataPointer)sendAEWithRequestedKeyForArray:(NSString*)key eventClass:(NSString*)eventClass eventID:(NSString*)eventID appPSN:(ProcessSerialNumber)psn { //Add error checking... AEEventClass eClass = *((unsigned long*)[eventClass UTF8String]); AEEventID eID = *((unsigned long*)[eventID UTF8String]); NSString *nssendString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"'----':obj { form:'indx', want:'%s', seld:abso($616C6C20$), from:'null'() }", [key UTF8String]]; const char *sendString = [nssendString UTF8String]; AEArrayDataPointer result = nil; AppleEvent sendEvent, replyEvent; AEBuildError buildError; OSStatus err; //NSLog(@"_sendString: %s", sendString); err = AEBuildAppleEvent(eClass, eID, typeProcessSerialNumber,(ProcessSerialNumber*)&psn, sizeof(ProcessSerialNumber), kAutoGenerateReturnID, 0, &sendEvent, &buildError, sendString); [self printCarbonDesc:&sendEvent]; if (err) { NSLog(@"%d:%d at \"%@\"",(int)buildError.fError,buildError.fErrorPos,[nssendString substringToIndex:buildError.fErrorPos]); } err = AESend(&sendEvent, &replyEvent, kAEWaitReply, kAENormalPriority, kNoTimeOut, idleUPP, NULL); [self printCarbonDesc:&replyEvent]; if (err) { NSLog(@"Send Error: %i",err); } else { SInt32 count, resultCount; AECountItems(&replyEvent,&count); result=malloc(sizeof(AEDesc)*count); AEGetArray(&replyEvent, kAEDescArray, result, sizeof(AEDesc)*count, NULL, NULL, &resultCount); free(result); } AEDisposeDesc(&sendEvent); AEDisposeDesc(&replyEvent); return result; } - (long)sendAEWithSendStringForNumber:(NSString*)string eventClass:(NSString*)eventClass eventID:(NSString*)eventID appPSN:(ProcessSerialNumber)psn { //Add error checking... AEEventClass eClass = *((unsigned long*)[eventClass UTF8String]); AEEventID eID = *((unsigned long*)[eventID UTF8String]); const char *sendString = [string UTF8String]; SInt32 result = 0; AppleEvent sendEvent, replyEvent; DescType resultType; Size resultSize, charResultSize; AEBuildError buildError; OSStatus err; OSErr err2, err3; /* if ((GetProcessPID(&psn, &pid) == noErr) && (pid == 0)) { NSLog(@"Error getting PID of application! Exiting."); return nil; } */ //NSLog(@"_sendString: %s", sendString); err = AEBuildAppleEvent(eClass, eID, typeProcessSerialNumber,(ProcessSerialNumber*)&psn, sizeof(ProcessSerialNumber), kAutoGenerateReturnID, 0, &sendEvent, &buildError, sendString); [self printCarbonDesc:&sendEvent]; if (err) { NSLog(@"%d:%d at \"%@\"",(int)buildError.fError,buildError.fErrorPos,[string substringToIndex:buildError.fErrorPos]); } err = AESend(&sendEvent, &replyEvent, kAEWaitReply, kAENormalPriority, kNoTimeOut, idleUPP, NULL); [self printCarbonDesc:&replyEvent]; if (err) { NSLog(@"Send Error: %i",err); } else { err2 = AESizeOfParam(&replyEvent, keyDirectObject, &resultType, &resultSize); if (err2) { NSLog(@"Error After AESizeOfParam: %i", err2); } else { err3 = AEGetParamPtr(&replyEvent, keyDirectObject, resultType, NULL, &result, resultSize, &charResultSize); if (err3) { NSLog(@"Error After AEGetParamPtr: %i", err3); } } } AEDisposeDesc(&sendEvent); AEDisposeDesc(&replyEvent); NSLog(@"waffles say %d",result); return result; } - (AEArrayDataPointer)sendAEWithSendStringForArray:(NSString*)string eventClass:(NSString*)eventClass eventID:(NSString*)eventID appPSN:(ProcessSerialNumber)psn { //Add error checking... AEEventClass eClass = *((unsigned long*)[eventClass UTF8String]); AEEventID eID = *((unsigned long*)[eventID UTF8String]); const char *sendString = [string UTF8String]; AEArrayDataPointer result = NULL; AppleEvent sendEvent, replyEvent; AEBuildError buildError; OSStatus err; /* if ((GetProcessPID(&psn, &pid) == noErr) && (pid == 0)) { NSLog(@"Error getting PID of application! Exiting."); return nil; } */ //NSLog(@"_sendString: %s", sendString); err = AEBuildAppleEvent(eClass, eID, typeProcessSerialNumber,(ProcessSerialNumber*)&psn, sizeof(ProcessSerialNumber), kAutoGenerateReturnID, 0, &sendEvent, &buildError, sendString); [self printCarbonDesc:&sendEvent]; if (err) { NSLog(@"%d:%d at \"%@\"",(int)buildError.fError,buildError.fErrorPos,[string substringToIndex:buildError.fErrorPos]); } err = AESend(&sendEvent, &replyEvent, kAEWaitReply, kAENormalPriority, kNoTimeOut, idleUPP, NULL); [self printCarbonDesc:&replyEvent]; if (err) { NSLog(@"Send Error: %i",err); } else { SInt32 count, resultCount; AECountItems(&replyEvent,&count); result=malloc(sizeof(AEDesc)*count); AEGetArray(&replyEvent, kAEDescArray, result, sizeof(AEDesc)*count, NULL, NULL, &resultCount); free(result); } AEDisposeDesc(&sendEvent); AEDisposeDesc(&replyEvent); return result; } @end